446 research outputs found

    Organizational, Motivational, and Cultural Contexts of Volunteering

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    This open access book offers a comprehensive view of the phenomenon of volunteer work: it examines motivational factors and questions of corporate organization and the social environment. In particular, this is the first book to present volunteer work in detail as a psychosocial resource and a source of well-being that should not be overused or abused. The book is based on the authors' 15 years of research into volunteer work in Europe. It provides clear instructions on designing volunteer work tasks, and on where boundaries must be respected. The findings include insights into cultural and national differences, and offer practical advice on the organization of volunteer work. This book answers questions like: How do we understand voluntary work? How essential is it that this kind of work remains unpaid and carried out by so-called laypersons with special motives? And what follows from this for the interaction between voluntary work and professionalized, paid employment? The analysis draws on perspectives from wellbeing research, organizational and industrial studies, social work, and related social sciences

    Organizational, Motivational, and Cultural Contexts of Volunteering

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    This open access book offers a comprehensive view of the phenomenon of volunteer work: it examines motivational factors and questions of corporate organization and the social environment. In particular, this is the first book to present volunteer work in detail as a psychosocial resource and a source of well-being that should not be overused or abused. The book is based on the authors' 15 years of research into volunteer work in Europe. It provides clear instructions on designing volunteer work tasks, and on where boundaries must be respected. The findings include insights into cultural and national differences, and offer practical advice on the organization of volunteer work. This book answers questions like: How do we understand voluntary work? How essential is it that this kind of work remains unpaid and carried out by so-called laypersons with special motives? And what follows from this for the interaction between voluntary work and professionalized, paid employment? The analysis draws on perspectives from wellbeing research, organizational and industrial studies, social work, and related social sciences

    Beitrag zur Charakterisierung des Weines der Rebsorte Weißer Riesling II. Untersuchung der Aromastoffzusammensetzung deutscher Weißweine der Rebsorten Weißer Riesling, Müller-Thurgau und Silvaner

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    With the aid of a statistical computer program (linear discriminant analysis) based upon several monoterpene compounds, a significant analytical separation of the varieties White Riesling, Müller-Thurgau and Sylvaner of the same vintage was possible. Because of the change in the monoterpene compounds during aging of the wine, this varietal discrimination was not possible when investigating wines of several vintages. Computer evaluation of 12 commercial wines of the varieties Riesling, Müller-Thurgau and Sylvaner showed a correct prediction for 8 samples out of 12. Difficulties of the right coordination, when using this procedure, could be due to the wine law which says that - via varietal blending and addition of sweet reserve - up to 25 % of wines from other varieties can be added to a given wine without declaration

    Neue schwefelhaltige Aromastoffe in Wein—cis- und trans-2-Methyl-thiolan-3-ol

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    Mit Hilfe der GC-MS-Kopplung identifizierten wir zum erstenmal cis- und trans-2-Methyl-thiolan-3-ol im Aromaextrakt von Weinen der Rebsorten Riesling und Morio-Muskat. Diese Verbindungen sind im Traubenmost nicht enthalten und werden im Verlauf der alkoholischen Gärung - eng korreliert mit der Äthanolzunahme - gebildet.New volatile sulphur compounds in wine—cis- and trans-2-methyl-thiolane-3-olFor the first time cis- and trans-2-methyl-thiolane-3-ol were identified (GCMS) in the aroma extract of wines of the varieties Riesling and Morio-Muskat. These compounds are not present in must. They develop during the alcoholic fermentation in a narrow correlation with production of ethanol

    Recent Advances

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    Although often depicted as rigid structures, proteins are highly dynamic systems, whose motions are essential to their functions. Despite this, it is difficult to investigate protein dynamics due to the rapid timescale at which they sample their conformational space, leading most NMR-determined structures to represent only an averaged snapshot of the dynamic picture. While NMR relaxation measurements can help to determine local dynamics, it is difficult to detect translational or concerted motion, and only recently have significant advances been made to make it possible to acquire a more holistic representation of the dynamics and structural landscapes of proteins. Here, we briefly revisit our most recent progress in the theory and use of exact nuclear Overhauser enhancements (eNOEs) for the calculation of structural ensembles that describe their conformational space. New developments are primarily targeted at increasing the number and improving the quality of extracted eNOE distance restraints, such that the multi-state structure calculation can be applied to proteins of higher molecular weights. We then review the implications of the exact NOE to the protein dynamics and function of cyclophilin A and the WW domain of Pin1, and finally discuss our current research and future directions

    Inflammatory proteins in plasma are associated with severity of Alzheimer's disease.

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    Published onlineComparative StudyResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tThis is a freely-available open access publication. Please cite the published version which is available via the DOI link in this record.Markers of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are being widely sought with a number of studies suggesting blood measures of inflammatory proteins as putative biomarkers. Here we report findings from a panel of 27 cytokines and related proteins in over 350 subjects with AD, subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and elderly normal controls where we also have measures of longitudinal change in cognition and baseline neuroimaging measures of atrophy. In this study, we identify five inflammatory proteins associated with evidence of atrophy on MR imaging data particularly in whole brain, ventricular and entorhinal cortex measures. In addition, we observed six analytes that showed significant change (over a period of one year) in people with fast cognitive decline compared to those with intermediate and slow decline. One of these (IL-10) was also associated with brain atrophy in AD. In conclusion, IL-10 was associated with both clinical and imaging evidence of severity of disease and might therefore have potential to act as biomarker of disease progression.National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Mental Health Biomedical Research Centre and Dementia Biomedical Research Unit at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College LondonEuropean Union of the Sixth Framework progra

    Crystal Structure of a PCP/Sfp Complex Reveals the Structural Basis for Carrier Protein Posttranslational Modification

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    SummaryPhosphopantetheine transferases represent a class of enzymes found throughout all forms of life. From a structural point of view, they are subdivided into three groups, with transferases from group II being the most widespread. They are required for the posttranslational modification of carrier proteins involved in diverse metabolic pathways. We determined the crystal structure of the group II phosphopantetheine transferase Sfp from Bacillus in complex with a substrate carrier protein in the presence of coenzyme A and magnesium, and observed two protein-protein interaction sites. Mutational analysis showed that only the hydrophobic contacts between the carrier protein’s second helix and the C-terminal domain of Sfp are essential for their productive interaction. Comparison with a similar structure of a complex of human proteins suggests that the mode of interaction is highly conserved in all domains of life

    Efficient determination of the accessible conformation space of multi-domain complexes based on EPR PELDOR data

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    Many proteins can adopt multiple conformations which are important for their function. This is also true for proteins and domains that are covalently linked to each other. One important example is ubiquitin, which can form chains of different conformations depending on which of its lysine side chains is used to form an isopeptide bond with the C-terminus of another ubiquitin molecule. Similarly, ubiquitin gets covalently attached to active-site residues of E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes. Due to weak interactions between ubiquitin and its interaction partners, these covalent complexes adopt multiple conformations. Understanding the function of these complexes requires the characterization of the entire accessible conformation space and its modulation by interaction partners. Long-range (1.8-10 nm) distance restraints obtained by EPR spectroscopy in the form of probability distributions are ideally suited for this task as not only the mean distance but also information about the conformation dynamics is encoded in the experimental data. Here we describe a computational method that we have developed based on well-established structure determination software using NMR restraints to calculate the accessible conformation space using PELDOR/DEER data

    Determination of helix orientations in a flexible DNA by multi-frequency EPR spectroscopy

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    Post-print (lokagerð höfundar)Distance measurements are performed between a pair of spin labels attached to nucleic acids using Pulsed Electron–Electron Double Resonance (PELDOR, also called DEER) spectroscopy which is a complementary tool to other structure determination methods in structural biology. The rigid spin label Ç, when incorporated pairwise into two helical parts of a nucleic acid molecule, allows the determination of both the mutual orientation and the distance between those labels, since Ç moves rigidly with the helix to which it is attached. We have developed a two-step protocol to investigate the conformational flexibility of flexible nucleic acid molecules by multi-frequency PELDOR. In the first step, a library with a broad collection of conformers, which are in agreement with topological constraints, NMR restraints and distances derived from PELDOR, was created. In the second step, a weighted structural ensemble of these conformers was chosen, such that it fits the multi-frequency PELDOR time traces of all doubly Ç-labelled samples simultaneously. This ensemble reflects the global structure and the conformational flexibility of the two-way DNA junction. We demonstrate this approach on a flexible bent DNA molecule, consisting of two short helical parts with a five adenine bulge at the center. The kink and twist motions between both helical parts were quantitatively determined and showed high flexibility, in agreement with a Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) study on a similar bent DNA motif. The approach presented here should be useful to describe the relative orientation of helical motifs and the conformational flexibility of nucleic acid structures, both alone and in complexes with proteins and other molecules.This work was supported by the SFB 902 Molecular Principles of RNA-based Regulation. C. M. G. gratefully acknowledges support by the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie. P. G. gratefully acknowledges financial support by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), and a Eurostars grant by the Swiss Confederation. S. Th. S. gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Icelandic Research Fund (173727). We gratefully acknowledge Friedrich A. Gollmick (Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany) for providing the original NMR data. We thank Burkhard Endeward, Vasyl Denysenkov and Dmitry Akhmetzyanov for support in carrying out the experiments and helpful discussions.Peer reviewe

    Farseer-NMR: automatic treatment, analysis and plotting of large, multi-variable NMR data

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    We present Farseer-NMR (https://git.io/vAueU), a software package to treat, evaluate and combine NMR spectroscopic data from sets of protein-derived peaklists covering a range of experimental conditions. The combined advances in NMR and molecular biology enable the study of complex biomolecular systems such as flexible proteins or large multibody complexes, which display a strong and functionally relevant response to their environmental conditions, e.g. the presence of ligands, site-directed mutations, post translational modifications, molecular crowders or the chemical composition of the solution. These advances have created a growing need to analyse those systems’ responses to multiple variables. The combined analysis of NMR peaklists from large and multivariable datasets has become a new bottleneck in the NMR analysis pipeline, whereby information-rich NMR-derived parameters have to be manually generated, which can be tedious, repetitive and prone to human error, or even unfeasible for very large datasets. There is a persistent gap in the development and distribution of software focused on peaklist treatment, analysis and representation, and specifically able to handle large multivariable datasets, which are becoming more commonplace. In this regard, Farseer-NMR aims to close this longstanding gap in the automated NMR user pipeline and, altogether, reduce the time burden of analysis of large sets of peaklists from days/weeks to seconds/minutes. We have implemented some of the most common, as well as new, routines for calculation of NMR parameters and several publication-quality plotting templates to improve NMR data representation. Farseer-NMR has been written entirely in Python and its modular code base enables facile extension