183 research outputs found

    Ascites as an initial presentation of spontaneously ruptured hydatid cyst

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    We describe the diagnosis of a 77-year-old woman admitted toour outpatient department with a 3-month history of abdominalbloating and distension. Abdominal computed tomographyrevealed a large cystic lesion in the posterior segment of the righthepatic lobe, with a separated germinal layer and widespreadascites with dense internal echoes and septal appearance. Theresult of a serum Echinococcus indirect haemagglutination testwas positive and findings were indicative of the spontaneousrupture of a hydatid cyst into the peritoneal cavity withouttrauma. Ascites is rarely seen in the course of hydatid disease,but can result from cyst rupture into the peritoneal cavity. Thisshould be considered in the differential diagnosis of ascites,especially in areas such as Turkey, where hydatid disease inendemic

    Parathyroid carcinoma

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    Background: A 32-year-old woman with palpable neck mass and clinical presentation of hypercalcemic crisis and primary hyperparathyroidism was referred to radiology and nuclear medicine departments for imaging studies

    Effects of Parasitic Infections on Erythrocyte Indices of Camels in Nigeria

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    This study was conducted to determine the prevalence and effect of parasitic infection on erythrocyte indices in trade camels slaughtered in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Two hundred adult one humped camels comprised of 87 (43.5 %) males and 113 (56.5 %) females were examined for helminths and hemoparasites at their slaughter time according to the standard procedures. An overall prevalence of 79 % for single and mixed infections was observed. Examination of faecal samples from camels shows 82 (41 %) were harbouring different nematodes, mostly Strongyle, Strongyloides and Hemonchus species. Buffy coat and thin smear examination of blood samples showed Babesia and Anaplasma species. More females (44.5 %) than males (34.5 %) were positive for various parasitic infections. But the percentage was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Packed cell volume (PCV), mean haemoglobin concentration (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) and red blood cell counts were significantly (P < 0.01) affected in the infected camels compared to the non-infected ones. Parasite infection in camels leads to macrocytic anaemia

    A Systematic Review of the Efficacy and Safety of Fecal Microbiota Transplant for Clostridium Difficile Infection in Immunocompromised Patients

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    Background: Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has been shown to be effective in recurrent Methods: We searched MEDLINE and EMBASE for English language articles published on FMT for treatment of CD infection in immunocompromised patients (including patients on immunosuppressant medications, patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), inherited or primary immunodeficiency syndromes, cancer undergoing chemotherapy, or organ transplant, including-bone marrow transplant) of all ages. We excluded inflammatory bowel disease patients that were not on immunosuppressant medications. Resolution and adverse event rates (including secondary infection, rehospitalization, and death) were calculated. Results: Forty-four studies were included, none of which were randomized designs. A total of 303 immunocompromised patients were studied. Mean patient age was 57.3 years. Immunosuppressant medication use was the reason for the immunocompromised state in the majority (77.2%), and 19.2% had greater than one immunocompromising condition. Seventy-six percent were given FMT via colonoscopy. Of the 234 patients with reported follow-up outcomes, 207/234 (87%) reported resolution after first treatment, with 93% noting success after multiple treatments. There were 2 reported deaths, 2 colectomies, 5 treatment-related infections, and 10 subsequent hospitalizations. Conclusion: We found evidence that supports the use of FMT for treatment of CD infection in immunocompromised patients, with similar rates of serious adverse events to immunocompetent patients

    Biokemijske promjene u serumu dvogrbih deva pokusno invadiranih protozoonom Trypanosoma evansi i liječenih melarsenoksid-cisteamin hidrokloridom.

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    This study was carried out to study the effect of melarsenoxyde cysteamine hydrochloride (Cymelarsan®) in modulating serum biochemical changes in dromedaries experimentally infected with Trypanosoma evansi. A total of twenty dromedaries were used in the study. They were randomly divided into Groups A - D of 5 each. Group A was infected but treated with Cymelarsan® at 0.25 mg/kg body weight. Group B was the infected control; Group C was the uninfected control while Group D was uninfected but treated with Cymelarsan®. Uniform parasitaemia (2.4 ± 0.19) was observed following a pre-patent period of 4 days (Group A and B). Parasitemia increased significantly (P<0.05) to 210.2 ± 1.81 (Groups A) and 200.2 ± 1.77 (Group B) at 20 days post-infection (D.P.I.). Following treatment in Group A, parasitemia was not seen at 32 D.P.I. In Group B it attained a peak count of 400.2 ± 2.50 at day 36 D.P.I. On the one hand, alanineaminotransferase, creatinine, total bilirubin concentrations increased significantly (P<0.05) in the infected dromedaries while on the other serum glucose, and total protein levels decreased significantly (P<0.05). These biochemical changes were however amended to their pre-infection values at 16 D.P.I. in Group A in contrast to Group B. These parameters in Group C and Group D remained fairly constant. In conclusion, the infection caused biochemical changes suggestive of liver and kidney dysfunctions, with muscular wasting, which were amended following treatments with Cymelarsan®.Istraživanje je provedeno da bi se odredio učinak melarsenoksid-cisteamin-hidroklorida (Cymelarsan®) na biokemijska obilježja u serumu dvogrbih deva pokusno invadiranih protozoonom Trypanosoma evansi. Pokus je proveden na 20 dvogrbih deva razvrstanih u skupine od A do D. Svaka skupina sadržavala je pet deva. Skupina A bila je invadirana i liječena pripravkom Cymelarsan® u dozi od 0,25 mg/kg tjelesne mase. Skupina B bila invadirana kontrola. Skupina C je bila neinvadirana kontrola dok je skupina D bila neinvadirana, ali je dobivala Cymelarsan®. Jednaka parazitemija (2,4 ± 0,19) bila je ustanovljena nakon prepatentnog razdoblja od svega 4 dana (skupina A i B). Jačina parazitemije značajno je porasla dvadesetog dana nakon invazije (P<0,05), do 210,2 ± 1,81 (skupina A) i 200,2 ± 1,77 (skupina B). U životinja skupine A nije zabilježena parazitemija 32. dana nakon invazije. U skupini B parazitemija je 36. dana poslije invazije iznosila 400,2 ± 2,50. U serumu invadiranih životinja značajno su porasle (P<0,05) vrijednosti alaninaminotransferaze, kreatinina i ukupnog bilirubina dok su se vrijednosti glukoze i ukupnih proteina značajno smanjile (P<0,05). Sve vrijednosti bile su različite u odnosu na 16. dan poslije invazije u životinja skupine A što nije bio slučaj u životinja skupine B. Vrijednosti u serumu životinja skupina C i D ostale su nepromijenjene. Zaključuje se da ustanovljene bikokemijske promjene upućuju na poremećenu funkciju jetre i bubrega te na iscrpljenost mišićja što se značajno popravilo nakon primjene Cymelarsana®

    Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome

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    Background: A 28-year-old man was referred to the neurology department of our hospital with difficulty of social interaction, impairment in carrying out daily life activities and muscle rigidity. He had a history of head trauma 3 years ago. Neurological examination revealed bradykinesia, hypophonic speech, resting and postural tremor, rigidity, spasticity, hyperreflexia and psychosis

    Postglacial species arrival and diversity buildup of northern ecosystems took millennia

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    What drives ecosystem buildup, diversity, and stability? We assess species arrival and ecosystem changes across 16 millennia by combining regional-scale plant sedimentary ancient DNA from Fennoscandia with near-complete DNA and trait databases. We show that postglacial arrival time varies within and between plant growth forms. Further, arrival times were mainly predicted by adaptation to temperature, disturbance, and light. Major break points in ecological trait diversity were seen between 13.9 and 10.8 calibrated thousand years before the present (cal ka BP), as well as break point in functional diversity at 12.0 cal ka BP, shifting from a state of ecosystem buildup to a state where most habitat types and biotic ecosystem components were in place. Trait and functional diversity stabilized around 8 cal ka BP, after which both remained stable, although changes in climate took place and species inflow continued. Our ecosystem reconstruction indicates a millennial-scale time phase of formation to reach stable and resilient levels of diversity and functioning.publishedVersio