34,694 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic signature of Alfv\'en waves damping in a polar coronal hole up to 0.4 solar radii

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    Between February 24-25, 2009, the EIS spectrometer onboard the Hinode spacecraft performed special "sit & stare" observations above the South polar coronal hole continuously over more than 22 hours. Spectra were acquired with the 1" slit placed off-limb covering altitudes up to 0.48 R⊙_\odot (3.34×1023.34\times 10^2 Mm) above the Sun surface, in order to study with EIS the non-thermal spectral line broadenings. Spectral lines such as Fe {\sc xii} λ\lambda186.88, Fe {\sc xii} λ\lambda193.51, Fe {\sc xii} λ\lambda195.12 and Fe {\sc xiii} λ\lambda202.04 are observed with good statistics up to high altitudes and they have been analyzed in this study. Results show that the FWHM of Fe {\sc xii} λ\lambda195.12 line increases up to ≃0.14\simeq 0.14 R⊙_\odot, then decreases higher up. EIS stray light has been estimated and removed. Derived electron density and non-thermal velocity profiles have been used to estimate the total energy flux transported by Alfv\'en waves off-limb in polar coronal hole up to ≃0.4\simeq 0.4 R⊙_\odot. The computed Alfv\'en wave energy flux density fwf_w progressively decays with altitude from fw≃1.2⋅106f_w \simeq 1.2 \cdot 10^6 erg cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1} at 0.03 R⊙_\odot down to fw≃8.5⋅103f_w \simeq 8.5 \cdot 10^3 erg cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1} at 0.4 R⊙_\odot, with an average energy decay rate Δfw/Δh≃−4.5⋅10−5\Delta f_w / \Delta h \simeq -4.5 \cdot 10^{-5} erg cm−3^{-3} s−1^{-1}. Hence, this result suggests energy deposition by Alfv\'en waves in a polar coronal hole, thus providing a significant source for coronal heating.Comment: Physical units of the Alfv\'en wave Energy Decay Rate Δfw/Δh\Delta f_w / \Delta h revised with respect to the published version. Scientific results and conclusions unchange

    Symmetric discrete coherent states for n qubits

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    We put forward a method of constructing discrete coherent states for n qubits. After establishing appropriate displacement operators, the coherent states appear as displaced versions of a fiducial vector that is fixed by imposing a number of natural symmetry requirements on its Q-function. Using these coherent states we establish a partial order in the discrete phase space, which allows us to picture some n-qubit states as apparent distributions. We also analyze correlations in terms of sums of squared Q-functions.Comment: Published in J. Phys. A. Special issue on Coherent State

    PO and PN in the wind of the oxygen-rich AGB star IK Tau

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    Phosphorus-bearing compounds have only been studied in the circumstellar environments (CSEs) of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star IRC +10216 and the protoplanetary nebula CRL 2688, both C-rich objects, and the O-rich red supergiant VY CMa. The current chemical models cannot reproduce the high abundances of PO and PN derived from observations of VY CMa. No observations have been reported of phosphorus in the CSEs of O-rich AGB stars. We aim to set observational constraints on the phosphorous chemistry in the CSEs of O-rich AGB stars, by focussing on the Mira-type variable star IK Tau. Using the IRAM 30m telescope and the Submillimeter Array (SMA), we observed four rotational transitions of PN (J=2-1,3-2,6-5,7-6) and four of PO (J=5/2-3/2,7/2-5/2,13/2-11/2,15/2-13/2). The IRAM 30m observations were dedicated line observations, while the SMA data come from an unbiased spectral survey in the frequency range 279-355 GHz. We present the first detections of PN and PO in an O-rich AGB star and estimate abundances X(PN/H2) of about 3x10^-7 and X(PO/H2) in the range 0.5-6.0x10^-7. This is several orders of magnitude higher than what is found for the C-rich AGB star IRC +10216. The diameter (<=0.7") of the PN and PO emission distributions measured in the interferometric data corresponds to a maximum radial extent of about 40 stellar radii. The abundances and the spatial occurrence of the molecules are in very good agreement with the results reported for VY CMa. We did not detect PS or PH3 in the survey. We suggest that PN and PO are the main carriers of phosphorus in the gas phase, with abundances possibly up to several 10^-7. The current chemical models cannot account for this, underlining the strong need for updated chemical models that include phosphorous compounds.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 10 pages, 8 figure

    Exact solutions for the spatial de Vaucouleurs and Sersic laws and related quantities

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    Using the Mathematica package, we find exact analytical expressions for the so-called de-projected De Vaucouleurs and Sersic laws as well as for related spatial (3D) quantities, such the mass, gravitational potential, the total energy and the central velocity dispersion, generally involved in astronomical calculations expressed in terms of the Meijer G functions.Comment: 11 pages, accepted in A

    The molecular polar disc in NGC 2768

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    We present CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) maps of the molecular polar disc in the elliptical galaxy NGC 2768 obtained at the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer. The maps have a resolution of 2.6" x 2.3" and 1.2" x 1.2" for the CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) lines, respectively. The CO maps complete the unique picture of the interstellar medium (ISM) of NGC 2768; the dust, molecular gas, ionised gas and neutral hydrogen (HI) trace the recent acquisition of cold and cool gas over two orders of magnitude in radii (and much more in density). In agreement with the other ISM components, the CO distribution extends nearly perpendicularly to the photometric major axis of the galaxy. Velocity maps of the CO show a rotating polar disc or ring in the inner kiloparsec. This cool gas could lead to kinematic substructure formation within NGC 2768. However, the stellar velocity field and H-beta absorption linestrength maps from the optical integral-field spectrograph SAURON give no indication of a young and dynamically cold stellar population coincident with the molecular polar disc. Very recent or weak star formation, undetectable in linestrengths, nevertheless remains a possibility and could be at the origin of some of the ionised gas observed. Millimetre continuum emission was also detected in NGC 2768, now one of only a few low-luminosity active galactic nuclei with observed millimetre continuum emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 11 pages, 8 figure

    Pluto's lower atmosphere structure and methane abundance from high-resolution spectroscopy and stellar occultations

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    Context: Pluto possesses a thin atmosphere, primarily composed of nitrogen, in which the detection of methane has been reported. Aims: The goal is to constrain essential but so far unknown parameters of Pluto's atmosphere such as the surface pressure, lower atmosphere thermal stucture, and methane mixing ratio. Methods: We use high-resolution spectroscopic observations of gaseous methane, and a novel analysis of occultation light-curves. Results: We show that (i) Pluto's surface pressure is currently in the 6.5-24 microbar range (ii) the methane mixing ratio is 0.5+/-0.1 %, adequate to explain Pluto's inverted thermal structure and ~100 K upper atmosphere temperature (iii) a troposphere is not required by our data, but if present, it has a depth of at most 17 km, i.e. less than one pressure scale height; in this case methane is supersaturated in most of it. The atmospheric and bulk surface abundance of methane are strikingly similar, a possible consequence of the presence of a CH4-rich top surface layer.Comment: AA vers. 6.1, LaTeX class for Astronomy & Astrophysics, 9 pages with 5 figures Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters, in pres

    A new 1.6-micron map of Titan’s surface

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    We present a new map of Titan's surface obtained in the spectral 'window' at ∌1.6 ÎŒm between strong methane absorption. This pre-Cassini view of Titan's surface was created from images obtained using adaptive optics on the W.M. Keck II telescope and is the highest resolution map yet made of Titan's surface. Numerous surface features down to the limits of the spatial resolution (∌200–300 km) are apparent. No features are easily identifiable in terms of their geologic origin, although several are likely craters

    The Cool ISM in Elliptical Galaxies. II. Gas Content in the Volume - Limited Sample and Results from the Combined Elliptical and Lenticular Surveys

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    We report new observations of atomic and molecular gas in a volume limited sample of elliptical galaxies. Combining the elliptical sample with an earlier and similar lenticular one, we show that cool gas detection rates are very similar among low luminosity E and SO galaxies but are much higher among luminous S0s. Using the combined sample we revisit the correlation between cool gas mass and blue luminosity which emerged from our lenticular survey, finding strong support for previous claims that the molecular gas in ellipticals and lenticulars has different origins. Unexpectedly, however, and contrary to earlier claims, the same is not true for atomic gas. We speculate that both the AGN feedback and merger paradigms might offer explanations for differences in detection rates, and might also point towards an understanding of why the two gas phases could follow different evolutionary paths in Es and S0s. Finally we present a new and puzzling discovery concerning the global mix of atomic and molecular gas in early type galaxies. Atomic gas comprises a greater fraction of the cool ISM in more gas rich galaxies, a trend which can be plausibly explained. The puzzle is that galaxies tend to cluster around molecular-to-atomic gas mass ratios near either 0.05 or 0.5.Comment: 37 pages, including 4 tables and 12 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Interplay of thermal and quantum spin fluctuations on the kagome lattice

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    We present a Raman spectroscopic investigation of the Herbertsmithite ZnCu3(OH)6Cl2, the first realization of a Heisenberg s=1/2 antiferromagnet on a perfect kagome lattice. The magnetic excitation spectrum of this compound is dominated by two components, a high temperature quasi elastic signal and a low temperature, broad maximum. The latter has a linear low energy slope and extends to high energy. We have investigated the temperature dependence and symmetry properties of both signals. Our data agree with previous calculations and point to a spin liquid ground state.Comment: 5 figure

    Molecular gas in the galaxy M83. I - The molecular gas distribution

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    We present CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST) observations of the barred spiral galaxy M83 (NGC5236). The maps cover the entire optical disk. The CO emission is strongly peaked toward the nucleus, which breaks up into two separate components in the CO(2-1) data due to the higher spatial resolution. Emission from the bar is strong, in particular on the leading edges of the bar. The molecular gas arms are clearly resolved and can be traced for more than 360\degr . Emission in the inter-arm regions is detected. The average CO CO(2-1)/CO(1-0) line ratio is 0.77. The ratio is lower than this on the spiral arms and higher in the inter-arm regions. The arms show regularly spaced concentrations of molecular gas, Giant Molecular Associations (GMA's), whose masses are of the order 10^7 Msun. The total molecular gas mass is estimated to be 3.9*10^9 Msun. This mass is comparable to the total HI mass, but H_2 dominates in the optical disk. In the disk, H_2 and HI show very similar distributions, including small scale clumping. We compare the molecular gas distribution with those of other star formation tracers, such as B and H_alpha images.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, A&A accepted. A higher resolution version available at http://www.astro.su.se/~andreas/publications
