568 research outputs found

    A Simple Method for Detecting Periodic Signals in Sparse Astronomical Event Data

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    We present a simple method to detect periodic signals in sparse astronomical event data. The method is particularly appropriate for gamma-ray astronomy where the number of available photons is sparse in time and Poissonian noise dominates the statistics. It is based on an autocorrelation function, which provides phase independence. We have implemented and successfully applied this method on simulated data. This paper presents some numerical results and a description of the model used to generate the synthetic data along with a formal definition of the signal-to-noise ratio in the generated time series

    First L-band Interferometric Observations of a Young Stellar Object: Probing the Circumstellar Environment of MWC 419

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    We present spatially-resolved K- and L-band spectra (at spectral resolution R = 230 and R = 60, respectively) of MWC 419, a Herbig Ae/Be star. The data were obtained simultaneously with a new configuration of the 85-m baseline Keck Interferometer. Our observations are sensitive to the radial distribution of temperature in the inner region of the disk of MWC 419. We fit the visibility data with both simple geometric and more physical disk models. The geometric models (uniform disk and Gaussian) show that the apparent size increases linearly with wavelength in the 2-4 microns wavelength region, suggesting that the disk is extended with a temperature gradient. A model having a power-law temperature gradient with radius simultaneously fits our interferometric measurements and the spectral energy distribution data from the literature. The slope of the power-law is close to that expected from an optically thick disk. Our spectrally dispersed interferometric measurements include the Br gamma emission line. The measured disk size at and around Br gamma suggests that emitting hydrogen gas is located inside (or within the inner regions) of the dust disk.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    New insights on the AU-scale circumstellar structure of FU Orionis

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    We report new near-infrared, long-baseline interferometric observations at the AU scale of the pre-main-sequence star FU Orionis with the PTI, IOTA and VLTI interferometers. This young stellar object has been observed on 42 nights over a period of 6 years from 1998 to 2003. We have obtained 287 independent measurements of the fringe visibility with 6 different baselines ranging from 20 to 110 meters in length, in the H and K bands. Our extensive (u,v)-plane coverage, coupled with the published spectral energy distribution data, allows us to test the accretion disk scenario. We find that the most probable explanation for these observations is that FU Ori hosts an active accretion disk whose temperature law is consistent with standard models. We are able to constrain the geometry of the disk, including an inclination of 55 deg and a position angle of 47 deg. In addition, a 10 percent peak-to-peak oscillation is detected in the data (at the two-sigma level) from the longest baselines, which we interpret as a possible disk hot-spot or companion. However, the oscillation in our best data set is best explained with an unresolved spot located at a projected distance of 10 AU at the 130 deg position angle and with a magnitude difference of DeltaK = 3.9 and DeltaH = 3.6 mag moving away from the center at a rate of 1.2 AU/yr. we propose to interpret this spot as the signature of a companion of the central FU Ori system on an extremely eccentric orbit. We speculate that the close encounter of this putative companion and the central star could be the explanation of the initial photometric rise of the luminosity of this object

    Atmospheric coherence times in interferometry: definition and measurement

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    Current and future ground-based interferometers require knowledge of the atmospheric time constant t_0, but this parameter has diverse definitions. Moreover, adequate techniques for monitoring t_0 still have to be implemented. We derive a new formula for the structure function of the fringe phase (piston) in a long-baseline interferometer, and review available techniques for measuring the atmospheric time constant and the shortcomings. It is shown that the standard adaptive-optics atmospheric time constant is sufficient for quantifying the piston coherence time, with only minor modifications. The residual error of a fast fringe tracker and the loss of fringe visibility in a finite exposure time are calculated in terms of the same parameter. A new method based on the fast variations of defocus is proposed. The formula for relating the defocus speed to the time constant is derived. Simulations of a 35-cm telescope demonstrate the feasibility of this new technique for site testing.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, A&A in pres

    Stellar and Molecular Radii of a Mira Star: First Observations with the Keck Interferometer Grism

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    Using a new grism at the Keck Interferometer, we obtained spectrally dispersed (R ~ 230) interferometric measurements of the Mira star R Vir. These data show that the measured radius of the emission varies substantially from 2.0-2.4 microns. Simple models can reproduce these wavelength-dependent variations using extended molecular layers, which absorb stellar radiation and re-emit it at longer wavelengths. Because we observe spectral regions with and without substantial molecular opacity, we determine the stellar photospheric radius, uncontaminated by molecular emission. We infer that most of the molecular opacity arises at approximately twice the radius of the stellar photosphere.Comment: 12 pages, including 3 figures. Accepted by ApJ

    Astrometry with the Keck-Interferometer: the ASTRA project and its science

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    The sensitivity and astrometry upgrade ASTRA of the Keck Interferometer is introduced. After a brief overview of the underlying interferometric principles, the technology and concepts of the upgrade are presented. The interferometric dual-field technology of ASTRA will provide the KI with the means to observe two objects simultaneously, and measure the distance between them with a precision eventually better than 100 uas. This astrometric functionality of ASTRA will add a unique observing tool to fields of astrophysical research as diverse as exo-planetary kinematics, binary astrometry, and the investigation of stars accelerated by the massive black hole in the center of the Milky Way as discussed in this contribution.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures (low resolution), contribution to the summerschool "Astrometry and Imaging with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer", 2 - 13 June, 2008, Keszthely, Hungary, corrected authorlis

    Science with the Keck Interferometer ASTRA Program

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    The ASTrometric and phase-Referenced Astronomy (ASTRA) project will provide phase referencing and astrometric observations at the Keck Interferometer, leading to enhanced sensitivity and the ability to monitor orbits at an accuracy level of 30-100 microarcseconds. Here we discuss recent scientific results from ASTRA, and describe new scientific programs that will begin in 2010-2011. We begin with results from the "self phase referencing" (SPR) mode of ASTRA, which uses continuum light to correct atmospheric phase variations and produce a phase-stabilized channel for spectroscopy. We have observed a number of protoplanetary disks using SPR and a grism providing a spectral dispersion of ~2000. In our data we spatially resolve emission from dust as well as gas. Hydrogen line emission is spectrally resolved, allowing differential phase measurements across the emission line that constrain the relative centroids of different velocity components at the 10 microarcsecond level. In the upcoming year, we will begin dual-field phase referencing (DFPR) measurements of the Galactic Center and a number of exoplanet systems. These observations will, in part, serve as precursors to astrometric monitoring of stellar orbits in the Galactic Center and stellar wobbles of exoplanet host stars. We describe the design of several scientific investigations capitalizing on the upcoming phase-referencing and astrometric capabilities of ASTRA.Comment: Published in the proceedings of the SPIE 2010 conference on "Optical and Infrared Interferometry II

    Palomar Testbed Interferometer: update

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    The Palomar Testbed Interferometer is a long-baseline near- infrared interferometer operating at Palomar Observatory, CA. The interferometer has a maximum baseline of 110 m, 40-cm collecting apertures, and active fringe tracking. It also incorporates a dual-star architecture to enable cophasing and narrow-angle astrometry. We will discuss recent system improvements and engineering results. These include upgrades to allow for longer coherent integration times, H band operation, and cophasing using delay line feedforward. Recent engineering tests of astrometry in dual-star mode have shown a night-to-night repeatability of 100 µas on a bright test target. Several new observation planning tools have been developed, and data reduction tools have been automated to allow fully pipelined nightly reductions and archiving

    Masses, Luminosities, and Orbital Coplanarities of the mu Orionis Quadruple Star System from PHASES Differential Astrometry

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    mu Orionis was identified by spectroscopic studies as a quadruple star system. Seventeen high precision differential astrometry measurements of mu Ori have been collected by the Palomar High-precision Astrometric Search for Exoplanet Systems (PHASES). These show both the motion of the long period binary orbit and short period perturbations superimposed on that caused by each of the components in the long period system being themselves binaries. The new measurements enable the orientations of the long period binary and short period subsystems to be determined. Recent theoretical work predicts the distribution of relative inclinations between inner and outer orbits of hierarchical systems to peak near 40 and 140 degrees. The degree of coplanarity of this complex system is determined, and the angle between the planes of the A-B and Aa-Ab orbits is found to be 136.7 +/- 8.3 degrees, near the predicted distribution peak at 140 degrees; this result is discussed in the context of the handful of systems with established mutual inclinations. The system distance and masses for each component are obtained from a combined fit of the PHASES astrometry and archival radial velocity observations. The component masses have relative precisions of 5% (component Aa), 15% (Ab), and 1.4% (each of Ba and Bb). The median size of the minor axes of the uncertainty ellipses for the new measurements is 20 micro-arcseconds. Updated orbits for delta Equulei, kappa Pegasi, and V819 Herculis are also presented.Comment: 12 Pages, Accepted for publication in A

    Thermoreflectance investigation of the antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases of Cr

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    Thermoreflectance measurements have been performed on Cr single crystals at several temperatures above and below the NĂ©el temperature. We observe dramatic changes induced by the magnetic phase transition. In contrast, static optical data fail to show appreciable differences in the (0.5-5.0)-eV photon-energy range. Magnetic ordering gives rise to the disappearance of transitions involving specific regions of the Fermi surface. New critical-point absorptions appear at the boundaries of the new Brillouin zone in antiferromagnetic Cr. Most of the observed experimental features have been identified by comparison with recent band-structure calculations
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