195 research outputs found

    Defining Collective Identities in Technopolitical Interaction Networks

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    We are currently witnessing the emergence of new forms of collective identities and a redefinition of the old ones through networked digital interactions, and these can be explicitly measured and analyzed. We distinguish between three major trends on the development of the concept of identity in the social realm: (1) an essentialist sense (based on conditions and properties shared by members of a group), (2) a representational or ideational sense (based on the application of categories by oneself or others), and (3) a relational and interactional sense (based on interaction processes between actors and their environments). The interactional approach aligns with current empirical and methodological progress in social network analysis. Moreover, it has been argued that, within the network society, the notion of collective identity (Melucci, 1995) in the political field must be rethought as technologically mediated and interactive. We suggest that collective identities should be understood asrecurrent,cohesive, andcoordinated communicative interaction networks.We here propose that such identities can be depicted by: (a) mapping and filtering a relevant interaction network, (b) delimiting a set of communities, (c) determining the strongly connected component(s) of such communities (the core identity) in a directed graph, and (d) defining the identity audiences and sources within the community. This technical graph-theoretical characterization is explained and justified in detail through a toy model and applied to three empirical case studies to characterize political identities in party politics (communicative interaction in Twitter during the Spanish elections in 2018), contentious politics in confrontation (in Twitter during the Catalan strike for independence 2019), and the multitudinous identity of Spanish Indignados/15 social movement (in Facebook fan pages 2011). We discuss how the proposed definition is useful to delimit and characterize the internal structure of collective identities in technopolitical interaction networks, and we suggest how the proposed methods can be improved and complemented with other approaches. We finally draw the theoretical implications of understanding collective identities as emerging from interaction networks in a progressive platformization of social interactions in a digital world.XB and AC-L acknowledge the funding from projects "Inter-identidad" FFI2014-52173-P by the MINECO, Spanish Government, and from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation with project Outonomy PID2019-104576GB-I00. XB also acknowledges IAS-Research Group funding IT-1228-19 from the Basque Government. EC acknowledges the funding from the project "Foment de la recerca participativa i de la innovacio digital li democratica a traves de laboratoris ciutadans" by the Barcelona City Council

    Optoelectronic Properties of InAlN/GaN Distributed Bragg Reflector Heterostructure Examined by Valence

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    High-resolution monochromated electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) at subnanometric spatial resolution and <200 meV energy resolution has been used to assess the valence band properties of a distributed Bragg reflector multilayer heterostructure composed of InAlN lattice matched to GaN. This work thoroughly presents the collection of methods and computational tools put together for this task. Among these are zero-loss-peak subtraction and nonlinear fitting tools, and theoretical modeling of the electron scattering distribution. EELS analysis allows retrieval of a great amount of information: indium concentration in the InAlN layers is monitored through the local plasmon energy position and calculated using a bowing parameter version of Vegard Law. Also a dielectric characterization of the InAlN and GaN layers has been performed through Kramers-Kronig analysis of the Valence-EELS data, allowing band gap energy to be measured and an insight on the polytypism of the GaN layers

    Breakdown of anomalous channeling with ion energy for accurate strain determination in gan-based heterostructures

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    The influence of the beam energy on the determination of strain state with ion channeling in GaN-based heterostructures (HSs) is addressed. Experimental results show that anomalous channeling may hinder an accurate analysis due to the steering effects at the HS interface, which are more intense at lower ion energies. The experimental angular scans have been well reproduced by Monte Carlo simulations, correlating the steering effects with the close encounter probability at the interface. Consequently, limitations in the determination of the strain state by ion channeling can be overcome by selecting the adequate beam energy


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    Manufacturing improvements are becoming a real need in industry. In order to satisfy these industrial requirements, they should be targeted in two different directions: new manufacturing processes and surface optimization through algorithms. On the one hand, Super Abrasive Machining (SAM) is presented as a new manufacturing process combining benefits from milling and grinding technologies. On the other hand, there is a tendency to manufacture non developable surfaces by flank milling and to achieve final dimensional and roughness requirements, by calculating mathematically-optimized tool trajectories. This work presents a design and manufacturing of a free form tool to be used for the manufacturing of a complex surface through Flank SAM (FSAM). Based on the tool requirements, it will cover the following stages: tool geometry design, tool core manufacturing, and electroplating for final abrasive tool generation

    Experimental and theoretical studies on the effect of the oxo group in 1,4-benzodiazepines

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    Two families of regioisomeric 1,4-benzodiazepines, 4-benzyl-3H-benzo[e][1,4]diazepin-5-ones and 4-benzoyl-4,5-dihydro-3H-benzo[e][1,4]diazepines, have been synthesized through a similar Ugi/reduction cyclization sequence. Their conformation and stability depend on the position of the tautomeric imine/enamine equilibrium present in the diazepine nucleus, which in turn depends on the relative position of the carbonyl group adjacent to the nitrogen at the 4-position in the benzodiazepine system. Moreover, the electrophilic center on the imine tautomer is essential for the antitumor activity of some benzodiazepines as a DNA binding position. The mechanism of tautomerization in the presence or absence of the oxo group has been studied computationally using DFT methods (B3LYP/6-31G** level).Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (project CTQ2012- 31611), from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain and Fondo de Desarrollo Regional (project MAT2011-22781), as well as from Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Educación y Cultura y Fondo Social Europeo (project ref. BU246A12-1 and BU327A11-2)

    Understanding the selective area growth of GaN nanocolumns by MBE using Ti nanomasks

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    The influence of the substrate temperature, III/V flux ratio, and mask geometry on the selective area growth of GaN nanocolumns is investigated. For a given set of growth conditions, the mask design (diameter and pitch of the nanoholes) is found to be crucial to achieve selective growth within the nanoholes. The local III/V flux ratio within these nanoholes is a key factor that can be tuned, either by modifying the growth conditions or the mask geometry. On the other hand, some specific growth conditions may lead to selective growth but not be suitable for subsequent vertical growth. With optimized conditions, ordered GaN nanocolumns can be grown with a wide variety of diameters. In this work, ordered GaN nanocolumns with diameter as small as 50 nm are shown

    Determination of Sr-90 in milk samples from the study of statistical results

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    [Abstract] The determination of 90Sr in milk samples is the main objective of radiation monitoring laboratories because of its environmental importance. In this paper the concentration of activity of 39 milk samples was obtained through radiochemical separation based on selective retention of Sr in a cationic resin (Dowex 50WX8, 50-100 mesh) and subsequent determination by a low-level proportional gas counter. The results were checked by performing the measurement of the Sr concentration by using the flame atomic absorption spectroscopy technique, to finally obtain the mass of 90Sr. From the data obtained a statistical treatment was performed using linear regressions. A reliable estimate of the mass of 90Sr was obtained based on the gravimetric technique, and secondly, the counts per minute of the third measurement in the 90Sr and 90Y equilibrium, without having to perform the analysis. These estimates have been verified with 19 milk samples, obtaining overlapping results. The novelty of the manuscript is the possibility of determining the concentration of 90Sr in milk samples, without the need to perform the third measurement in the equilibrium

    Oxygen photo-adsorption related quenching of photoluminescence in group-III nitride nanocolumns

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    GaN and InGaN nanocolumns of various compositions are studied by room-temperature photoluminescence (PL) under different ambient conditions. GaN nanocolumns exhibit a reversible quenching upon exposure to air under constant UV excitation, following a t−1/2 time dependence and resulting in a total reduction of intensity by 85–90%, as compared to PL measured in vacuum, with no spectral change. This effect is not observed when exposing the samples to pure nitrogen. We attribute this effect to photoabsorption and photodesorption of oxygen that modifies the surface potential bending. InGaN nanocolumns, under the same experimental conditions do not show the same quenching features: The high-energy part of the broad PL line is not modified by exposure to air, whereas a lower-energy part, which does quench by 80–90%, can now be distinguished. We discuss the different behaviors in terms of carrier localization and possible composition or strain gradients in the InGaN nanocolumns

    The impact of ADHD on reading

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    Más allá de la frecuente coexistencia del trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) y el trastorno específico del aprendizaje de la lectura, la presente revisión pretende examinar la evidencia empírica disponible sobre cómo el TDAH impacta negativamente sobre el aprendizaje de la lectura. Los datos existentes apuntan a que la presencia del trastorno (especialmente los síntomas de falta de atención), puede afectar a i) la correcta adquisición de lectura, ya sea de manera directa o a través de su influencia sobre los precursores de la lectura; ii) las propias habilidades de decodificación (precisión y fluidez lectora), tanto de manera directa como indirecta a través de su influencia sobre procesos cognitivos como la distracción o las funciones ejecutivas; y ii) la comprensión lectora, probablemente de manera indirecta por las dificultades ejecutivas y en la memoria de trabajo verbal características del TDAH. Estas conclusiones presentan importantes implicaciones para caracterizar e intervenir mejor sobre las dificultades lectoras en el TDAH, ya sean clínicas o subclínicasBeyond the frequent coexistence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and reading disorder (dyslexia), the present review aims to examine the available empirical evidence on how ADHD negatively impacts on learning to read. Existing data suggest that the presence of the disorder (especially inattention symptoms), may affect i) the correct acquisition of reading, either directly or through its influence on the precursors to reading; ii) decoding skills themselves (reading accuracy and fluency), both directly and indirectly through its influence on cognitive processes such as distractibility or executive functions; and iii) reading comprehension, probably indirectly through the executive and verbal memory difficulties characteristic of ADHD. These findings have important implications for better characterizing and intervening on reading difficulties in ADHD, whether clinical or subclinica

    Sexual health during pregnancy and postpartum: loss and recovery factors

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    [ES] La descripción de las relaciones sexuales durante el embarazo ha sido motivo de múltiples estudios en diferentes disciplinas y por distintos profesionales. La desinformación de las parejas y la falta de formación de algunos profesionales, ha conllevado que la salud sexual de las parejas no haya sido contemplada adecuadamente durante este periodo de sus vidas. Las complicaciones durante el embarazo y el parto, pueden suponer un problema en el mantenimiento de las mismas durante la gestación y su recuperación durante el puerperio. Objetivo:Conocer cuál es la respuesta sexual durante el periodo de embarazo y puerperio y los factores que pudieran alterar la Salud Sexual en las parejas. Metodología:Estudio descriptivo transversal en las diferentes etapas del embarazo y el puerperio tardío. Los sujetos de estudio han sido 146 gestantes y puérperas usuarias del Programa de Control de embarazo en el Centro de Salud de Xàtiva y Hospital de día del Hospital Lluís Alcanyís de Xàtiva del Departamento 14 de la Agencia Valenciana de Salud entre los meses de Enero de 2.011 a Enero de 2.012. La recogida de datos se hizo mediante cuestionarios estructurados y validados entregados a las usuarias (autocumplimentación) en los tres trimestres del embarazo y el puerperio tardío, 8 semanas. Se han recogido variables sociodemográficas, obstétricas, físicas y psicoemocionales. Resultado:El perfil de la muestra (n=146) es en general, una mujer española y universitaria. Profundizando en los diversos puntos a estudio, concluimos que la respuesta sexual de la mujer embarazada y puérpera se modifica en sus diferentes etapas, en cuanto al nivel de deseo aumenta sobre todo en el segundo trimestre; respecto a la excitación va aumentando por trimestres siendo significativamente estadístico. Al analizar la satisfacción observamos que es menor en el tercer trimestre y que la satisfacción previa al embarazo no influye en el nivel de excitación actual. El orgasmo en general no les es difícil aunque sí que aumenta su dificultad a medida que avanza la gestación, resaltando un porcentaje importante que no presentan actividad sexual. Las posturas se modifican en las diferentes fases de la gestación siendo significativamente estadístico, destacar que un considerable porcentaje no contestaron la pregunta. El tipo de parto, el estado del periné y la presencia de información no influyeron en el tiempo de reanudación de las relaciones sexuales. La presencia de información no se correlacionó estadísticamente con tener relaciones sexuales. Resaltamos que la mitad de la muestra no tenía ningún tipo de información al respecto. En último lugar el mantenimiento de relaciones sexuales influía significativamente en la aparición de ansiedad durante el embarazo. Conclusión: Es necesario incorporar la tarea educativa en las competencias de la matrona en la práctica habitual, para fomentar una mejor Educación para la Salud Sexual y Afectiva en la embarazada o puérpera, en el Programa de Educación Maternal, tanto individual como grupal[EN] The engagement in sexual inter-course during pregnancy has beenexamined by professionals fromvarious fields of study. The lack ofanticipatory guidance for couplesand insufficient training of somehealth professionals have resulted ininadequate consideration of sexualhealth issues for some couplesduring this period. Complicationsduring pregnancy and childbirth canbe a problem in maintaining thesame during pregnancy and post-partum recovery.Objective: To analyse sexualinteraction during pregnancy andpuerperium and to consider the fac-tors affecting the couples’ sexualhealth and well-being.Methodology: Cross-sectionaldescriptive study of different stagesof pregnancy and late puerperium.The subjects of the study are 146pregnant and puerperal womenXativa’s hospital ‘Lluis Alcanyis’within the 14th department of SVAfrom January 2011 to January 2012.The data collection was carried outthrough structured and validatedquestionnaires that were deliveredto the participants within the threequarters of pregnancy and late puer-perium (8 weeks) – sociodemogra-phic, obstetric and physio-/ psycho-emotional information was collatedand analysed.Results: The profile of the sam-ple (n = 146) is generally a Spanishwoman going to university. Delvinginto the various points of study, weconclude that the sexual response ofpregnant and puerperal women ismodified at different stages. Thelevel of desire increases especiallyin the second trimester, compared toexcitement quarterly increases beingsignificantly statistic. By analyzingwe find that satisfaction is lower inthe third trimester and that satisfac-tion prior to pregnancy does notaffect the current excitement level.Orgasm is generally not difficultalthough increasing their difficultyas pregnancy progresses, highligh-ting a significant percentage whodon´t have sex relation. The sexualpositions are modified at differentstages of gestation being statisticallysignificant, highlighting that a signi-ficant percentage didn´t answer thequestion. The type of delivery, peri-neal status and the presence ofinformation didn´t influence thetime of resumption of intimacy. Thepresence of non-statistically corre-lated with sex. We note that half ofthe sample did not have any infor-mation. Lastly, keeping sexual rela-tion significantly influenced theemergence of anxiety duringpreg-nancy.Conclusion: It is necessary toincorporate the education in themidwife´s skills in practices, to pro-mote better sexual health educationin pregnant and puerperal woman aswell as Maternal EducationProgram, and support to, individualand groupS