54 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: The purpose of the article is to substantiate the features of organizational and methodical directions of the programs’ complex for creative development and social adaptation of modern adolescents in difficult situations. Methodology: The study is based on the analysis of somatic and psychological changes taking place in the process of becoming a teenager, which are reflected in the biological, mental and cognitive processes. The identified components determined the grounds for the development of the structure and mechanisms of childhood social risk management. Results: It is shown that the understanding of somatic and psychological changes occurring in the process of a teenager formation, which is reflected in the biological, mental, cognitive processes, is the basis for the development of the structure and mechanisms for childhood social risks’ management in the course of an integrative program of any profile. Organizational aspects of preparation and carrying out of actions within such programs are defined. Provisions defining immanent social teaching and educational effects, including prevention of the deviant behavior, increase of educational results’ level, growth of teenagers’ cognitive interest to self-development and self-education, increase of teenagers’ motivation to active and initiative inclusion in development of the program content are allocated. The scientific-methodical and pedagogical experience of the organization of exit integrative programs, the use of pedagogical strategies of which allows achieving positive dynamics of teenagers’ creative development trajectory and social adaptation is briefly described. Applications of this study: Suggested by the author's program increases the growth of teenagers’ cognitive interest to self-development and self-education, increases the teenagers’ motivation and may be used by psychologists and teachers in educational system of all levels.   Novelty/Originality of this study: It is proved that the understanding of somatic, cognitive, social changes in the process of a teenager’s formation and compliance with certain organizational rules of activities that take into account the specifics of this age period, increase the motivation of adolescents, their involvement in the development of the program’s content, stimulate the growth of cognitive interest of adolescents to self-development and self-education

    Social and Psychological Features of Hardiness in Personality of Students of Higher Education Institutions

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    The topicality and significance of the study is determined by the fact that life and activity of a person in contemporary socio-economic conditions are inextricably connected with the constant impact of adverse social, political, economic and other factors on him. These factors are accompanied by the emergence of various kinds of difficult life situations, as a result of which stress develops in a person. In the student milieu, stress arises under the influence of difficulties associated with both the learning process and life circumstances. The paper presents the results of an empirical study of socio-psychological features of hardiness in students of higher educational institutions. The methods of research comprised: theoretical analysis, empirical research (testing), qualitative analysis of the obtained data, mathematical and statistical data processing (SPSS Statistics, Excel). Testing included the following psycho-diagnostic tools: the author’s questionnaire for assessing stressful situations; McCrae-Costa Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire (The Big Five dimensions); “Hardiness test”; Self-attitude technique. The validity and reliability of the study results was ensured by the initial methodological positions, the use of proven tools, sample representativeness of the research, as well as mathematical processing of data with the use of a software package for statistical analysis. As a result of the study, it was proved that emotion-focused ways of overcoming stress associated with a decrease in tension and a change in attitude to emerging difficulties prevail among the students of both the experimental and control groups. A high level of stress was found in the majority of subjects. In order to reduce this stress, it is necessary for students to form special skills to overcome it. In addition, an analysis of the psychological factors of students’ hardiness made it possible to determine the main areas of their psychological support in overcoming difficult life situations (development of qualities that form the core of students’ personal adaptive potential, the formation of their social competency, enrichment of social networks, as well as learning ways to find and accept social support)

    Prognostic factors in patients with hematological malignancies and concomitant chronic hepatitis C

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    The study evaluated the impact of HCV infection on the prognosis in patients with hematological malignancies. A total of 96 patients with anti-HCV antibodies were enrolled, with the age of 37.8 (3.0–81.0) years old, 39.6% had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) was diagnosed in 46.9% patients prior to malignancy development, in 38.5% patients simultaneously with malignancy, and in 14.6% patients during malignancy treatment. Clinical and biochemical signs of HCH were mild in most of the patients, minimal liver fibrosis (F0–1 by METAVIR system) was discovered in 47.3% patients, severe fibrosis or cirrhosis (F3–4) was diagnosed in 40% of participants. Only 20 (20.8%) of patients received antiviral therapy against HCV prior to enrollment. Regression analysis demonstrated that age 55 years old, late onset of antiviral therapy, and poor nutritional status were significant predictors of death from hematological malignancy. Survey conducted among physicians of hematological oncology hospitals in Saint-Petersburg revealed gaps in knowledge on presentation and risks of HCV infection, as well as on opportunities of modern antiviral therapy

    Transcriptomic atlas and interaction networks of brain cells in mouse CNS demyelination and remyelination

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    Demyelination is a hallmark of multiple sclerosis, leukoencephalopathies, cerebral vasculopathies, and several neurodegenerative diseases. The cuprizone mouse model is widely used to simulate demyelination and remyelination occurring in these diseases. Here, we present a high-resolution single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) analysis of gene expression changes across all brain cells in this model. We define demyelination-associated oligodendrocytes (DOLs) and remyelination-associated MAF

    Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Integrating the Computer and Music Technologies into The Instrumental Performance Training of The Pedagogical University Students

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    The work reveals the general social and technological prerequisites for integrating computer technologies into Russian education at various levels and profiles of educational institutions. The reasons for the basic contradictions in traditional and innovative pedagogical principles in professional training of performing musicians have been substantiated. Productive ways to solve the problem have been described based on the leading developments of education researchers in the computer and music technologies as well as in electronic music. The essence of the computer and music technologies concept as a specialized field of music pedagogy in Russia has been revealed. Features of hardware and software have been defined based on the digital interface of musical instruments and the prospects for their use in pedagogical activities. The methods, forms, and conditions for practical implementation of experimental training of pianist students from the Institute of Culture and Arts of the Moscow City University have been presented. The generalized results and conclusions of the experimental training in instrument performance of the pedagogical university students using the software and hardware components of the computer and music technologies have been analyzed and discussed

    Forming universal competencies in the course of teaching a foreign language at a nonlinguistic university

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    The labor market modernization and the transition to the digital economy have led to a revision of the requirements for a contemporary specialist, who, in addition to professional competencies, possesses a broad range of universal skills and personal qualities. The development of leadership skills can become a universal pedagogical basis for implementing the concept of continuous nationally oriented independent education at all stages starting from the preparation of applicants, secondary vocational education, bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, to postgraduate studies, including advanced training and additional education. The study aimed to identify efficient educational technologies aimed at forming universal competencies in the framework of disciplines “Foreign Language” and “Business Foreign Language” at various stages of training, both in academic and extracurricular activities. The basis for identifying efficient educational technologies was theoretical methods (literature analysis (active teaching methods, and mixed learning technologies), documentation analysis (Federal State Education Standard, FSES 3+++)), as well as empirical methods (observation, study, and generalization). The practical significance of the work consists in the presented model of forming universal competencies, which can be considered as a component of the professional education of a future graduate of a nonlinguistic university. The universal competencies formed within the framework of the disciplines “Foreign Language” and “Business Foreign Language” will allow the graduate to become a competitive specialist in the international labor market

    Graphene Flakes for Electronic Applications: DC Plasma Jet-Assisted Synthesis

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    The possibility of graphene synthesis (the bottom-up approach) in plasma and the effective control of the morphology and electrical properties of graphene-based layers were demonstrated. Graphene flakes were grown in a plasma jet generated by a direct current plasma torch with helium and argon as the plasma-forming gases. In the case of argon plasma, the synthesized graphene flakes were relatively thick (2–6 nm) and non-conductive. In helium plasma, for the first time, graphene with a predominance of monolayer flakes and high conductivity was grown in a significant amount using an industrial plasma torch. One-dimensional (1D) flow modeling shows that the helium plasma is a less charged environment providing the formation of thinner graphene flakes with low defect density. These flakes might be used for a water-based suspension of the graphene with PEDOT:PSS (poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): polystyrene sulfonate) composite to create the structures employing the 2D printing technologies. Good structural quality, low layer resistance, and good mechanical strength combined with the ability to obtain a large amount of the graphene powder, and to control the parameters of the synthesized particles make this material promising for various applications and, above all, for sensors and other devices for flexible electronics and the Internet of things ecosystem

    Graphene: Hexagonal Boron Nitride Composite Films with Low-Resistance for Flexible Electronics

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    The structure and electric properties of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN):graphene composite with additives of the conductive polymer PEDOT:PSS and ethylene glycol were examined. The graphene and h-BN flakes synthesized in plasma with nanometer sizes were used for experiments. It was found that the addition of more than 10−3 mass% of PEDOT:PSS to the graphene suspension or h-BN:graphene composite in combination with ethylene glycol leads to a strong decrease (4–5 orders of magnitude, in our case) in the resistance of the films created from these suspensions. This is caused by an increase in the conductivity of PEDOT:PSS due to the interaction with ethylene glycol and synergetic effect on the composite properties of h-BN:graphene films. The addition of PEDOT:PSS to the h-BN:graphene composite leads to the correction of the bonds between nanoparticles and a weak change in the resistance under the tensile strain caused by the sample bending. A more pronounced flexibility of the composite films with tree components is demonstrated. The self-organization effects for graphene flakes and polar h-BN flakes lead to the formation of micrometer sized plates in drops and uniform-in-size nanoparticles in inks. The ratio of the components in the composite was found for the observed strong hysteresis and a negative differential resistance. Generally, PEDOT:PSS and ethylene glycol composite films are promising for their application as electrodes or active elements for logic and signal processing

    Resilience of Arctic Communities: Socio-Economic Aspect

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    International audienceThe study investigates factors that directly or indirectly affect the development of settlements in the North-East of the Russian Arctic. The study highlights the specific features of the Arctic settlements of the Northeast, as well as factors that will be considered in the development of a methodology for assessing the resilience of Arctic communities to economic shocks. The main focus is on the investigation of demographic processes in the Northeast Arctic, since it is human capital that determines the resilience of settlements to economic shocks. According to the results of the analysis, it was found that the key trend is the migration outflow, and the factors constraining it are the growth of wages, the presence of a minimum improvement of housing, in particular, heating and guarantees of social support. Therewith, such a factor as the presence of traditional trades and occupations does not contribute to a decrease in the migration outflow. This study was performed to further develop the concept of resilience and form a methodology for assessing the resilience of the economic and social system of an Arctic settlement to economic shocks. In the future, this methodology makes provision for the construction of a model with factors and indicators that determine the resilience of the socio-economic system of the Arctic settlement in the North-East of Russia (as exemplified by the Bulunsky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)) to economic shocks
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