1,134 research outputs found

    Validity of Machine Learning in Assessing Large Texts Through Sustainability Indicators

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    As machine learning becomes more widely used in policy and environmental impact settings, concerns about accuracy and fairness arise. These concerns have piqued the interest of researchers, who have advanced new approaches and theoretical insights to enhance data gathering, treatment and models’ training. Nonetheless, few works have looked at the trade-offs between appropriateness and accuracy in indicator evaluation to comprehend how these constraints and approaches may better redound into policymaking and have a more significant impact across culture and sustainability matters for urban governance. This empirical study fulfils this void by researching indicators’ accuracy and utilizing algorithmic models to test the benefits of large text-based analysis. Here we describe applied work in which we find affinity and occurrence in indicators trade-offs that result be significant in practice to evaluate large texts. In the study, objectivity and fairness are kept substantially without sacrificing accuracy, explicitly focusing on improving the processing of indicators to be truthfully assessed. This observation is robust when cross-referring indicators and unique words. The empirical results advance a novel form of large text analysis through machine intelligence and refute a widely held belief that artificial intelligence text processing necessitates either accepting a significant reduction in accuracy or fairness.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    La Termogènesi als calorímetres per conducció: característiques dinàmiques i possibilitats deconvolutives

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    Es descriuen les característiques generals dels dispositius calorimètrics, les possibilitats de tractament mitjançant models i els mètodes per aproximar-se a la termogènesi o dissipació instantània al si de la cèl•lula laboratori. La descripció dinàmica es fa dins de l'espai freqüencial, que permet introduir de manera natural diferents límits de freqüència segons les característiques dels dispositius i del procés que vol estudiar-se. Per al tractament global dels calorímetres s'utilitza una escala relativa de temps i de freqüència. Això permet tractar sistemàticament les condicions imposades per les tècniques deconvolutives, l'aparellatge experimental i els propis fenòmens físics.General features of flow or conduction calorimeters are briefly described together with several methods to obtain the thermogenesis or instantaneous power dissipated inside the laboratory cell. The possibi l ities of solvable models are also discussed. The dynamic behaviour of the calorimeter is readily described in frequency space, thus allowing the intrcduction of several frequential limits depending on the characteristics both of the device and of the phenomenon under study. A systematic treatment of conduction calorimeters may be attained if relative scales, i n time (t/τ1) and frequency (θ τ1), are considered. Now, the efficiency of a given deconvolutive technique and the limits imposed by the experimental device itself or by the physical phenomena studied are easily evaluated

    ESR Statement on the Validation of Imaging Biomarkers

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    Medical imaging capable of generating imaging biomarkers, specifically radiology and nuclear medicine image acquisition and analysis processes, differs from frequently used comparators like blood or urine biomarkers. This difference arises from the sample acquisition methodology. While different analysis methodologies and equipment provide slightly different results in any analytical domain, unlike blood or urine analysis where the samples are obtained by simple extraction or excretion, in radiology the acquisition of the sample is heterogeneous by design, since complex equipment from different vendors is used. Therefore, with this additional degree of freedom in medical imaging, there is still risk of persistent heterogeneity of image quality through time, due to different technological implementations across vendors and protocols used in different centres. Quantitative imaging biomarkers have yet to demonstrate an impact on clinical practice due to this lack of comprehensive standardisation in terms of technical aspects of image acquisition, analysis algorithms, processes and clinical validation. The aim is establishing a standard methodology based on metrology for the validation of image acquisition and analysis methods used in the extraction of biomarkers and radiomics data. The appropriate implementation of the guidelines herein proposed by radiology departments, research institutes and industry will allow for a significant reduction in inter-vendor & inter-centre variability in imaging biomarkers and determine the measurement error obtained, enabling them to be used in imaging-based criteria for diagnosis, prognosis or treatment response, ultimately improving clinical workflows and patient care. The validation of developed analytical methods must be based on a technical performance validation and clinical validation

    Molecular control of winter dormancy in establishment in trees

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    Dormancy is an adaptive mechanism that enables woody plants to survive the freezing temperatures of winter. This complex process is characterized by the cessation of meristem activity, which is accompanied by winter bud set, extensive metabolic remodelling, an acquired high tolerance to cold and, in deciduous trees, by leaf senescence and abscission. The induction of dormancy occurs in response to seasonal environmental signals. In most woody plants, shortening of the photoperiod induces growth cessation, bud set, and some degree of cold acclimation. The subsequent drop in temperature then leads to a greater tolerance to cold and leaf fall. Experimental evidence indicates that the phytochrome system plays an important role as a day length sensor, and it has been recently reported that in poplar (Populus tremula x tremuloides), the photoperiodic control of dormancy induction is driven by a molecular mechanism that shares components with the mechanism of the photoperiodic control of flowering time in Arabidopsis. In contrast, the effects of low temperatures are less well understood. Nonetheless, it has been established that the chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) circadian molecular clock is disrupted both during winter and in response to cold, with presumable consequences on the general physiology of the plant. However, there is no direct evidence so far for its role in dormancy regulatio

    La Termogènesi als calorímetres per conducció: les transformacions sòlid-sòlid i les barreges líquides

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    Descrivim alguns mètodes d'obtenció de funcions de transferència associades a fenòmens reals i donem exemples de les termogènesis obtingudes en aquests casos. Els calorimètres amb molt bones característiques dinàmiques (θn∼3Hz) són molt adequats per a l'estudi de fenòmens transitoris. En aquest treball presenten en primer lloc resultats relatius a la transformació β → γ' de l'aliatge Cu- Zn-Al. La transformació presenta un caràcter molt discontinu, una dissipació energètica important, i una excel•lent correlació amb l'emissió acústica generada durant el procés de transformació que permet donar una valoració qualitativa de les possibilitats calorimètriques de l'anàlisi entàlpica diferencial. En segon lloc presentem una anàlisi de les entalpies d'excés en les barreges líquides. Aquest estudi és molt interessant a baixes concentracions. L'ús de sistemes d'injecció permet assolir fraccions molars de solut xs\gtrsim 0.01. L'obtenció d'una funció de transferència correcta del sistema calorimètric i l'ús d'algorismes deconvolutius eficaços permet reduir la fracció molar a xs\gtrsim 0.001.This paper presents several methods to obtain transfer functions associated with power dissipations in actual phenomena and a few examples of the approximate thermogenesis obtained. On the one hand, calorimeters with extremely good dynamic characteristics (θn∼3Hz) allow the study of structural transformations in solids. We present results concerning the martensitic transformation β → γ' of a Cu-Zn-Al alloy. They show the jerky character of the transformation very well correlated with acoustic emission patterns and an important energy 1iberation. This analysis gives an estimate of the posibilities of calorimetry within the field of Differential Enthalpic Analysis. On the other hand, an analysis of the properties of liquid mixtures at low concentrations is very interesting when carried out their excess enthalpies. Steady injection systems allow to reach solute molar fractions xs\gtrsim 0.01. We describe here the obtention of a correct transfer function. Now, the application of proper deconvolutive algorithms make it possible to work at so low concentrations as xs\gtrsim 0.001

    Caracterización hidrogeoquímica de los manantiales del área geotermal de Ixtapan de la Sal-Tonatico (México)

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    La composición química del agua subterránea es el resultado de continuos procesos de interacción entre el agua de precipitación, que se infiltra en el terreno, y los minerales presentes en las rocas por donde circula. Parte de las características químicas del agua son adquiridas en la zona no saturada y otras más a lo largo de su recorrido dentro de la zona saturada, hasta donde pueden ser captadas o bien emerger como agua de manantial. Estos últimos según sus características, puede ser empleados para consumo humano, como generadores de energía o bien para fines recreativos, como es el caso de los manantiales termales de Ixtapan de la Sal y Tonatico. Los estudios hidrogeoquímicos de manantiales termales han permitido ampliar el conocimiento del origen, edad, composición físico-química de las aguas, de las condiciones de recarga y posibles mezclas de agua, así como identificar los procesos que tienen lugar en el acuífero y que permiten obtener una visión más completa del comportamiento del acuífero. También permiten deducir las características de la roca, composición mineralógica, textura, porosidad, grado de alteración, fracturación y compactación, tiempo de residencia o de contacto, temperatura y presión..

    Interacting Preformed Cooper Pairs in Resonant Fermi Gases

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    We consider the normal phase of a strongly interacting Fermi gas, which can have either an equal or an unequal number of atoms in its two accessible spin states. Due to the unitarity-limited attractive interaction between particles with different spin, noncondensed Cooper pairs are formed. The starting point in treating preformed pairs is the Nozi\`{e}res-Schmitt-Rink (NSR) theory, which approximates the pairs as being noninteracting. Here, we consider the effects of the interactions between the Cooper pairs in a Wilsonian renormalization-group scheme. Starting from the exact bosonic action for the pairs, we calculate the Cooper-pair self-energy by combining the NSR formalism with the Wilsonian approach. We compare our findings with the recent experiments by Harikoshi {\it et al.} [Science {\bf 327}, 442 (2010)] and Nascimb\`{e}ne {\it et al.} [Nature {\bf 463}, 1057 (2010)], and find very good agreement. We also make predictions for the population-imbalanced case, that can be tested in experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted version for PRA, discussion of the imbalanced Fermi gas added, new figure and references adde

    Implementing regional circular economy policies : a proposed living constellation of stakeholders

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    The transition towards the circular economy (CE) entails transformative and system‐wide changes, implying involvement, alignment, and cooperation between all stakeholders at all levels. However, debate continues around how best to achieve this. Additionally, little attention has been paid to developing models for identifying and mobilising all relevant stakeholders to implement CE policies at the regional level. This study sought to remedy these issues by analysing the relevant academic literature and policy documents and making the first attempt to adjust existing models— not only for the purpose of stakeholder mapping, but also for the proposition of a living constellation of stakeholders who should be considered when designing the transition towards a CE in a regional scenario. The CE‐centric quintuple‐helix model developed and proposed here promotes the emergence and deployment of trilateral networks, hybrid organisations, and development/co-operation platforms. This model adopts a balanced, participatory approach that requires a new constellation of stakeholders. Its foundations are built on the traditional industry–government–aca-demia nexus and enlarged by the inclusion of the civil society sphere and the environmental sub-system. The environment is represented as the nucleus of the model, inspiring and triggering ac-tions by the remaining four subsystems. The model is then implemented into two European regions with CE initiatives (Spain and Greece) to demonstrate its practical application

    Glioblastoma: Vascular Habitats Detected at Preoperative Dynamic Susceptibility-weighted Contrast-enhanced Perfusion MR Imaging Predict Survival

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    [EN] Purpose: To determine if preoperative vascular heterogeneity of glioblastoma is predictive of overall survival of patients undergoing standard-of-care treatment by using an unsupervised multiparametric perfusion-based habitat-discovery algorithm. Materials and Methods: Preoperative magnetic resonance (MR) imaging including dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast material-enhanced perfusion studies in 50 consecutive patients with glioblastoma were retrieved. Perfusion parameters of glioblastoma were analyzed and used to automatically draw four reproducible habitats that describe the tumor vascular heterogeneity: high-angiogenic and low-angiogenic regions of the enhancing tumor, potentially tumor-infiltrated peripheral edema, and vasogenic edema. Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazard analyses were conducted to assess the prognostic potential of the hemodynamic tissue signature to predict patient survival. Results: Cox regression analysis yielded a significant correlation between patients' survival and maximum relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV(max)) and maximum relative cerebral blood flow (rCBF(max)) in high-angiogenic and low-angiogenic habitats (P < .01, false discovery rate-corrected P < .05). Moreover, rCBF(max) in the potentially tumor-infiltrated peripheral edema habitat was also significantly correlated (P < .05, false discovery rate-corrected P < .05). Kaplan-Meier analysis demonstrated significant differences between the observed survival of populations divided according to the median of the rCBV(max) or rCBF(max) at the high-angiogenic and low-angiogenic habitats (log-rank test P < .05, false discovery rate-corrected P < .05), with an average survival increase of 230 days. Conclusion: Preoperative perfusion heterogeneity contains relevant information about overall survival in patients who undergo standard-of-care treatment. The hemodynamic tissue signature method automatically describes this heterogeneity, providing a set of vascular habitats with high prognostic capabilities.Study supported by H2020 European Institute of Innovation and Technology (POC-2016.SPAIN-07) and Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (PAID-10-14). J.J.A., E.F.G., and J.M.G.G. supported by Secretaria de Estado de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion (DPI2016-80054-R, TIN2013-43457-R). E.F.G. supported by CaixaImpulse program from Fundacio Bancaria "la Caixa" (LCF/TR/CI16/10010016). E.F.G and A.A.B. supported by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia Instituto Investigacion Sanitaria de La Fe (C05).Juan -Albarracín, J.; Fuster García, E.; Pérez-Girbés, A.; Aparici-Robles, F.; Alberich Bayarri, A.; Revert Ventura, AJ.; Martí Bonmatí, L.... (2018). Glioblastoma: Vascular Habitats Detected at Preoperative Dynamic Susceptibility-weighted Contrast-enhanced Perfusion MR Imaging Predict Survival. Radiology. 287(3):944-954. https://doi.org/10.1148/radiol.2017170845S944954287