136 research outputs found

    Effect van zwavel op natuurlijke vijanden

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    In veel gewassen wordt regelmatig gezwaveld om meeldauw te voorkomen. Zwavel kan echter schadelijk zijn voor biologische bestrijders. Op verzoek van de werkgroep Strateeg van LTO Groeiservice en met financiering van het Productschap Tuinbouw begon Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw eind 2006 met een onderzoek aan het effect van zwavel op een aantal natuurlijke vijanden. Daarbij werd onderscheid gemaakt tussen blootstelling aan zwaveldamp tijdens de behandeling, en contact met de op de bladeren neergeslagen zwavel achteraf. De hoeveelheid neergeslagen zwavel werd gemeten, en gerelateerd aan aantal en duur van de behandelingen, alsmede afstand tot de zwavelpot. De sluipwesp Encarsia formosa bleek het meest gevoelig, en bezweek binnen een dag na contact met neergeslagen zwavel. Galmuglarven verdragen dat beter, maar de volwassen muggen worden sterk gehinderd door het verdampen van zwavel in de nacht. Voor de roofmijt Amblyseius swirskii is zwavelneerslag acuut niet bijzonder toxisch. Eén nacht zwavelen doet weinig schade. Bij herhaaldelijk zwavelen (vanaf drie nachten) stoppen de roofmijten echter met ei-afzetting. Op de duur is het frequent verdampen van zwavel dus ook voor (deze) roofmijten desastreus

    Experimental Setups for Single Event Effect Studies

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    Experimental setups are being prepared to test and to qualify electronic devices regarding their tolerance to Single Event Effect (SEE). A multiple test setup and a new beam line developed especially for SEE studies at the São Paulo 8 UD Pelletron accelerator were prepared. This accelerator produces proton beams and heavy ion beams up to 107Ag. A Super conducting Linear accelerator, which is under construction, may fulfill all of the European Space Agency requirements to qualify electronic components for SEE

    Stopping power of Au for silver ions at low velocities

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    Energy loss measurements for the slowing down of Ag ions in Au, in the velocity range 1:6v0 < v < 4:4v0, where v0 is the Bohr velocity, are presented. The measurements were performed using the Doppler shift technique and also with a new method, where a secondary beam of low velocity heavy ions is produced by elastic scattering of the accelerated beam. The results are compared to the SRIM2000 calculations (www.srim.org) and to recent measurements in this velocity region

    Effect of the break-up on the fusion and elastic scattering of weakly bound projectiles on 64^{64}Zn

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    We study the behavior of the fusion, break-up, reaction and elastic scattering of different projectiles on 64^{64}Zn, at near and above barrier energies. We present fusion and elastic scattering data with the tightly bound 16^{16}O and the stable weakly bound 6^{6}Li, 7^{7}Li and 9^{9}Be projectiles. The data were analyzed by coupled channel calculations. The total fusion cross sections for these systems are not affected by the break-up process at energies above the barrier. The elastic (non-capture) break-up cross section is important at energies close and above the Coulomb barrier and increases the reaction cross sections. In addition we also show that the break-up process at near and sub-barrier energies is responsible for the vanishing of the usual threshold anomaly of the optical potential and give rise to a new type of anomaly.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    Reliability on ARM Processors Against Soft Errors Through SIHFT Techniques

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    ARM processors are leaders in embedded systems, delivering high-performance computing, power efficiency, and reduced cost. For this reason, there is a relevant interest for its use in the aerospace industry. However, the use of sub-micron technologies has increased the sensitivity to radiation-induced transient faults. Thus, the mitigation of soft errors has become a major concern. Software-Implemented Hardware Fault Tolerance (SIHFT) techniques are a low-cost way to protect processors against soft errors. On the other hand, they cause high overheads in the execution time and memory, which consequently increase the energy consumption. In this work, we implement a set of software techniques based on different redundancy and checking rules. Furthermore, a low-overhead technique to protect the program execution flow is included. Tests are performed using the ARM Cortex-A9 processor. Simulated fault injection campaigns and radiation test with heavy ions have been performed. Results evaluate the trade-offs among fault detection, execution time, and memory footprint. They show significant improvements of the overheads when compared to previously reported techniques.This work was supported in part by CNPq and CAPES, Brazilian agencies

    The STAR experiment at the relativistic heavy ion collider

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