37 research outputs found

    Accuracy in calculating the parameters of scattered radiation

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    The angular characteristics of radiation scattered by particles are calculated. The effect of the accuracy of the number representation during computations (number of decimal places) on the calculation results is analyzed. It is shown that, in order to obtain reliable results within the available algorithm, it is often necessary to use a precision that is much higher than computer precision. An algorithm is proposed and implemented that makes it possible to avoid going beyond computer precision in calculations in a considerably extended range of input parameters. A simple approximate formula is proposed to restrict the number of terms in infinite sums, which ensures the required accuracy in calculating the scattering indicatrix and the radiative properties of particles

    Scope and the Business Model of the Ostervalder of the Project "Confectionery Eco-Product "Lakomka"" in the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals

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    В статье с использованием методов SCOPE и бизнес-модель Остервальдера описывается проект, нацеленный на изготовление экологичного и оригинального кондитерского экопродукта - "Лакомка". Несмотря на наличие действующих аналогов, продукт выделяется уникальным для казанского рынка свойством - оригинальным дизайном похожим на "погремушку". Учитываются интересы целевой аудитории. Приоритетно местное производство в целях развития отечественного производства. Результаты проекта ориентированы на применение в розничной, а также оптовой торговле. Предполагается установить стоимость на 1 единицу продукции на уровне 200 рублей. За счет достаточно низкой стоимости товара, безвредности, а также оригинального дизайна планируется высокий уровень продаж.The project is aimed at the production of an eco-friendly and original confectionery product - "Dainty". The eco-product is made from a sweetener - isomalt, which is harmless to teeth, is allowed for diabetes and is useful for the stomach. Despite the presence of existing analogues, the product stands out with a unique property for the Kazan market - an original design similar to a "rattle". The interests of the target audience are taken into account. Priority is given to local production in order to develop domestic production. The results of the project are focused on application in retail as well as wholesale trade. It is supposed to set the cost per 1 unit of production at the level of 200 rubles. Due to the relatively low cost of the product, harmlessness, as well as the original design, a high level of sales is planned

    Direct control of asynchronous motor torque with neuro-fuzzy speed regulator and neural network identification of electrical drive parameters

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    We considered a modified system for a direct control of induction motor torque using a neural network unit for identification of electrical drive parameters. A number of disadvantages for the standard torque control system were identified. We described neural network element synthesis, in order to modify the system and overcome these disadvantages. Our modeling results for the modified system with neural network and neural-fuzzy components are presented

    Accuracy in calculating the parameters of scattered radiation

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    The angular characteristics of radiation scattered by particles are calculated. The effect of the accuracy of the number representation during computations (number of decimal places) on the calculation results is analyzed. It is shown that, in order to obtain reliable results within the available algorithm, it is often necessary to use a precision that is much higher than computer precision. An algorithm is proposed and implemented that makes it possible to avoid going beyond computer precision in calculations in a considerably extended range of input parameters. A simple approximate formula is proposed to restrict the number of terms in infinite sums, which ensures the required accuracy in calculating the scattering indicatrix and the radiative properties of particles

    Accuracy in calculating the parameters of scattered radiation

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    The angular characteristics of radiation scattered by particles are calculated. The effect of the accuracy of the number representation during computations (number of decimal places) on the calculation results is analyzed. It is shown that, in order to obtain reliable results within the available algorithm, it is often necessary to use a precision that is much higher than computer precision. An algorithm is proposed and implemented that makes it possible to avoid going beyond computer precision in calculations in a considerably extended range of input parameters. A simple approximate formula is proposed to restrict the number of terms in infinite sums, which ensures the required accuracy in calculating the scattering indicatrix and the radiative properties of particles

    Accuracy in calculating the parameters of scattered radiation

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    The angular characteristics of radiation scattered by particles are calculated. The effect of the accuracy of the number representation during computations (number of decimal places) on the calculation results is analyzed. It is shown that, in order to obtain reliable results within the available algorithm, it is often necessary to use a precision that is much higher than computer precision. An algorithm is proposed and implemented that makes it possible to avoid going beyond computer precision in calculations in a considerably extended range of input parameters. A simple approximate formula is proposed to restrict the number of terms in infinite sums, which ensures the required accuracy in calculating the scattering indicatrix and the radiative properties of particles

    The calculation formulas of the basic indicators taking into steam-gaz installations account real parameters of working bodies

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    A calculation scheme for determining the most important indicators of operation of combined cycle plant (CCP) - optimal compression compressor stages of Brighton, and the efficiency of CCP. Considered real options are installed in a valid processes


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    In the article developed a mathematical model expansion and contraction of a real gas. Article shows the relationship between the isentropic efficiency of the compressor and the isentropic efficiency of the compressor stages. It was proved the need for a real gas model to find the optimal degree of compressed air in the compressor