178 research outputs found

    Generalizations of Polya's urn Problem

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    La perspectiva de género y la función del discurso en la construcción del personaje femenino en Mauprat de George Sand

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    La perspectiva de género y la función del discurso en la construcción del personaje femenino en Mauprat de George San


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    Pewarisan budaya lokal Sunda Priangan dalam wujud busana pengantin tradisional semakin hari mulai terlupakan karena arus budaya luar yang masuk tanpa disaring terlebih dahulu. Pengenalan sejak dini lewat pembelajaran disekolah dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi dampak yang ditimbulkan dari masalah tersebut. Pengemasan informasi mengenai busana pengantin dapat dikaitkan dengan mata pelajaran yang mendukung untuk dijadikan topik yang menarik untuk dipelajari. Ragam hias pada busana pengantin dapat diangkat sebagai topik baru dalam pembelajaran seni budaya (seni rupa) untuk siswa jenjang SMP kelas 7. Tujuannya tidak lain untuk membantu pendidik dalam menunjang proses pembelajaran siswa didalam kelas. Melihat masalah tersebut penulis memilki gagasan untuk membuat media pembelajaran yang mengemas informasi tentang ragam hias pada busana pengantin dengan sempel daerah Sumedang dan Tasikmalaya dalam bahasan materi. Media pembelajaran yang dibuat oleh penulis dikemas dalam bentuk digital 3D model busana pengantin yang keseluruhan struktur dan ragam hias mengacu pada busana pengantin yang asli. Pemanfaatan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) atau realitas tertambah dalam pembuatan media ini dibuat untuk menciptakan kesan nyata dari 3D model busana pengantin seakan ada dalam lingkup nyata dengan tidak menghilangkan unsur ragam hias pada setiap bagian dari busana. Hasil akhir dari media ini berupa enam buah kartu 3D berisi materi singkat dan marker khusus. Apabila marker dipindai menggunakan kamera khusus pada aplikasi smartphone yang sudah dirancang oleh penulis sebelumnya, akan muncul wujud 3D model busana pengantin sesuai dengan marker yang kita pindai. Dari hasil penciptaan ini diharapkan menjadi media pembelajaran interaktif yang menyenangkan dan menarik dalam penyampaian informasi dan pengetahuan tentang ragam hias pada busana pengatin Sumedang dan Tasikmalaya;---Sundanese local cultural inheritance Priangan in the form of traditional bridal dress is increasingly forgotten because of the flow of outside culture that is filtered without first filtering. Early recognition through school learning can be done to reduce the impact of the problem. Packaging information about bridal clothing can be linked to subjects that support it to be an interesting topic to learn. Ornamentation on bridal clothing can be appointed as a new topic in learning art and culture (visual arts) for students of grade 7 junior high school. The goal is none other than to help educators to support the learning process of students in the classroom. Seeing this problem the author has the idea to make learning media that packs information about the variety of ornamentation in bridal clothing with a sample of Sumedang and Tasikmalaya areas in the subject matter. The learning media created by the author is packaged in the form of 3D digital wedding dress models, the overall ornamental structure and variety refers to the original bridal dress. Utilization of Augmented Reality (AR) technology or reality added in the making of this media is made to create a real impression of 3D wedding dress models as if they are in real scope by not eliminating decorative elements in every part of clothing. The end result of this media in the form of six 3D cards containing brief material and special markers. If the marker is scanned using a special camera on a smartphone application that has been designed by the previous author, a 3D model of the wedding dress will appear in accordance with the marker we scan. From the results of this creation is expected to be an interactive learning media that is fun and interesting in the delivery of information and knowledge about ornamental variety in the Sumedang and Tasikmalaya pengatin clothing

    On the eigenvalues of Cayley graphs on the symmetric group generated by a complete multipartite set of transpositions

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    Given a finite simple graph \cG with nn vertices, we can construct the Cayley graph on the symmetric group SnS_n generated by the edges of \cG, interpreted as transpositions. We show that, if \cG is complete multipartite, the eigenvalues of the Laplacian of \Cay(\cG) have a simple expression in terms of the irreducible characters of transpositions, and of the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. As a consequence we can prove that the Laplacians of \cG and of \Cay(\cG) have the same first nontrivial eigenvalue. This is equivalent to saying that Aldous's conjecture, asserting that the random walk and the interchange process have the same spectral gap, holds for complete multipartite graphs.Comment: 29 pages. Includes modification which appear on the published version in J. Algebraic Combi

    Quantum Crystals and Spin Chains

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    In this note, we discuss the quantum version of the melting crystal corner in one, two, and three dimensions, generalizing the treatment for the quantum dimer model. Using a mapping to spin chains we find that the two--dimensional case (growth of random partitions) is integrable and leads directly to the Hamiltonian of the Heisenberg XXZ ferromagnet. The three--dimensional case of the melting crystal corner is described in terms of a system of coupled XXZ spin chains. We give a conjecture for its mass gap and analyze the system numerically.Comment: 34 pages, 26 picture

    Ordering of Energy Levels in Heisenberg Models and Applications

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    In a recent paper we conjectured that for ferromagnetic Heisenberg models the smallest eigenvalues in the invariant subspaces of fixed total spin are monotone decreasing as a function of the total spin and called this property ferromagnetic ordering of energy levels (FOEL). We have proved this conjecture for the Heisenberg model with arbitrary spins and coupling constants on a chain. In this paper we give a pedagogical introduction to this result and also discuss some extensions and implications. The latter include the property that the relaxation time of symmetric simple exclusion processes on a graph for which FOEL can be proved, equals the relaxation time of a random walk on the same graph. This equality of relaxation times is known as Aldous' Conjecture.Comment: 20 pages, contribution for the proceedings of QMATH9, Giens, September 200

    Mikroskopi dan Sifat Organoleptic Kue Kering Fungsional dari Pati Garut (Maranta arundinaceae L.) Termodifikasi

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    oai:ojs.jatp.ift.or.id:article/266Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik secara mikroskopi dan sifat organoleptik kue kering fungsional dari pati garut secara gelatinisasi-retrogradasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Sederhana (RAL). Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah proporsi pati garut termodifikasi (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, dan 100%, masing-masing sebagai K1, K2, K3, K4, K5). Analisis produk meliputi analisis terhadap ukuran granula, tekstur (hardness), bentuk dan sifat organoleptik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa substitusi pati garut termodifikasi berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap sifat fisik, organoleptik kue kering yang dihasilkan. Bentuk granula pati garut adalah bulat dan permukaan yang halus, sedangkan bentuk granula pati garut termodifikasi adalah tidak beraturan dan permukaan yang kasar. Granula pati garut memiliki ukuran 9,35-35,6 μm, sedangkan granula pati garut termodifikasi memiliki ukuran 193-439 μm.  Bentuk granula kue kering juga tidak beraturan dengan ukuran sekitar 175-649 μm. Berdasarkan sifat fisik, kue kering yang sesuai adalah perlakuan K3, hardness 9,72 N (lunak), perlakuan K5. Berdasarkan uji sifat organoleptik diketahui bahwa kue kering perlakuan K3 memiliki, warna 2,65 (menarik), aroma 2,80 (gurih), dan tekstur 1,70 (lunak). Kesimpulannya, substitusi pati garut termodifikasi sangat mempengaruhi sifat fisik, organoleptik kue kering fungsional.AbstractThis research was done to analyse the microscopic characteristic and organoleptic of pastries from modified arrowroot starch. This study was conducted using a completely randomized design (RAL). The treatments were the proportion of modified arrowroot starch (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%, as K1, K2, K3, K4, K5). Product analysis included an analysis of granule size, texture, shape and organoleptic properties. The results of this study showed that the substitution of modified arrowroot starch very significant effect on the physical properties, organoleptic pastries produced. Arrowroot starch granule shape is round and smooth surface, while the shape of modified arrowroot starch granules are irregular and rough surfaces. Arrowroot starch granules have a size of 9.35 to 35.6 μm, whereas the modified arrowroot starch granules have a size of 193-439 lm. Granulated pastries are also irregular with a size of about 175-649 lm. Based on physical properties, pastries suite is K3 treatment, 9.72 N hardness (soft), treatment K5. Based on the test known that the organoleptic properties of pastries treatment K3 has a color of 2.65 (draw), aroma 2.80 (savory), and 1.70 texture (soft). As conclusion, substitution of modified arrowroot starch might highly affected to physical characteristic pastries and its organoleptic quality