532 research outputs found

    Orthonychiurus azoricus

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    JUSTIFICATION: Orthonychiurus azoricus is an Azorean-endemic species described from S. Miguel island (Azores, Portugal) (Jacquemart, 1974), at an unknown location. Possibly it has a very small Extent of Occurrence (EOO = 4 km²) and Area of Occupancy (AOO = 4 km²); but the present situation of this species needs to be further assessed, and further research is needed into its population, distribution, threats, ecology and life history. Conservation of native habitats and streams could potentially aid this species' conservation. Based upon the lack of data regarding this species population, distribution, threats and ecology, this species is assessed as Data Deficient (DD).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analyzing Traffic Engineering Applications in the Rhode Island Transportation System to Determine Potential Environmental Sustainability

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    Transportation engineering is the application of technology and scientific principles to the planning, functional design, and management of facilities for any mode of transportation in order to provide for the safe, rapid, comfortable, convenient, economical, and environmentally compatible movement of people and goods. Traffic engineering is a specific segment of transportation engineering that deals with the planning, geometric design, and traffic operations of roads, streets and highways, their networks, terminals, abutting lands, and relationships with other modes of transportation. In the midst of this, is the concern for environmental compatibility, which continues to be of growing interest especially with regard to sustainable transportation. What can be done to work toward a more sustainable transportation system is a vital interest, which is driving the desire to understand how traffic engineering applications can be viewed for their ability to provide a more sustainable transportation system. This semester, I worked with Dr. Christopher Hunter to develop a research paper exploring how traffic engineering applications can be used to encourage environmental sustainability in Rhode Island. The rationale for the project is trying to gain a more quantifiable view of sustainability using available data. Vehicles give off pollution, which damages the ozone layer as well as reduce air quality. In addition, crude oil is being excessively used for gasoline and the supply left is dwindling. In exploring how traffic engineering can be used to encourage environmental sustainability, the focus was on congestion; minimizing congestion reduces both pollution and the usage of gasoline, which encourages environmental sustainability. A number of innovative ideas for the future are discussed in this paper. One such solution discussed is having automatic tolls located at certain checkpoints in chronically congested areas during the “rush hour” to encourage people to stagger their commute and discourage the use of critical roadways for non-work/non-essential purposes during this time. Another such solution discussed is the implementation of roundabouts. Research has shown that roundabouts reduce accidents and decrease congestion as compared to signalized and non-signalized intersections. Hopefully the findings of this paper will be of use to Rhode Island in the future as they work toward providing a more sustainable transportation system

    Los retratos de Don Luis Méndez de Haro

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    Se presenta aquí un nuevo retrato pintado al óleo del valido de Felipe IV Don Luis Méndez de Haro (ca. 1603-1661), que se conserva en el Musée Jacquemart-André de París. La identificación se realiza a partir de otro retrato pintado y también de otras estampas con su imagen. Se propone como autor del cuadro al pintor de escuela madrileña Juan Carreño de Miranda (1614-1685). Asimismo, en apéndice se catalogan de forma sumaria todas las estampas con la imagen de dicho personaje.This article presents a new oil painting portrait of Philip IV's favourite, Don Luis Méndez de Haro (ca. 1603-1661), which is preserved in the Jacquemart-André Museum of Paris. The identification is done by its confrontation with another painted portrait altogether with some prints in which his face is represented. The painting's authorship is also proposed: Juan Carreño de Miranda (1614-1685), a painter of the school of Madrid. All the prints in which this nobleman is represented are briefly catalogued in an exhaustive appendix

    Compte rendu de l’exposition « Füssli, entre rêve et fantastique » au musée Jacquemart-André, 16 septembre 2022-23 janvier 2023

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    Compte rendu de l’exposition « Füssli, entre rêve et fantastique » au musée Jacquemart-André, Paris, 16 septembre 2022-23 janvier 2023.Art exhibition review of Füssli, entre rêve et fantastique, at the Jacquemart-André Museum, 16th September 2022-23th January 2023

    Observations on the gynoecial pathway for pollen tube growth in sweet lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.)

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    Gynoecial structure in sweet lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium Ait., was investigated in order to characterize the pollen tube pathway in order to provide a framework for further studies on pollination and fungal infection. Closed flower buds and pollinated open flowers were collected from managed lowbush blueberry fields in Colchester County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Following chemical fixation, the tissue samples were examined histologically using light and scanning electron microscopy. The continuous pathway was characterized by a fluted, exudate-filled stylar canal that connects the wet stigmatic surface with the exudate covered surface of the ovarian placentae. Following pollen deposition and germination, tubes growing along the pathway eventually arrive at the micropyles of the anatropous ovules; ovule penetration by pollen tubes and fertilization of the female gametophytes ensue. The pollen tube pathway of this taxon conforms to the general pattern reported from other ericalean taxa

    Acta celebrada en París el día 2 de julio de 1971.

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    Acta de la reunión del Grupo de Trabajo «Propiedades de los Hilos Texturados» del G. E D. R. T. (Grupo Europeo de Intercambio de Experiencias de la Dirección de la Investigación Textil), celebrada en el Instituto Textil de Francia el 2 de julio de 1971.Peer Reviewe

    Continuous wave optical parametric oscillator for quartz-enhanced photoacoustic trace gas sensing

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    A continuous wave optical parametric oscillator, generating up to 300 mW idler output in the 3–4 μm wavelength region, and pumped by a fiber-amplified DBR diode laser is used for trace gas detection by means of quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy (QEPAS). Mode-hop-free tuning of the OPO output over 5.2 cm-1 and continuous spectral coverage exceeding 16.5 cm-1 were achieved via electronic pump source tuning alone. Online monitoring of the idler wavelength, with feedback to the DBR diode laser, provided an automated closed-loop control allowing arbitrary idler wavelength selection within the pump tuning range and locking of the idler wavelength with a stability of 1.7×10-3 cm-1 over at least 30 min.\ud \ud Using this approach, we locked the idler wavelength at an ethane absorption peak and obtained QEPAS data to verify the linear response of the QEPAS signal at different ethane concentrations (100 ppbv-20 ppmv) and different power levels. The detection limit for ethane was determined to be 13 ppbv (20 s averaging), corresponding to a normalized noise equivalent absorption coefficient of 4.4×10-7 cm-1  W/Hz1/2

    Sind Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) und Ripple (XRP) als Sachen im Sinne des ZGB zu behandeln?

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    Die Autoren gehen der Frage nach, ob Kryptowährungen als Sachen im Sinne des ZGB aufgefasst und daran namentlich Eigentumsrechte begründet werden können. Dabei werden zunächst technische Grundlagen der sog. Blockchain-Technologie und der drei nach Markkapitalisierung grössten Kryptowährungen Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (Ether, ETH) und Ripple (XRP) dargestellt. Sodann wird untersucht, ob diese Kryptowährungen die Eigenschaften erfüllen, welche für die Qualifikation eines Objektes als Sache im Sinne des ZGB vorliegen müssen, und welches die Folgen einer solchen Qualifikation sind. Im Sinne einer modernen Auslegung des Sachbegriffs schliessen sich die Autoren der Auffassung an, wonach Kryptowährungen grundsätzlich als Sache und damit als Gegenstand des Eigentums zu behandeln sind