7,899 research outputs found

    Virtual Supersymmetric Corrections in e^+e^- Annihilation

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    Depending on their masses, Supersymmetric particles can affect various measurements in Z decay. Among these are the total width (or consequent extracted value of αs\alpha_s), enhancement or suppression of various flavors, and left-right and forward-backward asymmetries. The latter depend on squark mass splittings and are, therefore, a possible test of the Supergravity related predictions. We calculate leading order corrections for these quantities considering in particular the case of light photino and gluino where the SUSY effects are enhanced. In this limit the effect on αs\alpha_s is appreciable, the effect on RbR_b is small, and the effect on the asymmetries is extremely small.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures, revised, a reference adde

    The use of cosmic muons in detecting heterogeneities in large volumes

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    The muon intensity attenuation method to detect heterogeneities in large matter volumes is analyzed. Approximate analytical expressions to estimate the collection time and the signal to noise ratio, are proposed and validated by Monte Carlo simulations. Important parameters, including point spread function and coordinate reconstruction uncertainty are also estimated using Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, submetted to NIM

    A comprehensive lattice study of SU(3) glueballs

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    We present a study of the SU(3)SU(3) glueball spectrum for all JPCJ^{PC} values at lattice spacings down to a1=3.73(6)a^{-1}=3.73 (6) GeV (β=6.4\beta=6.4) using lattices of size up to 32432^4. We extend previous studies and show that the continuum limit has effectively been reached. The number of clearly identified JPCJ^{PC} states has been substantially increased. There are no clear signals for spin-exotic glueballs below 3 GeV. A comparison with current experimental glueball candidates is made.Comment: 10 pages including 2 PS figures, Liverpool Preprint: LTH 303, Wuppertal Preprint: WUB 93-1

    Mass Dependent αS\alpha_S Evolution and the Light Gluino Existence

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    There is an intriguing discrepancy between \alpha_s(M_Z) values measured directly at the CERN Z0Z_0-factory and low-energy (at few GeV) measurements transformed to Q=MZ0Q=M_{Z_0} by a massless QCD \alpha_s(Q) evolution relation. There exists an attempt to reconcile this discrepancy by introducing a light gluino \gl in the MSSM. We study in detail the influence of heavy thresholds on \alpha_s(Q) evolution. First, we consruct the "exact" explicit solution to the mass-dependent two-loop RG equation for the running \alpha_s(Q). This solution describes heavy thresholds smoothly. Second, we use this solution to recalculate anew \alpha_s(M_Z) values corresponding to "low-energy" input data. Our analysis demonstrates that using {\it mass-dependent RG procedure} generally produces corrections of two types: Asymptotic correction due to effective shift of threshold position; Local threshold correction only for the case when input experiment lies in the close vicinity of heavy particle threshold: QexptMhQ_{expt} \simeq M_h . Both effects result in the effective shift of the \asmz values of the order of 10310^{-3}. However, the second one could be enhanced when the gluino mass is close to a heavy quark mass. For such a case the sum effect could be important for the discussion of the light gluino existence as it further changes the \gl mass.Comment: 13, Late

    Flux of Atmospheric Neutrinos

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    Atmospheric neutrinos produced by cosmic-ray interactions in the atmosphere are of interest for several reasons. As a beam for studies of neutrino oscillations they cover a range of parameter space hitherto unexplored by accelerator neutrino beams. The atmospheric neutrinos also constitute an important background and calibration beam for neutrino astronomy and for the search for proton decay and other rare processes. Here we review the literature on calculations of atmospheric neutrinos over the full range of energy, but with particular attention to the aspects important for neutrino oscillations. Our goal is to assess how well the properties of atmospheric neutrinos are known at present.Comment: 68 pages, 26 figures. With permission from the Annual Review of Nuclear & Particle Science. Final version of this material is scheduled to appear in the Annual Review of Nuclear & Particle Science Vol. 52, to be published in December 2002 by Annual Reviews (http://annualreviews.org

    Atmospheric neutrino flux supported by recent muon experiments

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    We present a new one-dimensional calculation of low and intermediate energy atmospheric muon and neutrino fluxes, using up-to-date data on primary cosmic rays and hadronic interactions. We study several sources of uncertainties relevant to our calculations. A comparison with the muon fluxes and charge ratios measured in several modern balloon-borne experiments suggests that the atmospheric neutrino flux is essentially lower than one used for the standard analyses of the sub-GeV and multi-GeV neutrino induced events in underground detectors.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Typos corrected, figure layout improved, references added. Final version accepted for publication in PL

    Pion and Kaon Production in e+ee^+e^- and epep Collisions at Next-to-Leading Order

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    We present new sets of fragmentation functions for charged pions and kaons, both at leading and next-to-leading order. They are fitted to data on inclusive charged-hadron production in e+ee^+e^- annihilation taken by TPC at PEP (s=29\sqrt s=29~GeV) and to similar data by ALEPH at LEP, who discriminated between events with charm, bottom, and light- flavour fragmentation in their charged-hadron sample. We treat all partons independently and to properly incorporate the charm and bottom thresholds. Due to the sizeable energy gap between PEP and LEP, we are sensitive to the scaling violation in the fragmentation process, which allows us to extract a value for the asymptotic scale parameter of QCD, Λ\Lambda. Recent data on inclusive charged-hadron production in tagged three-jet events by OPAL and similar data for longitudinal electron polarization by ALEPH allow us to pin down the gluon fragmentation functions. Our new fragmentation functions lead to an excellent description of a multitude of other e+ee^+e^- data on inclusive charged-hadron production, ranging from s=5.2\sqrt s=5.2~GeV to LEP energy. In addition, they agree nicely with the transverse-momentum spectra of single charged hadrons measured by H1 and ZEUS in photoproduction at the epep collider HERA, which represents a nontrivial check of the factorization theorem of the QCD-improved parton model.Comment: 22 pages, latex, 13 compressed ps figures in separate fil

    Space, Time and Color in Hadron Production Via e+e- -> Z0 and e+e- -> W+W-

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    The time-evolution of jets in hadronic e+e- events at LEP is investigated in both position- and momentum-space, with emphasis on effects due to color flow and particle correlations. We address dynamical aspects of the four simultanously-evolving, cross-talking parton cascades that appear in the reaction e+e- -> gamma/Z0 -> W+W- -> q1 q~2 q3 q~4, and compare with the familiar two-parton cascades in e+e- -> Z0 -> q1 q~2. We use a QCD statistical transport approach, in which the multiparticle final state is treated as an evolving mixture of partons and hadrons, whose proportions are controlled by their local space-time geography via standard perturbative QCD parton shower evolution and a phenomenological model for non-perturbative parton-cluster formation followed by cluster decays into hadrons. Our numerical simulations exhibit a characteristic `inside-outside' evolution simultanously in position and momentum space. We compare three different model treatments of color flow, and find large effects due to cluster formation by the combination of partons from different W parents. In particular, we find in our preferred model a shift of several hundred MeV in the apparent mass of the W, which is considerably larger than in previous model calculations. This suggests that the determination of the W mass at LEP2 may turn out to be a sensitive probe of spatial correlations and hadronization dynamics.Comment: 52 pages, latex, 18 figures as uu-encoded postscript fil

    Precision Physics at LEP

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    1 - Introduction 2 - Small-Angle Bhabha Scattering and the Luminosity Measurement 3 - Z^0 Physics 4 - Fits to Precision Data 5 - Physics at LEP2 6 - ConclusionsComment: Review paper to appear in the RIVISTA DEL NUOVO CIMENTO; 160 pages, LateX, 70 eps figures include