278 research outputs found

    Prevention and Management of Refeeding Syndrome

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    Refeeding Syndrome is a syndrome which occurs as a result of food administration in poorly nourished individuals. In this syndrome, there are wide range of biochemical alterations, clinical manifestations, and complications, starting from mild (asymptomatic) to severe (death). This syndrome was initially proposed in 1950s; however, there is still no agreement for its clear definition, causing clinicians to be less aware and tend to overlook this condition. Clinical manifestations which usually appear include electrolyte imbalances (hypophosphatemia, hypokalemia, hyponatremia, hypomagnesemia) and vitamin B1 deficiency. The main principle in management of refeeding syndrome is prevention, where clinicians need to identify this condition in the early stage in high risk individuals, supervision during refeeding, and administration of appropriate diet

    An evaluation of construction cash flow management approaches in contracting organisations

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    A Construction Cost Flow Risk Assessment Model

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    Coherent control of nanomagnet dynamics via ultrafast spin torque pulses

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    The magnetization orientation of a nanoscale ferromagnet can be manipulated using an electric current via the spin transfer effect. Time domain measurements of nanopillar devices at low temperatures have directly shown that magnetization dynamics and reversal occur coherently over a timescale of nanoseconds. By adjusting the shape of a spin torque waveform over a timescale comparable to the free precession period (100-400 ps), control of the magnetization dynamics in nanopillar devices should be possible. Here we report coherent control of the free layer magnetization in nanopillar devices using a pair of current pulses as narrow as 30 ps with adjustable amplitudes and delay. We show that the switching probability can be tuned over a broad range by timing the current pulses with the underlying free-precession orbits, and that the magnetization evolution remains coherent for more than 1 ns even at room temperature. Furthermore, we can selectively induce transitions along free-precession orbits and thereby manipulate the free magnetic moment motion. We expect this technique will be adopted for further elucidating the dynamics and dissipation processes in nanomagnets, and will provide an alternative for spin torque driven spintronic devices, such as resonantly pumping microwave oscillators, and ultimately, for efficient reversal of memory bits in magnetic random access memory (MRAM).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Nature Physic

    Karakteristik dan Daya Fertilitas Spermatozoa Babi Peranakan Landrace

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    Ternak babi merupakan salah satu ternak potong yang paling banyak dipelihara masyarakat khususnya di Kabupaten Sumba Timur Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dan telah lama menjadi bagian dalam kehidupan sosial budaya masyarakat Sumba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk karakteristik dan daya fertilitas Spermatozoa Babi Peranakan landrace. Metode penelitian terdiri dari penampungan semen, evaluasi semen, pelaksanaan IB, pengamatan service per conception (S/C) dan non return rate (NRR). Hasil penelitian diperoleh volume semen sebanyak 223,33±25,82 ml, warna semen putih susu, konsistensi encer dengan pH 6,8±0,45, motilitas 71,67±5,16%, konsentrasi 256,33±18,99x106 sel/ml, viabilitas 79,19±5,85% dan abnormalitas sebesar 10,67±3,27%. Sedangkan nilai NRR diperoleh 45,25%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kualitas semen babi yang diperoleh dalam kategori baik. Upaya peningkatan produktivitas ternak babi melalui aplikasi IB hanya memperoleh nilai NRR sebesar 45,25% dan S/C sebesar 1,03

    Apport de la Tomographie en Cohérence Optique (OCT) dans le Glaucome Primitif à Angle Ouvert (GPAO) au Niger

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    Le But de cet travail est de définir les particularités cliniques et épidémiologiques du GPAO et de rapporter la contribution de la tomographie en cohérence optique (OCT)  dans le diagnostic du glaucome au Niger. Patients et méthodes : Il s’agit d’une étude prospective réalisée au sein du service d’ophtalmologie du CHU Lamordé et la clinique Lumière à Niamey, sur une période de sept (7) mois de Janvier à Juillet 2019, portant sur tous les malades suspects ou présentant un GPAO admis en consultation durant la période ayant bénéficiés d’un OCT et champ visuel. Résultats : Il s’agit de 90 patients, dont l’âge moyen est de 50,44 ±15,81ans avec des extrêmes de 9 et 83 ans avec une prédominance masculine. Les principaux facteurs de risque sont : la myopie (83.33% ), les antécédents familiaux de glaucome (33.33% ) et l’HTA (31.11%.) et La plupart des patients (68,88% ) ont une PIO entre 10-20mmHg ; 75,55% des patients ont une épaisseur cornéenne fine <520µm. Le CV et l’OCT sont pathologiques dans respectivement 88,89% et 91,49% à OD et à OG  dans le GPAO. L’OCT est plus sensible à la détection des lésions rétiniennes dans le glaucome par rapport au CV( p = 0,002-0,04). es couches rétiniennes étaient plus amincies chez les glaucomateux au stade sévère de la maladie. Conclusion : la place de l’OCT est incontestable dans le diagnostic du glaucome  pré-périmétrique, néanmoins un champ visuel est toujours important dans le suivi des glaucomateux.   The aim of this work is to define the clinical and epidemiological features of POAG and to report the contribution of optical coherence tomography (OCT) in the diagnosis of glaucoma in Niger. Patients and methods: This is a prospective study carried out in the ophthalmology department of CHU Lamordé and the Lumière clinic in Niamey, over a period of seven (7) months from January to July 2019, covering all patients suspected of or presenting with POAG admitted for consultation during the period having benefited from an OCT and visual field. Results: These are 90 patients, whose mean age is 50.44 ± 15.81 years with extremes of 9 and 83 years with male predominance. The main risk factors are: myopia (83.33%), family history of glaucoma (33.33%) and hypertension (31.11%). And Most patients (68.88%) have an IOP between 10-20mmHg; 75.55% of patients have a thin corneal thickness <520µm. CV and OCT are respectively 88.89% and 91.49% pathological at OD and OG in POAG. OCT is more sensitive at detecting retinal damage in glaucoma compared to CV; this relationship is statically proven (p = 0.002-0.04). The retinal layers were more thinned in the glaucomatous patients with the severe stage of the disease. Conclusion: the place of OCT is indisputable in the diagnosis of pre-perimetric glaucoma, nevertheless a visual field is always important in the follow-up of glaucomatous patients

    Apport de la Tomographie en Cohérence Optique (OCT) dans le Glaucome Primitif à Angle Ouvert (GPAO) au Niger

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    Le But de cet travail est de définir les particularités cliniques et épidémiologiques du GPAO et de rapporter la contribution de la tomographie en cohérence optique (OCT)  dans le diagnostic du glaucome au Niger. Patients et méthodes : Il s’agit d’une étude prospective réalisée au sein du service d’ophtalmologie du CHU Lamordé et la clinique Lumière à Niamey, sur une période de sept (7) mois de Janvier à Juillet 2019, portant sur tous les malades suspects ou présentant un GPAO admis en consultation durant la période ayant bénéficiés d’un OCT et champ visuel. Résultats : Il s’agit de 90 patients, dont l’âge moyen est de 50,44 ±15,81ans avec des extrêmes de 9 et 83 ans avec une prédominance masculine. Les principaux facteurs de risque sont : la myopie (83.33% ), les antécédents familiaux de glaucome (33.33% ) et l’HTA (31.11%.) et La plupart des patients (68,88% ) ont une PIO entre 10-20mmHg ; 75,55% des patients ont une épaisseur cornéenne fine <520µm. Le CV et l’OCT sont pathologiques dans respectivement 88,89% et 91,49% à OD et à OG  dans le GPAO. L’OCT est plus sensible à la détection des lésions rétiniennes dans le glaucome par rapport au CV( p = 0,002-0,04). es couches rétiniennes étaient plus amincies chez les glaucomateux au stade sévère de la maladie. Conclusion : la place de l’OCT est incontestable dans le diagnostic du glaucome  pré-périmétrique, néanmoins un champ visuel est toujours important dans le suivi des glaucomateux.   The aim of this work is to define the clinical and epidemiological features of POAG and to report the contribution of optical coherence tomography (OCT) in the diagnosis of glaucoma in Niger. Patients and methods: This is a prospective study carried out in the ophthalmology department of CHU Lamordé and the Lumière clinic in Niamey, over a period of seven (7) months from January to July 2019, covering all patients suspected of or presenting with POAG admitted for consultation during the period having benefited from an OCT and visual field. Results: These are 90 patients, whose mean age is 50.44 ± 15.81 years with extremes of 9 and 83 years with male predominance. The main risk factors are: myopia (83.33%), family history of glaucoma (33.33%) and hypertension (31.11%). And Most patients (68.88%) have an IOP between 10-20mmHg; 75.55% of patients have a thin corneal thickness <520µm. CV and OCT are respectively 88.89% and 91.49% pathological at OD and OG in POAG. OCT is more sensitive at detecting retinal damage in glaucoma compared to CV; this relationship is statically proven (p = 0.002-0.04). The retinal layers were more thinned in the glaucomatous patients with the severe stage of the disease. Conclusion: the place of OCT is indisputable in the diagnosis of pre-perimetric glaucoma, nevertheless a visual field is always important in the follow-up of glaucomatous patients

    Syndrome D’aniridie Associé À La Dermatite Atopique: À Propos D’un Cas

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    Aniridia syndrome is a genetic anomaly affecting all ocular structures; it is transmitted by an autosomal dominant mode. In its isolated form aniridia is characterized by a hypoplasia of the iris frequently associated with other ocular anomalies. It the syndromic form it is associated to other systemic abnormalities. Authors are here reporting a case of aniridia associating: a corneal pannus, total aniridia, lens ectopia, and cataract found in a 14 years old girl. She also presented an atopic background with a positive family history of atopia. She is issued from a first degree consanguineous marriage. The management was multidisciplinary. In ophthalmology she underwent an intra-capsular extraction of the lens in both eyes with no intra-ocular lens implantation. Dermatological management was treatment of cuteanous lesions with emollients, corticoids and antihistamines drugs and ointments

    Relationship of Immunization History, Exclusive Breastfeeding and History of LBW with Stunting Incidence in Children Aged 24-59 Months

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    Stunting adalah keadaan tubuh yang sangat pendek hingga melampaui defisit 2 SD dibawah median panjang atau tinggi badan populasi yang menjadi referensi internasional. Keadaan ini terjadi akibat dari faktor lingkungan dan faktor manusia (host) yang didukung oleh kekurangan asupan zat-zat gizi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan riwayat imunisasi, pemberian ASI esklusif dan riwayat BBLR dengan kejadian stunting pada anak usia 24-59 bulan di Puskesmas Alak. Penelitian ini merupakan observasional anlitik dengan desain penelitian Case Control. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh balita yang ada di Puskesmas Alak yang berjumlah 2073 balita pada tahun 2020. Sampel sebanyak 80 orang dengan menggunakan metode acak sederhana (simple random sampling). Instrumen penelitian ini adalah kuesioner. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis univariat, bivariat dan uji chi square. Hasil univariat menunjukkan bahwa 95% reponden memiliki status imunisasi dasar lengkap, 42,5% responden tidak mendapatkan ASI Eksklusif, dan 41,3% resonden memiliki riwayat BBLR. Hasil bivariat menunjukkan ada hubungan antara pemberian ASI eksklusif (p=0,000) dan BBLR (p=0,000) dengan kejadian stunting serta tidak ada hubungan riwayat imunisasi (p=0,116) dengan kerjadian stunting di Puskesmas Alak
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