2,458 research outputs found

    La imagen de la juventud en la publicidad televisiva

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    El Consejo Audiovisual de Navarra, máxima autoridad audiovisual en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra, tiene entre sus funciones básicas la elaboración de estudios que aporten luz al complejo y cambiante panorama audiovisual. Por esta razón se encomendó a la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Navarra la elaboración de este informe que analiza en profundidad la imagen de la juventud en la publicidad televisiva. Este Consejo Audiovisual espera haber ayudado de esta manera a fomentar la protección de la juventud en su exposición a los medios audiovisuales y a mejorar la imagen que de ella se da especialmente en la televisión, uno de los mayores factores de socialización, sino el que más, de los jóvenes de nuestra sociedad

    Origin of the biphase nature and surface roughness of biogenic calcite secreted by the giant barnacle Austromegabalanus psittacus

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    The calcite grains forming the wall plates of the giant barnacle Austramegabalanus psittacus have a distinctive surface roughness made of variously sized crystalline nanoprotrusions covered by extremely thin amorphous pellicles. This biphase (crystalline-amorphous) structure also penetrates through the crystal’s interiors, forming a web-like structure. Nanoprotrusions very frequently elongate following directions related to the crystallographic structure of calcite, in particular, the directions, which are the strongest periodic bond chains (PBCs) in calcite. We propose that the formation of elongated nanoprotrusions happens during the crystallization of calcite from a precursor amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC). This is because biomolecules integrated within the ACC are expelled from such PBCs due to the force of crystallization, with the consequent formation of uninterrupted crystalline nanorods. Expelled biomolecules accumulate in adjacent regions, thereby stabilizing small pellicle-like volumes of ACC. With growth, such pellicles become occluded within the crystal. In summary, the surface roughness of the biomineral surface reflects the complex shape of the crystallization front, and the biphase structure provides evidence for crystallization from an amorphous precursor. The surface roughness is generally explained as resulting from the attachment of ACC particles to the crystal surface, which later crystallised in concordance with the crystal lattice. If this was the case, the nanoprotrusions do not reflect the size and shape of any precursor particle. Accordingly, the particle attachment model for biomineral formation should seek new evidence.Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish Government CGL2017-85118-P CGL2015-64683-PUnidad Cientifica de Excelencia of the University of Granada UCE-PP2016-05Junta de Andalucía RNM363ANID-Chile FONDECYT 1140938 PCI ANID REDES 170106 PIA ANID ANILLOS ACT17203

    Effects of spike anticipation on the spiking dynamics of neural networks

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    Synchronization is one of the central phenomena involved in information processing in living systems. It is known that the nervous system requires the coordinated activity of both local and distant neural populations. Such an interplay allows to merge different information modalities in a whole processing supporting high-level mental skills as understanding, memory, abstraction, etc. Though, the biological processes underlying synchronization in the brain are not fully understood there have been reported a variety of mechanisms supporting different types of synchronization both at theoretical and experimental level. One of the more intriguing of these phenomena is the anticipating synchronization, which has been recently reported in a pair of unidirectionally coupled artificial neurons under simple conditions (Pyragiene and Pyragas, 2013), where the slave neuron is able to anticipate in time the behavior of the master one. In this paper, we explore the effect of spike anticipation over the information processing performed by a neural network at functional and structural level. We show that the introduction of intermediary neurons in the network enhances spike anticipation and analyse how these variations in spike anticipation can significantly change the firing regime of the neural network according to its functional and structural properties. In addition we show that the interspike interval (ISI), one of the main features of the neural response associated with the information coding, can be closely related to spike anticipation by each spike, and how synaptic plasticity can be modulated through that relationship. This study has been performed through numerical simulation of a coupled system of Hindmarsh–Rose neurons

    Cholic acid behavior in water and organic solvent: study of normal and inverted aggregates

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    Abstract Water-soluble fluorescent probes, including 1-pyrene butyric acid, rhodamine B, sodium salt 1,5-diaminoanthraquinone-2,6-disulfonic acid, quinine hemisulfate and monosodium salt 8-amino-1-naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid were used to determine the critical micelle concentration (cmc) of inverted micelles formed by cholic acid in tetrahydrofuran. Another water-insoluble fluorescent probe, namely pyrene, was used to determine the cmc of normal micelles formed by sodium cholate in water. Relative scattered light intensity measurements give direct evidence of transition concentrations similar to cmc in surfactants. Our results indicate that in the inverted micelles, hydrophilic sites placed in the core are present in cholic acid aggregates above the cmc region at 5-7 mM. In normal micelles, hydrophobic sites in the core are present in sodium cholate aggregates above the cmc region at 15 mM. Another critical point in the aggregation of cholic acid and sodium cholate occurs at 1 mM. Normal phase liquid chromatography determination of the cmc reversed micelles has also been performed, and the results obtained agree well with the spectroscopic studies

    Using phosphine ligands with a biological role to modulate reactivity in novel platinum complexes

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    Three platinum complexes with cis and trans configuration cis-[Pt(TCEP) 2 Cl 2 ], cis-[Pt(tmTCEP) 2 Cl 2 ] and trans-[Pt(TCEP) 2 Cl 2 ], where TCEP is tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine, have been synthesized and fully characterized by usual techniques including single-crystal X-ray diffraction for trans-[Pt(TCEP) 2 Cl 2 ] and cis-[Pt(tmTCEP) 2 Cl 2 ]. Here, we also report on an esterification process of TCEP, which takes place in the presence of alcohols, leading to a platinum complex coordinated to an ester tmTCEP (2-methoxycarbonylethyl phosphine) ligand. The stability in solution of the three compounds and their interaction with biological models such as DNA (pBR322 and calf thymus DNA) and proteins (lysozyme and RNase) have also been studied.This work was supported by Spanish MINECO: CTQ2015-68779R and CTQ2015-70371-RED

    Selective determination of carbaryl and benomyl by fluorescence polarization

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    Abstract The potential of fluorescence polarization for fluorescence mixture resolution was assessed and compared with liquid chromatography (LC). Careful selection of excitation wavelengths and the use of an appropriate viscous medium (glycerine) allows significant differences in polarization to be obtained. For two component mixtures, information about fluorescence polarization and the total intensity of the samples is sufficient to calculate the relative contributions when the polarization of the two pure components are known. The results obtained for benomyl and carbaryl show detection limits (K S B /m) of 11.4 ng ml −1 and 1.2 ng ml −1 , mid-range relative standard deviations of 0.8% and 0.9% n=3 and recoveries between 104 and 113% and 91 and 107%, respectively

    Microbial mediated formation of Fe-carbonate minerals under extreme acidic conditions

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    Discovery of Fe-carbonate precipitation in Rio Tinto, a shallow river with very acidic waters, situated in Huelva, South-western Spain, adds a new dimension to our understanding of carbonate formation. Sediment samples from this low-pH system indicate that carbonates are formed in physico-chemical conditions ranging from acid to neutral pH. Evidence for microbial mediation is observed in secondary electron images (Fig. 1), which reveal rod-shaped bacteria embedded in the surface of siderite nanocrystals. The formation of carbonates in Rio Tinto is related to the microbial reduction of ferric iron coupled to the oxidation of organic compounds. Herein, we demonstrate for the first time, that Acidiphilium sp. PM, an iron-reducing bacterium isolated from Rio Tinto, mediates the precipitation of siderite (FeCO3) under acidic conditions and at a low temperature (306C). We describe nucleation of siderite on nanoglobules in intimate association with the bacteria cell surface. This study has major implications for understanding carbonate formation on the ancient Earth or extraterrestrial planetsThis work was supported by the European research project ERC-250350/IPBSL. A.S.-N. acknowledges support from the P11-RNM-7067 (Junta de Andalucía-C.E.I.C.-S.G.U.I.T.) projec

    Synthesis of chitosan oligomers/propolis/silver-nanoparticles composite systems and study of their activity against Diplodia seriata

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    The synthesis and characterization of composites of oligomeric chitosan with propolis extract which allow the incorporation of a third component (silver nanoparticles) are reported, together with their application in aqueous or hydroalcoholic solutions with a view to the formation of adhesive substances or nanofilms for the protection of vineyards against harmful xylophagous fungi. The antimicrobial properties of the association of the two biological products or those resulting from the incorporation of silver nanoparticles (NPs) are studied and discussed. The efficacy of the chitosan oligomers/propolis/silver NPs ternary system is assessed in vitro for Diplodia fungi. A preliminary study on the convenience of replacing propolis with gentisic acid is also presented

    Population vulnerability to extreme cold days in rural and urban municipalities in ten provinces in Spain

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    Background: The objective was to analyze whether there are differences in vulnerability to Extreme Cold Days (ECD) between rural and urban populations in Spain. Methodology: Time series analysis carried out from January 1, 2000, through December 31, 2013. Municipalities with over 10,000 inhabitants were included from 10 Spanish provinces, classified into 42 groups by isoclimate and urban/rural character as defined by Eurostat criteria. The statistical strategy was carried out in two phases. First: It was analyzed the relationship between minimum daily temperature (Tmin) (source: AEMET) and the rate of daily winter mortality due to natural causes —CIE-10: A00 – R99— (source: National Statistics Institute). Then, It was determinated the threshold of Tmin that defines the ECD and its percentile in the series of winter Tmin (Pthreshold), which is a measure of vulnerability to ECD so that the higher the percentile, the higher the vulnerability. Second: possible explanatory variables of vulnerability were explored using Mixed Generalized Models, using 13 independent variables related to meteorology, environment, socioeconomics, demographics and housing quality. Results: The average Pthreshold was 18 %. The final model indicated that for each percentage point increase in unemployment, the vulnerability to ECD increased by 0.4 (0.2, 0.6) points. Also, with each point increase in rurality index, this vulnerability decreased by −6.1 (−2.1, −10.0) points. Although less determinant, other factors that could contribute to explaining vulnerability at the province level included minimum winter daily temperatures and the percentage of housing with poor insulation. Conclusions: The vulnerability to ECD was greater in urban zones than in rural zones. Socioeconomic status is a key to understanding how this vulnerability is distributed. These results suggest the need to implement public health prevention plans to address ECD at the state level. These plans should be based on threshold temperatures determined at the smallest scale possibleThe authors wish to thank the funding provided by the ENPY107/18, ENPY 376/18, ENPY 304/20 projects of the Carlos III Health Institute III (ISCIII
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