25 research outputs found

    Lactobacillus casei BL23 Produces Microvesicles Carrying Proteins That Have Been Associated with Its Probiotic Effect

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    Archaea, bacteria, and eukarya secrete membrane microvesicles (MVs) as a mechanism for intercellular communication. We report the isolation and characterization of MVs from the probiotic strain Lactobacillus casei BL23. MVs were characterized using analytical high performance techniques, DLS, AFM and TEM. Similar to what has been described for other Gram-positive bacteria, MVs were on the nanometric size range (30–50 nm). MVs carried cytoplasmic components such as DNA, RNA and proteins. Using a proteomic approach (LC-MS), we identified a total of 103 proteins; 13 exclusively present in the MVs. The MVs content included cell envelope associated and secretory proteins, heat and cold shock proteins, several metabolic enzymes, proteases, structural components of the ribosome, membrane transporters, cell wall-associated hydrolases and phage related proteins. In particular, we identified proteins described as mediators of Lactobacillus’ probiotic effects such as p40, p75 and the product of LCABL_31160, annotated as an adhesion protein. The presence of these proteins suggests a role for the MVs in the bacteria-gastrointestinal cells interface. The expression and further encapsulation of proteins into MVs of GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) bacteria could represent a scientific novelty, with applications in food, nutraceuticals and clinical therapies

    The genome sequencing of an albino Western lowland gorilla reveals inbreeding in the wild

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    Background The only known albino gorilla, named Snowflake, was a male wild born individual from Equatorial Guinea who lived at the Barcelona Zoo for almost 40 years. He was diagnosed with non-syndromic oculocutaneous albinism, i.e. white hair, light eyes, pink skin, photophobia and reduced visual acuity. Despite previous efforts to explain the genetic cause, this is still unknown. Here, we study the genetic cause of his albinism and making use of whole genome sequencing data we find a higher inbreeding coefficient compared to other gorillas. Results We successfully identified the causal genetic variant for SnowflakeÂżs albinism, a non-synonymous single nucleotide variant located in a transmembrane region of SLC45A2. This transporter is known to be involved in oculocutaneous albinism type 4 (OCA4) in humans. We provide experimental evidence that shows that this amino acid replacement alters the membrane spanning capability of this transmembrane region. Finally, we provide a comprehensive study of genome-wide patterns of autozygogosity revealing that SnowflakeÂżs parents were related, being this the first report of inbreeding in a wild born Western lowland gorilla. Conclusions In this study we demonstrate how the use of whole genome sequencing can be extended to link genotype and phenotype in non-model organisms and it can be a powerful tool in conservation genetics (e.g., inbreeding and genetic diversity) with the expected decrease in sequencing cost. Keywords: Gorilla; Albinism; Inbreeding; Genome; Conservatio

    The endothelial glycocalyx: composition, functions, and visualization

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    This review aims at presenting state-of-the-art knowledge on the composition and functions of the endothelial glycocalyx. The endothelial glycocalyx is a network of membrane-bound proteoglycans and glycoproteins, covering the endothelium luminally. Both endothelium- and plasma-derived soluble molecules integrate into this mesh. Over the past decade, insight has been gained into the role of the glycocalyx in vascular physiology and pathology, including mechanotransduction, hemostasis, signaling, and blood cell–vessel wall interactions. The contribution of the glycocalyx to diabetes, ischemia/reperfusion, and atherosclerosis is also reviewed. Experimental data from the micro- and macrocirculation alludes at a vasculoprotective role for the glycocalyx. Assessing this possible role of the endothelial glycocalyx requires reliable visualization of this delicate layer, which is a great challenge. An overview is given of the various ways in which the endothelial glycocalyx has been visualized up to now, including first data from two-photon microscopic imaging

    New insights from one case of female ejaculation.

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    Energy expenditure in children with cerebral palsy and moderate/Severe malnutrition during nutritional recovery [Gasto energético en niños con parálisis cerebral infantil y desnutrición moderada y grave durante la recuperación nutricia]

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    Introduction. Although there are historical records showing its existence for over 2,000 years, the so-called female ejaculation is still a controversial phenomenon. A shared paradigm has been created that includes any fluid expulsion during sexual activities with the name of "female ejaculation." Aim. To demonstrate that the "real" female ejaculation and the "squirting or gushing" are two different phenomena. Methods. Biochemical studies on female fluids expelled during orgasm. Results. In this case report, we provided new biochemical evidences demonstrating that the clear and abundant fluid that is ejected in gushes (squirting) is different from the real female ejaculation. While the first has the features of diluted urines (density: 1,001.67 2.89; urea: 417.0 42.88mg/dL; creatinine: 21.37 4.16mg/dL; uric acid: 10.37 1.48mg/dL), the second is biochemically comparable to some components of male semen (prostate-specific antigen: 3.99 0.60 103ng/mL). Conclusions. Female ejaculation and squirting/gushing are two different phenomena. The organs and the mechanisms that produce them are bona fide different. The real female ejaculation is the release of a very scanty, thick, and whitish fluid from the female prostate, while the squirting is the expulsion of a diluted fluid from the urinary bladder. " 2011 International Society for Sexual Medicine.",,,,,,"10.1111/j.1743-6109.2011.02472.x",,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/43115","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-82955233109&partnerID=40&md5=0095cedfefa6fe912d9670314cba52a

    Female Orgasm(s): One, Two, Several

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    Introduction. There is general agreement that it is possible to have an orgasm thru the direct simulation of the external clitoris. In contrast, the possibility of achieving climax during penetration has been controversial. Methods. Six scientists with different experimental evidence debate the existence of the vaginally activated orgasm (VAO). Main Outcome Measure. To give reader of The Journal of Sexual Medicine sufficient data to form her/his own opinion on an important topic of female sexuality. Results. Expert #1, the Controversy's section Editor, together with Expert #2, reviewed data from the literature demonstrating the anatomical possibility for the VAO. Expert #3 presents validating women's reports of pleasurable sexual responses and adaptive significance of the VAO. Echographic dynamic evidence induced Expert # 4 to describe one single orgasm, obtained from stimulation of either the external or internal clitoris, during penetration. Expert #5 reviewed his elegant experiments showing the uniquely different sensory responses to clitoral, vaginal, and cervical stimulation. Finally, the last Expert presented findings on the psychological scenario behind VAO. Conclusion. The assumption that women may experience only the clitoral, external orgasm is not based on the best available scientific evidence. ďż˝ 2012 International Society for Sexual Medicine

    Female orgasm(s): one, two, several.

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    Introduction. There is general agreement that it is possible to have an orgasm thru the direct simulation of the external clitoris. In contrast, the possibility of achieving climax during penetration has been controversial. Methods. Six scientists with different experimental evidence debate the existence of the vaginally activated orgasm (VAO). Main Outcome Measure. To give reader of The Journal of Sexual Medicine sufficient data to form her/his own opinion on an important topic of female sexuality. Results. Expert #1, the Controversy's section Editor, together with Expert #2, reviewed data from the literature demonstrating the anatomical possibility for the VAO. Expert #3 presents validating women's reports of pleasurable sexual responses and adaptive significance of the VAO. Echographic dynamic evidence induced Expert # 4 to describe one single orgasm, obtained from stimulation of either the external or internal clitoris, during penetration. Expert #5 reviewed his elegant experiments showing the uniquely different sensory responses to clitoral, vaginal, and cervical stimulation. Finally, the last Expert presented findings on the psychological scenario behind VAO. Conclusion. The assumption that women may experience only the clitoral, external orgasm is not based on the best available scientific evidence. ďż˝ 2012 International Society for Sexual Medicine

    Early Taurine Administration as a Means for Halting the Cytokine Storm Progression in COVID-19 Patients

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    Around the world, more than 6.2 million individuals have died as a result of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). According to a recent survey conducted among immunologists, epidemiologists, and virologists, this disease is expected to become endemic. This implies that the disease could have a continuous presence and/or normal frequency in the population. Pharmacological interventions to prevent infection, as well as to treat the patients at an early phase of illness to avoid hospitalization are essential additions to the vaccines. Taurine is known to inhibit the generation of all inflammatory mediators linked to the cytokine storm. It can also protect against lung injury by suppressing increased oxidants production and promoting the resolution of the inflammatory process. Neutrophil lactoferrin degranulation stimulated by taurine may have antiviral effects against SARS-CoV-2, limiting viral replication. It is hypothesized that if taurine is administered early in the onset of COVID-19 disease, it may stop the cytokine storm from progressing, lowering morbidity and mortality