2,013 research outputs found

    How long is now? A new perspective on the specious present

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    What is the Specious Present? Which is its duration? And why, ultimately, do we need it to figure in our phenomenological account of temporal perception? In this paper, after introducing the role of the Specious Present in the main models that account for our phenomenological present, and after considering the deflationary objection by Dennett (that the debate relies on the fallacy of the Cartesian Theatre of Mind, the idea that it is meaningful to ask where and when an experience becomes conscious), I claim—thanks to a spatial analogy—that there could be a good criterion to distinguish between a present experience and a past experience, that there are good reasons to sustain the Specious Present (while snapshots are in no sense part of our phenomenological life), and that there could be a precise way to define the nature—and to measure the duration—of the Specious Present; as I will clarify, our capability and possibility to act and react are central in this perspective. If we accept this change of perspective, there is a definite sense in which the Specious Present is part of our temporal phenomenology

    Characterization of CMOS Spiral Inductors

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    In this work "full-wave" simulations of integrated inductors are presented and compared with measurements of fabricated CMOS chips. The good agreement between measurements and simulations demonstrates the accuracy of the tool, which is, hence, a cheaper alternative to experimental characterization. Furthermore, the proposed approach may give precious hints for performance improvements, by making internal device fields and currents available for the VLSI designer and providing compact, most effective, equivalent models

    Gold( i )-catalyzed addition of aldehydes to cyclopropylidene bearing 6-aryl-1,5-enynes

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    A diastereoselective, gold-catalyzed cascading cycloisomerization of alkylidene cyclopropane bearing 1,5-enynes that terminates in a cyclo-addition of aldehydes has been developed

    Vertical MEMS Resonators for Real-Time Clock Applications

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    MEMS resonators are today widely investigated as a desirable alternative to quartz resonators in real-time clock applications, because of their low-cost, integration capability properties. Nevertheless, MEMS resonators performances are still not competitive, especially in terms of frequency stability and device equivalent resistance (and, then, power consumption). We propose a new structure for a MEMS resonator, with a vertical-like transduction mechanism, which exhibits promising features. The vertical resonator can be fabricated with the low-cost, high performance THELMA technology, and it is designed to be efficiently frequency tunable. With respect to the commonly investigated lateral resonators, it is expected to have lower equivalent resistances and improved large-scale repeatability characteristics

    Phytoplankton composition in the coastal Magnetic Island lagoon, Western Pacific Ocean (Australia)

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    1 - Coastal lagoons have traditionally been considered as transitional systems between continental and marine domains. The phytoplankton plays a key role in these aquatic environments, forming the base of the food web and having a substantial function in nutrient dynamics and in the carbon biogeochemical cycle.2 - Due to their short life cycle, planktonic algae respond quickly to environmental changes and they are thus a valuable indicator of water quality. It is essential to investigate the development of phytoplankton populations to understand the biological functioning and to detect changes in aquatic systems.3 - Phytoplankton studies in the Australian estuaries and lagoons are relatively scarce. This study has provided a broad perspective and preliminary information on taxonomic structure of phytoplankton guilds for the Magnetic Island Lagoon (Queensland, Australia). This work may provide valuable information of interest to later ecological studies.4 - In the whole sampling a total of 143 taxa were identified. In terms of species richness, diatoms (Bacillariophyceae, Coscinodiscophyceae, Fragilariophyceae) and dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae) were the most important groups. In taxonomic terms, diatoms were the major contributor to the phytoplankton composition (~ 70%) whereas Dinophyceae were moderately abundant (~23%). Diatoms are a very important component in estuarine and shallow coastal wetlands and they are increasingly being utilized as indicators of environmental change

    Urban Tick Ecology in Oklahoma City: Tick Distribution, Pathogen Prevalence and Avian Infestation Across an Urbanization Gradient

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    Urbanization has been linked to the emergence and increased prevalence of many vector-borne diseases, including tick-borne diseases. Despite the growing public health importance of tick-borne diseases, little is known about how they are influenced by urbanization in North America, especially in the central U.S. where several pathogens occur at or near their highest levels of incidence nationally. To understand how urbanization effects tick-borne disease, we investigated tick distribution, tick-bone pathogen prevalence, and tick-host interactions across a gradient of urbanization in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. At 16 parks and greenspaces we collected ticks using CO2 traps and flagging, measured temperature and humidity during tick sampling, conducted vegetation surveys, and used trail cameras to estimate an index of deer abundance. Adult ticks were tested for Rickettsia sp., Ehrlichia sp., Anaplasma sp., Borrelia sp., and Francisella tularensis. Additionally, we mist-netted birds during the breeding season, sampled them for ticks. Our results indicate there is a risk of encountering ticks and pathogens across the entire urbanization gradient from exurban areas to the urban core, although some tick species and pathogens (Dermacentor variabilis and Ehrlichia ewingii) may be less common in intensely urbanized areas. We also found that vegetation, temperature, and moisture variables predict tick abundance and that these correlates vary among species. The index of deer abundance was positively correlated with A. maculatum and D. variabilis abundance but unrelated to A. americanum abundance, but urbanization intensity did not influence either the proportion of birds with ticks or the tick load of infested birds. Our results suggest that urban residents are at risk for encountering a tick-borne disease, and it's unlikely that deer by themselves are driving tick abundance in Oklahoma City since such a large proportion of birds were infested with ticks. Public health officials and land managers can use such information about parks and their surroundings to focus public education and land management efforts designed to reduce tick-borne disease prevalence

    Moho-depth and subglacial sedimentary layer thickness in the Wilkes Basin from Receiver Function Analysis

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    Wilkes Basin lies to the east of the Transantarctic Mountains. The origin of this sub-glacial basin is still controversial. Flexural uplift of the Transantarctic Mountains has been suggested as the geophysical process which generated the basin (Stern & ien Brink, 1989). Other studies proposed a continental rift structure for this region (Ferraccioli et al., 2001). The two models differ mainly in the crustal structure predicted beneath the basin. In the former, crustal thickning is expected to be originated from the high rigidity of the East Antarctic Craton lithosphere. Otherwise, the rift structure hypothesis is consistent with a broad crustal thinning. During the WIBEM 2003 campaign, we deployed five broadband seismic stations across the basin. We selected high signal/noise teleseismic recording to compute a data-set of receiver functions. We applied a classical inversion scheme, the Neighbourhood Algorithm, to our data-set. Here, two different and complementary studies are presented. We constrain the Moho geometry beneath the Wilkes Basin from the analysis of low-frequency P-to-S conversion at the base of the crust. Also, we investigate the nature of the basin mapping the presence of subglacial sediments using the P-to-S conversion at the ice-bedrock interface
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