693 research outputs found

    Estratégia competitiva de uma multinacional estrangeira na avicultura de postura no Brasil.

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    Este estudo aborda a questão das estratégias envolvidas no processo de importação de gaiolas para aves de postura, direcionadas ao centro de distribuição de uma multinacional estrangeira localizada em Araraquara, São Paulo. Identifica as razões que levam uma empresa multinacional a aumentar seus investimentos no Brasil, onde está implantando um centro de distribuição (CD). Para estudar as estratégias envolvidas no processo, realizou-se pesquisa exploratória sobre o atual processo logístico da empresa, buscando identificar tais estratégias e as vantagens do novo processo. O trabalho apoia-se nas cinco forças competitivas de Porter, na análise SWOT, nas estratégias genéricas adotadas para obtenção de retorno sobre os investimentos e ainda, fundamenta-se em temas como, importação, logística, armazenagem e centro de distribuição. A pesquisa demonstra que a implantação do CD envolve a estratégia de inserção do produto no mercado nacional, especificamente em São Paulo, onde está o maior mercado de aves de postura do País. Para obter vantagem competitiva, a multinacional adota ainda a estratégia genérica da diferenciação, com foco em tecnologia e qualidade do produto. Apesar dos altos custos da construção e manutenção do CD representarem uma barreira de entrada no mercado, o investimento não representa risco financeiro, já que aumentará a demanda pelo produto, resultando maior retorno sobre o capital investido

    "TNOs are Cool": A survey of the trans-Neptunian region VI. Herschel/PACS observations and thermal modeling of 19 classical Kuiper belt objects

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    Trans-Neptunian objects (TNO) represent the leftovers of the formation of the Solar System. Their physical properties provide constraints to the models of formation and evolution of the various dynamical classes of objects in the outer Solar System. Based on a sample of 19 classical TNOs we determine radiometric sizes, geometric albedos and beaming parameters. Our sample is composed of both dynamically hot and cold classicals. We study the correlations of diameter and albedo of these two subsamples with each other and with orbital parameters, spectral slopes and colors. We have done three-band photometric observations with Herschel/PACS and we use a consistent method for data reduction and aperture photometry of this sample to obtain monochromatic flux densities at 70.0, 100.0 and 160.0 \mu m. Additionally, we use Spitzer/MIPS flux densities at 23.68 and 71.42 \mu m when available, and we present new Spitzer flux densities of eight targets. We derive diameters and albedos with the near-Earth asteroid thermal model (NEATM). As auxiliary data we use reexamined absolute visual magnitudes from the literature and data bases, part of which have been obtained by ground based programs in support of our Herschel key program. We have determined for the first time radiometric sizes and albedos of eight classical TNOs, and refined previous size and albedo estimates or limits of 11 other classicals. The new size estimates of 2002 MS4 and 120347 Salacia indicate that they are among the 10 largest TNOs known. Our new results confirm the recent findings that there are very diverse albedos among the classical TNOs and that cold classicals possess a high average albedo (0.17 +/- 0.04). Diameters of classical TNOs strongly correlate with orbital inclination in our sample. We also determine the bulk densities of six binary TNOs.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Participation of women scientists in ESA solar system missions: A historical trend

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    We analyzed the participation of women scientists in 10 ESA (European Space Agency) Solar System missions over a period of 38 years. Being part of a spacecraft mission science team can be considered a proxy to measure the "success"in the field. Participation of women in PI (Principal Investigators) teams varied between 4% and 25 %, with several missions with no women as PI. The percentage of female scientists as Co-I (Co-Investigators) is always less than 16 %. This number is lower than the percentage of women in the International Astronomical Union from all ESA's Member State (24 %), which can give us an indication of the percentage of women in the field. We encountered many difficulties to gather the data for this study. The list of team members were not always easily accessible. An additional difficulty was to determine the percentage of female scientists in planetary science in Europe. We would like to encourage the planetary community as a whole, as well as international organizations, universities and societies to continuously gather statistics over many years. Detailed statistics are only the first step to closely monitor the development of achievement gaps and initiate measures to tackle potential causes of inequity, leading to gender inequalities in STEM careers

    Revisiting the method to obtain the mechanical properties of hydrided fuel cladding in the hoop direction

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    The method reported in the literature to calculate the stress–strain curve of nuclear fuel cladding from ring tensile test is revisited in this paper and a new alternative is presented. In the former method, two universal curves are introduced under the assumption of small strain. In this paper it is shown that these curves are not universal, but material-dependent if geometric nonlinearity is taken into account. The new method is valid beyond small strains, takes geometric nonlinearity into consideration and does not need universal curves. The stress–strain curves in the hoop direction are determined by combining numerical calculations with experimental results in a convergent loop. To this end, ring tensile tests were performed in unirradiated hydrogen-charged samples. The agreement among the simulations and the experimental results is excellent for the range of concentrations tested (up to 2000 wppm hydrogen). The calculated stress–strain curves show that the mechanical properties do not depend strongly on the hydrogen concentration, and that no noticeable strain hardening occurs. However, ductility decreases with the hydrogen concentration, especially beyond 500 wppm hydrogen. The fractographic results indicate that as-received samples fail in a ductile fashion, whereas quasicleavage is bserved in the hydrogen-charged samples

    Genetic basis for variation in wheat grain yield in response to varying nitrogen application

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    Nitrogen (N) is a major nutrient needed to attain optimal grain yield (GY) in all environments. Nitrogen fertilisers represent a significant production cost, in both monetary and environmental terms. Developing genotypes capable of taking up N early during development while limiting biomass production after establishment and showing high N-use efficiency (NUE) would be economically beneficial. Genetic variation in NUE has been shown previously. Here we describe the genetic characterisation of NUE and identify genetic loci underlying N response under different N fertiliser regimes in a bread wheat population of doubled-haploid lines derived from a cross between two Australian genotypes (RAC875 × Kukri) bred for a similar production environment. NUE field trials were carried out at four sites in South Australia and two in Western Australia across three seasons. There was genotype-by-environment- by-treatment interaction across the sites and also good transgressive segregation for yield under different N supply in the population. We detected some significant Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) associated with NUE and N response at different rates of N application across the sites and years. It was also possible to identify lines showing positive N response based on the rankings of their Best Linear Unbiased Predictions (BLUPs) within a trial. Dissecting the complexity of the N effect on yield through QTL analysis is a key step towards elucidating the molecular and physiological basis of NUE in wheat.Saba Mahjourimajd, Julian Taylor, Beata Sznajder, Andy Timmins, Fahimeh Shahinnia, Zed Rengel, Hossein Khabaz-Saberi, Haydn Kuchel, Mamoru Okamoto, Peter Langridg

    Constraints on Titan's middle atmosphere ammonia abundance from Herschel/SPIRE sub-millimetre spectra

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    Sub-millimetre spectra measured with Herschel's SPIRE Fourier Transform Spectrometer were used to search for ammonia (NH3) in Titan's stratosphere. Observations were taken during 2010 and 2011, just after Titan's northern spring equinox, which occurred in mid-2009. In our analysis we used high spectral resolution data (0.074 cm-1 apodised) from the SPIRE shortwave spectrometer array (SSW), which provided the best possible signal-to-noise ratio for detecting any NH3 emission features. These data have the most sensitivity to NH3 spectral emission of any currently available observations, although despite this we did not detect any significant emission features above the noise. However, we can place an improved 3-sigma upper limit on NH3 abundance of <0.19ppb for altitudes 65-110 km (75 km peak sensitivity), or alternatively a column abundance of <1.23×1015molecules/cm2. These observations provide modest constraint for future photochemical models and are consistent with most current stratospheric predictions. Scaling of photochemical model profiles, in order to fit elevated abundances observed at 1100 km by Cassini's INMS instrument, are for the most part also consistent with our observations. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd

    Searches for HCl and HF in comets 103P/Hartley 2 and C/2009 P1 (Garradd) with the Herschel space observatory

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    HCl and HF are expected to be the main reservoirs of fluorine and chlorine wherever hydrogen is predominantly molecular. They are found to be strongly depleted in dense molecular clouds, suggesting freeze-out onto grains in such cold environments. We can then expect that HCl and HF were also the major carriers of Cl and F in the gas and icy phases of the outer solar nebula, and were incorporated into comets. We aimed to measure the HCl and HF abundances in cometary ices as they can provide insights on the halogen chemistry in the early solar nebula. We searched for the J(1-0) lines of HCl and HF at 626 and 1232 GHz, respectively, using the HIFI instrument on board the Herschel Space Observatory. HCl was searched for in comets 103P/Hartley 2 and C/2009 P1 (Garradd), whereas observations of HF were conducted in comet C/2009 P1. In addition, observations of H2_2O and H218_2^{18}O lines were performed in C/2009 P1 to measure the H2_2O production rate. Three lines of CH3_3OH were serendipitously observed in the HCl receiver setting. HCl is not detected, whereas a marginal (3.6-σ\sigma) detection of HF is obtained. The upper limits for the HCl abundance relative to water are 0.011% and 0.022%, for 103P and C/2009 P1, respectively, showing that HCl is depleted with respect to the solar Cl/O abundance by a factor more than 6−3+6^{+6}_{-3} in 103P, where the error is related to the uncertainty in the chlorine solar abundance. The marginal HF detection obtained in C/2009 P1 corresponds to an HF abundance relative to water of (1.8±\pm0.5) ×\times 10−4^{-4}, which is approximately consistent with a solar photospheric F/O abundance. The observed depletion of HCl suggests that HCl was not the main reservoir of chlorine in the regions of the solar nebula where these comets formed. HF was possibly the main fluorine compound in the gas phase of the outer solar nebula.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    First results on Martian carbon monoxide from Herschel/HIFI observations

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    We report on the initial analysis of Herschel/HIFI carbon monoxide (CO) observations of the Martian atmosphere performed between 11 and 16 April 2010. We selected the (7-6) rotational transitions of the isotopes ^{13}CO at 771 GHz and C^{18}O at 768 GHz in order to retrieve the mean vertical profile of temperature and the mean volume mixing ratio of carbon monoxide. The derived temperature profile agrees within less than 5 K with general circulation model (GCM) predictions up to an altitude of 45 km, however, show about 12-15 K lower values at 60 km. The CO mixing ratio was determined as 980 \pm 150 ppm, in agreement with the 900 ppm derived from Herschel/SPIRE observations in November 2009.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (special issue on HIFI first results); minor changes to match published versio

    Retrieval of the dayside atmosphere of WASP-43b with CRIRES+

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    Accurately estimating the C/O ratio of hot Jupiter atmospheres is a promising pathway towards understanding planet formation and migration, as well as the formation of clouds and the overall atmospheric composition. The atmosphere of the hot Jupiter WASP-43b has been extensively analysed using low-resolution observations with HST and Spitzer, but these previous observations did not cover the K band, which hosts prominent spectral features of major carbon-bearing species such as CO and CH4_{4}. As a result, the ability to establish precise constraints on the C/O ratio was limited. Moreover, the planet has not been studied at high spectral resolution, which can provide insights into the atmospheric dynamics. In this study, we present the first high-resolution dayside spectra of WASP-43b with the new CRIRES+^+ spectrograph. By observing the planet in the K band, we successfully detected the presence of CO and provide evidence for the existence of H2_2O using the cross-correlation method. This discovery represents the first direct detection of CO in the atmosphere of WASP-43b. Furthermore, we retrieved the temperature-pressure profile, abundances of CO and H2_2O, and a super-solar C/O ratio of 0.78 by applying a Bayesian retrieval framework to the data. Our findings also shed light on the atmospheric characteristics of WASP-43b. We found no evidence for a cloud deck on the dayside, and recovered a line broadening indicative of an equatorial super-rotation corresponding to a jet with a wind speed of ∼\sim 5 km s−1^{-1}, matching the results of previous forward models and low-resolution atmospheric retrievals for this planet.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure
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