2,636 research outputs found

    A lithium depletion boundary age of 21 Myr for the Beta Pictoris moving group

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    Optical spectroscopy is used to confirm membership for 8 low-mass candidates in the young Beta Pic moving group (BPMG) via their radial velocities, chromospheric activity and kinematic parallaxes. We searched for the presence of the Li I 6708A resonance feature and combined the results with literature measurements of other BPMG members to find the age-dependent lithium depletion boundary (LDB) -- the luminosity at which Li remains unburned in a coeval group. The LDB age of the BPMG is 21 +/- 4 Myr and insensitive to the choice of low-mass evolutionary models. This age is more precise, likely to be more accurate, and much older than that commonly assumed for the BPMG. As a result, substellar and planetary companions of BPMG members will be more massive than previously thought.Comment: Accepted for MNRAS Letter

    An XMM-Newton observation of the young open cluster NGC 2547: coronal activity at 30 Myr

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    We report XMM-Newton observations of the young open cluster NGC 2547 which allow us to characterise coronal activity in solar-type stars at an age of 30 Myr. X-ray emission peaks among G-stars at luminosities (0.3-3keV) of Lx~10^{30.5} erg/s and declines to Lx<=10^{29.0} erg/s among M-stars. Coronal spectra show evidence for multi-temperature differential emission measures and low coronal metal abundances (Z~0.3). The G- and K-type stars follow the same relationship between X-ray activity and Rossby number established in older clusters and field stars, although most solar-type stars in NGC 2547 exhibit saturated/super-saturated X-ray activity levels. Median levels of Lx and Lx/Lbol in the solar-type stars of NGC 2547 are similar to T-Tauri stars of the Orion Nebula cluster (ONC), but an order of magnitude higher than in the older Pleiades. The spread in X-ray activity levels among solar-type stars in NGC 2547 is much smaller than in older or younger clusters. Coronal temperatures increase with Lx, Lx/Lbol and surface X-ray flux. Active solar-type stars in NGC 2547 have coronal temperatures between those in the ONC and the most active older ZAMS stars. A flaring rate (for total flare energies [0.3-3keV] >10^{34} erg) of 1 every 350^{+350}_{-120} ks was found for solar-type stars, similar to rates found in the ONC and Pleiades. Comparison with ROSAT HRI data taken 7 years previously reveals that only 10-15 percent of solar-type stars or stars with Lx>3x10^{29} erg/s exhibit X-ray variability by more than a factor of two. The similar levels of X-ray activity and rate of occurrence for large flares in NGC 2547 and the ONC demonstrate that the X-ray radiation environment around young solar-type stars remains relatively constant over their first 30 Myr (abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Electronic tables available from the autho

    Transition probabilities in OH A 2 sigma + - X 2 pi i: Bands with v prime = 0 and 1, v double prime = 0 to 4

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    Experimental results for relative vibrational band transition probabilities for v prime = 0 and 1, and v double prime = 0 to 4 in the A-X electronic system of OH are presented. The measurements, part of a larger set involving v prime = 0 to 4 and v double prime = 0 to 6, were made using spectrally dispersed laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) in the burnt gases of a flame. These Einstein coefficients will be useful in dynamics experiments for quantitative LIF determinations of OH radical concentrations in high v double prime

    The Li Overabundance of J37: Diffusion or Accretion?

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    In September 2002 the discovery of a super Li-rich F-dwarf (J37) in NGC 6633, an iron poor analogue of the better studied Hyades and Praecepe open clusters, was announced. This unique star was thought to be the smoking gun for the action of diffusion, models of which predict a narrow "Li-peak" at approximately the correct temperature. However, with more detailed studies into J37s abundance pattern this star provides firm evidence for the accretion of planetesimals or other material from the circumstellar environment of new born stars. Thanks to the specific predictions made about the behaviour of Be abundances, (the most striking of which being no Be in super-Li-rich dwarfs subject to diffusion) the opposing diffusion/accretion predictions can be tested. Initial modelling of the Be line indicates that J37 is as Be rich as it is Li rich; log N(Be) = 2.25 +/- 0.25, and so is broadly consistent with an accretion-fuelled enhancement. However, that both Li and Be are enhanced by much more than the iron-peak elements (as determined in previous studies) suggests that diffusion also plays a role in increasing the abundances of Li and Be specifically. Furthermore, a new data set from the UVES/UT2 combination has allowed the elemental abundance of Iron to be measured, and the set of preliminary stellar parameters determined; Teff ~ 7340 K, log g ~ 4.1, microturbulence ~ 4.3 km/s, [Fe/H] ~ 0.50. This again provides distinct evidence for the effects of accretion in J37 and requires a new synthesis of the Be doublet.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Poster presented at IAU Symposium 224 "The A Star Puzzle", 7-13 July 2004, Poprad, Slovaki

    Lithium abundances from the 6104A line in cool Pleiades stars

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    Lithium abundances determined by spectral synthesis from both the 6708A resonance line and the 6104 subordinate line are reported for 11 late-type Pleiades stars, including spectra previously analysed by Russell (1996). We report a 0.7 dex scatter in the abundances from 6708A, and a scatter at least as large from the 6104A line. We find a reasonable correllation between the 6104A and 6708A Li abundances, although four stars have 6104A-determined abundances which are significantly larger than the 6708-determined values, by up to 0.5 dex, suggesting problems with the homogeneous, one-dimensional atmospheres being used. We show that these discrepancies can be explained, although probably not uniquely, by the presence of star spots with plausible coverage fractions. The addition of spots does not significantly reduce the apparent scatter in Li abundances, leaving open the possibility that at least some of the spread is caused by real star-to-star differences in pre-main- sequence Li depletion.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures; Accepted by A&A 17/05/0

    Ages of young stars

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    Determining the sequence of events in the formation of stars and planetary systems and their time-scales is essential for understanding those processes, yet establishing ages is fundamentally difficult because we lack direct indicators. In this review we discuss the age challenge for young stars, specifically those less than ~100 Myr old. Most age determination methods that we discuss are primarily applicable to groups of stars but can be used to estimate the age of individual objects. A reliable age scale is established above 20 Myr from measurement of the Lithium Depletion Boundary (LDB) in young clusters, and consistency is shown between these ages and those from the upper main sequence and the main sequence turn-off -- if modest core convection and rotation is included in the models of higher-mass stars. Other available methods for age estimation include the kinematics of young groups, placing stars in Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams, pulsations and seismology, surface gravity measurement, rotation and activity, and lithium abundance. We review each of these methods and present known strengths and weaknesses. Below ~20 Myr, both model-dependent and observational uncertainties grow, the situation is confused by the possibility of age spreads, and no reliable absolute ages yet exist. The lack of absolute age calibration below 20 Myr should be borne in mind when considering the lifetimes of protostellar phases and circumstellar material.Comment: Accepted for publication as a chapter in Protostars and Planets VI, University of Arizona Press (2014), eds. H. Beuther, R. Klessen, C. Dullemond, Th. Hennin

    Beryllium Enhancement as Evidence for Accretion in a Lithium-Rich F Dwarf

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    The early F dwarf star ``J37'' in the open cluster NGC6633 shows an unusual pattern of photospheric abundances, including an order of magnitude enhancement of lithium and iron-peak elements, but an under-abundance of carbon. As a consequence of its thin convection zone these anomalies have been attributed to either radiative diffusion or the accretion of hydrogen-depleted material. By comparing high resolution VLT/UVES spectra of J37 (and other F stars in NGC 6633) with syntheses of the Be ii doublet region at 3131 Ang, we establish that J37 also has a Be abundance (A(Be)=3.0+/-0.5) that is at least ten times the cosmic value. This contradicts radiative diffusion models that produce a Li over-abundance, as they also predict photospheric Be depletion. Instead, since Be is a highly refractory element, it supports the notion that J37 is the first clear example of a star that has accreted volatile-depleted material with a composition similar to chondritic meteorites, although some diffusion may be necessary to explain the low C and O abundances.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS letters, 5 page

    Low-mass members of the young cluster IC 4665 and pre-main-sequence lithium depletion

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    We have used fibre spectroscopy to establish cluster membership and examine pre-main-sequence (PMS) lithium depletion for low-mass stars (spectral types F to M) in the sparse young (~30 Myr) cluster IC 4665. We present a filtered candidate list of 40 stars that should contain 75 per cent of single cluster members with V of 11.5 to 18 in the central square degree of the cluster. Whilst F- and G-type stars in IC 4665 have depleted little or no lithium, the K- and early M-type stars have depleted more Li than expected when compared with similar stars in other clusters of known age. An empirical age estimate based on Li-depletion among the late-type stars of IC 4665 would suggest it is older than 100 Myr. This disagrees entirely with ages determined either from the nuclear turn-off, from isochronal matches to low-mass stars or from the re-appearance of lithium previously found in much lower mass stars (the ``lithium depletion boundary''). We suggest that other parameters besides age, perhaps composition or rotation, are very influential in determining the degree of PMS Li-depletion in stars with M greater than 0.5 Msun. Further work is required to identify and assess the effects of these additional parameters, particularly to probe conditions at the interface between the sub-photospheric convection zone and developing radiative core. Until then, PMS Li depletion in F- to early M-type stars cannot be confidently used as a precise age indicator in young clusters, kinematic groups or individual field stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Elemental abundances in the Blanco 1 open cluster

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    High resolution spectroscopy is used to determine the detailed chemical abundances of a group of eight F- and G-type stars in the young open cluster Blanco 1. An average [Fe/H] of +0.04 +/- 0.02 (internal error) +/- 0.04 (external error) is found, considerably lower than a previous spectroscopic estimate for this cluster. The difference is due mainly to our adoption of significantly cooler temperatures which are consistent with both photometric and spectroscopic constraints. Blanco~1 exhibits sub-solar [Ni/Fe] (-0.18 +/- 0.01 +/- 0.01), [Si/Fe] (-0.09$ +/- 0.02 +/- 0.03), [Mg/Fe] (-0.14 +/- 0.02 +/- 0.03) and [Ca/Fe] (-0.09 +/- 0.03 +/- 0.03); ratios which are not observed among nearby field stars. The material from which Blanco 1 formed may not have been well mixed with interstellar matter in the galactic disc, which tallies with its current location about 240pc below the galactic plane. A simultaneous deficit of Ni and alpha elements with respect to Fe is hard to reconcile with most published models of yields from supernovae of types Ia and II. The revised abundances for Blanco 1 indicate that overall radiative opacities in its stars, and hence convective zone properties at a given mass, are similar to those in the Pleiades at approximately the same age. This can explain a previous observation that the Li depletion patterns of G- and K-type stars in the two clusters are indistinguishable. The lower overall metallicity of Blanco 1 now make it less attractive as a target for discovering transiting, short period exoplanets.Comment: Accepted for MNRAS, 12 page