320 research outputs found

    Protein kinase C-dependent signaling controls the midgut epithelial barrier to malaria parasite infection in anopheline mosquitoes.

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    Anopheline mosquitoes are the primary vectors of parasites in the genus Plasmodium, the causative agents of malaria. Malaria parasites undergo a series of complex transformations upon ingestion by the mosquito host. During this process, the physical barrier of the midgut epithelium, along with innate immune defenses, functionally restrict parasite development. Although these defenses have been studied for some time, the regulatory factors that control them are poorly understood. The protein kinase C (PKC) gene family consists of serine/threonine kinases that serve as central signaling molecules and regulators of a broad spectrum of cellular processes including epithelial barrier function and immunity. Indeed, PKCs are highly conserved, ranging from 7 isoforms in Drosophila to 16 isoforms in mammals, yet none have been identified in mosquitoes. Despite conservation of the PKC gene family and their potential as targets for transmission-blocking strategies for malaria, no direct connections between PKCs, the mosquito immune response or epithelial barrier integrity are known. Here, we identify and characterize six PKC gene family members--PKCδ, PKCε, PKCζ, PKD, PKN, and an indeterminate conventional PKC--in Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles stephensi. Sequence and phylogenetic analyses of the anopheline PKCs support most subfamily assignments. All six PKCs are expressed in the midgut epithelia of A. gambiae and A. stephensi post-blood feeding, indicating availability for signaling in a tissue that is critical for malaria parasite development. Although inhibition of PKC enzymatic activity decreased NF-κB-regulated anti-microbial peptide expression in mosquito cells in vitro, PKC inhibition had no effect on expression of a panel of immune genes in the midgut epithelium in vivo. PKC inhibition did, however, significantly increase midgut barrier integrity and decrease development of P. falciparum oocysts in A. stephensi, suggesting that PKC-dependent signaling is a negative regulator of epithelial barrier function and a potential new target for transmission-blocking strategies

    Simultaneous conduction and valence band quantisation in ultra-shallow, high density doping profiles in semiconductors

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    We demonstrate simultaneous quantisation of conduction band (CB) and valence band (VB) states in silicon using ultra-shallow, high density, phosphorus doping profiles (so-called Si:P δ\delta-layers). We show that, in addition to the well known quantisation of CB states within the dopant plane, the confinement of VB-derived states between the sub-surface P dopant layer and the Si surface gives rise to a simultaneous quantisation of VB states in this narrow region. We also show that the VB quantisation can be explained using a simple particle-in-a-box model, and that the number and energy separation of the quantised VB states depend on the depth of the P dopant layer beneath the Si surface. Since the quantised CB states do not show a strong dependence on the dopant depth (but rather on the dopant density), it is straightforward to exhibit control over the properties of the quantised CB and VB states independently of each other by choosing the dopant density and depth accordingly, thus offering new possibilities for engineering quantum matter.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures and supplementary materia

    Diamond Structures for Advanced Electronics

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    Although diamond is slowly becoming an advanced technology there is con- tradictory information and misunderstanding surrounding the fundamental electronic attributes of the material system. In particular, the properties of boron doped diamond for electronics on quantum length scales has yet to be fully understood or utilized within devices. In this thesis, new insight into the electronic band structure of boron doped diamond on nano and macro scales is found and novel planar boron doped nanowires are fabricated electronically probed and a new type of side gated diamond nanowire transistor conceived. High quality single crystal diamond with thin δ-shaped boron-doped epi- layers have been thought to offer a viable approach towards transistors that can operate at high speed, high power and high temperatures. δ-doping diamond has been conjectured to achieve high mobilities and carrier con- centrations, properties of real interest for electronic applications. Taking advantage of diamond’s thermal and electronic properties, thin films can be incorporated into realistic nanoscale devices more easily than the parent bulk system. Using angle-resolved-photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), the electronic structure of bulk and thin films (≈ 2 nm) of boron-doped di- amond are uncovered. Surprisingly, the ARPES measurements do not reveal any significant differences for these systems, irrespective of their physical dimensionality. This suggests that it is possible to grow nearly atomic-scale structures whilst still preserving the properties of bulk diamond, facilitating the use of thin films diamond for devices which necessitate nearly atomic- scale components. Using a range of techniques such as Secondorary Ion Mass, Angle Resolved Photo-emission and Raman Spectroscopy we compare thin boron doped delta layers (BDDδl) and effectively infinite, thick bulk Boron doped di- amond. We see remarkably little electronic difference and hints of low dimensional transport in both films. Using photo-lithography and Reactive Ion Etching processes, macro scale devices are fabricated, these are charac- terized using Hall effect techniques. For the first time, lateral boron doped diamond nanowires are defined using electron beam lithography. These nanowires are then processed into a variety of novel transistor like devices, showing exciting emergent quantum properties as well as classical transistor like behaviour. In developing the techniques and methods to fabricate structures in diamond we find a variety of processes require optimisation and develop a skill base to handle small and sometimes fragile substrates and process them into devices

    Psychometric validation of the Persian Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale using classic test theory and Rasch models

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    Background and aims: The Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS), a six-item self-report scale that is a brief and effective psychometric instrument for assessing at-risk social media addiction on the Internet. However, its psychometric properties in Persian have never been examined and no studies have applied Rasch analysis for the psychometric testing. This study aimed to verify the construct validity of the Persian BSMAS using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Rasch models among 2,676 Iranian adolescents. Methods: In addition to construct validity, measurement invariance in CFA and differential item functioning (DIF) in Rasch analysis across gender were tested for in the Persian BSMAS. Results: Both CFA [comparative fit index (CFI) = 0.993; Tucker–Lewis index (TLI) = 0.989; root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.057; standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) = 0.039] and Rasch (infit MnSq = 0.88–1.28; outfit MnSq = 0.86–1.22) confirmed the unidimensionality of the BSMAS. Moreover, measurement invariance was supported in multigroup CFA including metric invariance (ΔCFI = −0.001; ΔSRMR = 0.003; ΔRMSEA = −0.005) and scalar invariance (ΔCFI = −0.002; ΔSRMR = 0.005; ΔRMSEA = 0.001) across gender. No item displayed DIF (DIF contrast = −0.48 to 0.24) in Rasch across gender. Conclusions: Given the Persian BSMAS was unidimensional, it is concluded that the instrument can be used to assess how an adolescent is addicted to social media on the Internet. Moreover, users of the instrument may comfortably compare the sum scores of the BSMAS across gender

    Temporal associations between morningness/eveningness, problematic social media use, psychological distress and daytime sleepiness: mediated roles of sleep quality and insomnia among young adults

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    The extant literature has suggested relationships between an individual's chronotype (in relation to morningness/eveningness) and several outcomes, including addictive disorders, psychological distress and daytime sleepiness. Moreover, sleep quality has been proposed to be a mediator in the aforementioned relationships. Consequently, the aim of the present study was to investigate the complex relationship between morningness/eveningness, problematic social media use, psychological distress and daytime sleepiness, with the potential mediators of sleep quality and insomnia. All participants (N = 1,791 [30.1% males]; mean age = 27.2 years, SD = 10.1) completed a battery of psychometric scales, including a reduced version of the Morningness‐Eveningness Questionnaire (at baseline), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and Insomnia Severity Index (1 month after baseline assessment), the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (2 months after baseline assessment). The impacts of morningness‐eveningness on problematic social media use, anxiety, depression and daytime sleepiness were found in the mediation models. Furthermore, the mediated effects of insomnia and sleep quality were observed. The present study's results emphasize the importance of promoting healthy sleep habits and sleep hygiene behaviours, and that of early detection of sleep problems among individuals who have the eveningness chronotype, because this would significantly improve their health outcomes

    Health-related quality of life and medication adherence in elderly patients with epilepsy

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    © 2019 Polish Neurological Society. Objective. Considering the high prevalence of epilepsy in the elderly and the importance of maximising their quality of life (QoL), this study aimed to investigate the relationship between medication adherence and QoL, and the mediating effects of medication adherence on the association between serum antiepileptic drug (AED) level and seizure severity with QoL in elderly epileptics. Methods. In a longitudinal study, 766 elderly patients with epilepsy who were prescribed a minimum of one antiepileptic drug were selected by convenience sampling method. A Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS-5) questionnaire was completed at the baseline. Seizure severity and QoL were assessed after six months using the Liverpool Seizure Severity Scale (LSSS) and the QoL in Epilepsy (QOLIE-31) questionnaires respectively. Serum level of AED was also measured at six-month follow-up. Results. Medication adherence was significantly correlated with both seizure severity (β = -0.33, p < 0.0001) and serum AED level (β = 0.29, p < 0.0001) after adjusting for demographic and clinical characteristics. Neither QoL nor its sub-classes were correlated with seizure severity. In addition, a significant correlation was not observed between serum AED level and QoL. However, medication adherence was significantly correlated with QoL (β = 0.30, p < 0.0001). The mediating effects of medication adherence on the association between serum AED level (Z = 3.39, p < 0.001) and seizure severity (Z = -3.47, p < 0.001) with QoL were supported by the Sobel test. Conclusion. This study demonstrates that medication adherence has a beneficial impact on QoL in elderly epileptics. Therefore, adherence to treatment should be monitored to improve their QoL

    Evaluation of the English version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale and its relationship with behavior change and political beliefs

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has many individuals around the world fearing for their lives. The constant news coverage, rapid transmission, and relatively high mortality rate, make fearfulness a natural response. To assess the fear of COVID-19, the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) was developed. The primary aim of the present study was to conduct the first psychometric assessment and validation of the English version of the FCV-19S. Two samples were collected in New Zealand. Sample 1 comprised 1624 participants of which 1397 completed all questions and were used in the analyses. Sample 2 comprised 1111 participants of which 1023 completed all questions and were used in the analyses. Several psychometric tests were conducted to ascertain the scale’s reliability and validity. Across both samples, the FCV-19S had high internal consistency. Consistent with the earlier validation studies, the FCV-19S displayed a moderately strong relationship with the perceived infectability and germ aversion subscales of the perceived vulnerability to disease scale (PVDS). Furthermore, FCV-19S scores were negatively correlated with the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS) scores. With respect to the motivating role of fear, there was a significant relationship between FCV-19S scores and adherence to the lockdown rules that were implemented in New Zealand. Finally, consistent with recent reports on the politicization of the COVID-19 pandemic, an exploratory question found that participants who rated themselves as more conservative tended to report lower FCV-19S scores. The English version of the COVID-19S is a sound unidimensional scale with robust psychometric properties and can be used with confidence among English-speaking populations