2,791 research outputs found

    Energy-Momentum Complex in M\o ller's Tetrad Theory of Gravitation

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    M\o ller's Tetrad Theory of Gravitation is examined with regard to the energy-momentum complex. The energy-momentum complex as well as the superpotential associated with M\o ller's theory are derived. M\o ller's field equations are solved in the case of spherical symmetry. Two different solutions, giving rise to the same metric, are obtained. The energy associated with one solution is found to be twice the energy associated with the other. Some suggestions to get out of this inconsistency are discussed at the end of the paper.Comment: LaTeX2e with AMS-LaTeX 1.2, 13 page

    Propuesta did?ctica para contribuir en los procesos de socializaci?n en el marco de la c?tedra de la paz para el grado preescolar del colegio Mar?a Montessori

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    60 p. Recurso Electr?nicoActualmente, en nuestro pa?s vemos la necesidad de cambiar nuestro discurso por unos m?s conciliadores e inclusivos, con modos de interacci?n comunicativa que contribuyan a moldear la din?mica social con pr?cticas colectivas dial?gicas, no beligerante, que impulsen a nuestro pa?s hacia nuevas formas de ser y de hacer. Para esto, necesitamos contar con escenarios trascendentes en la formaci?n del sujeto como la educaci?n, pues aqu? es posible negociar relaci?n de sentido argumentadas que promuevan la convivencia conforme. Por lo descrito, el presente proyecto de investigaci?n, busca acercarse a los procesos de socializaci?n en el nivel preescolar o jard?n de ni?os, acondicionando sus espacios en ambientes l?dico-did?cticos, para que los ni?os desarrollen sus aprendizajes de manera significativa, teniendo como derrotero la c?tedra de la paz. Igualmente, resaltamos la importancia de ramificar estos procesos de socializaci?n hacia la familia, teniendo en cuenta que es el primer referente de aprehensi?n del mundo y por tanto el veh?culo primario de valores, actitudes y creencias. As? mismo, interpelar el rol de los maestros como protagonistas en la comprensi?n de la realidad e incidir en los procesos de trasformaci?n social a trav?s de los procesos de socializaci?n. Entendiendo la actual coyuntura del pa?s y el rol de la educaci?n, este trabajo se orienta hacia la tarea del sistema educativo respecto que implica plantear nuevos m?todos para articular el tema de los valores con los dem?s saberes. Exhortando a los docentes a contribuir en el desarrollo de competencias en los estudiantes, que aborden la dimensi?n del ser y del saber hacer; proyectando a los educandos como ciudadanos, que tengan principios democr?ticos y pac?ficos. As? mismo, en pro del compromiso social con la humanidad, que es la paz, el sistema educativo debe promover desde los primeros a?os de aprendizaje estos valores; por lo que el docente tendr? que ser un orientador humanista y sensible ante los conflictos que nos demanda el mundo contempor?neo; as?, exige del maestro compromiso y la pr?ctica dentro del aula valores como el respeto, la solidaridad, la cooperaci?n y la paz; con inclusi?n y tolerancia a la diferencia; atendiendo a formas de aprendizaje, niveles de comprensi?n, contexto y el rol social. Adem?s, para evidenciar la importancia de implementar la c?tedra de la paz, es imperativo saber educar bajo este concepto; implica sembrar transformaciones sociales reales y con sentido, ya que es trabajar en las personas desde un marco educativo, con intenci?n formativa; teniendo en cuenta la formaci?n en valores como eje transversal, integrado a las metodolog?as que se manejan en el preescolar, con escenarios l?dicos, para que los ni?os experimenten situaciones que proporcionen aprendizajes para la vida. Considerado el cruce de argumentos que dan mayor comprensi?n sobre la raz?n de ser de la paz en el marco educativo, en la etapa inicial de la formaci?n; se espera con esta propuesta generar reflexi?n en torno a los m?todos pedag?gicos y did?cticos; oxigenar el rol del maestro como gu?a de los educandos y recuperar el contexto familiar.At present, in our country we see the need to change our discourse by some more conciliatory and inclusive, with modes of communicative interaction that contribute to mold the social dynamics with collective, non-belligerent collective practices that will propel our country towards new forms of being and of doing. For this, we need to have transcendent scenarios in the formation of the subject as education, because here it is possible to negotiate a relationship of meaning, arguing that promote the coexistence according. As described, the present research project seeks to approach the processes of socialization in the preschool or kindergarten level, conditioning their spaces in ludicdidactic environments, so that children develop their learning in a significant way, having as a course the Chair of peace. Likewise, we emphasize the importance of branching these processes of socialization towards the family, considering that it is the first reference of apprehension of the world and therefore the primary vehicle of values, attitudes and beliefs. Also, to question the role of teachers as protagonists in the understanding of reality and influence the processes of social transformation through the processes of socialization. Understanding the current conjuncture of the country and the role of education, this work is oriented towards the task of the educational system with regard to the need to propose new methods to articulate the theme of values with other knowledge. Encouraging teachers to contribute to the development of competencies in students that address the dimension of being and know-how; Projecting the learners as citizens, having democratic and peaceful principles. Likewise, for the social commitment to humanity, which is peace, the education system must promote these values from the earliest years of learning; So the teacher will have to be a humanist and sensitive advisor to the conflicts that the contemporary world demands; Thus, it demands from the teacher commitment and practice within the classroom values such as respect, solidarity, cooperation and peace; With inclusion and tolerance to difference; Attending to forms of learning, levels of understanding, context and social role. In addition, to demonstrate the importance of implementing the chair of peace, it is imperative to know how to educate under this concept; Implies to plant real and meaningful social transformations, since it is to work in the people from an educational framework, with formative intention; Taking into account the training in values as a transversal axis, integrated to the methodologies that are managed in the preschool, with playful scenarios, so that the children experience situations that provide learning for life. Considered the crossing of arguments that give greater understanding on the raison d'?tre of peace in the educational framework, in the initial stage of formation; It is expected with this proposal to generate reflection on pedagogical and didactic methods; To oxygenate the role of the teacher as a guide for learners and to recover the family context. Key words: Chair of peace - Socialization processes - School environments - Human Dimension

    The Effect of absorbing sites on the one-dimensional cellular automaton traffic flow with open boundaries

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    The effect of the absorbing sites with an absorbing rate β0\beta_{0}, in both one absorbing site (one way out) and two absorbing sites (two ways out) in a road, on the traffic flow phase transition is investigated using numerical simulations in the one-dimensional cellular automaton traffic flow model with open boundaries using parallel dynamics.In the case of one way out, there exist a critical position of the way out ic1 i_{c1} below which the current is constant for β0\beta_{0}<<β0c2\beta_{0c2} and decreases when increasing β0\beta_{0} for β0\beta_{0}>>β0c2\beta_{0c2}. When the way out is located at a position greater than ic2 i_{c2}, the current increases with β0\beta_{0} for β0\beta_{0}<<β0c1\beta_{0c1} and becomes constant for any value of β0\beta_{0} greater than β0c1\beta_{0c1}. While, when the way out is located at any position between ic1 i_{c1} and ic2 i_{c2} (ic1 i_{c1}<<ic2 i_{c2}), the current increases, for β0\beta_{0}<<β0c1\beta_{0c1}, with β0\beta_{0} and becomes constant for β0c1\beta_{0c1}<<β0\beta_{0}<<β0c2\beta_{0c2} and decreases with β0\beta_{0} for β0\beta_{0}>>β0c2\beta_{0c2}. In the later case the density undergoes two successive first order transitions; from high density to maximal current phase at β0\beta_{0}==β0c1\beta_{0c1} and from intermediate density to the low one at β0\beta_{0}==β0c2\beta_{0c2}. In the case of two ways out located respectively at the positions i1 i_{1} and i2 i_{2}, the two successive transitions occur only when the distance i2i_{2}-i1i_{1} separating the two ways is smaller than a critical distance dcd_{c}. Phase diagrams in the (α,β0\alpha,\beta_{0}), (β,β0\beta,\beta_{0}) and (i1,β0i_{1},\beta_{0}) planes are established. It is found that the transitions between Free traffic, Congested traffic and maximal current phase are first order

    Recomendaciones nacionales sobre donaci?n pedi?trica

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    Despite being an international reference in donation and transplantation, Spain needs to improve pediatric donation, including donation after the circulatory determination of death. The present article, a summary of the consensus report prepared by the Organizacion Nacional de Trasplantes and the Spanish Pediatrics Association, intends the facilitation of donation procedures in newborns and children and the analysis of associated ethical dilemma. The ethical basis for donation in children, the principles of clinical assessment of possible donors, the criteria for the determination of death in children, intensive care management of donors, basic concepts of donation after the circulatory determination of death and the procedures for donation in newborns with severe nervous system's malformation incompatible with life, as well as in children receiving palliative care are commented. Systematically considering the donation of organs and tissues when a child dies in conditions consistent with donation is an ethical imperative and must become an ethical standard, not only because of the need of organs for transplantation, but also to ensure family centered care.A pesar de ser una referencia internacional en donaci?n y trasplante, Espa?a precisa mejorar los procesos de donaci?n en ni?os, en particular la donaci?n tras la determinaci?n de la muerte por criterios circulatorios (donaci?n en asistolia). El presente art?culo, resumen del documento de consenso elaborado por la Organizaci?n Nacional de Trasplantes y la Asociaci?n Espa?ola de Pediatr?a, pretende facilitar los procesos de donaci?n en ni?os y neonatos y analizar los conflictos ?ticos que plantea. Se comentan los fundamentos ?ticos de la donaci?n pedi?trica, los principios de la evaluaci?n cl?nica de los posibles donantes, los criterios diagn?sticos de muerte encef?lica en ni?os, los cuidados intensivos para el mantenimiento de los donantes, los conceptos b?sicos de la donaci?n en asistolia y los procesos de donaci?n en neonatos con malformaciones muy graves del sistema nervioso incompatibles con la vida y en ni?os en cuidados paliativos. Considerar sistem?ticamente la donaci?n de ?rganos y tejidos cuando un ni?o fallece en condiciones de ser donante es un imperativo ?tico y ha de constituir un est?ndar profesional, tanto por la necesidad de ?rganos para trasplante, como por asegurar un cuidado integral centrado en la familia

    Galactic Collapse of Scalar Field Dark Matter

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    We present a scenario for galaxy formation based on the hypothesis of scalar field dark matter. We interpret galaxy formation through the collapse of a scalar field fluctuation. We find that a cosh potential for the self-interaction of the scalar field provides a reasonable scenario for galactic formation, which is in agreement with cosmological observations and phenomenological studies in galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figue
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