173 research outputs found

    Estudio de expresión diferencial de genes y distribución de la vinculina en ovario de cerdas

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    Ponencia publicada en ITEA, vol.104El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las diferencias en la expresión de genes y proteínas en tres estadios reproductivos en cerdas. Con el fin de caracterizar los cambios en los perfiles de expresión, se hibridó RNA de ovario de cerdas en celo, 15 y 45 días de gestación en microchips porcinos. Se detectaron diferencias de expresión en 281 genes (probabilidad posterior <10-11) entre los tres momentos reproductivos analizados en ovario. Uno de estos genes, la vinculina, mostró una expresión 100 veces mayor en celo comparado con 45 días de gestación. Por ello, fue escogido para realizar un análisis de expresión proteica mediante inmunohistoquímica y análisis western blot. Los resultados obtenidos mediante inmunohistoquímica muestran mayor cantidad de vinculina en celo que a 30 días de gestación. Para esta misma proteína, los resultados sugieren la existencia de diferencias significativas entre ovarios de cerdas en celo y a 45 días de gestación mediante la técnica western blotStudy on the differential gene expression and distribution of the vinculin in the ovary of sows The objective of this experiment is to study genes and proteins differing across reproductive stages in swine. RNA from ovary, from sows on heat, 15 and 45 days of pregnancy have been hybridised in porcine oligonucleotide microchips to characterize changes in gene expression profile between different reproductive stages. Expression differences in 281 genes (posterior probability <10-11) have been found between expression at different stages in ovary. One of these genes, vinculin, showed 100 times more expression on heat than at 45 days of pregnancy, so we chose that gene for immunohistochemistry and western blot analysis. On immunohistochemistry we found that ovaries of sows on heat showed stronger vinculin staining than ovaries stroma of sows at 30 days of pregnancy. On western blot, significant differences appeared only between heat and 45 days of pregnancy

    Spanish "fine tuning" of language to describe depression and anxiety

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    On screening tools for emotional distress, the terms "depression" and "anxiety" are commonly used for patients with advanced cancer. However, these terms could have negative connotations in Spanish such that cultural and unexpected differences in perception may invalidate or skew the results of the screening if the best terms are not chosen. The goal of this study was to determine the best expression that can be used to explore anxiety and depression in Spanish. A prospective study of 100 Spanish-speaking patients was performed. Spanish patients with cancer completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and six Verbal Numerical Scales (VNS) exploring the level of anxiety using the terms ansioso (anxious), nervioso (nervous), or intranquilo (uneasy/disquiet), and the level of depression using the terms deprimido (depressed), desanimado (discouraged), or triste (sad). The correlation, sensitivity, and specificity for all the VNS and HADS (8 and 11 cutoff points) were analyzed. The correlation (Spearman rho) between HADS and the anxiety VNS was r = 0.557 using "anxious"; r = 0.603 using "nervous"; and r = 0.594 using "uneasy." The correlation for the depression VNS was r = 0.662 using "depression"; r = 0.759 using "discouraged" and r = 0.596 using "sad"; alpha < 0.001 was used in all VNS. A cutoff point of 4 of 10 for any term used to explore anxiety achieved the best levels for sensitivity (0.80) and specificity (0.70). The term "discouraged" with a cutoff point of 4 of 10 shows a sensitivity of 0.89, a specificity of 0.84, as well as a predictive positive value of 0.77 and a negative value of 0.93. In Spanish, the term desanimado seems to be more suitable in screening for depression. Alternate terms could be used to explore anxiety in Spanish. Exploring depression with simple questions in Spanish achieves greater accuracy than the same approach to exploring anxiety

    Ecological and socioeconomic aspects of meliponiculture in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

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    Objective: Describe the main economic and ecological characteristics in the production of crops of native stingless bees (NSB) in the Yucatan peninsula (YP), Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: Through the snowball method, an exhaustive search for references on meliponiculture was carried out, using keywords individually or in combination, such as meliponiculture, Melipona, native stingless bee, Mayan meliponiculture, Yucatan peninsula, etc. Results: In Campeche and Yucatán there are a total of 216 producers who have a total of 3362 jobones destined for meliponiculture. However, economic and ecological studies are scarce and do not allow to know in depth the benefits of NSB in the YP, that is, information on production costs and economic spillover that would be obtained with the preservation of the NSB. Limitations on study/implications:&nbsp;This study describes the socioeconomic and ecological aspects of native stingless bees in the Yucatán peninsula, México. Findings/conclusions: Meliponiculture is an important activity from the cultural aspect, therefore its rescue and conservation is urgent; on the other hand, the selling cost of Melipona honey is higher compared to honey from the bee Apis mellifera L., being an economic alternative for producers in rural communities.Objective: To describe the main economic and ecological characteristics in the production of native stingless bees (NSBs) in the Yucatan Peninsula (YP), Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: Through the snowball method, an exhaustive search for references about meliponiculture was conducted, using keywords individually or combined, such as meliponiculture, Melipona, native stingless bees, Mayan meliponiculture, Yucatan Peninsula, etc. Results: In Campeche and Yucatán there is a total of N=216 producers who own a total of 3,362 “jobones” destined to meliponiculture. However, economic and ecological studies are scarce and do not allow deeply understanding the benefits of NSBs in the YP; that is, information about production costs and economic benefits that would be obtained with the conservation of NSBs. Study Limitations/Implications: This study describes the socioeconomic and ecological aspects of native stingless bees in the Yucatan Peninsula. Findings/Conclusions: Meliponiculture is an important activity from the cultural aspect, therefore, its rescue and conservation is urgent; on the other hand, the sale cost of Melipona honey is higher compared to honey from the Apis melifera L. bee, representing an economic alternative for the producers of rural communities

    Evidence of the high prevalence of neurological disorders in nonsyndromic X-linked recessive ichthyosis: a retrospective case series

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    [Background]: X-linked recessive ichthyosis (XLI) is a relatively common type of ichthyosis caused by a deficiency in the steroid sulfatase (STS) enzyme. It is the only type of ichthyosis that can be both syndromic and nonsyndromic. Typical clinical features include dark-brown scale of variable size favouring the extensor surfaces of the extremities.[Objectives]: To characterize clinically nonsyndromic XLI, with a particular focus on extracutaneous manifestations.[Methods]: This was a multicentre retrospective review of clinical findings from a case series of patients with a clinical and genetic diagnosis of XLI.[Results]: We identified 30 patients with XLI belonging to 25 different families carrying a deletion in the STS locus. All patients had dark scales of variable size on the extensor surfaces of the extremities. Lack of flexural involvement and pruritus were common but inconsistent findings, whereas palmoplantar hyperlinearity was absent in all but one patient. A history of orchiopexy was present in 10% and thus was more common than expected vs. the general population (3%). Neurological disorders including epilepsy (13%) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; 30%) were over-represented in patients with XLI.[Conclusions]: This was a retrospective study with a limited number of patients. In the absence of confirmatory genetic testing and family history of the disease, dark-brown scale of the extensor surfaces and the absence of palmoplantar hyperlinearity appear to be the most reliable clinical findings supporting a diagnosis of XLI. Dermatologists should be aware of the high prevalence of ADHD and epilepsy in patients with nonsyndromic XLI

    Seguimiento de las recomendaciones sobre psicofarmacología y su repercusión conductual en la discapacidad intelectual

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    En la población con discapacidad intelectual -DI- hay una elevada morbilidad psiquiátricaconductual. Se estima que por este motivo entre un tercio y tres cuartos de estas personas reciben antipsicóticos. Existe un consenso de expertos para guiar la toma de decisiones farmacoterapéuticas en estos casos. Su aplicación conseguiría una mayor eficacia del tratamiento, reduciendo los problemas conductuales, mejorando las habilidades adaptativas. El ICAP Inventory for client and agency planning es un instrumento para valoración y evaluación de servicios para personas con DI, que incluye escalas para puntuación de problemas conductuales y de conductas adaptativas. Para determinar la asociación entre el seguimiento de las recomendaciones farmacoterapeuticas de los expertos y las puntuaciones de los problemas conductuales y las habilidades adaptativas en un grupo de sujetos con DI, se realizó un estudio observación transversal. El tratamiento farmacológico recibido por cada sujeto de un colectivo de sujetos diagnosticados de DI -CIE-10- se clasificó como conforme o no con las recomendaciones de la guía en lo referente a los criterios de indicación, dosis, duración y polifarmacia. Se compararon las puntuaciones de conducta adaptativa y de problemas de conducta del ICAP en función de la conformidad del tratamiento con los criterios. El cumplimiento del criterio de dosis se asoció con mejor conducta adaptativa -p menor que 0,05-, el cumplimiento de los criterios de duración y polifarmacia se asociaron con menores problemas de conducta -p menor que 0,05-. No hubo asociación entre cumplimiento del criterio de indicación con la puntuación de problemas de conducta, ni de las habilidades adaptativas

    Interferon-Gamma Release Assays Differentiate Between Mycobacterium avium Complex and Tuberculous Lymphadenitis in Children

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the performance of interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs) in the differential diagnosis between Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) and tuberculosis (TB) in children affected with subacute/chronic submandibular/cervical lymphadenitis. STUDY DESIGN: Multicenter observational study comparing children with microbiologically-confirmed MAC lymphadenitis from the European NontuberculouS MycoBacterial Lymphadenitis in childrEn (ENSeMBLE) study with children with TB lymphadenitis from the Spanish Network for the Study of Pediatric TB (pTBred) database. RESULTS: Overall, 78 patients with MAC and 34 with TB lymphadenitis were included. Among MAC cases, 44/74 (59.5%) had positive tuberculin skin test (TST) results at the 5 mm cutoff, compared with 32/33 (97%) TB cases (p<0.001); at the 10 mm cutoff TST results were positive in 23/74 (31.1%) vs. 26/31 (83.9%), respectively (P < .001). IGRA results were positive in only 1/32 (3.1%) MAC cases who had undergone IGRA testing, compared with 21/23 (91.3%) TB cases (p<0.001). Agreement between TST and IGRA results was poor in MAC (23.3%;κ=0.017), but good in TB cases (95.6%;κ=0.646). IGRAs had a specificity of 96.9% (95%CI:84.3-99.8%), positive predictive value (PPV) of 95.4% (95%CI:78.2-99.8%), and negative predictive value (NPV) of 93.9% (95%CI:80.4-98.9%) for TB lymphadenitis. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to TST, IGRAs have high specificity, NPV and PPV for TB lymphadenitis in children with subacute/chronic lymphadenopathy, and consequently can help to discriminate between TB and MAC disease. Therefore, IGRAs are useful tools in the diagnostic work-up of children with lymphadenopathy, particularly when culture- and PCR-results are negative

    Planeamiento territorial sostenible: un reto para el futuro de nuestras sociedades; criterios aplicados

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    In a large part of the 17 sustainable development objectives set as goals for humanity by the UN, sustainability can be glimpsed. As a result of the dominant socio-productive model, the only way to head towards more sustainable territories that allow achieving and maintaining the well-being of the world's population is to bear in mind the need to properly plan territorial development. This work reflects on this need and takes a step forward in the definition of the main criteria to achieve territorial sustainability at regional and local scales

    Mutations related to Antiretroviral Resistance identified by ultra-deep sequencing in HIV-1 infected children under Structured Interruptions of HAART

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    Altres ajuts: CONACYT/GCPS/44519Although Structured Treatment Interruptions (STI) are currently not considered an alternative strategy for antiretroviral treatment, their true benefits and limitations have not been fully established. Some studies suggest the possibility of improving the quality of life of patients with this strategy; however, the information that has been obtained corresponds mostly to studies conducted in adults, with a lack of knowledge about its impact on children. Furthermore, mutations associated with antiretroviral resistance could be selected due to sub-therapeutic levels of HAART at each interruption period. Genotyping methods to determine the resistance profiles of the infecting viruses have become increasingly important for the management of patients under STI, thus low-abundance antiretroviral drug-resistant mutations (DRM's) at levels under limit of detection of conventional genotyping (<20% of quasispecies) could increase the risk of virologic failure. In this work, we analyzed the protease and reverse transcriptase regions of the pol gene by ultra-deep sequencing in pediatric patients under STI with the aim of determining the presence of high- and low-abundance DRM's in the viral rebounds generated by the STI. High-abundance mutations in protease and high- and low-abundance mutations in reverse transcriptase were detected but no one of these are directly associated with resistance to antiretroviral drugs. The results could suggest that the evaluated STI program is virologically safe, but strict and carefully planned studies, with greater numbers of patients and interruption/restart cycles, are still needed to evaluate the selection of DRM's during STI

    PRAXIS: el Pràcticum al Grau de Pedagogia: mapa, simulació i immersió. (continuació).

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    El projecte d’innovació docent que presentem és la continuïtat del que es va atorgar el curs 2012-2013. Consta de la continuïtat en la implementació i anàlisi de la proposta d’innovació fonamentalment metodològica del Pràcticum al grau de Pedagogia, en les tres assignatures obligatòries que es troben coordinades sota una lògica de progressiva immersió en una institució de pràctiques. Així, la innovació que presentem per al present curs 2013-2014 es troba fonamentalment en la darrera assignatura de Pràctiques Externes, i alhora, dotant de coherència global en coordinació amb les altres dues assignatures. Durant el projecte PID anterior es van engegar les pràctiques externes, amb una mirada transdisciplinar, opten, per una part, per la immersió de l’alumnat en una organització, entesa la immersió com l'exposició intensiva d’aquest, a una organització. És una perspectiva sistèmica que considera les organitzacions com a sistemes complexos i holística perquè condueix a la integració unitària i globalitzadora de tots els coneixements de la persona. Per altra part, opten per sessions de pràctica reflexiva entre l’alumnat i el tutor de la universitat que han de permetre la transferència de coneixement, la reflexió al voltant de la relació existent entre el saber teòric i el saber experiencial en la vida professional. El tutor de la universitat i l’alumnat es reuniran per analitzar la pràctica, i les experiències de l’escenari professional. Durant aquest curs passat es va pilotar en dos tutores el portafolis digital per a l’avaluació de competències. La continuïtat pel proper curs ha estat d’implementar aquesta eina avaluativa a bona part del tutors. L’avaluació de les pràctiques es farà mitjançant la realització d’un portafolis digital, i implicarà l’autoavaluació de l’alumnat, la del tutor de l’organització de pràctiques, així com la del tutor de la universitat. També ens proposem, la sistematització i millora de les sessions de pràctica reflexiva, quant a la proposta temàtica relacionada amb els blocs de contingut i articulades al voltant de les diverses competències, tot donat continuïtat a les millores realitzades en el projecte d’innovació docent anterior. L’equip de coordinació del pràcticum i l’equip docent de l’assignatura de Pràctiques Externes ens proposem sistematitzar aquestes experiències i avaluar-les tot analitzant el seu potencial en l’alumnat pel desenvolupament de les competències que es plantegen en el pràcticum. També considerem fonamental donar continuïtat a les coordinacions de tot el conjunt del pràcticum implicant les altres dues assignatures: professionalització i sortides laborals i pràctiques d’iniciació professional. Donada la necessitat i valoracions rebudes entre els tres equips docents, pensem que s’ha de seguir apostant per aquesta via. En aquest sentit, l’aplicació de l’avaluació de competències transversals mitjançant el portafolis digital que aquest curs ho pilotarem a molts més grups de Pràctiques Externes, tenim la intencionalitat que en un futur sigui un recurs que acompanyi l’estudiantat en les tres assignatures. Finalment, consolidar la missió de constituir-nos com agents de transferència de coneixement. Actualment amb la programació d’una sèrie d’activitats institucionals que representaran l’inici d’una nova visió del Pràcticum de la Facultat de Pedagogia de la Universitat de Barcelona ho hem iniciat, però cal avançar més en aquesta direcció. És així com adquireix el sentit principal de seguir contribuint al ple desenvolupament com a persones, ciutadans i professionals dels nostres estudiants i a la millora de la competitivitat de les nostres empreses en un nou país més cohesionat, just i sostenible dins d’un món global i orientat al coneixement i la revalorització dels valors humans més fonamentals