265 research outputs found

    Is the interstellar gas of starburst galaxies well mixed?

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    The extent to which the ISM in galaxies is well mixed is not yet settled. Measured metal abundances in the diffuse neutral gas of star--forming gas--rich dwarf galaxies are deficient with respect to that of the ionized gas. The reasons, if real, are not clear and need to be based on firm grounds. Far-UV spectroscopy of giant HII regions such as NGC604 in the spiral galaxy M33 using FUSE allows us to investigate possible systematic errors in the metallicity derivation. We still find underabundances of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and iron in the neutral phase by a factor of~6. This could either be explained by the presence of less chemically evolved gas pockets in the sightlines or by dense clouds out of which HIIregions form. Those could be more metallic than the diffuse medium.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures;contribution to Starbursts: from 30 Dor to Lyman Break Galaxies, 6 -10 September 2004, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, U

    Physical conditions in the gas phases of the giant HII region LMC-N11 unveiled by Herschel - I. Diffuse [CII] and [OIII] emission in LMC-N11B

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    (Abridged) The Magellanic Clouds provide a nearby laboratory for metal-poor dwarf galaxies. The low dust abundance enhances the penetration of UV photons into the interstellar medium (ISM), resulting in a relatively larger filling factor of the ionized gas. Furthermore, there is likely a hidden molecular gas reservoir probed by the [CII]157um line. We present Herschel/PACS maps in several tracers, [CII], [OI]63um,145um, [NII]122um, [NIII]57um, and [OIII]88um in the HII region N11B in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Halpha and [OIII]5007A images were used as complementary data to investigate the effect of dust extinction. Observations were interpreted with photoionization models to infer the gas conditions and estimate the ionized gas contribution to the [CII] emission. Photodissociation regions (PDRs) are probed through polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). We first study the distribution and properties of the ionized gas. We then constrain the origin of [CII]157um by comparing to tracers of the low-excitation ionized gas and of PDRs. [OIII] is dominated by extended emission from the high-excitation diffuse ionized gas; it is the brightest far-infrared line, ~4 times brighter than [CII]. The extent of the [OIII] emission suggests that the medium is rather fragmented, allowing far-UV photons to permeate into the ISM to scales of >30pc. Furthermore, by comparing [CII] with [NII], we find that 95% of [CII] arises in PDRs, except toward the stellar cluster for which as much as 15% could arise in the ionized gas. We find a remarkable correlation between [CII]+[OI] and PAH emission, with [CII] dominating the cooling in diffuse PDRs and [OI] dominating in the densest PDRs. The combination of [CII] and [OI] provides a proxy for the total gas cooling in PDRs. Our results suggest that PAH emission describes better the PDR gas heating as compared to the total infrared emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Fixed inverted line ratio in Sect. 5.

    Interstellar abundances in the neutral and ionized gas of NGC604

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    We present FUSE spectra of the giant HII region NGC604 in the spiral galaxy M33. Chemical abundances are derived from far-UV absorption lines and are compared to those derived from optical emission lines. We derived the column densities of HI, NI, OI, SiII, PII, ArI, and FeII, fitting the line profiles with either a single component or several components. Our net results, assuming a single component, show that N, O, Si, and Ar are apparently underabundant in the neutral phase by a factor of 10 or more with respect to the ionized phase, while Fe is the same. However, we discuss the possibility that the absorption lines are made of individual unresolved components, and find that only PII, ArI, and FeII lines should not be affected by the presence of hidden saturated components, while NI, OI, and SiII might be much more affected. If N, O, and Si are actually underabundant in the neutral gas of NGC604 with respect to the ionized gas, this would confirm earlier results obtained for the blue compact dwarfs. However, a deeper analysis focused on P, Ar, and Fe mitigates the above conclusion and indicates that the neutral gas and ionized gas could have similar abundances.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    [CII] 158 micron Luminosities and Star Formation Rate in Dusty Starbursts and AGN

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    Results are presented for [CII] 158 micron line fluxes observed with the Herschel PACS instrument in 112 sources with both starburst and AGN classifications, of which 102 sources have confident detections. Results are compared with mid-infrared spectra from the Spitzer Infrared Spectrometer and with L(IR) from IRAS fluxes; AGN/starburst classifications are determined from equivalent width of the 6.2 micron PAH feature. It is found that the [CII] line flux correlates closely with the flux of the 11.3 micron PAH feature independent of AGN/starburst classification, log [f([CII] 158 micron)/f(11.3 micron PAH)] = -0.22 +- 0.25. It is concluded that [CII] line flux measures the photodissociation region associated with starbursts in the same fashion as the PAH feature. A calibration of star formation rate for the starburst component in any source having [CII] is derived comparing [CII] luminosity L([CII]) to L(IR) with the result that log SFR = log L([CII)]) - 7.08 +- 0.3, for SFR in solar masses per year and L([CII]) in solar luminosities. The decreasing ratio of L([CII]) to L(IR) in more luminous sources (the "[CII] deficit") is shown to be a consequence of the dominant contribution to L(IR) arising from a luminous AGN component because the sources with largest L(IR) and smallest L([CII])/L(IR) are AGN.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Star Formation Rates from [C II] 158 μm and Mid-infrared Emission Lines for Starbursts and Active Galactic Nuclei

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    A summary is presented for 130 galaxies observed with the Herschel Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer instrument to measure fluxes for the [C II] 158 μm emission line. Sources cover a wide range of active galactic nucleus to starburst classifications, as derived from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon strength measured with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph. Redshifts from [C II] and line to continuum strengths (equivalent width (EW) of [C II]) are given for the full sample, which includes 18 new [C II] flux measures. Calibration of L([C II)]) as a star formation rate (SFR) indicator is determined by comparing [C II] luminosities with mid-infrared [Ne II] and [Ne III] emission line luminosities; this gives the same result as determining SFR using bolometric luminosities of reradiating dust from starbursts: log SFR = log L([C II)]) - 7.0, for SFR in M ⊙ yr-1 and L([C II]) in L ⊙. We conclude that L([C II]) can be used to measure SFR in any source to a precision of ~50%, even if total source luminosities are dominated by an active galactic nucleus (AGN) component. The line to continuum ratio at 158 μm, EW([C II]), is not significantly greater for starbursts (median EW([C II]) = 1.0 μm) compared to composites and AGNs (median EW([C II]) = 0.7 μm), showing that the far-infrared continuum at 158 μm scales with [C II] regardless of classification. This indicates that the continuum at 158 μm also arises primarily from the starburst component within any source, giving log SFR = log νL ν(158 μm) - 42.8 for SFR in M ⊙ yr-1 and νL ν(158 μm) in erg s-1

    Mid-infrared interferometry of the massive young stellar object NGC3603 - IRS 9A

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    We present observations and models for one of these MYSO candidates, NGC3603 IRS 9A. Our goal is to investigate with infrared interferometry the structure of IRS 9A on scales as small as 200AU, exploiting the fact that a cluster of O and B stars has blown away much of the obscuring foreground dust and gas. Observations in the N-band were carried out with the MIDI beam combiner attached to the VLTI. Additional interferometric observations which probe the structure of IRS 9A on larger scales were performed with an aperture mask installed in the T-ReCS instrument of Gemini South. The spectral energy distribution (SED) is constrained by the MIDI N-band spectrum and by data from the Spitzer Space Telescope. Our efforts to model the structure and SED of IRS 9A range from simple geometrical models of the brightness distribution to one- and two-dimensional radiative transfer computations. The target is resolved by T-ReCS, with an equivalent (elliptical) Gaussian width of 330mas by 280mas (2300 AU by 2000 AU). Despite this fact, a warm compact unresolved component was detected by MIDI which is possibly associated with the inner regions of a flattened dust distribution. Based on our interferometric data, no sign of multiplicity was found on scales between about 200AU and 700AU projected separation. A geometric model consisting of a warm (1000 K) ring (400 AU diameter) and a cool (140 K) large envelope provides a good fit to the data. No single model fitting all visibility and photometric data could be found, with disk models performing better than spherical models. While the data are clearly inconsistent with a spherical dust distribution they are insufficient to prove the existence of a disk but rather hint at a more complex dust distribution.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Linking dust emission to fundamental properties in galaxies: The low-metallicity picture

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    In this work, we aim at providing a consistent analysis of the dust properties from metal-poor to metal-rich environments by linking them to fundamental galactic parameters. We consider two samples of galaxies: the Dwarf Galaxy Survey (DGS) and KINGFISH, totalling 109 galaxies, spanning almost 2 dex in metallicity. We collect infrared (IR) to submillimetre (submm) data for both samples and present the complete data set for the DGS sample. We model the observed spectral energy distributions (SED) with a physically-motivated dust model to access the dust properties. Using a different SED model (modified blackbody), dust composition (amorphous carbon), or wavelength coverage at submm wavelengths results in differences in the dust mass estimate of a factor two to three, showing that this parameter is subject to non-negligible systematic modelling uncertainties. For eight galaxies in our sample, we find a rather small excess at 500 microns (< 1.5 sigma). We find that the dust SED of low-metallicity galaxies is broader and peaks at shorter wavelengths compared to more metal-rich systems, a sign of a clumpier medium in dwarf galaxies. The PAH mass fraction and the dust temperature distribution are found to be driven mostly by the specific star-formation rate, SSFR, with secondary effects from metallicity. The correlations between metallicity and dust mass or total-IR luminosity are direct consequences of the stellar mass-metallicity relation. The dust-to-stellar mass ratios of metal-rich sources follow the well-studied trend of decreasing ratio for decreasing SSFR. The relation is more complex for highly star-forming low-metallicity galaxies and depends on the chemical evolutionary stage of the source (i.e., gas-to-dust mass ratio). Dust growth processes in the ISM play a key role in the dust mass build-up with respect to the stellar content at high SSFR and low metallicity. (abridged)Comment: 44 pages (20 pages main body plus 5 Appendices), 11 figures, 9 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Towards understanding the relation between the gas and the attenuation in galaxies at kpc scales

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    [abridged] Aims. The aim of the present paper is to provide new and more detailed relations at the kpc scale between the gas surface density and the face-on optical depth directly calibrated on galaxies, in order to compute the attenuation not only for semi-analytic models but also observationally as new and upcoming radio observatories are able to trace gas ever farther in the Universe. Methods. We have selected a sample of 4 nearby resolved galaxies and a sample of 27 unresolved galaxies from the Herschel Reference Survey and the Very Nearby Galaxies Survey, for which we have a large set of multi-wavelength data from the FUV to the FIR including metallicity gradients for resolved galaxies, along with radio HI and CO observations. For each pixel in resolved galaxies and for each galaxy in the unresolved sample, we compute the face-on optical depth from the attenuation determined with the CIGALE SED fitting code and an assumed geometry. We determine the gas surface density from HI and CO observations with a metallicity-dependent XCO factor. Results. We provide new, simple to use, relations to determine the face-on optical depth from the gas surface density, taking the metallicity into account, which proves to be crucial for a proper estimate. The method used to determine the gas surface density or the face-on optical depth has little impact on the relations except for galaxies that have an inclination over 50d. Finally, we provide detailed instructions on how to compute the attenuation practically from the gas surface density taking into account possible information on the metallicity. Conclusions. Examination of the influence of these new relations on simulated FUV and IR luminosity functions shows a clear impact compared to older oft-used relations, which in turn could affect the conclusions drawn from studies based on large scale cosmological simulations.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Gas-to-Dust mass ratios in local galaxies over a 2 dex metallicity range

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    This paper analyses the behaviour of the gas-to-dust mass ratio (G/D) of local Universe galaxies over a large metallicity range. We combine three samples: the Dwarf Galaxy Survey, the KINGFISH survey and a subsample from Galametz et al. (2011) totalling 126 galaxies, covering a 2 dex metallicity range, with 30% of the sample with 12+log(O/H) < 8.0. The dust masses are homogeneously determined with a semi-empirical dust model, including submm constraints. The atomic and molecular gas masses are compiled from the literature. Two XCO are used to estimate molecular gas masses: the Galactic XCO, and a XCO depending on the metallicity (as Z^{-2}). Correlations with morphological types, stellar masses, star formation rates and specific star formation rates are discussed. The trend between G/D and metallicity is empirically modelled using power-laws (slope of -1 and free) and a broken power-law. We compare the evolution of the G/D with predictions from chemical evolution models. We find that out of the five tested galactic parameters, metallicity is the galactic property driving the observed G/D. The G/D versus metallicity relation cannot be represented by a power-law with a slope of -1 over the whole metallicity range. The observed trend is steeper for metallicities lower than ~ 8.0. A large scatter is observed in the G/D for a given metallicity, with a dispersion of 0.37 dex in metallicity bins of ~0.1 dex. The broken power-law reproduces best the observed G/D and provides estimates of the G/D that are accurate to a factor of 1.6. The good agreement of the G/D and its scatter with the three tested chemical evolution models shows that the scatter is intrinsic to galactic properties, reflecting the different star formation histories, dust destruction efficiencies, dust grain size distributions and chemical compositions across the sample. (abriged)Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The physical characteristics of the gas in the disk of Centaurus A using the Herschel Space Observatory

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    We search for variations in the disk of Centaurus A of the emission from atomic fine structure lines using Herschel PACS and SPIRE spectroscopy. In particular we observe the [C II](158 μ\mum), [N II](122 and 205 μ\mum), [O I](63 and 145 μ\mum) and [O III](88 μ\mum) lines, which all play an important role in cooling the gas in photo-ionized and photodissociation regions. We determine that the ([C II]+[O I]63_{63})/FTIRF_{TIR} line ratio, a proxy for the heating efficiency of the gas, shows no significant radial trend across the observed region, in contrast to observations of other nearby galaxies. We determine that 10 - 20% of the observed [C II] emission originates in ionized gas. Comparison between our observations and a PDR model shows that the strength of the far-ultraviolet radiation field, G0G_0, varies between 101.7510^{1.75} and 102.7510^{2.75} and the hydrogen nucleus density varies between 102.7510^{2.75} and 103.7510^{3.75} cm3^{-3}, with no significant radial trend in either property. In the context of the emission line properties of the grand-design spiral galaxy M51 and the elliptical galaxy NGC 4125, the gas in Cen A appears more characteristic of that in typical disk galaxies rather than elliptical galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 22 pages, 10 figures, 5 table