538 research outputs found

    Sirenomelia phenotype in bmp7;shh compound mutants: a novel experimental model for studies of caudal body malformations

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    Sirenomelia is a severe congenital malformation of the lower body characterized by the fusion of the legs into a single lower limb. This striking external phenotype consistently associates severe visceral abnormalities, most commonly of the kidneys, intestine, and genitalia that generally make the condition lethal. Although the causes of sirenomelia remain unknown, clinical studies have yielded two major hypotheses: i) a primary defect in the generation of caudal mesoderm, ii) a primary vascular defect that leaves the caudal part of the embryo hypoperfused. Interestingly, Sirenomelia has been shown to have a genetic basis in mice, and although it has been considered a sporadic condition in humans, recently some possible familial cases have been reported. Here, we report that the removal of one or both functional alleles of Shh from the Bmp7-null background leads to a sirenomelia phenotype that faithfully replicates the constellation of external and internal malformations, typical of the human condition. These mutants represent an invaluable model in which we have analyzed the pathogenesis of sirenomelia. We show that the signaling defect predominantly impacts the morphogenesis of the hindgut and the development of the caudal end of the dorsal aortas. The deficient formation of ventral midline structures, including the interlimb mesoderm caudal to the umbilicus, leads to the approximation and merging of the hindlimb fields. Our study provides new insights for the understanding of the mechanisms resulting in caudal body malformations, including sirenomelia

    Anemone bleaching impacts the larval recruitment success of an anemone-associated fish

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    In marine environments, mutualisms such as those between corals or sea anemones and their algal symbionts (Symbiodiniaceae) play a key role for supporting surrounding biodiversity. However, as the breakdown of the mutualism between corals and/or anemones and Symbiodiniaceae (i.e. bleaching) become increasingly frequent and severe, the risk of losing the additional species that rely on them may also increase. While the effects of anemone bleaching on the biology and ecology of anemone-associated fishes have been the subject of recent research, relatively little is known about the impacts that anemone bleaching might have on the recruitment of larval fish. Here, we report that climate change-induced anemone bleaching impairs a secondary mutualism between anemones and an anemone-associated fish species, the threespot dascyllus (Dascyllus trimaculatus). Field-based monitoring over a 1-year period showed anemones that bleached experienced decreased recruitment of larval D. trimaculatus compared to those that did not bleach, with abundances of newly settled D. trimaculatus three times lower in bleached versus unbleached anemones. A visual choice experiment showed that this pattern is associated with fish being less attracted to bleached anemones, and a predation experiment demonstrated that fish associated with bleached anemones experienced higher mortality compared to those associated with unbleached anemones. These results suggests that the decreased recruitment of D. trimaculatus observed in bleached anemones may be driven by hampered pre-settlement (habitat selection) and post-settlement (survival to predation) processes for larval D. trimaculatus in bleached hosts. This study highlights the risk of cascading mutualism breakdowns in coral reefs as conditions deteriorate and stresses the importance of protecting these mutualisms for the maintenance of coral reef biodiversity

    Insights into the Genomics of Clownfish Adaptive Radiation: Genetic Basis of the Mutualism with Sea Anemones.

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    Clownfishes are an iconic group of coral reef fishes, especially known for their mutualism with sea anemones. This mutualism is particularly interesting as it likely acted as the key innovation that triggered clownfish adaptive radiation. Indeed, after the acquisition of the mutualism, clownfishes diversified into multiple ecological niches linked with host and habitat use. However, despite the importance of this mutualism, the genetic mechanisms allowing clownfishes to interact with sea anemones are still unclear. Here, we used a comparative genomics and molecular evolutionary analyses to investigate the genetic basis of clownfish mutualism with sea anemones. We assembled and annotated the genome of nine clownfish species and one closely related outgroup. Orthologous genes inferred between these species and additional publicly available teleost genomes resulted in almost 16,000 genes that were tested for positively selected substitutions potentially involved in the adaptation of clownfishes to live in sea anemones. We identified 17 genes with a signal of positive selection at the origin of clownfish radiation. Two of them (Versican core protein and Protein O-GlcNAse) show particularly interesting functions associated with N-acetylated sugars, which are known to be involved in sea anemone discharge of toxins. This study provides the first insights into the genetic mechanisms of clownfish mutualism with sea anemones. Indeed, we identified the first candidate genes likely to be associated with clownfish protection form sea anemones, and thus the evolution of their mutualism. Additionally, the genomic resources acquired represent a valuable resource for further investigation of the genomic basis of clownfish adaptive radiation

    Identification of an Endogenous Ligand Bound to a Native Orphan Nuclear Receptor

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    Orphan nuclear receptors have been instrumental in identifying novel signaling pathways and therapeutic targets. However, identification of ligands for these receptors has often been based on random compound screens or other biased approaches. As a result, it remains unclear in many cases if the reported ligands are the true endogenous ligands, – i.e., the ligand that is bound to the receptor in an unperturbed in vivo setting. Technical limitations have limited our ability to identify ligands based on this rigorous definition. The orphan receptor hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 α (HNF4α) is a key regulator of many metabolic pathways and linked to several diseases including diabetes, atherosclerosis, hemophilia and cancer. Here we utilize an affinity isolation/mass-spectrometry (AIMS) approach to demonstrate that HNF4α is selectively occupied by linoleic acid (LA, C18:2ω6) in mammalian cells and in the liver of fed mice. Receptor occupancy is dramatically reduced in the fasted state and in a receptor carrying a mutation derived from patients with Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young 1 (MODY1). Interestingly, however, ligand occupancy does not appear to have a significant effect on HNF4α transcriptional activity, as evidenced by genome-wide expression profiling in cells derived from human colon. We also use AIMS to show that LA binding is reversible in intact cells, indicating that HNF4α could be a viable drug target. This study establishes a general method to identify true endogenous ligands for nuclear receptors (and other lipid binding proteins), independent of transcriptional function, and to track in vivo receptor occupancy under physiologically relevant conditions

    Evolution of retinoic acid receptors in chordates: insights from three lamprey species, Lampetra fluviatilis, Petromyzon marinus, and Lethenteron japonicum

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    International audienceBackground : Retinoic acid (RA) signaling controls many developmental processes in chordates, from early axis specification to late organogenesis. The functions of RA are chiefly mediated by a subfamily of nuclear hormone receptors, the retinoic acid receptors (RARs), that act as ligand-activated transcription factors. While RARs have been extensively studied in jawed vertebrates (that is, gnathostomes) and invertebrate chordates, very little is known about the repertoire and developmental roles of RARs in cyclostomes, which are extant jawless vertebrates. Here, we present the first extensive study of cyclostome RARs focusing on three different lamprey species: the European freshwater lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis, the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, and the Japanese lamprey, Lethenteron japonicum.Results : We identified four rar paralogs (rar1, rar2, rar3, and rar4) in each of the three lamprey species, and phylogenetic analyses indicate a complex evolutionary history of lamprey rar genes including the origin of rar1 and rar4 by lineage-specific duplication after the lamprey-hagfish split. We further assessed their expression patterns during embryonic development by in situ hybridization. The results show that lamprey rar genes are generally characterized by dynamic and highly specific expression domains in different embryonic tissues. In particular, lamprey rar genes exhibit combinatorial expression domains in the anterior central nervous system (CNS) and the pharyngeal region.Conclusions : Our results indicate that the genome of lampreys encodes at least four rar genes and suggest that the lamprey rar complement arose from vertebrate-specific whole genome duplications followed by a lamprey-specific duplication event. Moreover, we describe a combinatorial code of lamprey rar expression in both anterior CNS and pharynx resulting from dynamic and highly specific expression patterns during embryonic development. This ‘RAR code’ might function in regionalization and patterning of these two tissues by differentially modulating the expression of downstream effector genes during development

    The INTEGRAL/IBIS Scientific Data Analysis

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    The gamma-ray astronomical observatory INTEGRAL, succesfully launched on 17th October 2002, carries two large gamma-ray telescopes. One of them is the coded-mask imaging gamma-ray telescope onboard the INTEGRAL satellite (IBIS) which provides high-resolution (~ 12') sky images of 29deg x 29deg in the energy range from 15 keV to 10 MeV with typical on-axis sensitivity of ~ 1 mCrab at 100 keV (3 sigma, 10E6 s exposure). We report here the general description of the IBIS coded-mask imaging system and of the standard IBIS science data analysis procedures. These procedures reconstruct, clean and combine IBIS sky images providing at the same time detection, identification and preliminary analysis of point-like sources present in the field. Spectral extraction has also been implemented and is based on simultaneous fitting of source and background shadowgram models to detector images. The procedures are illustrated using some of the IBIS data collected during the inflight calibrations and present performance is discussed. The analysis programs described here have been integrated as instrument specific software in the Integral Science Data Center (ISDC) analysis software packages currently used for the Quick Look, Standard and Off-line Scientific Analysis.Comment: 7 pages, 13 figures (6 color), accepted for publication in A&A Lett (INTEGRAL special issue). Full resulution color figures can be found in the printed version of the paper (see http://www.edpsciences.org/articles/aa/abs/2003/43/contents/contents.html

    Modeling Edar expression reveals the hidden dynamics of tooth signaling center patterning.

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    When patterns are set during embryogenesis, it is expected that they are straightly established rather than subsequently modified. The patterning of the three mouse molars is, however, far from straight, likely as a result of mouse evolutionary history. The first-formed tooth signaling centers, called MS and R2, disappear before driving tooth formation and are thought to be vestiges of the premolars found in mouse ancestors. Moreover, the mature signaling center of the first molar (M1) is formed from the fusion of two signaling centers (R2 and early M1). Here, we report that broad activation of Edar expression precedes its spatial restriction to tooth signaling centers. This reveals a hidden two-step patterning process for tooth signaling centers, which was modeled with a single activator-inhibitor pair subject to reaction-diffusion (RD). The study of Edar expression also unveiled successive phases of signaling center formation, erasing, recovering, and fusion. Our model, in which R2 signaling center is not intrinsically defective but erased by the broad activation preceding M1 signaling center formation, predicted the surprising rescue of R2 in Edar mutant mice, where activation is reduced. The importance of this R2-M1 interaction was confirmed by ex vivo cultures showing that R2 is capable of forming a tooth. Finally, by introducing chemotaxis as a secondary process to RD, we recapitulated in silico different conditions in which R2 and M1 centers fuse or not. In conclusion, pattern formation in the mouse molar field relies on basic mechanisms whose dynamics produce embryonic patterns that are plastic objects rather than fixed end points
