28,854 research outputs found

    Deep Learning using K-space Based Data Augmentation for Automated Cardiac MR Motion Artefact Detection

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    Quality assessment of medical images is essential for complete automation of image processing pipelines. For large population studies such as the UK Biobank, artefacts such as those caused by heart motion are problematic and manual identification is tedious and time-consuming. Therefore, there is an urgent need for automatic image quality assessment techniques. In this paper, we propose a method to automatically detect the presence of motion-related artefacts in cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) images. As this is a highly imbalanced classification problem (due to the high number of good quality images compared to the low number of images with motion artefacts), we propose a novel k-space based training data augmentation approach in order to address this problem. Our method is based on 3D spatio-temporal Convolutional Neural Networks, and is able to detect 2D+time short axis images with motion artefacts in less than 1ms. We test our algorithm on a subset of the UK Biobank dataset consisting of 3465 CMR images and achieve not only high accuracy in detection of motion artefacts, but also high precision and recall. We compare our approach to a range of state-of-the-art quality assessment methods.Comment: Accepted for MICCAI2018 Conferenc

    Universal Conductance Distribution in the Quantum Size Regime

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    We study the conductance (g) distribution function of an ensemble of isolated conducting rings, with an Aharonov--Bohm flux. This is done in the discrete spectrum limit, i.e., when the inelastic rate, frequency and temperature are all smaller than the mean level spacing. Over a wide range of g the distribution function exhibits universal behavior P(g)\sim g^{-(4+\beta)/3}, where \beta=1 (2) for systems with (without) a time reversal symmetry. The nonuniversal large g tail of this distribution determines the values of high moments.Comment: 13 pages+1 figure, RevTEX

    Degenerate perturbation theory in thermoacoustics: High-order sensitivities and exceptional points

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    In this study, we connect concepts that have been recently developed in thermoacoustics, specifically, (i) high-order spectral perturbation theory, (ii) symmetry induced degenerate thermoacoustic modes, (iii) intrinsic thermoacoustic modes, and (iv) exceptional points. Their connection helps gain physical insight into the behaviour of the thermoacoustic spectrum when parameters of the system are varied. First, we extend high-order adjoint-based perturbation theory of thermoacoustic modes to the degenerate case. We provide explicit formulae for the calculation of the eigenvalue corrections to any order. These formulae are valid for self-adjoint, non-self-adjoint or even non-normal systems; therefore, they can be applied to a large range of problems, including fluid dynamics. Second, by analysing the expansion coefficients of the eigenvalue corrections as a function of a parameter of interest, we accurately estimate the radius of convergence of the power series. Third, we connect the existence of a finite radius of convergence to the existence of singularities in parameter space. We identify these singularities as exceptional points, which correspond to defective thermoacoustic eigenvalues, with infinite sensitivity to infinitesimal changes in the parameters. At an exceptional point, two eigenvalues and their associated eigenvectors coalesce. Close to an exceptional point, strong veering of the eigenvalue trajectories is observed. As demonstrated in recent work, exceptional points naturally arise in thermoacoustic systems due to the interaction between modes of acoustic and intrinsic origin. The role of exceptional points in thermoacoustic systems sheds new light on the physics and sensitivity of thermoacoustic stability, which can be leveraged for passive control by small design modifications

    Competing for Refugees: A Market-Based Solution to a Humanitarian Crisis

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    The current refugee crisis demands novel legal solutions, and new ways of summoning the political will to implement them. As a matter of national incentives, the goal must be to design mechanisms that discourage countries of origin from creating refugees, and encourage host countries to welcome them. One way to achieve this would be to recognize that persecuted refugee groups have a financial claim against their countries of origin, and that this claim can be traded to host nations in exchange for acceptance. Modifications to the international apparatus would be necessary, but the basic legal elements of this proposal already exist. In short, international law can and should give refugees a legal asset, give host nations incentives to accept them, and give oppressive countries of origin the bill

    Potentiality in Biology

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    We take the potentialities that are studied in the biological sciences (e.g., totipotency) to be an important subtype of biological dispositions. The goal of this paper is twofold: first, we want to provide a detailed understanding of what biological dispositions are. We claim that two features are essential for dispositions in biology: the importance of the manifestation process and the diversity of conditions that need to be satisfied for the disposition to be manifest. Second, we demonstrate that the concept of a disposition (or potentiality) is a very useful tool for the analysis of the explanatory practice in the biological sciences. On the one hand it allows an in-depth analysis of the nature and diversity of the conditions under which biological systems display specific behaviors. On the other hand the concept of a disposition may serve a unificatory role in the philosophy of the natural sciences since it captures not only the explanatory practice of biology, but of all natural sciences. Towards the end we will briefly come back to the notion of a potentiality in biology

    Novel plasmid-mediated colistin resistance mcr-4 gene in Salmonella and Escherichia coli, Italy 2013, Spain and Belgium, 2015 to 2016

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    A novel mcr colistin resistance gene was identified in a strain of Salmonella enterica, monophasic variant of serovar Typhimurium (4,5,12:i:- ), isolated from a pig at slaughter in Italy in 2013, and in Escherichia coli strains collected during routine diagnostic of postweaning diarrhoea in pigs from Spain and Belgium in 2015 and 2016. Immediate implementation of mcrscreening including this novel gene variant is required for Salmonella and E. coli from humans and food-producing animals in Europe. © 2017, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). All rights reserved

    Are organic falls bridging reduced environments in the deep sea?: Results from colonization experiments in the Gulf of Cadiz

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    Organic falls create localised patches of organic enrichment and disturbance where enhanced degradation is mediated by diversified microbial assemblages and specialized fauna. The view of organic falls as “stepping stones” for the colonization of deep-sea reducing environments has been often loosely used, but much remains to be proven concerning their capability to bridge dispersal among such environments. Aiming the clarification of this issue, we used an experimental approach to answer the following questions: Are relatively small organic falls in the deep sea capable of sustaining taxonomically and trophically diverse assemblages over demographically relevant temporal scales Are there important depth- or site-related sources of variability for the composition and structure of these assemblages? Is the proximity of other reducing environments influential for their colonization? We analysed the taxonomical and trophic diversity patterns and partitioning (α- and β-diversity) of the macrofaunal assemblages recruited in small colonization devices with organic and inorganic substrata after 1-2 years of deployment on mud volcanoes of the Gulf of Cádiz. Our results show that small organic falls can sustain highly diverse and trophically coherent assemblages for time periods allowing growth to reproductive maturity, and successive generations of dominant species. The composition and structure of the assemblages showed variability consistent with their biogeographic and bathymetric contexts. However, the proximity of cold seeps had limited influence on the similarity between the assemblages of these two habitats and organic falls sustained a distinctive fauna with dominant substrate-specific taxa. We conclude that it is unlikely that small organic falls may regularly ensure population connectivity among cold seeps and vents. They may be a recurrent source of evolutionary candidates for the colonization of such ecosystems. However, there may be a critical size of organic fall to create the necessary intense and persistent reducing conditions for sustaining typical chemosymbiotic vent and seep organisms

    Rapid planetesimal formation in turbulent circumstellar discs

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    The initial stages of planet formation in circumstellar gas discs proceed via dust grains that collide and build up larger and larger bodies (Safronov 1969). How this process continues from metre-sized boulders to kilometre-scale planetesimals is a major unsolved problem (Dominik et al. 2007): boulders stick together poorly (Benz 2000), and spiral into the protostar in a few hundred orbits due to a head wind from the slower rotating gas (Weidenschilling 1977). Gravitational collapse of the solid component has been suggested to overcome this barrier (Safronov 1969, Goldreich & Ward 1973, Youdin & Shu 2002). Even low levels of turbulence, however, inhibit sedimentation of solids to a sufficiently dense midplane layer (Weidenschilling & Cuzzi 1993, Dominik et al. 2007), but turbulence must be present to explain observed gas accretion in protostellar discs (Hartmann 1998). Here we report the discovery of efficient gravitational collapse of boulders in locally overdense regions in the midplane. The boulders concentrate initially in transient high pressures in the turbulent gas (Johansen, Klahr, & Henning 2006), and these concentrations are augmented a further order of magnitude by a streaming instability (Youdin & Goodman 2005, Johansen, Henning, & Klahr 2006, Johansen & Youdin 2007) driven by the relative flow of gas and solids. We find that gravitationally bound clusters form with masses comparable to dwarf planets and containing a distribution of boulder sizes. Gravitational collapse happens much faster than radial drift, offering a possible path to planetesimal formation in accreting circumstellar discs.Comment: To appear in Nature (30 August 2007 issue). 18 pages (in referee mode), 3 figures. Supplementary Information can be found at 0708.389

    Successful switch to tenofovir after suboptimal response to entecavir in an immunocompromised patient with chronic hepatitis B and without genotypic hepatitis B virus resistance

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    We report a case of an immunocompromised patient affected by chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) with high basal HBV viremia (>8 log(10) IU/ml) who failed an entecavir regimen, despite the absence of primary or secondary drug resistance mutations. The patient achieved sustained virological success (serum HBV DNA <12 IU/ml) when tenofovir was added to the treatment. This case highlights the difficulty in choosing an optimal therapy in such specific conditions and supports the concept of tailoring therapy (including combination regimens) on the basis of the particular conditions of each individual patient

    Cavitation in high-capacity tensiometers:effect of water reservoir surface roughness

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    High-capacity tensiometers (HCTs) are sensors made to measure negative pore water pressure (suction) directly. In this paper, a new approach is proposed to expand the range and duration of suction measurements for a newly designed HCT. A new technique is employed to reduce significantly the roughness of the diaphragm’s surface on the water reservoir side in order to minimise the possibility of gas nuclei development and the subsequent early cavitation at the water–diaphragm interface. The procedures employed for the design, fabrication, saturation and calibration of the new tensiometers are explained in detail. Furthermore, the performance of the developed HCTs is examined based on a series of experiments carried out on a number of unsaturated clay specimens. An improvement in maximum sustainable suction in the range of 120–150% of their nominal capacity was obtained from different surface treatment methods. Moreover, the results show an improvement of up to 177% for the long-term stability of measurements, compared to the developed ordinary HCTs with untreated diaphragms
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