204 research outputs found

    Motion on a given surface: potentials producing geodesic lines as trajectories

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    In the light of inverse problem of dynamics, we consider the motion of a material point on an arbitrary two-dimensional surface, submersed in OE3. We study twodimensional potentials which produce a mono-parametric family of geodesic lines as trajectories. We establish a new, non-linear partial differential condition for the potential function V = V(u, v). With the aid of this condition, we examine if a given potential produces a family of geodesic lines on a certain surface or not. On the other hand, we can check if a given family of regular orbits is indeed a family of geodesic lines on a certain surface and then find the potential function V = V(u, v) which gives rise to this family of orbits. Special cases are also studied and pertinent examples are worked out

    Three-dimensional potentials producing families of straight lines (FSL)

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    We identify a given two-parametric family of regular orbits in the 3-D Cartesian space by two functions α and β. Then, from the inverse-problem viewpoint, we find three necessary and sufficient conditions that the functions α and β must satisfy when the given family is a two-parametric family of straight lines (FSL) and is actually created by a potential V. Some pertinent theorems are shown and several examples are worked out

    Mobile Cloud Support for Semantic-Enriched Speech Recognition in Social Care

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    Nowadays, most users carry high computing power mobile devices where speech recognition is certainly one of the main technologies available in every modern smartphone, although battery draining and application performance (resource shortage) have a big impact on the experienced quality. Shifting applications and services to the cloud may help to improve mobile user satisfaction as demonstrated by several ongoing efforts in the mobile cloud area. However, the quality of speech recognition is still not sufficient in many complex cases to replace the common hand written text, especially when prompt reaction to short-term provisioning requests is required. To address the new scenario, this paper proposes a mobile cloud infrastructure to support the extraction of semantics information from speech recognition in the Social Care domain, where carers have to speak about their patients conditions in order to have reliable notes used afterward to plan the best support. We present not only an architecture proposal, but also a real prototype that we have deployed and thoroughly assessed with different queries, accents, and in presence of load peaks, in our experimental mobile cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) testbed based on Cloud Foundry

    Metagenomics : tools and insights for analyzing next-generation sequencing data derived from biodiversity studies

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    Advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS) have allowed significant breakthroughs in microbial ecology studies. This has led to the rapid expansion of research in the field and the establishment of “metagenomics”, often defined as the analysis of DNA from microbial communities in environmental samples without prior need for culturing. Many metagenomics statistical/computational tools and databases have been developed in order to allow the exploitation of the huge influx of data. In this review article, we provide an overview of the sequencing technologies and how they are uniquely suited to various types of metagenomic studies. We focus on the currently available bioinformatics techniques, tools, and methodologies for performing each individual step of a typical metagenomic dataset analysis. We also provide future trends in the field with respect to tools and technologies currently under development. Moreover, we discuss data management, distribution, and integration tools that are capable of performing comparative metagenomic analyses of multiple datasets using well-established databases, as well as commonly used annotation standards

    Genetic vs community diversity patterns of macrobenthic species: preliminary results from the lagoonal ecosystem

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    1 - The use of molecular data derived from multispecies assemblages in order to test ecological theory has only recently been introduced in the scientific literature.2 - As a first step, we compared patterns of abiotic environment, polychaeta distribution and their genetic diversity in five lagoon ecosystems in Greece. Our results confirm the hypothesis that higher genetic diversity is expected in the populations of the species occurring in the transitional waters rather than of those occurring in the marine environment.3 - Patterns derived from the polychaete community level and from the mitochondrial DNA (16S rRNA) obtained from Nephtys hombergii and Hediste diversicolor showed convergence, indicating the potential use of molecular matrices as surrogates in community analysis.4 - Finally, the high correlation between the genetic diversity pattern of H. diversicolor and the phosphorus concentration in the sediments may imply the broadening of the hierarchic-response-tostress hypothesis towards lower than species level

    A genetic linkage map of the hermaphrodite teleost fish Sparus aurata L.

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    The gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) is a marine fish of great importance for fisheries and aquaculture. It has also a peculiar sex-determination system, being a protandrous hermaphrodite. Here we report the construction of a first-generation genetic linkage map for S. aurata, based on 204 microsatellite markers. Twenty-six linkage groups (LG) were found. The total map length was 1241.9 cM. The ratio between sex-specific map lengths was 1:1.2 (male:female). Comparison with a preliminary radiation hybrid (RH) map reveals a good concordance, as all markers located in a single LG are located in a single RH group, except for Ad-25 and CId-31. Comparison with the Tetraodon nigroviridis genome revealed a considerable number of evolutionary conserved regions (ECRs) between the two species. The mean size of ECRs was 182 bp (sequence identity 60–90%). Forty-one ECRs have a known chromosomal location in the pufferfish genome. Despite the limited number of anchoring points, significant syntenic relationships were found. The linkage map presented here provides a robust comparative framework for QTL analysis in S. aurata and is a step toward the identification of genetic loci involved both in the determination of economically important traits and in the individual timing of sex reversal

    The OpenKnowledge System: An Interaction-Centered Approach to Knowledge Sharing

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    Abstract. The information that is made available through the semantic web will be accessed through complex programs (web-services, sensors, etc.)thatmayinteract in sophisticated ways. Composition guided simply by the specifications of programs ’ inputs and outputs is insufficient to obtain reliable aggregate performance- hence the recognised need for process models to specify the interactions required between programs. These interaction models, however, are traditionally viewed as a consequence of service composition rather than as the focal point for facilitating composition. We describe an operational system that uses models of interaction as the focus for knowledge exchange. Our implementation adopts a peer to peer architecture, thus making minimal assumptions about centralisation of knowledge sources, discovery and interaction control.
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