45 research outputs found

    How marketing capabilities and current performance drive strategic intentions in international markets

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    Drawing from two strategic views of the firm—the capability-based view and performance-feedback theory—this study examines the role of both marketing capabilities and current market performance as potential influencers of two key aspects of the intended future competitive strategy of firms operating in international markets: efficiency and marketing differentiation. Hypotheses are developed and tested in a survey of a sample of British exporting manufacturers. The findings are supportive of a more prominent role of marketing capabilities over recent market performance on future strategic intentions in export markets. Additional analyses of firms with an already established market position reveal a clear effect of informational capability on marketing differentiation and of product development capability and current market performance on efficiency intentions. We also find that target international market competitive intensity is a direct driver of efficiency-related but not differentiation-related strategic intentions

    Which competitive advantage(s)? Competitive advantage-market performance relationships in international markets

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    Business scholars and managers stress the importance of achieving and sustaining competitive advantage as a critical strategic step in enabling superior firm performance. Yet which types of competitive advantage may yield the best performance outcomes—and what contingency factors may affect this—remains largely unexplored. This article examines the contribution of price, product, and service advantages to market performance in international ventures. Applying customer value logic to the literature on value creation and value capture, the authors posit that the symmetric achievement of all pairs of advantages leads to increased market performance. The findings confirm this conjecture, while for the product–service advantage pairing, even asymmetry in achievement has a positive market performance effect when the asymmetry is toward service. Using primary data from a sample of U.K. manufacturing exporters, the authors find that price advantage has a direct positive effect on market performance, while the strong positive effect of service advantage is further strengthened (and the nonsignificant effect of product advantage becomes negative) when the distributor has high-quality relationships with the overseas customers and there is available production capacity, even in technologically turbulent environments

    Focal supplier opportunism in retailer category management

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    Focal Supplier Opportunism in Supermarket Retailer Category Management." 25.2

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    Abstract Common prescriptions for improving the performance of supermarket retailers center on using key suppliers as ''category captains'' and leveraging their resources and capabilities to implement effective category management that will both reduce retailer costs and provide a basis for differentiation. However, despite these widespread prescriptions, the potential for supplier opportunism means that supermarket retailers are either skeptical or have failed to make such category management relationships with key suppliers work. Drawing on agency, transaction costs, and network theory, we synthesize insights from qualitative fieldwork with retailer and supplier managers and primary data from 73 category managers in U.K. supermarket retailers to empirically examine antecedents and consequences of category-level focal supplier opportunism. Our findings suggest that focal supplier opportunism decreases retailer category performance and increases militant behaviors among non-focal suppliers in the category supply chain. Consistent with retailer fears, we find that focal suppliers with significant influence in retailers' category management efforts are more likely to engage in opportunistic behavior. However, our results also reveal that retailer fears that being dependent on a focal supplier will lead to greater supplier opportunism are largely unfounded, while supplier dependence on the retailer is also unrelated to focal supplier opportunism. Finally, we find that retailers' ability to monitor -but not to punish -its focal suppliers is negatively related to opportunistic behavior among focal suppliers.

    Antecedents of Export Venture Peformance: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Assessment

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    Both the size and the rapid growth of global exporting have focused the attention of marketing researchers on the factors associated with firms’ export performance. However, knowledge of this increasingly important domain of marketing activity remains limited. To address this knowledge gap, the authors draw on the strategy and marketing literature to develop an integrative theory of the antecedents of export venture performance. The interplay among available resources and capabilities, competitive strategy decisions, and competitive intensity determines export venture positional advantages and performance outcomes in the theoretical model. The authors empirically assess predicted relationships using survey data from 287 export ventures. Results broadly support the theoretical model, indicating that resources and capabilities affect export venture competitive strategy choices and the positional advantages achieved in the export market, which in turn affect export venture performance outcomes. In contrast to structure–conduct–performance theory predictions, the data indicate that the competitive intensity of the export marketplace does not have a direct effect on export venture positional advantages or performance. However, competitive intensity moderates the relationship between export venture competitive strategy choices and the positional advantages realized

    CongrĂšs AFMED 2017 : DĂ©pistage du cancer du col utĂ©rin et du sein a l’hĂŽpital Biamba Mutombo. Resultats prĂ©limininaires et perspectives: Screening for Cervical and Breast Cancer at Biamba Mutombo Hospital: preliminary results and perspectives

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    Contexte et objectifs : Les cancers du col utĂ©rin et du sein sont parmi les plus mortels chez la femme dans le monde. Un programme de dĂ©pistage de ces cancers a pris forme Ă  l‟HBMM depuis quelques mois en vue de sensibiliser tout le monde sur l‟intĂ©rĂȘt d‟un dĂ©pistage prĂ©coce et d‟une formation mĂ©dicale solide afin de permettre une meilleure prise en charge de ces cancers et de diminuer la mortalitĂ© et la morbiditĂ© y affĂ©rentes chez la femme congolaise.MĂ©thodes : Nous avons ciblĂ© des femmes de divers milieux sociaux dans la ville de Kinshasa en les invitant Ă  se faire examiner Ă  l‟HBMM depuis juillet 2016 pour le col utĂ©rin et mai 2017 pour le sein. Des fiches de dĂ©pistage et les dossiers cliniques des patientes hospitalisĂ©es nous ont servi Ă  rĂ©colter des donnĂ©es avec des critĂšres Ă  visĂ©es de recherche Ă©pidĂ©miologique, clinique et anapathologiques. Par des examens cliniques, nous avons dĂ©tectĂ© celles qui avaient des lĂ©sions prĂ©cancĂ©reuses ou infectieuses du col utĂ©rin ou des cancers avĂ©rĂ©s du col ou du sein. A moindre frais, elles ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© de gestes thĂ©rapeutiques allant de la simple mĂ©dication en passant par la thermocoagulation et l‟hystĂ©rectomie ou encore la tumorectomies ou la mastectomie.RĂ©sultats : Pour le col, nous avons reçu 14313 femmes au dĂ©pistage ; avec les rĂ©sultats suivants. 59% sont mariĂ©es et 18% cĂ©libataires. 39% sont mĂ©nopausĂ©es, 61% ont fait des Ă©tudes secondaires et 21% sont universitaires. Les tests de depistage ont Ă©tĂ© positifs chez 8% de femmes et nĂ©gatifs Ă  92%. La thermocoagulation a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e pour 6% de femmes avec lĂ©sions prĂ©cancĂ©reuses et la LEEP chez 3% de cas. L‟hystĂ©rectomie a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e chez 47 patientesPour le sein, nous avons reçu 224 dames dont 36% avec des tumeurs et 64% sans tumeurs du sein. 57% des femmes avec tumeurs ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d‟une biopsie Ă©choguidĂ©es et Ă  l‟anapath 25% avaient une tumeur bĂ©nigne et 17% une tumeur maligne. 37% ont Ă©tĂ© opĂ©rĂ©es Ă  raison d‟une mastectomie pour 14% de patientes et une tumorectomie pour 20%. Aucune chimiothĂ©rapie n‟a pu encore ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©e jusqu‟à ce jour. Tous les cas de cancer sont au moins sous hormonothĂ©rapieConclusion: Il y a une rĂ©elle demande et une nĂ©cessitĂ© de dĂ©pistage du cancer du col utĂ©rin ou du sein chez la femme congolaise. Une base de donnĂ©es provinciale ou nationale sur la prĂ©valence de ces cancers manque cruellement ainsi que les mĂ©dicaments, le personnel mĂ©dical bien formĂ©, les matĂ©riels et infrastructures adĂ©quats. A long terme, notre programme vise de combler un tant soit peu ces vide