24 research outputs found

    Kajian Analisis Pushover untuk Performance Based Design pada Gedung A Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Kertosono

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    Berkurangnya lahan pembangunan yang tersedia di Indonesia menyebabkan meningkatnya jumlah pembangunan gedung bertingkat. Semakin tinggi suatu struktur, semakin rawan struktur tersebut terhadap gaya gempa bumi. Perencanaan bangunan tahan gempa perlu dilakukan untuk meminimalisir pengaruh gaya gempa bumi, salah satu contoh perencanaan bangunan tahan gempa adalah Perencanaan Berbasis Kinerja (Performance Based Design). Salah satu komponen dari Performance Based Design dalam menentukan kapasitas suatu struktur adalah Analisis Statik Non-Linier Pushover. Analisis yang dilakukan ada dua, yaitu Analisis Dinamis Respon Spektrum dan Analisis Statik Non-Linier Pushover. Analisis Dinamis Respon Spektrum menggunakan respon spektrum dari SNI 1726-2002 dan SNI 1726-2012. Analisis ini dilakukan untuk menentukan gaya gempa dasar dan simpangan atap struktur. Analisis Statik Non-Linier Pushover menggunakan Prosedur A dan B sesuai ATC 40 dengan respon spektrum sesuai SNI 1726-2002 dan SNI 1726-2012. Prosedur A dilakukan secara manual dengan bantuan aplikasi Microsoft Excel, sedangkan Prosedur B menggunakan aplikasi SAP2000. Hasil dari analisis pada Gedung A Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Kertosono berupa gaya gempa dasar, simpangan atap, titik performa, serta tingkat layan struktur. Gaya gempa dasar sesuai SNI 2002 sebesar 1841665,3 kg ke arah X dan 1633055,2 kg ke arah Y, untuk SNI 2012 sebesar 1473344 kg ke arah X dan 1306519 kg ke arah Y. Simpangan atap sesuai SNI 2002 sebesar 0,02669 m ke arah X dan 0,02049 m ke arah Y, untuk SNI 2012 sebesar 0,02135 m ke arah X dan 0,01639 m ke arah Y. Titik performa dari Prosedur A dan B mengalami perbedaan, hal ini terjadi karena perbedaan asumsi parameter oleh penulis pada prosedur A dan asumsi parameter oleh aplikasi SAP2000 pada prosedur B. Serta adanya perbedaan nilai-nilai pada respon spektrum menurut SNI 1726-2002 dan SNI 1726-2012

    Penilaian EAFM pada Domain Teknik Penangkapan Ikan di Pulau Sangat Kecil Terluar dan Terdepan Indonesia (Studi Kasus Gugus Pulau Ayau,Raja Ampat)

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    Management and utilization of the fisheries resources in the Indonesia”s outermost tiny island, became a crucial concern, in order to ensure the economic improvement of the local communities and the sustainability of the ecosystem. This study aims to determine the value of the status of fisheries resources in the domain of fishing techniques across the Ayau Archipelago. Evaluation of EAFM implementation status is carried out by the adding up of the scores for each criterion and then dividing by the number of indicators. The index score is obtained from the average value of the flag model in the fishing technique domain. The total index value obtained is then analyzed using a multi-criteria system comparing the total index value of all attributes/indicators with the maximum total index. Arcmap GIS 10.3.1 for mapping was made to obtain the coordinates and area of the island. The results analysis of the composite value EAFM is 68.8%. Our Analysis also indicate that fishing capacity and fishing effort as well as crew certification of fishing boat have low scores with the index values of 315 and 60 respectively. Howover, small scale fisheries management in the Ayau archipelago attracts much special attention from related sectors for further improvement.  the management of small-scale fisheries in the Ayau Islands from a technical and implementation point of view needs to be improved

    Perilaku Ekonomi Para Pihak Dalam Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Obat Di Tn Meru Betiri Jawa Timur

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    Perilaku ekonomi para pihak di Taman Nasional Meru Betiri (TNMB) ditentukan oleh akses mereka terhadap pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat. Variabel akses seperti teknologi, modal, pasar, tenaga kerja, pengetahuan, otoritas, identitas sosial dan negosiasi melalui relasi sosial diperlukan dalam pemanfaatan tersebut. Keuntungan, biaya transaksi dan jaminan alami merupakan faktor ekonomi yang mengikuti perilaku para pihak di TNMB. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis perilaku sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat pedesaan di sekitar hutan TNMB melalui identifikasi variabel akses yang mereka miliki, biaya manfaat yang diperoleh, biaya transaksi dan jaminan alam dalam pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat di TNMB. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa para pihak memiliki tiga variabel aksesyaitu teknologi, kapital dan pasar. Dalam analisis statistik diperoleh bahwa hanya akses terhadap pasar yang memiliki nilai positif, sedangkan akses lainnya negatif. Hal ini berarti bahwa permintaan tumbuhan obat dipengaruhi oleh pasar dan kurang dipengaruhi oleh penggunaan kapital dan teknologi. Pendarung dan blandong lebih berperilaku sebagai penjual sedangkan pengepul dan borek kayu sebagai pembeli. Para pihak umumnya mendapatkan keuntungan dalam pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat, tetapi keuntungan tersebut harus dibagikan kepada berbagai pihak yang terlibat secara tidak langsung dalam perdagangan tumbuhan obat

    U-Pb zircon geochronology of rocks from west Central Sulawesi, Indonesia: Extension-related metamorphism and magmatism during the early stages of mountain building

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    Sulawesi has generally been interpreted as the product of convergence in the Cretaceous and Cenozoic, and high mountains in west Central Sulawesi have been considered the product of magmatism and metamorphism related to Neogene collision. New SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating of metamorphic and granitoid rocks has identified protoliths and sources of melts, and indicates an important role for extension. Schists, gneisses and granitoids have inherited Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Paleogene zircons. Mesoproterozoic and Triassic age populations are similar to those from the Bird's Head region. Their protoliths included sediments and granitoids interpreted as part of an Australian-origin block. We suggest this rifted from the Australian margin of Gondwana in the Jurassic and accreted to Sundaland to form NW Sulawesi in the Late Cretaceous. Some metamorphic rocks have Cretaceous and/or Late Eocene magmatic zircons indicating metamorphism cannot be older than Late Eocene, and were not Australian-origin basement. Instead, they were metamorphosed in the Neogene after Sula Spur collision and subsequent major extension. Associated magmatism in west Central Sulawesi produced a K-rich shoshonitic (HK) suite in the Middle Miocene to Early Pliocene. A later episode of magmatism in the Late Miocene to Pliocene formed mainly shoshonitic to high-K calc-alkaline (CAK) rocks. I-type and silica-rich I-type granitoids and diorites of the CAK suite record a widespread short interval of magmatism between 8.5 and 4. Ma. Inherited zircon ages indicate the I-type CAK rocks were the product of partial melting of the HK suite. S-type CAK magmatism between c. 5 and 2.5. Ma and zircon rim ages from gneisses record contemporaneous metamorphism that accompanied extension. Despite its position in a convergent setting in Indonesia, NW Sulawesi illustrates the importance of melting and metamorphism in an extensional setting during the early stages of mountain building

    Growth Process Of Organic Vetiver Root With Potato AS Intercropping Plant

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    Vetiver oil (Vetiveria zizanoides) is one of Indonesia main export commodities. Vetiver root is perennial plant and generally planted with vegetables as intercropping plant. Increasing the selling price of vetiver oil can be done by transferring the production of conventional vetiver oil (non-organic) to organic vetiver oil. Demonstration of land used was one hectare, which 2,000 m2 for planting vetiver root with potato (Solanum tuberosum) as inter-cropping plant and 8,000 m2 for vetiver root without intercropping, in Sukakarya-Samarang, Garut. The planting used goat and cow dung as manure, distillate water of vetiver oil and liquid bio-pesticide as pesticide. Variables studied included plant height, number of leaf and crotch. In the first quarter of the years, the number of leaf and crotch of vetiver root with intercropping was better than vetiver root without inter-cropping. However, there was not significant difference for plant height of vetiver root, both with and without intercropping. Products of organic potato as intercropping plant of vetiver root were less than those of non-organic potato, but the latter had a better texture and durability

    Mapping ergonomics application to improve SMEs working condition in industrially developing countries: a critical review

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    In industrially developing countries (IDC), small and medium enterprises (SMEs) account for the highest proprotion of employment. Unfortunately, the working conditions in SMEs are often very poor and expose employees to a potentially wide range of health and safety risks. This paper presents a comprehensive review of 161 articles related to ergonomics application in SMEs, using Indonesia as a case study. The aim of this paper is to investigate the extent of ergonomics application and identify areas that can be improved to promote effective ergonomics for SMEs in IDC. The most urgent issue found is the need for adopting participatory approach in contrast to the commonly implemented top-down approach. Some good practices in ergonomics application were also revealed from the review, e.g. a multidisciplinary approach, unsophisticated and low-cost solutions, and recognising the importance of productivity. The review also found that more work is still required to achieve appropriate cross-cultural adaptation of ergonomics application. Practitioner Summary: Despite continuous efforts in addressing ergonomics issues in SMEs of IDC, workers are still exposed to poor work conditions. We reviewed factual-based evidence of current ergonomics application to inform future strategies of ergonomics in IDC, using Indonesia as a case study

    Namaku Ibrahim Hasan: Menebah Tantangan Zaman

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    Biografi ini memaparkan banyak corak dan sangat tak seragam. Kadang Ibrahim menampilkan dirinya begitu bersahaja, dengan ungkapan pada teks terkesan polos dan sederhana. Dalam momen-momen seperti itu Ibrahim Hasan memang tampil dengan sentuhan kemanusiaan sejati. Membacanya kita merasakan seperti ada gemuruh impuls adrenalin yang menyenangkan. Ternyata ia tak berbeda dengan orang kebanyakan, yang kadangkala karena dorongan sub-kesadaran melakukan hal-hal yang jenaka dan kurang berkenan