828 research outputs found

    El poder transformador del teatro en la expresi?n oral y corporal de los ni?os de grado primero del Colegio Americano de Pereira

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    229 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente proyecto El poder transformador del teatro en la expresi?n oral y corporal de los ni?os y ni?as del grado primero del colegio Americano de la ciudad de Pereira, toma las artes como herramienta conductora y formadora, apoyando los diferentes procesos acad?micos de la instituci?n en pro de una formaci?n integral en ellos y bas?ndose en el teatro como eje articulador en la construcci?n de la personalidad, las cualidades y aptitudes desde ?l mismo y hacia los dem?s. El teatro es entonces el que permite influir en las diferentes expresiones del ni?o, por medio de la implementaci?n de estrategias l?dicas a partir de la danza, la m?sica, la poes?a, la literatura y las manualidades convirti?ndose estas en actividades integradoras y fortalecedoras de las tem?ticas acad?micas y reflexivas de la instituci?n, innovando permanentemente en la formaci?n integral de los estudiantes no solo del grado primero sino tambi?n en estudiantes de otros grados, donde uno de los grandes prop?sitos es fortalecer su desempe?o como ser social y lo haga participe activo de su propio aprendizaje, a que disfrute de su ambiente escolar, a que se convierta en un ser cr?tico activo y constructivo en el aula. Palabras clave: herramienta, corporal, verbal, artes, formaci?n, teatro, estrategias, danza, literatura, m?sica, articulador y construcci?n,This project called The power transformer theater in body and verbal expression of children in the first grade of the College Americano in the city of Pereira, takes the arts as conductive and forming tool, supporting different academic processes of the institution pro a comprehensive education of them and based on the theater as the linchpin in building the personality, qualities and skills from himself and toward others. The theater is then, which allows to influence the different expressions of the child, through the implementation of recreational activities from dance strategies, music, poetry, literature and crafts becoming these in integrating and fortifying activities of the academic and reflective thematic of the institution, constantly innovating in the integral formation of students, not only the first grade but also students from other grades, where one of the main purposes is to strengthen its performance as a social being and make him an active participant in their own learning, to enjoy the school environment, to become an active and constructive being in the classroom. Key Words: tool, bodily, verbal, Arts, training, theater, strategies, dance, literature, music, articulator and constructio

    Representaciones sociales que tienen los docentes y estudiantes de la Universidad del Tolima sobre la escritura y el ensayo como g?nero acad?mico

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    120 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa siguiente investigaci?n tiene como objetivo general ?Identificar las representaciones sociales que tienen los docentes y estudiantes de la Universidad del Tolima sobre la escritura y el ensayo como g?nero acad?mico?. En esta indagaci?n fue posible identificar las dificultades que tienen los estudiantes con el manejo del c?digo escrito y los vac?os conceptuales que poseen los docentes sobre el ensayo como g?nero acad?mico. Esto se debe a varias problem?ticas identificadas en el presente estudio, pues inicialmente los docentes suponen que los educandos llegan con conocimientos previos a la universidad, desentendi?ndose entonces de su rol como gu?a y orientador del proceso de ense?anza aprendizaje, primando as? un curr?culo oculto y una ense?anza impl?cita que tanto da?o a causado a la educaci?n. As? mismo, esta creencia ha llevado a que el educando reproduzca la cultura del facilismo, del copie y pegue, opacando as? su voz y su pensamiento. En este sentido, gracias a los hallazgos encontrados y al an?lisis de resultados realizado, es posible confirmar las dificultades que se presentan en el contexto universitario con la ense?anza del c?digo escrito, pues desafortunadamente, los docentes tienen una mirada instrumental de la escritura, su visi?n es funcionalista y pragm?tica, dejando de lado su esencia como potenciadora del pensamiento y herramienta para construir el conocimiento. Esta creencia es reproducida as? mismo por los estudiantes, quienes expresaron en la encuesta y en el grupo de discusi?n que la escritura es una forma de expresar ideas, pensamientos y emociones. As? mismo, que es un medio de comunicaci?n y un instrumento importante, confirmando entonces el pensamiento del docente, un pensamiento que debe ser cambiado y renovado a partir de la toma de consciencia y el cambio real en la pr?ctica pedag?gica. Como demuestran los resultados de la investigaci?n, es posible generar cambios reales a partir de la institucionalizaci?n del ensayo, pues al haber un acuerdo pedag?gico coherente y consciente, es viable planear y planificar las tareas y los compromisos acad?micos pactados al inicio del semestre, contando entonces el estudiante con la oportunidad de ser orientado y acompa?ado por los docentes en la construcci?n del ensayo y/o los textos asignados. As? mismo, se propender? por el desarrollo del pensamiento y la construcci?n del conocimiento al plantearse la posibilidad de crear un proyecto colectivo entre los docentes de los diferentes programas acad?micos de la universidad con el fin de contribuir con la producci?n textual de los estudiantes, quienes al igual que los docentes presentan inconvenientes de tiempo, de dinero, de lugar, de desplazamiento, entre otros factores, impidiendo el buen desempe?o de los estudiantes, quienes con el apoyo de los profesores y el desarrollo de estrategias did?cticas y pedag?gicas pueden llegar a escribir en cada disciplina de manera acad?micamente correcta. Palabras claves: Representaciones sociales, escritura acad?mica, ensayo.The following research has as a general objective "Identify the social representations that the teachers and students of the Universidad del Tolima have about writing and essay as an academic genre". In this inquiry it was possible to identify the difficulties that the students have with the handling of the written code and the conceptual vacuums that the teachers have about the essay as an academic genre. This is due to several problems identified in this study, because initially teachers assume that students arrive with prior knowledge of the university, thus disregarding their role as a guide and guide of the teaching-learning process, thus giving priority to a hidden curriculum and a implicit teaching that caused so much damage to education. Likewise, this belief has led the student to reproduce the culture of facilism, copy and paste, thus dulling his voice and his thought. In this sense, thanks to the findings and the analysis of results, it is possible to confirm the difficulties that arise in the university context with the teaching of the written code, because unfortunately, teachers have an instrumental view of writing, their vision It is functionalist and pragmatic, leaving aside its essence as an enhancer of thought and a tool to build knowledge. This belief is reproduced by the students themselves, who expressed in the survey and in the discussion group that writing is a way of expressing ideas, thoughts and emotions. Likewise, it is a means of communication and an important instrument, confirming then the teacher's thought, a thought that must be changed and renewed from the awareness and real change in pedagogical practice. As shown by the results of the research, it is possible to generate real changes from the institutionalization of the trial, because having a coherent and conscious pedagogical agreement, it is feasible to plan and plan the tasks and academic commitments agreed at the beginning of the semester, counting then the student with the opportunity to be guided and accompanied by the teachers in the construction of the essay and / or the assigned texts. Likewise, the development of thought and the construction of knowledge will be fostered by considering the possibility of creating a collective project among the teachers of the different academic programs of the university in order to contribute to the textual production of the students, who Just as teachers have problems of time, money, place, displacement, among other factors, preventing the good performance of students, who with the support of teachers and the development of teaching and pedagogical strategies can write in each discipline in an academically correct manner. Keywords: Social representations, academic writing, essay

    Social and clinical predictors of short- and long-term readmission after a severe exacerbation of copd

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    INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive ability of multiple social, and clinical factors for readmission after a severe acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) during various time periods. METHODS: We performed a prospective cohort study in which recruited patients with AECOPD. We systematically collected numerous clinical (symptoms, pulmonary function, comorbidities, and treatment) and social (financial situation, housing situation, family support, caregiver overload, ability to perform activities, and risk of social exclusion) variables using several questionnaires and indices. The patients were followed closely for one year and readmissions at 30, 60, and 365 days were analysed. RESULTS: 253 patients were included, aged 68.9+/-9.8years, FEV1 = 42.1%+/-14.2%, and a Charlson's index = 1.8+/-0.9. Of these patients, 20.2%, 39.6%, and 63.7% were readmitted within the first 30, 90, and 365 days after discharge, respectively. In the multivariate model applied, the variables that were independently associated with readmission over all three periods of the analysis were dependence to perform basic activities of daily living (BADLs) (odds ratio [OR] = 2.10-4.10) and a history of two or more admissions within the previous year (OR = 2.78-3.78). At 90 days, a history of bacterial isolates in a previous sputum culture (OR = 2.39) and at 365 days, a high grade of dyspnoea (OR = 2.51) and obesity (OR = 2.38) were also identified as predictors of hospital readmission. CONCLUSIONS: The patients' limitation to perform BADLs and their history of admissions for AECOPD were the best predictive variables for the likelihood of readmission when adjusted for many other social and clinical variables, regardless of the time period considered for such prediction

    El entorno, una herramienta did?ctica para desarrollar el pensamiento y la competencia cient?fica en los ni?os y ni?as de 5 a 7 a?os

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    214 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo investigativo se llev? a cabo en una instituci?n educativa del municipio de Pereira, en donde se observaron e intervinieron ni?os y ni?as de 5 a 7 a?os desde el desarrollo del pensamiento cient?fico, partiendo de una caracterizaci?n de los estudiantes, evidenciando que los estudiantes no se planteaban, ni les planteaban propuestas para que ellos construyeran sus propios conceptos partiendo de la experiencia; falencia que se ten?a en los procesos de construcci?n de pensamiento por parte de los ni?os, que buscan el conocimiento de su entorno a trav?s del m?todo experimental. La meta del proyecto es favorecer a los educandos en su proceso de formaci?n, partiendo de los conocimientos previos e involucrarlos en la construcci?n del pensamiento cient?fico, en donde se pretende potencializar las habilidades y competencias que les brinde la capacidad de saber, saber hacer y poder hacer en su entorno y este se d? a trav?s de la investigaci?n acci?n-participaci?n, por medio del cual se dio origen a un Proyecto Pedag?gico de Aula, cuyo eje articulador de todo el proceso de formaci?n cient?fica fue el mariposario escolar, generando un espacio de aprendizaje significativo en el que los ni?os est?n en la posibilidad de hacer ciencia mediante la manipulaci?n, experimentaci?n, hip?tesis y conclusiones que obtiene de ser actor protagonista de su propio proceso. Uno de los prop?sitos del trabajo es organizar un ambiente de aprendizaje que fuera significativo para los educandos basado en la observaci?n, formulaci?n de hip?tesis, experimentaci?n y la conclusi?n, es decir el pensamiento cient?fico permitiendo a su vez buscar la manipulaci?n de elementos del entorno, vivencias y aplicaci?n de saberes previos, para poder as? generar una comunicaci?n asertiva donde las conclusiones se dieran a partir de los procesos desarrollados. Palabras Clave: entorno, pensamiento cient?fico, m?todo cient?fico, creatividad, experimentaci?n, conocimiento com?n, conocimiento cient?fico.Pedagogical project in a classroom took place in an institution educational of the municipality of Pereira, where is observed e intervened children and girls from 5 to 7 years from the development about scientific thought, starting of a characterization of them students where is showed the flaw that is had in them processes of construction of thought from the children in the knowledge about their environment through the medium experimental i.e. not raised proposals so that they build their own concepts based on their experience. The project?s goal is to assist learners in their learning process on the basis of previous knowledge and engage them in the construction of scientific thinking where is intended to enhance the skills and competencies that to deliver the ability to know, do, and can do in their environment and this is given through the action - participation research whereby gave rise to the school butterfly as the articulator axis of the entire training process scientific, generating a space of learning significant in which them children are in the possibility of make science through the manipulation, experimentation, hypothesis and conclusions that obtains of be actor protagonist of its own process. Also it had got organize an environment significant of learning, based us in observation, formulation, hypothesis, experimentation and finally the conclusion, to its time it manipulation of elements of this environment, experiences and knowledge previous, reaching thus to generate a communication assertive where each an of them parts presents their questions and their conclusions starting from them processes developed. KeyWords: environment, scientific, thinking, scientific method, creativity, experimentation, common knowledge, scientific knowledge

    Sistematizaci?n de experiencias y su aporte a la pr?ctica pedag?gica

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    56 p. Recurso Electr?nicoNuestro prop?sito en el presente trabajo es recalcar la importancia de la sistematizaci?n de experiencia en el ?mbito pedag?gico, para lo cual nos enfocaremos en analizar diferentes teor?as referentes al tema, esto con el fin de explicar cuan profundo y complejo es este proceso y c?mo su realizaci?n nos genera grandes aportes en un campo como la ense?anza. Para nuestro trabajo utilizaremos los aportes realizados por autores como: Marco Ra?l Mej?a, Oscar Jara Holliday, Ana Bickel, Antoni Verger Planells, Herman Van de Velde, Claudia Patricia Roa Mendoza, Alexander Arbey S?nchez Upegui, Mar?a Mercedes Barnechea Garc?a, Luz Dary Ruiz Botero. Analizaremos la convergencia que tienen estos autores respecto a 3 categor?as (Concepto, Estrategias de sistematizaci?n y Herramientas de sistematizaci?n) pudiendo as? establecer un conceso entre dichos te?ricos lo que nos permitir? plantear una nueva mirada a ?ste tipo de procesos.Our purpose in the present work is to emphasize the importance of the systematization of experience in the pedagogical field, for which we will focus on analyzing different theories referring to the theme, in order to explain how deep and complex this process is and how its realization generates great contributions in a field such as teaching. For our work we will use the contributions made by authors such as Marco Ra?l Mej?a, Oscar Jara Holliday, Ana Bickel, Antoni Verger Planells, Herman Van de Velde, Claudia Patricia Roa Mendoza, Alexander Arbey S?nchez Upegui, Mar?a Mercedes Barnechea Garc?a, Luz Dary Ruiz Botero . We will analyze the convergence that these authors have with respect to 3 categories (Concept, Strategies of systematization and Tools of systematization), thus establishing a concession between these theorists which will allow us to propose a new look at this type of processes. Keywords: Systematization of experiences, pedagogy, process analysis, teaching, systematization, strategies, systematization tools

    Value of Serum NEUROG1 Methylation for the Detection of Advanced Adenomas and Colorectal Cancer

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    Aberrant DNA methylation detected in liquid biopsies is a promising approach for colorectal cancer (CRC) detection, including premalignant advanced adenomas (AA). We evaluated the diagnostic capability of serum NEUROG1 methylation for the detection of AA and CRC. A CpG island in NEUROG1 promoter was assessed by bisulfite pyrosequencing in a case-control cohort to select optimal CpGs. Selected sites were evaluated through a nested methylation-specific qPCR custom assay in a screening cohort of 504 asymptomatic family-risk individuals. Individuals with no colorectal findings and benign pathologies showed low serum NEUROG1 methylation, similar to non-advanced adenomas. Contrarily, individuals bearing AA or CRC (advanced neoplasia-AN), exhibited increased NEUROG1 methylation. Using >1.3518% as NEUROG1 cut-off (90.60% specificity), 33.33% of AN and 32.08% of AA were identified, detecting 50% CRC cases. Nonetheless, the combination of NEUROG1 with fecal immunochemical test (FIT), together with age and gender through a multivariate logistic regression resulted in an AUC = 0.810 for AN, and 0.796 for AA, detecting all cancer cases and 35-47% AA (specificity 98-95%). The combination of NEUROG1 methylation with FIT, age and gender demonstrated a convenient performance for the detection of CRC and AA, providing a valuable tool for CRC screening programs in asymptomatic individuals

    Fluctuations of wave functions about their classical average

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    Quantum-classical correspondence for the average shape of eigenfunctions and the local spectral density of states are well-known facts. In this paper, the fluctuations that quantum mechanical wave functions present around the classical value are discussed. A simple random matrix model leads to a Gaussian distribution of the amplitudes. We compare this prediction with numerical calculations in chaotic models of coupled quartic oscillators. The expectation is broadly confirmed, but deviations due to scars are observed.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Sent to J. Phys.

    Increased urinary markers of kidney damage in the institutionalized frail elderly due to recurrent urinary tract infections.

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    Objective: To characterize the impact on kidney injury of recurrent urinary tract infections (RUTI) in the frail elderly. Methods: Prospective observational study in 200 frail elderly subjects for 1 year. Groups: GA (n = 100): subjects without RUTI, GB (n = 100): subjects with RUTI. Variables: age, concomitant diseases, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), urine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) at the beginning (NGAL-1) and end (NGAL-2) of the study, urine N-acetyl glucosaminidase (NAG) at the beginning (NAG-1) and the end (NAG-2) of the study, urine transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGFbeta-1). Descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney test, Chi-squared test, Fisher's exact test, and multivariate analysis were used. Results: Mean age was 84.33 (65-99) years old, with no difference between GA and GB. Mean NGAL-1 was 1.29 ng/ml (0.04-8). There was lower in GA than in GB. Mean NGAL-2 was 1.41 ng/ml (0.02-9.22). NGAL-2 was lower in GA than in GB. Mean NAG-1 was 0.38 UU.II/ml (0.01-2.63. NAG-1 in GA was lower than in GB. Mean NAG-2 was 0.44 UU.II/ml (0-3.41). NAG-2 was lower in GA compared with GB. Mean TGFbeta-1 was 23.43 pg/ml (0.02-103.76). TGFbeta-1 was lower in GA than GB. There were no differences in the presence of secondary diagnoses between GA and GB. NAG-2 and NGAL-1 were the most determining factors of renal function; in GA it was NGAL-2, followed by NAG-1; in GB it was NGAL-1, followed by NAG-2. Conclusion: Frail elderly with RUTI have higher urinary levels of renal injury markers, specifically NGAL, NAG, and TGFbeta-1, chronically in periods between urinary tract infection (UTI). Urinary markers of renal injury, specifically NGAL, NAG, and TGFbeta-1, identify early deterioration of renal function, compared with serum creatinine, or albuminuria, in frail elderly with recurrent urinary infections

    TP53, ATRX alterations, and low tumor mutation load feature IDH-wildtype giant cell glioblastoma despite exceptional ultra-mutated tumors

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    Background: Giant cell glioblastoma (gcGBM) is a rare morphological variant of IDH-wildtype (IDHwt) GBM that occurs in young adults and have a slightly better prognosis than "classic" IDHwt GBM. Methods: We studied 36 GBMs, 14 with a histopathological diagnosis of gcGBM and 22 with a giant cell component. We analyzed the genetic profile of the most frequently mutated genes in gliomas and assessed the tumor mutation load (TML) by gene-targeted next-generation sequencing. We validated our findings using The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data. Results: p53 was altered by gene mutation or protein overexpression in all cases, while driver IDH1, IDH2, BRAF, or H3F3A mutations were infrequent or absent. Compared to IDHwt GBMs, gcGBMs had a significant higher frequency of TP53, ATRX, RB1, and NF1 mutations, while lower frequency of EGFR amplification, CDKN2A deletion, and TERT promoter mutation. Almost all tumors had low TML values. The high TML observed in only 2 tumors was consistent with POLE and MSH2 mutations. In the histopathological review of TCGA IDHwt, TP53-mutant tumors identified giant cells in 37% of the cases. Considering our series and that of the TCGA, patients with TP53-mutant gcGBMs had better overall survival than those with TP53wt GBMs (log-rank test, P < .002). Conclusions: gcGBMs have molecular features that contrast to "classic" IDHwt GBMs: unusually frequent ATRX mutations and few EGFR amplifications and CDKN2A deletions, especially in tumors with a high number of giant cells. TML is frequently low, although exceptional high TML suggests a potential for immune checkpoint therapy in some cases, which may be relevant for personalized medicine
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