2,322 research outputs found
La transgresión cenomanense en el sector septentrional de la "Serranía de Cuenca" (provincias de Cuenca y Guadalajara, Cordillera Ibérica)
[ES] Los materiales del Albense-Cenomanense que afloran al N. de la Serrania
de Cuenca se encuentran delimitados entre dos discordancias,
una previa al depósito de las arenas en Facies Utrillas y otra de edad
Cenomanense superior. Estos materiales forman una sucesión con
diez tramos litológicos diferentes, entre 10s que se indentifican, bastante
reducidos de potencia, alguna de las unidades litoestratigráficas
recientemente definidas en la Cordillera Ibérica.
Estos tramos pueden agruparse en tres unidades litoestratigraficas
con rango de Formación: Arenas de Utrillas, Dolomias y margas (sin
denominación formal) y Calizas dolomiticas de Nuévalos-Dolomias
Tableadas de Villa de ves. Desde el punto de vista evolutivo, estos
materiales forman una transgresión compleja, con cinco secuencias
deposicionales separadas por discontinuidades. Por ultimo, se define
la existencia de un elemento paleogeografico en la región de
Peñalen-Taravilla, un escalón que delimita la extensión hacia el N.
de la unidad secuencia deposicional basal.[EN] The Albian-Cenomanian material outcropping in the Northern part
of the Serrania de Cuenca are bounded by angular unconformities.
The one at the base was prior to the ({Facies Utrillas)) (sandstones)
deposition, and the unconformity which constitutes the upper boundary
is considered to be Upper Cenomanian.
Ten lithological units form the entire succession, being identified
from among them some of the recently defined stratigraphical Units
of the Iberian Ranges, although thicknesses are always very reduced.
Th beds can be brouped into three lithoestratigraphical Formations,
named: Utrillas Sandstones, Dolomites and marls (unformal
denomination) and Dolomitic limestones of ~uévalos-Laminated dolomites
of Villa de Ves. From the evolutionary point of view, the succession represents a complex transgression with several impulses,
specifically, five stratigraphical cycles, separates by unconformities
(non-depositional unconformities) are distinguished. Finally, it is defined
the existence of a paleogeographical feature in the Peíialen-
Taravilla region, a step that conditioned the extension towards the
North of the basal cycle.Peer reviewe
Jets as diagnostics of the circumstellar medium and the explosion energetics of supernovae: the case of Cas A
We present hydrodynamical models for the Cassiopeia A (Cas A) supernova
remnant and its observed jet / counter-jet system. We include the evolution of
the progenitor's circumstellar medium, which is shaped by a slow red supergiant
wind that is followed by a fast Wolf-Rayet (WR) wind.
The main parameters of the simulations are the duration of the WR phase and
the jet energy. We find that the jet is destroyed if the WR phase is
sufficiently long and a massive circumstellar shell has formed. We therefore
conclude that the WR phase must have been short (a few thousand yr), if present
at all. Since the actual jet length of Cas A is not known we derive a lower
limit for the jet energy, which is ~10^{48} erg. We discuss the implications
for the progenitor of Cas A and the nature of its explosion.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, ApJ accepted. Version with high resolution
figures available at http://www.phys.uu.nl/~schure/CasA_jet.pd
Abordaje de un mal rendimiento académico en estudiante universitaria: Estudio de caso único
El mal rendimiento académico es un problema ampliamente extendido entre la población
universitaria y uno de los problemas más habituales junto a aquellos relacionados con la
ansiedad y las técnicas de estudio. En el Gabinete de Psicología de la Universidad de Jaén
tratamos a una estudiante cuyo motivo de consulta es la ansiedad ante los exámenes y el mal
rendimiento. En relación a ello, se le aplican diferentes pruebas de evaluación: autorresgistro
de hábitos de estudio diseñado desde este Gabinete, Inventario de Ansiedad Rasgo-Estado -
STAI- (Spielberger, Gorsuch y Lushene, 1981), Adaptación española del Inventario para la
Depresión de Beck—II (BDI-II) (Sanz y cols., 2005) y Cuestionario de Ansiedad ante los
exámenes (Valero, 1997). Tras la corrección de dichas pruebas se elabora una intervención con
el objetivo de mejorar los hábitos de estudio y, como actividad complementaria, disminuir los
niveles de ansiedad. Las actividades que se desarrollan a lo largo de las sesiones son, en primer
lugar, el aprendizaje de técnicas de respiración y relajación. Posteriormente, sesiones
dedicadas a la adquisición de técnicas de estudio. Por un lado el aprendizaje de la gestión del
tiempo, planificación y priorización de las actividades diarias académicas; por otra parte, el
aprendizaje de tareas de síntesis de la información como son el subrayado o la elaboración de
esquemas que faciliten la comprensión de la materia y el almacenamiento de tal información
para su ulterior recuperación en situación de examen. Durante el período de intervención, la
usuaria del servicio psicológico del gabinete sigue algunas de las recomendaciones por lo que
consigue sutiles logros en planificación de tareas académicas aunque continúa mostrando
dificultades en comprensión y síntesis de la información dando lugar a pobres resultados. Se
recomienda a la usuaria continuar el entrenamiento en comprensión, tarea que excede de la
competencia de este Gabinete de Psicología por lo que se da por concluida la intervención
Time-dependent ejection velocity model for the outflow of Hen 3--1475
We present 2D axisymmetric and 3D numerical simulations of the
proto-planetary nebula Hen 3-1475, which is characterized by a remarkably
highly collimated optical jet, formed by a string of shock-excited knots along
the axis of the nebula. It has recently been suggested that the kinematical and
morphological properties of the Hen 3-1475 jet could be the result of an
ejection variability of the central source (Riera et al. 2003). The
observations suggest a periodic variability of the ejection velocity
superimposed on a smoothly increasing ejection velocity ramp. From our
numerical simulations, we have obtained intensity maps (for different optical
emission lines) and position-velocity diagrams, in order to make a direct
comparison with the HST observations of this object. Our numerical study allows
us to conclude that a model of a precessing jet with a time-dependent ejection
velocity, which is propagating into an ISM previously perturbed by an AGB wind,
can succesfully explain both the morphological and the kinematical
characteristics of this proto-planetary nebula.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics (accepted) (8 figures
Unidades estratigráficas en el Cretácico medio de la región Cuenca-Atienza (Cordillera Ibérica)
Los materiales del Cretacico medio que afloran a lo largo de la transversal Atienza-Cuenca, corresponden a las facies de borde de una transgresión "tethysiana" compleja. Estos sedimentos se han depositado en medios de transición que evolucionan de mixtos a carbonatados. En dichos sedimentos se pueden diferenciar tres clases distintas de unidades estratigraficas: Unidades litoestratigráficas, se reconocen seis litosomas que se identifican con las Formaciones Arenas de Utrillas; Arenas, Arcillas y Calizas de Santa Maria de las Hoyas; Dolomias tableadas de Villa de Vés y con las unidades nuevas, Margas y Calizas; y Areniscas (sin denominacibn formal). Unidades cicloestratigrhficas (sin definir formalmente): se diferencian seis secuencias deposicionales limitadas por discontinuidades sedimentarias. Unidades cronoestratigraficas: se distinguen cuatro unidades basadas en datos paleontológicos y por correlación con otras zonas próximas; Albense superior, Vraconiense, Cenomanense inferior y Cenomanense medio-superior?
Thin shell morphology in the circumstellar medium of massive binaries
We investigate the morphology of the collision front between the stellar
winds of binary components in two long-period binary systems, one consisting of
a hydrogen rich Wolf-Rayet star (WNL) and an O-star and the other of a Luminous
Blue Variable (LBV) and an O-star. Specifically, we follow the development and
evolution of instabilities that form in such a shell, if it is sufficiently
compressed, due to both the wind interaction and the orbital motion. We use
MPI-AMRVAC to time-integrate the equations of hydrodynamics, combined with
optically thin radiative cooling, on an adaptive mesh 3D grid. Using parameters
for generic binary systems, we simulate the interaction between the winds of
the two stars. The WNL+O star binary shows a typical example of an adiabatic
wind collision. The resulting shell is thick and smooth, showing no
instabilities. On the other hand, the shell created by the collision of the O
star wind with the LBV wind, combined with the orbital motion of the binary
components, is susceptible to thin shell instabilities, which create a highly
structured morphology. We identify the nature of the instabilities as both
linear and non-linear thin-shell instabilities, with distinct differences
between the leading and the trailing parts of the collision front. We also find
that for binaries containing a star with a (relatively) slow wind, the global
shape of the shell is determined more by the slow wind velocity and the orbital
motion of the binary, than the ram pressure balance between the two winds. The
interaction between massive binary winds needs further parametric exploration,
to identify the role and dynamical importance of multiple instabilities at the
collision front, as shown here for an LBV+O star system.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in A&
A hydrodynamical model of the circumstellar bubble created by two massive stars
Numerical models of the wind-blown bubble of massive stars usually only
account for the wind of a single star. However, since massive stars are usually
formed in clusters, it would be more realistic to follow the evolution of a
bubble created by several stars. We develope a two-dimensional (2D) model of
the circumstellar bubble created by two massive stars, a 40 solar mass star and
a 25 solar mass star, and follow its evolution. The stars are separated by
approximately 16 pc and surrounded by a cold medium with a density of 20
particles per cubic cm. We use the MPI-AMRVAC hydrodynamics code to solve the
conservation equations of hydrodynamics on a 2D cylindrical grid using
time-dependent models for the wind parameters of the two stars. At the end of
the stellar evolution (4.5 and 7.0 million years for the 40 and 25 solar mass
stars, respectively), we simulate the supernova explosion of each star. Each
star initially creates its own bubble. However, as the bubbles expand they
merge, creating a combined, aspherical bubble. The combined bubble evolves over
time, influenced by the stellar winds and supernova explosions. The evolution
of a wind-blown bubble created by two stars deviates from that of the bubbles
around single stars. In particular, once one of the stars has exploded, the
bubble is too large for the wind of the remaining star to maintain and the
outer shell starts to disintegrate. The lack of thermal pressure inside the
bubble also changes the behavior of circumstellar features close to the
remaining star. The supernovae are contained inside the bubble, which reflects
part of the energy back into the circumstellar medium.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. Six .avi files to be published
online (uploaded to ArXiv DC and available as ancillary files) (updated after
language corrections
Content categories system for body constructs applied to patients with mastectomy
Body image is a predictor of psychological adjustment to cancer and a risk factor for depression. Questionnaires to assess body image in cancer patients assume a preconceived concept of body image and do not reflect the patient's subjective experience. This study aims to develop a content categories system for analyzing body constructs in breast cancer patients from their own experience. Methods The sample comprised 542 constructs, from 23 patients subjected to surgery (12 mastectomy/11 breast-conserving surgery) and 24 controls. Participants were assessed with the Body Grid. Three independent judges coded the constructs elicited following a tentative categories system. Result Six categories appeared: Objective Appearance, Esthetics, Function, Strength, Energy and Emotions, with similar distribution in the samples. Objective Appearance, Esthetics and Emotions were the most used. The inter-rater agreement was very good. Conclusions These findings highlight the importance of knowing which thematic areas concern the most to each patient and the absent ones in their constructions, in order to focus psychotherapy on the developing of new meanings that allow a more integrated body imag
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