6,548 research outputs found

    The cyclical trend of local public service governance: evidence from urban water management in Spain

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    The level of public and private involvement in economic activity in societies has changed over time. One may talk about the existence of a cyclical trend in which the most important periods of public governance are replaced by periods in which private management dominates the situation. This phenomenon may also be observed in local areas. Some authors have pointed out the existence of an alternation in the provision of municipal services, resulting in periods dominated by governance compared to other stages dominated by private management. In order to illustrate this cyclical trend at local level, this paper intends to analyze the evolution of the governance of the Spanish water supply since the mid-nineteenth century to the present day. Recent evidence from the industry suggests the possibility that we may currently be witnessing a further change in the trend.: Local Government, urban water supply, privatization, municipalization

    Analyzing {\gamma}-rays of the Galactic Center with Deep Learning

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    We present a new method to interpret the γ\gamma-ray data of our inner Galaxy as measured by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi LAT). We train and test convolutional neural networks with simulated Fermi-LAT images based on models tuned to real data. We use this method to investigate the origin of an excess emission of GeV γ\gamma-rays seen in previous studies. Interpretations of this excess include γ\gamma rays created by the annihilation of dark matter particles and γ\gamma rays originating from a collection of unresolved point sources, such as millisecond pulsars. Our new method allows precise measurements of the contribution and properties of an unresolved population of γ\gamma-ray point sources in the interstellar diffuse emission model.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figure

    Chiral and U(1)AU(1)_A restoration for the scalar/pseudoscalar meson nonets

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    We analyze the restoration pattern of the members of the scalar and pseudoscalar meson nonets under chiral O(4)O(4) and U(1)AU(1)_A symmetries. For that purpose, we exploit QCD Ward Identities (WI), which allow one to relate susceptibilities with quark condensates, as well as susceptibility differences with meson vertices. In addition, we consider the low-energy realization of QCD provided by U(3)U(3) Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) at finite temperature to perform a full analysis of the different correlators involved. Our analysis suggests U(1)AU(1)_A partner restoration if chiral symmetry partners are also degenerated. This is also confirmed by the ChPT analysis when the light chiral limit is reached. Partner degeneration for the I=1/2I=1/2 sector, the behavior of I=0I=0 mixing and the temperature scaling of meson masses predicted by WI are also studied. Special attention is paid to the connection of our results with recent lattice analyses.Comment: 28 pages and 16 figure

    Compressibility and structural stability of ultra-incompressible bimetallic interstitial carbides and nitrides

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    We have investigated by means of high-pressure x-ray diffraction the structural stability of Pd2Mo3N, Ni2Mo3C0.52N0.48, Co3Mo3C0.62N0.38, and Fe3Mo3C. We have found that they remain stable in their ambient-pressure cubic phase at least up to 48 GPa. All of them have a bulk modulus larger than 330 GPa, being the least compressible material Fe3Mo3C, B0 = 374(3) GPa. In addition, apparently a reduction of compressibility is detected as the carbon content increased. The equation of state for each material is determined. A comparison with other refractory materials indicates that interstitial nitrides and carbides behave as ultra-incompressible materials.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Diagnosing shock temperature with NH3_3 and H2_2O profiles

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    In a previous study of the L1157 B1 shocked cavity, a comparison between NH3_3(10_0-000_0) and H2_2O(110_{\rm 10}--101_{\rm 01}) transitions showed a striking difference in the profiles, with H2_2O emitting at definitely higher velocities. This behaviour was explained as a result of the high-temperature gas-phase chemistry occurring in the postshock gas in the B1 cavity of this outflow. If the differences in behaviour between ammonia and water are indeed a consequence of the high gas temperatures reached during the passage of a shock, then one should find such differences to be ubiquitous among chemically rich outflows. In order to determine whether the difference in profiles observed between NH3_3 and H2_2O is unique to L1157 or a common characteristic of chemically rich outflows, we have performed Herschel-HIFI observations of the NH3_3(10_0-00_0) line at 572.5 GHz in a sample of 8 bright low-mass outflow spots already observed in the H2_2O(110_{\rm 10}--101_{\rm 01}) line within the WISH KP. We detected the ammonia emission at high-velocities at most of the outflows positions. In all cases, the water emission reaches higher velocities than NH3_3, proving that this behaviour is not exclusive of the L1157-B1 position. Comparisons with a gas-grain chemical and shock model confirms, for this larger sample, that the behaviour of ammonia is determined principally by the temperature of the gas.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Understanding Nanopore Window Distortions in the Reversible Molecular Valve Zeolite RHO

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    Molecular valves are becoming popular for potential biomedical applications. However, little is known concerning their performance in energy and environmental areas. Zeolite RHO shows unique pore deformations upon changes in hydration, cation siting, cation type, or temperature-pressure conditions. By varying the level of distortion of double eight-rings, it is possible to control the adsorption properties, which confer a molecular valve behavior to this material. We have employed interatomic potentials-based simulations to obtain a detailed atomistic view of the structural distortion mechanisms of zeolite RHO, in contrast with the averaged and space group restricted information provided by diffraction studies. We have modeled four aluminosilicate structures, containing Li+^+, Na+^+, K+^+, Ca2+^{2+}, and Sr2+^{2+} cations. The distortions of the three different zeolite rings are coupled, and the six- and eight-membered rings are largely flexible. A large dependence on the polarizing power of the extra-framework cations and with the loading of water has been found for the minimum aperture of the eight-membered rings that control the nanovalve effect. The calculated energy barriers for moving the cations across the eight-membered rings are very high, which explains the experimentally observed slow kinetics of the phase transition as well as the appearance of metastable phases

    Materiales calcolíticos procedentes de "La Longuera" (El Viso, Córdoba)

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    El norte de la provincia de Córdoba conforma un marco de enorme interés para el análisis de los primeros momentos de la metalurgia en Andalucía Occidental dada la excepcional riqueza en recursos mineros, y muy especialmente cupríferos que encierra su subsuelo. A este hecho viene a sumarse su singularidad geográfica como lugar de interrelación entre los desarrollos culturales coetáneos en el valle del Guadalquivir, Extremadura y zona occidental de la Submeseta sur. Conscientes de estos hechos, nos planteamos hace varios años un programa de investigación que, partiendo de una serie de prospecciones sistemáticas, nos permitiera una primera y sólida aproximación a la dinámica del Calcolítico en estas tierras cordobesas, labor que ya ha dado sus primeros frutos (MURILLO, 1986,1986 b, 1987) y en la que debe inscribirse el presente trabajo