663 research outputs found

    La fondazione dell'UniversitĂ  Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano

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    A brief update on rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus.

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    Humoral immune response to different routes of myxomatosis vaccine application

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    [EN] The aim of our study was to monitor the dynamics of the serological response to different application routes of live attenuated myxomatosis vaccine. The study included 42 Californian breed rabbits, aged 3 mo, of both sexes. They were separated into 7 groups: 6 experimental and 1 control. All experimental groups were vaccinated on day 0 with a single dose of myxomatosis vaccine (min 103.3 tissue culture infective dose 50 [TCID50], max 105.8 TCID50). Three of the groups were injected with monovalent attenuated myxomatosis vaccine using different types of application: intradermal (i.d.), intramuscular (i.m.) and subcutaneous (s.c.). The other 3 groups were injected with bivalent attenuated vaccine against myxomatosis and rabbit haemorrhagic disease; again the routes of administration were i.d., i.m. and s.c.. There were no clinical signs or serious side effects after vaccination. The serological response was evaluated on days 7, 15 and 30 with a monoclonal antibody based-competition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA). More rapid and potent humoral response was detected in groups with i.d. inoculation in comparison to i.m. and s.c. routes. Vaccination with monovalent vaccine against myxomatosis induced higher antibody titre in comparison to bivalent vaccine. Our study showed that the vaccine application route and the type of vaccine used influence the speed and intensity of antibody response.Manev, I.; Genova, K.; Lavazza, A.; Capucci, L. (2018). Humoral immune response to different routes of myxomatosis vaccine application. World Rabbit Science. 26(2):149-154. doi:10.4995/wrs.2018.7021SWORD149154262Alfonso M., Pagès-Manté A. 2003. Serological response to Myxomatosis vaccination by different inoculation systems on farm rabbits. World Rabbit Sci. 2003, 11: 145-156. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2003.504Barcena J., Morales M., Vázquez B., Boga J., Parra F., Lucientes J., Pagès-Manté A., Sánchez-Vizcaino J., Blasco R., Torres J. 2000. Horizontal Transmissible Protection against Myxomatosis and Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease by Using a Recombinant Myxoma Virus. J. Virol., 74, 1114-1123.Bertagnoli S., Gelfi J., Gall G., Boilletot E., Vautherot J., Rasschaert D., Laurent S., Petit F., Boucraut-Baralon C., Milon A. 1996. Protection against myxomatosis and rabbit viral hemorrhagic disease with recombinant myxoma viruses expressing rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus capsid protein. J. Virol., 70: 5061-5066.Best S., Kerr P. 2000. Coevolution of Host and Virus: The Pathogenesis of Virulent and Attenuated Strains of Myxoma Virus in Resistant and Susceptible European Rabbits. Virology, 267, 36-48. https://doi.org/10.1006/viro.1999.0104Bhanuprakash V., Hosamani M., Venkatesan G., Balamurugan V., Yogisharadhya R., Singh R. 2012. Animal poxvirus vaccines: a comprehensive review Expert Rev. Vaccines, 11, 1355-1374. https://doi.org/10.1586/erv.12.116Calvete C., Estrada R., Lucientes J., Osacar J., Villafuerte R., 2004. Effects of vaccination against viral haemorrhagic disease (VHD) and myxomatosis on long-term mortality rates of European wild rabbits. Vet. Rec., 155: 388-392.Dalton K., Nicieza I., Gullón J., Inza M., Petralanda M., Arroita Z., Parra F. 2012. Analysis of Myxomatosis outbreaks on Spanish rabbit farms. In Proc.: 10th World Rabbit Congress, September 3 - 6, 2012, Sharm El- Sheikh, Egypt, 1203-1207.Dalton K., Nicieza I., de Llano D., Gullón J., Inza M., Petralanda M., Arroita Z., Parra F. 2015. Vaccine breaks: Outbreaks of myxomatosis on Spanish commercial rabbit farms. Vet. Microbiol., 178, 208-216. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetmic.2015.05.008Dan M., Baraitareanu S., Danes D., 2014. Serosurveillance of Myxomatosis by Competitive ELISA. Bulletin UASVM Veterinary Medicine. 71, 266-267.Day M., Fenner F., Woodroofe G., McIntyre G.A. 1956. Further studies on the mechanism of mosquito transmission of Myxomatosis in the European rabbit. J. Hyg. Cambridge, 54:258-283.Farsang A., Makranszki L., Dobos-Kovacs M., Virag G., Fabian K., Barna T., Kuclsar G., Kucsera L., Vetesi F. 2003. Occurrence of atypical myxomatosis in central Europe: clinical and virological examinations. Acta Vet. Hung., 51, 493-501. https://doi.org/10.1556/AVet.51.2003.4.7Fenner F., Ratcliffe F. 1965. Myxomatosis. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. Ferreira C., Ramírez E., Castro F., Ferreras P., Alves P., Redpath S., Villafuerte R. 2009. Field experimental vaccination campaigns against myxomatosis and their effectiveness in the wild. Vaccine, 27: 6998-7002. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2009.09.075Jeklova E., Leva L., Matiasovic J., Kovarcik K., Kudlackova H., Nevorankova Z., Psikal I., Faldyna M. 2007. Characterisation of immunosuppression in rabbits after infection with myxoma virus, Vet. Microbiol., 129: 117-130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetmic.2007.11.039Kerr P.J. 1997. An ELISA for Epidemiological Studies of Myxomatosis: Persistance of Antibodies to Myxoma Virus in European Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Wildlife Res., 24: 53-65.https://doi.org/10.1071/WR96058Kerr P.J. 2012. Myxomatosis in Australia and Europe: A model for emerging infectious diseases. Antivir. Res., 93: 387-415. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.antiviral.2012.01.009Kim, Y.C., Jarrahian, C., Zehrung, D., Mitragotri, S., Prausnitz , M.R. 2012. Delivery Systems for Intradermal Vaccination. Curr. Top. Microbiol., 351: 77-112. https://doi.org/10.1007/82_2011_123King A., Adams M., Carstens E., Lefkowitz E. 2012. Virus Taxonomy. Classification and Nomenclature of Viruses. Ninth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, 291-309.Lavazza A., Graziani M., Tranquillo V.M., Botti G., Palotta C., Cerioli M., Capucci L. 2004. Serorological evaluation of the immunity induced in commercial rabbits by vaccination for Myxomatosis and RHD, In Proc.: 8th World Rabbit Congress, September 7-10, 2004, Puebla, Mexico, 569-575.Le Normand B., Chatellier S., Devaud I., Delvecchio A., Lavazza A., Capucci L. 2015. Evaluation de l'immunité humorale consécutive à la vaccination avec Dervaximyxo SG33 chez des lapines reproductrices vaccinées à différents stades du cycle productif. 16e Journées de la Recherche Cunicole. Le Mans, France. 17-20.Lemiere S. 2000. Combined vaccination against myxomatosis and VHD: an innovative approach, In: 7th World Rabbit Congress, Valencia, 4-7th July, Spain, World Rabbit Sci., 8 suppl 1. Vol. B:289-297.Levin C., Perrin H., Combadiere B. 2015. Tailored immunity by skin antigen-presenting cells. Hum. Vacc. Immunother., 11: 27-36. https://doi.org/10.4161/hv.34299Marlier D. 2010. Vaccination strategies against myxomavirus infections: are we really doing the best? Tijdschr Diergeneesk., 135: 194-198.Marlier D., Mainil J., Boucraut-Baralon C., Linden A., Vindevogel H. 2000. The efficacy of two vaccination schemes against expérimental infection with a virulent amyxomatous or a virulent nodular myxoma virus strain. J. Comp. Path. Vol. 122, 115-122. https://doi.org/10.1053/jcpa.1999.0346Marshall I., Regnery C. 1960. Myxomatosis in a California brush rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani). Nature, 188: 73-74. http://doi.org/10.1038/188073b0Morimoto M. 2009. General Physiology of Rabbits. In: Houdebine LM., Fan J. (eds) Rabbit Biotechnology. Springer, Dordrecht. OIE. 2014. Myxomatosis. Chapter 2.6.1. (NB: Version adopted in May 2014). Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals http://www.oie.int/fileadmin/Home/fr/Health_standards/tahm/2.06.01_MYXO.pdf Accessed June 2018.Panchanathan V., Chaudhri G., Karupiah G. 2008. Correlates of protective immunity in poxvirus infection: where does antibody stand? Immunol. Cell Biol., 86, 80-86. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.icb.7100118Rouco C, Moreno S, Santoro S. 2016. A case of low success of blind vaccination campaigns against myxomatosis and rabbit haemorrhagic disease on survival of adult European wild rabbits. Prev. Vet. Med., 133: 108-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2016.09.013Spibey N., McCabe V., Greenwood N., Jack S., Sutton D., van der Waart L. 2012. Novel bivalent vectored vaccine for control of myxomatosis and rabbit haemorrhagic disease. Vet. Rec., 170: 309. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.10036

    Avaliação da dinâmica do transporte dos bovinos no Pantanal Sul-Matogrossense.

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    O presente trabalho visou definir, caracterizar, classificar os modais de transporte de bovinos e avaliar as atuais condições da infra-estrutura logística dos meios de transporte em quatro sub-regiões do Pantanal (Paiaguás, Nhecolândia, Nabileque e Paraguai), através de duas abordagens: a avaliação da dinâmica do transporte e comercialização dos bovinos e a avaliação da dinâmica do transporte fluvial dos bovinos no porto de Ladário, MS. This study aimed define, characterize and classify the modal transport of beef cattle and assess the current conditions of the infrastructure in logistic of transport, in three subregion of Pantanal (Paiaguás, Nhecolandia, Nabileque and Paraguay), through two approaches: the assessment of the dynamics of the transport and marketing of cattle and evaluation of the dynamics of the fluvial transport of cattle in the port of Ladário, MS

    A novel non-invasive device for the assessment of central venous pressure in hospital, office and home

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    Background: Venous congestion can be quantified by central venous pressure (CVP) and its monitoring is crucial to understand and follow the hemodynamic status of patients with cardio-respiratory diseases. The standard technique for CVP measurement is invasive, requiring the insertion of a catheter into a jugular vein, with potential complications. On the other hand, the current non-invasive methods, mainly based on ultrasounds, remain operator-dependent and are unsuitable for use in the home environment. In this paper, we will introduce a novel, non-invasive device for the hospital, office and home assessment of CVP. Methods: After describing the measurement concept, we will report a preliminary experimental study enrolling 5 voluntary healthy subjects to evaluate the VenCoM measurements’ repeatability, and the system’s capability in measuring small elicited venous pressure variations (2 mmHg), as well as an induced venous hypertension within a pathological range (12÷20 mmHg). Results: The experimental measurements showed a repeatability of ±1mmHg. The VenCoM device was able to reliably detect the elicited venous pressure variations and the simulated congestive status. Discussion and Conclusion: The proposed non-invasive VenCoM device is able to provide a fast and repeatable CVP estimate, having a wide spectrum of potential clinical applications, including the monitoring of venous congestion in heart failure patients and in subjects with renal and hepatic dysfunction, as well as pulmonary hypertension (PH) that can be extended to pneumonia COVID-19 patients even after recovery. The device needs to be tested further on a large sample size of both healthy and pathological subjects, to systematically validate its reliability and impact in clinical setting

    Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator (WCD) in Italy: results from the nationwide multicenter registry WEAR-ITA

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    Abstract Funding Acknowledgements Type of funding sources: None. BACKGROUND The Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillators (WCD) has been used extensively in Italy since 2015, following long years of experience in other countries. This technology provides temporary protection from Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) for patients with an evolving risk profile that may not yet be eligible for an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD). Collecting national data on use of the device can help build a picture that will enable an understanding on how to use the WCD appropriately in the future. PURPOSE Our purpose has been to investigate WCD usage on a nationwide level. This is in terms of target population, average wear time, patient compliance, diagnosed and treated arrhythmic events and patient outcome once they stopped wearing the device. METHODS WEAR-ITA is a nationwide, multi-centre retrospective observational project. Patient data was retrospectively collected from the Italian hospitals that agreed to take part in the data collection for all patients fitted with a WCD between April 2015 to May 2018. All data refers to the range from the first day of wear until the end of use. RESULTS We collected data for 411 patients from 15 (75%) Italian regions. WCD use among the different regions was heterogeneous with a median of 0.5 (0.2-1.2) WCD wore/105 inhabitants. The mean age of the population was 55(±14) and the majority of patients were male (79%). Main WCD indication was non-ischemic cardiomyopathy with reduced ejection fraction (51%), ischemic etiology with severe systolic dysfunction (31%), uncertain or unidentified diagnosis (10%) that then revealed to be predominantly channelopathies or myocarditis and after ICD extraction (8%). Patients wore the WCD for a median of 59 (33-90) days and the median daily weartime was 23 (22,7-23,8) hours. In 15 patients (4%), the WCD recorded non sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT), 10 patients (2%) had hemodynamically well-tolerated sustained VT not needing a shock. 8 patients (2%) received effective appropriate shocks. Time to episodes were respectively 61 (14-61) days for non-sustained VT and 28 (19-70) days for VT/VF. 2 patients (0.5%) received inappropriate shocks for sinus tachycardia and atrial fibrillation (AF) respectively. WCD recorded new onset of supra ventricular tachycardia episodes in 12 patients (3%) and of atrial fibrillation (AF) in 7 patients (2%). 7 patients (2%) died while wearing WCD; none of them from SCD. At the end of the WCD use, 195 patients (47%) did not receive an ICD while 209 patients (51%)were implanted. CONCLUSIONS WCD is an effective therapy for the treatment of SCD with a very low complication rates. The indication and penetration in Italy is quite heterogeneous. The patient's compliance is high over time. The incidence of appropriate shock is not negligible; only half of patients, who wore WCD, received an ICD. There is however still a requirement to conduct further randomized trials to understand which patients could most benefit from the use of WCD. Abstract Figure. Wereable Cardioverter Defibrillato

    Glutathione transferases and glutathionylated hemoglobin in workers exposed to low doses of 1,3-butadiene.

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    We evaluated glutathione transferase (GST) activities and the levels of glutathionylated hemoglobin in the RBCof 42 workers exposed to 1,3-butadiene in a petrochemical plant, using 43 workers not exposed to 1,3-butadiene and 82 foresters as internal and external controls, respectively. Median 1,3-butadiene exposure levels were 1.5, 0.4, and 0.1 Mg/m3 in 1,3-butadieneexposed workers, in workers not directly exposed to 1,3-butadiene, and in foresters, respectively. In addition, we determined in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of the same individuals the presence of GST polymorphic genes GSTT1 and GSTM1 and the distribution of GSTP1 allelic variants. Comparing the mean values observed in petrochemical workers with those of control foresters, we found a marked decrease of GST enzymatic activity and a significant increase of glutathionylated hemoglobin in the petrochemical workers. A weak but significant negative correlation was found between levels of 1,3-butadiene exposure and GST activity, whereas a positive correlation was found between 1,3-butadiene exposure and glutathionylated hemoglobin. A negative correlation was also observed between GST activity and glutathionylated hemoglobin. No influence of confounders was observed. Using a multiple linear regression model, up to 50.6% and 41.9% of the variability observed in glutathionylated hemoglobin and GST activity, respectively, were explained by 1,3- butadiene exposure, working setting, and GSTT1 genotype. These results indicate that occupational exposure to 1,3-butadiene induces an oxidative stress that impairs the GST balance in RBC, and suggest that GST activity and glutathionylated hemoglobin could be recommended as promising biomarkers of effect in petrochemical workers

    Safety and efficacy of dronedarone from clinical trials to real-world evidence: implications for its use in atrial fibrillation.

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    Efficacy and safety of dronedarone was shown in the ATHENA trial for paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) patients. Further trials revealed safety concerns in patients with heart failure and permanent AF. This review summarizes insights from recent real-world studies and meta-analyses, including reports on efficacy, with focus on liver safety, mortality risk in patients with paroxysmal/persistent AF, and interactions of dronedarone with direct oral anticoagulants. Reports of rapidly progressing liver failure in dronedarone-prescribed patients in 2011 led to regulatory cautions about potential liver toxicity. Recent real-world evidence suggests dronedarone liver safety profile is similar to other antiarrhythmics and liver toxicity could be equally common with many Class III antiarrhythmics. Dronedarone safety concerns (increased mortality in patients with permanent AF) were raised based on randomized controlled trials (RCT) (ANDROMEDA and PALLAS), but comedication with digoxin may have increased the mortality rates in PALLAS, considering the dronedarone-digoxin pharmacokinetic (PK) interaction. Real-world data on apixaban-dronedarone interactions and edoxaban RCT observations suggest no significant safety risks for these drug combinations. Median trough plasma concentrations of dabigatran 110 mg during concomitant use with dronedarone are at acceptable levels, while PK data on the rivaroxaban-dronedarone interaction are unavailable. In RCTs and real-world studies, dronedarone significantly reduces AF burden and cardiovascular hospitalizations, and demonstrates a low risk for proarrhythmia in patients with paroxysmal or persistent AF. The concerns on liver safety must be balanced against the significant reduction in hospitalizations in patients with non-permanent AF and low risk for proarrhythmias following dronedarone treatment

    A Randomized Active-Controlled Study Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Vernakalant to Amiodarone in Recent-Onset Atrial Fibrillation

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    ObjectivesThis randomized double-blind study compared the efficacy and safety of intravenous vernakalant and amiodarone for the acute conversion of recent-onset atrial fibrillation (AF).BackgroundIntravenous vernakalant has effectively converted recent-onset AF and was well tolerated in placebo-controlled studies.MethodsA total of 254 adult patients with AF (3 to 48 h duration) eligible for cardioversion were enrolled in the study. Patients received either a 10-min infusion of vernakalant (3 mg/kg) followed by a 15-min observation period and a second 10-min infusion (2 mg/kg) if still in AF, plus a sham amiodarone infusion, or a 60-min infusion of amiodarone (5 mg/kg) followed by a maintenance infusion (50 mg) over an additional 60 min, plus a sham vernakalant infusion.ResultsConversion from AF to sinus rhythm within the first 90 min (primary end point) was achieved in 60 of 116 (51.7%) vernakalant patients compared with 6 of 116 (5.2%) amiodarone patients (p < 0.0001). Vernakalant resulted in rapid conversion (median time of 11 min in responders) and was associated with a higher rate of symptom relief compared with amiodarone (53.4% of vernakalant patients reported no AF symptoms at 90 min compared with 32.8% of amiodarone patients; p = 0.0012). Serious adverse events or events leading to discontinuation of study drug were uncommon. There were no cases of torsades de pointes, ventricular fibrillation, or polymorphic or sustained ventricular tachycardia.ConclusionsVernakalant demonstrated efficacy superior to amiodarone for acute conversion of recent-onset AF. Both vernakalant and amiodarone were safe and well tolerated in this study. (A Phase III Superiority Study of Vernakalant vs Amiodarone in Subjects With Recent Onset Atrial Fibrillation [AVRO]; NCT00668759
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