138 research outputs found

    Aboveground biomass equations for sustainable production of fuelwood in a native dry tropical afro-montane forest of Ethiopia

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    International audienceAbstractKey messageBiomass equations are presented for five tree species growing in a natural forest in Ethiopia. Fitted models showed more accurate estimations than published generalized models for this dry tropical forest.ContextBiomass equations are needed to correctly quantify harvestable stock and biomass for sustainability efforts in forest management, but this kind of information is scarce in Ethiopia.AimsThis study sought to develop biomass models for five of the most common native tree species in the Chilimo dry afro-montane mixed forest in the central highlands of Ethiopia: Allophyllus abyssinicus, Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata, Olinia rochetiana, Rhus glutinosa, and Scolopia theifolia. Comparison with generalized models was intended to show the greater accuracy of the specific models.MethodsA total of 90 trees from different diameter classes were selected, felled, and divided into different biomass compartments. Biomass equation models were fitted using joint-generalized least squares regression to ensure the additivity property between the biomass compartments and total biomass.ResultsThese were the first models developed for these species in African tropical forests. Models were including diameter at breast height and total height as independent variables, obtaining more accurate biomass estimations using these models than from generalized models.ConclusionFitted models are reliable for estimating aboveground biomass in the Chilimo forest and for more general application in similar forest types. Model applicability for biomass or carbon estimation is high within forest inventory data contexts

    Effects of overstorey canopy, plant-plant interactions and soil properties on Mediterranean maritime pine seedling dynamics

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    Seedling emergence, survival and early growth of the Mediterranean conifer P. pinaster were studied under closed canopy and open canopy (gaps) cover conditions in a Mediterranean forest of central Spain during two consecutive years (March 2008 to January 2010). Our main objective was to understand how overstorey structure, shrubs and soil properties influence recruitment in this species. Natural emergence and seedling survival were significantly better under closed canopy cover than under open canopy during the two consecutive years of the study; survival increased as radiation decreased. Proximity to shrubs under closed canopy cover was associated with lower mortality rates as well as a positive and apparently transitive effect on early growth. Amelioration of microclimatic conditions is hypothesized as the primary facilitation agent of those observed. Younger seedlings established during the spring of 2008 experienced higher mortality rates than older seedlings established before 2008, and soil properties affected seedling survival significantly. Water stress during summer appeared to be the main cause of seedling mortality in both years. Our study suggests that seedlings of shade-intolerant species may require overstorey cover to establish successfully, and that positive plant-plant interactions in forest communities may be more important than expected in the milder conditions provided by overstorey canopy cover.Instituto Universitario de Gestión Forestal Sostenibl

    Forest expansion in abandoned agricultural lands has limited effect to offset carbon emissions from Central-North Spain

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    Producción CientíficaWe assessed the process of carbon (C) accumulation as a consequence of forest expansion in abandoned agricultural lands over the period 1977–2017 in a vast (9.4 million ha) area of Mediterranean continental environment in Central-North Spain. We achieved this objective, through obtaining AGC and BGC estimations based on direct field measurements taken in 30 plots (25 m × 25 m), and extrapolating to the landscape using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite data from 2018. Using aerial photographs and forest maps, we found that 145,193 ha of agricultural land in 1957 (1.54% of the study regions’ total area) has since then regenerated naturally to forests and woodlands. Although mean AGC and BGC densities were modest (i.e. 18.04 and 6.78 Mg C ha−1), they reached relatively large maximum values (i.e. 60 and 21 Mg C ha−1). The BGC stock was also very large, representing 37.3% of the total C stock (10 Tg) accumulated. However, we detected a mean annual C sink of 0.25 Tg C·year−1 which barely offset 1.22% of the total regional CO2 emissions. Our findings point to a smaller sequestration potential under Mediterranean continental than under temperate-cold conditions. Nonetheless, the area affected by this process could be larger than detected and many of the recovering lands might have not still reached their C uptake peak. If such lands are to be used to store C, we strongly advocate for the application of active forest management measures to increase their CO2 sequestration potential.European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. grant agreement no. 799885.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Predicting site index from climate and soil variables for cork oak (Quercus suber L.) stands in Portugal

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    Site productivity, assessed through site index, was modelled using partial least squares regression as a function of soil and climatic variables. Two alternative models were developed: a full model, considering all available explanatory variables, and a reduced model, considering only variables that can be obtained without digging a soil pit. The reduced model was used for mapping the site index distribution in Portugal, on the basis of existing digital cartography available for the whole country. The developed models indicate the importance of water availability and soil water holding capacity for site index value distribution. Site index was related to climate, namely evaporation and frost, and soil characteristics such as lithology, soil texture, soil depth, thickness of the A horizon and soil classification. The variability of the estimated values within the map (9.5–16.8 m with an average value of 13.4 m) reflects the impact of soil characteristics on the site productivity estimation. These variables should be taken into consideration during the establishment of new plantations of cork oak, and management of existing plantations. Results confirm the potential distribution of cork oak in coastal regions. They also suggest the existence of a considerable area, located both North and South of the Tagus river, where site indices values of medium (]13;15]) to high (]15;17]) productivity classes may be expected. The species is then expected to be able to have good productivity along the northern coastal areas of Portugal, where presently it is not a common species but where, according to historical records, it occurred until the middle of the sixteenth century. The present research focused on tree growth. Cork growth and cork quality distribution needs to be further researched through the establishment of long term experimental sites along the distribution area of cork oak, namely in the central and northern coastal areas of the countryinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelos de crecimiento y producción en España: historia, ejemplos contemporáneos y perspectivas

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    En el presente trabajo se presenta una revisión sobre los modelos forestales desarrollados en España durante los últimos años, tanto para la producción maderable como no maderable y, para la dinámica de los bosques (regeneración, mortalidad). Se presentan modelos tanto de rodal completo como de clases diamétricas y de árbol individual. Los modelos desarrollados hasta la fecha se han desarrollado a partir de datos procedentes de parcelas permanentes, ensayos y el Inventario Forestal Nacional. En el trabajo se muestran los diferentes submodelos desarrollados hasta la fecha, así como las plataformas informáticas que permiten utilizar dichos modelos. Se incluyen las principales perspectivas de desarrollo de la modelización forestal en España.In this paper we present a review of forest models developed in Spain in recent years for both timber and non timber production and forest dynamics (regeneration, mortality). Models developed are whole stand, size (diameter) class and individual-tree. The models developed to date have been developed using data from permanent plots, experimental sites and the National Forest Inventory. In this paper we show the different sub-models developed so far and the friendly use software. Main perspectives of forest modeling in Spain are presented.The models described in this paper were funded by different regional, national and European projects, and some of them were elaborated by the authors. This work was funded by the Spanish Government by the SELVIRED network (code AGL2008-03740) and the strategic project «Restauración y Gestión Forestal» (code PSE-310000-2009-4)

    Predicting the spatial and temporal dynamics of species interactions in Fagus sylvatica and Pinus sylvestris forests across Europe

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    The productivity and functioning of mixed-species forests often differs from that of monocultures. However, the magnitude and direction of these differences are difficult to predict because species interactions can be modified by many potentially interacting climatic and edaphic conditions, stand structure and previous management. Process-based forest growth models could potentially be used to disentangle the effects of these factors and thereby improve our understanding of mixed forest functioning while facilitating their design and silvicultural management. However, to date, the predicted mixing effects of forest growth models have not been compared with measured mixing effects. In this study, 26 sites across Europe, each containing a mixture and monocultures of Fagus sylvatica and Pinus sylvestris, were used to calculate mixing effects on growth and yield and compare them with the mixing effects predicted by the forest growth model 3-PGmix. The climate and edaphic conditions, stand structures and ages varied greatly between sites. The model performed well when predicting the stem mass and total mass (and mixing effects on these components), with model efficiency that was usually >0.7. The model efficiency was lower for growth or smaller components such as foliage mass and root mass. The model was also used to predict how mixing effects would change along gradients in precipitation, temperature, potential available soil water, age, thinning intensity and soil fertility. The predicted patterns were consistent with measurements of mixing effects from published studies. The 3-PG model is a widely used management tool for monospecific stands and this study shows that 3-PGmix can be used to examine the dynamics of mixed-species stands and determine how they may need to be managed.This article is based upon work from COST Action EuMIXFOR, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). Funding for the Czech Republic site was provided by the MŠMT projects COST CZ – LD14063 and LD14074. All contributors thank their national funding institutions and the forest owners for agreeing to establish the plots and to measure and analyse data from the plots. The first author was funded by a Heisenberg Fellowship (FO 791/4-1) from the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG). Mário Pereira was supported by European Investment Funds by FEDER/COMPETE/POCI– Operacional Competitiveness and Internacionalization Programme, under Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006958 and National Funds by FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UID/AGR/04033/2013 as well as by project Interact-Integrative Research in Environment, Agro-Chain and Technology, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000017, research line BEST, co-financed by FEDER/NORTE 2020

    Growth and yield of mixed versus pure stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L. ) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) analysed along a productivity gradient through Europe

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    Mixing of complementary tree species may increase stand productivity, mitigate the effects of drought and other risks, and pave the way to forest production systems which may be more resource-use efficient and stable in the face of climate change. However, systematic empirical studies on mixing effects are still missing for many commercially important and widespread species combinations. Here we studied the growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in mixed versus pure stands on 32 triplets located along a productivity gradient through Europe, reaching from Sweden to Bulgaria and from Spain to the Ukraine. Stand inventory and taking increment cores on the mainly 60-80 year-old trees and 0.02-1.55 ha sized, fully stocked plots provided insight how species mixing modifies the structure, dynamics and productivity compared with neighbouring pure stands. In mixture standing volume (+12 %), stand density (+20 %), basal area growth (+12 %), and stand volume growth (+8 %) were higher than the weighted mean of the neighbouring pure stands. Scots pine and European beech contributed rather equally to the overyielding and overdensity. In mixed stands mean diameter (+20 %) and height (+6 %) of Scots pine was ahead, while both diameter and height growth of European beech were behind (−8 %). The overyielding and overdensity were independent of the site index, the stand growth and yield, and climatic variables despite the wide variation in precipitation (520-1175 mm year−1), mean annual temperature (6-10.5 °C), and the drought index by de Martonne (28-61 mm °C−1) on the sites. Therefore, this species combination is potentially useful for increasing productivity across a wide range of site and climatic conditions. Given the significant overyielding of stand basal area growth but the absence of any relationship with site index and climatic variables, we hypothesize that the overyielding and overdensity results from several different types of interactions (light-, water-, and nutrient-related) that are all important in different circumstances. We discuss the relevance of the results for ecological theory and for the ongoing silvicultural transition from pure to mixed stands and their adaptation to climate change.The networking in this study has been sup-ported by COST Action FP1206 EuMIXFOR. All contributors thanktheir national funding institutions to establish, measure, and analysedata from the triplets. The first author also thanks the BayerischenStaatsforsten (BaySF) for supporting the establishment of the plots,the Bavarian State Ministry for Nutrition, Agriculture, and Forestryfor permanent support of the project W 07 ‘‘Long-term experimentalplots for forest growth and yield research’’ (# 7831-22209-2013) andthe German Science Foundation for providing the funds for the pro-jects PR 292/12-1 ‘‘Tree and stand-level growth reactions on droughtin mixed versus pure forests of Norway spruce and European beech’’.Thanks are also due to Ulrich Kern for the graphical artwork, and totwo anonymous reviewers for their constructive criticism

    Forest carbon sequestration:the impact of forest management

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    In this chapter, we describe alternative ways in which forests and forestry can help to mítigate climate change, along with the potential impact of these activities. The three carbon storage compartments should be considered inall impact estimates. Carbon content in living biomass is easily estimated via species-specific equations or by applying factors to oven-dry biomass weights (e.g.,lbañez et al.,2002, Herrero et al.,2011,Castaño and Bravo, 2012).Litter carbon content has been analysed in many studies on primary forest productivity, though information regarding the influence of forest management on litter carbon content is less abundant (Blanco et al., 2006). In the last decade,efforts have been made to assess soil carbon in forests, but studies on the effect of forest management on soils show discrepancies (Lindner and Karjalainen,2007).Hoover (2011), for example,found no difference in forest floor carbon stocks among stands subjected to partial or complete harvest treatments in the United States.Instituto Universitario de Gestión Forestal Sostenibl