56 research outputs found

    Student Perceptions of Basic Skills Program Student Teaching Practice Field (PPL) STKIP PGRI West Sumatra Even Semester Academic Year 2013/2014 in Class VII SMP N 22 Padang

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    The purpose of this study was leadership Influence And Organization Culture for Performance To Learn SMA N 3 Padang With satisfactory job as Variable As Intervening . Paper, Prodi is STKIP PGRI Economy Education West Sumatra, Padang , October 2014. This research backgrounded by its reducing headmaster leadership attention SMA N 3 Padang. It is caused because low it performance learns and job satisfaction that havent mecapai with maxsimal. This research intent to know what available leadership influence and Organization Culture for performance To Learn SMA N 3 Padang with satisfactory job as Variable As Intervening This observational type is observational kausatif. Population in observational it is learn SMA N 3 Padang and sample take teches yag is utilized which is total sampling sample on observational it is exhaustive SMAS teacher Country 3 Moorlands that total 88 person. Instrument that is utilized is kuesioner. To know leadership influence and Organization Culture for Performance To Learn SMA N 3 Padang with satisfactory job as Variable As Intervening utilized by t.s quiz tech Base analisiss result points out that, positive influential leadership for performance to learn SMA N 3 Padang with appreciative t hitung (8,175), influential organisational culture positive for performance to learn SMA N 3 Padang with appreciative t hitung (13,685), positive influential leadership to job satisfaction at SMA N 3 Padang with appreciative t hitung (5,583), influential organisational culture positive to job satisfaction at SMA N 3 Padang with appreciative t hitung (5,636), influential job satisfaction posiif for performance to learn SMA N 3 Padang with appreciative t hitung (6,341), berpegaruhs leadership for performance to learn SMA N 3 Padang passes through to job fasting as variable as intervening initially well worth 0,661 dwindling become 0,564 and cultural orgaisasi for performance to learn SMA N 3 Padang passes through job satisfaction as variable as intervening initially well worth 0,831 dwindling become 0,564. To get increase teacher performance at SMA N 3 Padang ought to well-being teachers more being noticed step-up thru headmaster leaderships. Besides, to increase job satisfaction can be done by increases relationship among superior by learns as praise on yielding job

    Honeyword Generation Using a Proposed Discrete Salp Swarm Algorithm

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    إن كلمات العسل (Honeywords) هي كلمات مرور مزيفة مرافقة لكلمة المرور الحقيقية والتي تدعى كلمة السكر. يعد نظام كلمات مرور العسل نظامًا فعالاً لاكتشاف اختراق كلمات المرور مصمم لاكتشاف اختراق كلمة المرور بسهولة من أجل تحسين أمان كلمات المرور المشفرة. لكل مستخدم ، سيكون لملف كلمة المرور الخاص بنظام الكلمات العسلية كلمة مرور واحدة حقيقية مشفرة مصحوبة بالعديد من كلمات المرور المزيفة المشفرة. إذا قام شخص دخيل بسرقة ملف كلمات المرور من النظام ونجح في اختراق كلمات المرور محاولا تسجيل الدخول إلى حسابات المستخدمين ، فسيكتشف نظام كلمات المرور هذه المحاولة من خلال مدقق العسل. (Honeychecker) مدقق العسل هو خادمًا إضافيًا يميز كلمة المرور الحقيقية عن كلمات المرور المزيفة ويطلق إنذارًا إذا قام شخص دخيل بتسجيل الدخول باستخدام كلمة مرور العسل. تم اقتراح العديد من طرق توليد كلمات العسل خلال البحوث السابقة، مع وجود قيود على عمليات إنشاء كلمات العسل الخاصة بهم ، ونجاح محدود في توفير جميع ميزات كلمات العسل المطلوبة ، والتعرض للعديد من مشكلات كلمات العسل. سيقدم هذا العمل طريقة جديدة لتوليد كلمات العسل تستخدم خوارزمية سرب عنب البحر المتقطعة. خوارزمية سرب عنب البحر هي خوارزمية تحسين مستوحاة من الأحياء تحاكي سلوك سرب عنب البحر في بيئتها الطبيعية. تم استخدام  خوارزمية سرب عنب البحر لحل مجموعة متنوعة من مشاكل التحسين. ستعمل طريقة توليد الكلمات العسلية المقترحة على تحسين عملية توليد كلمات العسل وتحسين ميزات كلمات العسل والتغلب على عيوب التقنيات السابقة. ستوضح هذه الدراسة العديد من الاستراتيجيات السابقة لتوليد الكلمات العسلية، ووصف الطريقة المقترحة، وفحص النتائج التجريبية، ومقارنة طريقة إنتاج كلمات العسل الجديدة بالطرق السابقة.Honeywords are fake passwords that serve as an accompaniment to the real password, which is called a “sugarword.” The honeyword system is an effective password cracking detection system designed to easily detect password cracking in order to improve the security of hashed passwords. For every user, the password file of the honeyword system will have one real hashed password accompanied by numerous fake hashed passwords. If an intruder steals the password file from the system and successfully cracks the passwords while attempting to log in to users’ accounts, the honeyword system will detect this attempt through the honeychecker. A honeychecker is an auxiliary server that distinguishes the real password from the fake passwords and triggers an alarm if intruder signs in using a honeyword. Many honeyword generation approaches have been proposed by previous research, all with limitations to their honeyword generation processes, limited success in providing all required honeyword features, and susceptibility to many honeyword issues. This work will present a novel honeyword generation method that uses a proposed discrete salp swarm algorithm. The salp swarm algorithm (SSA) is a bio-inspired metaheuristic optimization algorithm that imitates the swarming behavior of salps in their natural environment. SSA has been used to solve a variety of optimization problems. The presented honeyword generation method will improve the generation process, improve honeyword features, and overcome the issues of previous techniques. This study will demonstrate numerous previous honeyword generating strategies, describe the proposed methodology, examine the experimental results, and compare the new honeyword production method to those proposed in previous research

    Al Sheikh Abdul Hakim Zuein, Imam and the third preacher of the Great Mosque of Fallujah: A Study of his Life

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    This paper deals with an under-researched figure who preached across Iraq, particularly in Fallujah. He lived during the Ottoman and royal eras and worked as an imam and preacher in their army. Sheikh Abdul Hakim Zuein was a veteran, serving as an imam and preacher at the Great Mosque of Fallujah from 1928 to 1930. He passed away in 1947 and was buried in Baghdad

    Models versus Datasets: Reducing Bias through Building a Comprehensive IDS Benchmark

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    Today, deep learning approaches are widely used to build Intrusion Detection Systems for securing IoT environments. However, the models’ hidden and complex nature raises various concerns, such as trusting the model output and understanding why the model made certain decisions. Researchers generally publish their proposed model’s settings and performance results based on a specific dataset and a classification model but do not report the proposed model’s output and findings. Similarly, many researchers suggest an IDS solution by focusing only on a single benchmark dataset and classifier. Such solutions are prone to generating inaccurate and biased results. This paper overcomes these limitations in previous work by analyzing various benchmark datasets and various individual and hybrid deep learning classifiers towards finding the best IDS solution for IoT that is efficient, lightweight, and comprehensive in detecting network anomalies. We also showed the model’s localized predictions and analyzed the top contributing features impacting the global performance of deep learning models. This paper aims to extract the aggregate knowledge from various datasets and classifiers and analyze the commonalities to avoid any possible bias in results and increase the trust and transparency of deep learning models. We believe this paper’s findings will help future researchers build a comprehensive IDS based on well-performing classifiers and utilize the aggregated knowledge and the minimum set of significantly contributing features

    Assessment and optimisation of normalisation methods for dual-colour antibody microarrays

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recent advances in antibody microarray technology have made it possible to measure the expression of hundreds of proteins simultaneously in a competitive dual-colour approach similar to dual-colour gene expression microarrays. Thus, the established normalisation methods for gene expression microarrays, e.g. loess regression, can in principle be applied to protein microarrays. However, the typical assumptions of such normalisation methods might be violated due to a bias in the selection of the proteins to be measured. Due to high costs and limited availability of high quality antibodies, the current arrays usually focus on a high proportion of regulated targets. Housekeeping features could be used to circumvent this problem, but they are typically underrepresented on protein arrays. Therefore, it might be beneficial to select invariant features among the features already represented on available arrays for normalisation by a dedicated selection algorithm.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We compare the performance of several normalisation methods that have been established for dual-colour gene expression microarrays. The focus is on an invariant selection algorithm, for which effective improvements are proposed. In a simulation study the performances of the different normalisation methods are compared with respect to their impact on the ability to correctly detect differentially expressed features. Furthermore, we apply the different normalisation methods to a pancreatic cancer data set to assess the impact on the classification power.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The simulation study and the data application demonstrate the superior performance of the improved invariant selection algorithms in comparison to other normalisation methods, especially in situations where the assumptions of the usual global loess normalisation are violated.</p

    Carnosine:can understanding its actions on energy metabolism and protein homeostasis inform its therapeutic potential?

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    The dipeptide carnosine (β-alanyl-L-histidine) has contrasting but beneficial effects on cellular activity. It delays cellular senescence and rejuvenates cultured senescent mammalian cells. However, it also inhibits the growth of cultured tumour cells. Based on studies in several organisms, we speculate that carnosine exerts these apparently opposing actions by affecting energy metabolism and/or protein homeostasis (proteostasis). Specific effects on energy metabolism include the dipeptide's influence on cellular ATP concentrations. Carnosine's ability to reduce the formation of altered proteins (typically adducts of methylglyoxal) and enhance proteolysis of aberrant polypeptides is indicative of its influence on proteostasis. Furthermore these dual actions might provide a rationale for the use of carnosine in the treatment or prevention of diverse age-related conditions where energy metabolism or proteostasis are compromised. These include cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and the complications of type-2 diabetes (nephropathy, cataracts, stroke and pain), which might all benefit from knowledge of carnosine's mode of action on human cells. © 2013 Hipkiss et al.; licensee Chemistry Central Ltd

    The evaluation of acoustic characteristic performance on natural sound absorbing materials from cogon grass waste

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    In the past few decades, synthetic fibers are been used widely in the field of sound absorption due to their superior characteristics such as durable and chemical resistant. However, there are several disadvantages of synthetic fibers such as non-biodegradability and hazards to the health of human. In this research, the natural sound absorber from cogon grass was investigated. The objective of the research was to evaluate the performance of cogon grass physical characteristics on its acoustical behavior, to evaluate the effect of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) treatment times on physical and acoustical characteristics of cogon grass, to investigate the decay effects after it was left over for twelve months and lastly to compare and verify the acoustical results with theoretical models based on (Delany-Bazley and Miki Model). The measurement of acoustical characteristics which are sound absorption coefficient (SAC) and noise reduction coefficient (NRC) were done by using impedance tube method (ITM). The samples of cogon grass were tested in a way of the untreated and treated with NaOH in varied soaked hours which are one, two, three, four and five hours. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and density kit were used to investigate physical characteristics. The research confirmed that physical characteristics of tortuosity and airflow resistivity values tend to increase with the increment of treatment times, but the density and porosity tend to decrease. Untreated samples were tested with varied thicknesses of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50mm. The results show SAC value increases when the thickness of the sample was increased. Treated samples results show the least treated sample (1 hour) reached the maximum SAC value and indicated the highest value of NRC which is 0.50. The results also show a reduction in sound absorption value after the samples were left for twelve months. Verification parts demonstrated that Delany-Bazley and Miki Model can predict approximately pattern compared with ITM results because of the theoretical models are developed by a simple empirical model approach. Overall, cogon grass samples have the good characteristics to be an acoustic material component

    Drawings as learning aid for the human anatomy students’ based evaluation

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    Introduction: One of the essential requirements for efficient oral and maxillofacial surgeon is comprehensive knowledge in anatomy of head and neck regions. Authors believe that asking students to draw anatomical sketches will assist them to improve their imaginary memory for human anatomy. However, drawing, as learning aid in anatomy, has not been given enough attention as a learning aid for human anatomy. Aim of the study: To determine dental students&rsquo; level of appreciation to drawings as practical learning aid in human anatomy. Materials and methods: Seventy nine first year dental students in Ibn Sina University for Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences College of Dentistry for the academic year 2016-2017, were requested to complete a questionnaire. The questions were mostly related to the importance of drawing in anatomy and its relation to Anatomy education. The participation in the questionnaire was optional. Results: This study showed highly significant relationship between the ability to understand anatomy subject and the importance of drawing (P=0.006). It also showed highly significant relationship between the importance of drawings and giving clinical examples during lectures or anatomical labs (P=0.006). Furthermore, the results showed no significant relationship between the importance of drawings and the load of anatomical material, introduced in anatomical lectures and labs (P=0.639). Conclusion: Anatomical drawings, from first year dental students&rsquo; perspective, are a useful learning tool and can relate to different aspects of proper education of human anatomy. Drawings can be implemented as practical tool in human anatomy curriculum for undergraduate dental education

    Domains of Students&rsquo; Concerns in Oral Diagnosis and Surgery Clinic

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    Ahmad Fliah Hassan,1 Faaiz Yaqub Alhamdani,2 Hani Radhi,3 Hashim Mueen Hussein4 1Department of Oral Medicine, College of Dentistry, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq; 2Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Dentistry, Ibn Sina University of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Baghdad, Iraq; 3Department of Oral Surgery and Periodontics, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq; 4Department of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, IraqCorrespondence: Hashim Mueen Hussein, Department of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Mustansiriyah University, Box 14022, Baghdad, Iraq, Email [email protected]; [email protected]: Oral diagnosis and surgery education is the main educational subject in dental schools. Due to its importance and the demand to achieve a proper level of training, dental students might have some concerns related to this subject. The study aims to investigate domains related to students&rsquo; concerns in oral surgery clinics.Materials and Method: An online questionnaire of five domains was circulated to 211 fourth, and fifth-year students. The domains include; the benefit of oral surgery lectures in oral surgery clinic; the importance of oral surgery clinic, what they fear the most during their oral surgery training; difficulty domain, and importance domain. It was distributed to a sample of 211 fourth-, and fifth-year students at the Ibn Sina College of Dentistry, Baghdad, Iraq in January, and February 2022.Results: In the domain of &ldquo;benefit of oral surgery lectures in the oral surgery clinic&rdquo; Half of the respondents think theory lectures are useful. About one-third of the students believe it is essential. The most important item in the domain of &ldquo;most factors students&rsquo; fear&rdquo; was the item of nerve injury (42.1%). Incomplete tooth removal was reported in (32.7%), whereas post-extraction bleeding was reported by (19.2%). In the domain &ldquo;the most difficult&rdquo; 71% of students stated that it is dealing with uncooperative patients was the most important item. Similarly, in the domain &ldquo;the most important&rdquo; the majority of students reported that correct surgical diagnosis (70.1%) is the most important item, followed by master extraction technique (26.2%), and master anesthesia technique (3.7%).Conclusion: This study evaluated the &ldquo;fear&rdquo;, &ldquo;difficulty&rdquo;, and &ldquo;importance&rdquo; domains of students&rsquo; concerns during oral surgery training. There is a noticeable shift in students&rsquo; attention toward clinical reasoning compared to the technical aspects of surgical training. This positive shift reflects the perceived importance of diagnosis for proper clinical practice. This needs to be encouraged by the teaching staff.Keywords: oral surgery, dental education, clinical reasonin

    Al Sheikh Abdul Hakim Zuein, Imam and the Third Preacher of the Great Mosque of Fallujah: A Study of His Life

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    This paper deals with an under-researched figure who preached across Iraq, particularly in Fallujah. He lived during the Ottoman and royal eras and worked as an imam and preacher in their army. Sheikh Abdul Hakim Zuein was a veteran, serving as an imam and preacher at the Great Mosque of Fallujah from 1928 to 1930. He passed away in 1947 and was buried in Baghdad