285 research outputs found

    Influence of intrafamilial abuse in children's change of values towards their parents

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    The socialization that parents and society exercise on children instills in them a set of values towards parents. Some of these values are not lying, feeling affection for the parents, and wanting to have contact with them. In this work, we attempt to determine whether these values change in the face of intrafamilial abuse. To that end, an incidental sample was used, consisting of 2730 minors aged between 6 to 18 years, who had never suffered abuse. They were asked to put themselves in the place of the main character of a story. The story varied depending on the conditions to be studied: observation and direct suffering or account of the abuse by another, type of abuse (physical or psychological), who perpetrated the abuse (custodian or non-custodial), and who received it (the other custodian or the minor). The results show that, as a rule, children lie to conceal both parents' abusive behavior; they love their parents and want to have contact with them, even in the presence of abuse. Notwithstanding that in the presence of abuse by one of their parents, children still love them and want to have contact with both parents, a significant number of children, however, stop loving them or want to have contact with the abusive parent. These results undermine what is defended by theories like PAS with no scientific evidence, and underline the need to use scientific procedures to test the reliability of minors’ testimony based on the idea that children tell the truth.Die von Eltern und Gesellschaft initiierten Sozialisationsprozesse erziehen Kindern eine Reihe von Werten im Umgang mit ihren Eltern an. Einige dieser Werte sind beispielsweise: nicht zu lügen, eine Zuneigung zu den Eltern zu verspüren und Kontakt zu ihnen haben zu wollen. In dieser wissenschaftlichen Arbeit wird versucht zu untersuchen, ob sich diese Werte bei innerfamilialem Missbrauch verändern. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Stichprobe von 2730 Minderjährigen im Alter zwischen 6 und 18 Jahren, die noch nie missbraucht wurden, herangezogen. Sie wurden gebeten, sich in die Hauptfigur einer Geschichte hineinzuversetzen. Die Geschichte variierte je nach den zu untersuchenden Bedingungen: Beobachtung und direktes Erleiden oder Erzählung des Missbrauchs durch andere, Art des Missbrauchs (physisch oder psychisch), wer den Missbrauch begangen hat (erziehungsberechtigter oder nicht erziehungsberechtigter Elternteil) und wer dem Missbrauch ausgesetzt war (der andere Elternteil oder das Kind). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Kinder in der Regel lügen, wenn es darum geht das missbräuchliche Verhalten von einem der beiden Elternteile zu verbergen. Sie lieben ihre Eltern und möchten Kontakt zu ihnen haben, selbst im Falle von Missbrauch. Ungeachtet dessen, das einige Kinder bei Misshandlung durch einen ihrer Elternteile, beide Eltern immer noch lieben und Kontakt zu ihnen haben wollen, hört eine signifikante Anzahl von Kinder auf, den missbrauchenden Elternteil zu lieben oder Kontakt zu ihm haben zu wollen. Diese Ergebnisse falsifizieren, was von Theorien wie PAS ohne wissenschaftliche Beweise behauptet wird und unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit der Verwendung wissenschaftlicher Verfahren, die auf der Idee fußen, dass Kinder die Wahrheit sagen, zur zuverlässigen Untersuchung der Zeugenaussagen von Kindern

    Cross-field demagnetization of stacks of tapes: 3D modelling and measurements

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    Stacks of superconducting (SC) tapes can trap much higher magnetic fields than conventional magnets. This makes them very promising for motors and generators. However, ripple magnetic fields in these machines present a cross-field component that demagnetizes the stacks. At present, there is no quantitative agreement between measurements and modeling of cross-field demagnetization, mainly due to the need for a 3D model that takes the end effects and real micron-thick SC layer into account. This article presents 3D modeling and measurements of cross-field demagnetization in stacks of up to 5 tapes and initial magnetization modeling of stacks of up to 15 tapes. 3D modeling of the cross-field demagnetization explicitly shows that the critical current density, Jc_{c}, in the direction perpendicular to the tape surface does not play a role in cross-field demagnetization. When taking the measured anisotropic magnetic field dependence of Jc_{c} into account, 3D calculations agree with measurements with less than a 4% deviation, while the error of 2D modeling is much higher. Then, our 3D numerical methods can realistically predict cross-field demagnetization. Due to the force-free configuration of part of the current density, J, in the stack, better agreement with experiments will probably require measuring the Jc_{c} anisotropy for the whole solid angle range, including J parallel to the magnetic field

    Backstepping mechanism of kinesin-1

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    Kinesin-1 is an ATP-driven molecular motor that transports cellular cargo along microtubules. At low loads, kinesin-1 almost always steps forward, toward microtubule plus ends, but at higher loads, it can also step backward. Backsteps are usually 8 nm but can be larger. These larger backward events of 16 nm, 24 nm, or more are thought to be slips rather than steps because they are too fast to consist of multiple, tightly coupled 8-nm steps. Here, we propose that not only these larger backsteps, but all kinesin-1 backsteps, are slips. We show first that kinesin waits before forward steps for less time than before backsteps and detachments; second, we show that kinesin waits for the same amount of time before backsteps and detachments; and third, we show that by varying the microtubule type, we can change the ratio of backsteps to detachments without affecting forward stepping. Our findings indicate that backsteps and detachments originate from the same state and that this state arises later in the mechanochemical cycle than the state that gives rise to forward steps. To explain our data, we propose that, in each cycle of ATP turnover, forward kinesin steps can only occur before Pi release, whereas backslips and detachments can only occur after Pi release. In the scheme we propose, Pi release gates access to a weak binding K⋅ADP-K⋅ADP state that can slip back along the microtubule, re-engage, release ADP, and try again to take an ATP-driven forward step. We predict that this rescued detachment pathway is key to maintaining kinesin processivity under load

    Cascaded Multilevel Inverter-Based Asymmetric Static Synchronous Compensator of Reactive Power

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    The topology of the static synchronous compensator of reactive power for a low-voltage three-phase utility grid capable of asymmetric reactive power compensation in grid phases has been proposed and analysed. It is implemented using separate, independent cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverters for each phase. Every inverter includes two H-bridge cascades. The first cascade operating at grid frequency is implemented using thyristors, and the second one—operating at high frequency is based on the high-speed MOSFET transistors. The investigation shows that the proposed compensator is able to compensate the reactive power in a low-voltage three-phase grid when phases are loaded by highly asymmetrical reactive loads and provides up to three times lower power losses in the compensator as compared with the situation when the compensator is based on the conventional three-level inverters implemented using IGBT transistors.publishedVersio

    Rhetorical Transformations in Multimodal Advertising Texts: From General to Local Degree Zero

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    The use of rhetoric in advertising research has been steadily gaining momentum since the 1980’s. Coupled with an increased interest in multimodality and the multiple interactions among verbal, pictorial and auditory registers, as structural components of an ad filmic text, the hermeneutic tools furnished by traditional rhetoric have been expanded and elaborated. This paper addresses the fundamental question of how ad filmic texts assume signification from a multimodal rhetorical point of view, by engaging in a fruitful dialogue with various research streams within the wider semiotic discipline and consumer research. By critically addressing the context of analysis of a multimodal ad text in the course of the argumentation deployed by different approaches, such as Social Semiotics (Kress/Leeuwen 2001), Film Semiotics (i.e. Metz 1982, Carroll 1980, Branigan 1982), Visual Semiotics (i.e. Sonesson 2008; 2010, Eco 1972;1976;1986, Groupe " 1992), Consumer Research (i.e. Mick/McQuarrie 1999; 2004, Philips 2003, Scott 1994), the relative merits of a structuralist approach that prioritizes the distinction between local and general degree zero, as put forward by Groupe " (1992), are highlighted. Furthermore, the modes whereby rhetorical transformations are enacted are outlined, with view to deepening the conceptual tackling of degree zero of signification, while addressing its applicability to branding discourse and multimodal ad texts

    Psychosocial environment for the integrated education opportunities of the disabled in Lithuania

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    BACKGROUND: The policy of the diminution of the social isolation of the disabled is the main objective of the strategy of the EU new policy concerning the disabled. Lithuanian society faces this objective as well. For this reason, this study aiming at providing the theoretical basis for and predicting the possible psycho-social environment in an integrated education system, as well as at the evaluation of the reasons for the formation of a positive approach to the disabled, is especially relevant, since it creates the prerequisites for the optimisation of the process of the integration of disabled schoolchildren into the general system of education. METHOD: The sample of the study consisted of 2471 children from the same schools: not integrated (1958), integrated (126) and special schools (382). Empirical methods: questionnaire poll, comparative analysis. The statistical analysis was carried out using SAS. RESULTS: Our study showed that the majority of schoolchildren without disabilities and disabled schoolchildren have positive intentions for interpersonal interactions (>82%) and positive emotions (>69%) independently of the discrepant character of interpersonal contacts, different conditions of education and family life, and despite of low level of knowledge. CONCLUSION: The results of the study confirmed positive intentions for interpersonal interaction between disabled schoolchildren and schoolchildren without disabilities, as well as a positive character of emotions, and disprove the unsound myth of the opponents of the social integration of the disabled stating that disabled children in comprehensive schools would undoubtedly experience offence from their peers without disabilities

    Non‐linear analysis of suspension bridges with flexible and rigid cables

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    One of the main problems related to the design of suspension bridges is stabilisation of their initial form. The tendency of suspension bridges to deform is generally determined by the kinematical displacements of the suspension cable caused by asymmetrical loads rather than by the elastic deformations. There are some suspension bridges when the so‐called rigid (stiff in bending) cables instead of usual flexible cables are suggested for stabilisation of their initial form. The analysis methods of such suspension bridges with rigid cables are underdeveloped. For the analysis of classical suspension bridges analytical models can be applied. However, in case of concentrated forces, the numerical techniques are preferred. The article presents analytical expressions for the calculation of internal forces and displacements of suspension bridges with a rigid cable. The article also discusses the discrete calculation model for classical suspension bridges. Santrauka Viena iš pagrindiniu kabamuju tiltu projektavimo problemu yra pradinus ju formos stabilizavimas. Kabamuju tiltu deformatyvuma lemia iš esmes ne tiek tampriosios deformacijos, kiek asimetriniu apkrovu sukelti kinematiniai kabamojo lyno poslinkiai. Yra žinomi kabamieji tiltai, kuriu pradinei formai stabilizuoti siūloma vietoje iprastiniu lanksčiuju lynu taikyti vadinamuosius standžius lynus. Tokiu kabamuju tiltu su standžiaislynais skaičiavimo metodai nera iki galo parengti. Klasikiniams tiltams su lanksčiu lynu skaičiuoti taikomi daugiausia kontinualūs modeliai, kurie esant tam tikrai tilto sandarai ar veikiant sutelktoms apkrovoms nera pakankamai tikslūs. Straipsnyje pateikiamos analizines išraiškos kabamuju tiltu su standžiu lynu iražoms ir poslinkiams apskaičiuoti, aptariamas diskretusis klasikiniu kabamuju tiltu skaičiavimo modelis. Published Published Online: 24 Jun 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: kabamasis tiltas, lankstus lynas, standus lynas, netiesine analize, kontinualus ir diskretinis modeliai, iražos ir poslinkiai

    Interaction of Water-Soluble CdTe Quantum Dots with Bovine Serum Albumin

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    Semiconductor nanoparticles (quantum dots) are promising fluorescent markers, but it is very little known about interaction of quantum dots with biological molecules. In this study, interaction of CdTe quantum dots coated with thioglycolic acid (TGA) with bovine serum albumin was investigated. Steady state spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering methods were used. It was explored how bovine serum albumin affects stability and spectral properties of quantum dots in aqueous media. CdTe–TGA quantum dots in aqueous solution appeared to be not stable and precipitated. Interaction with bovine serum albumin significantly enhanced stability and photoluminescence quantum yield of quantum dots and prevented quantum dots from aggregating

    Adaptation of forest ecosystems to air pollution and climate change : a global assessment on research priorities.

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    Climate change and air pollution are two of the anthropogenic stressors that require international collaboration. Influence mechanisms and combating strategies towards them have similarities to some extent. Impacts of air pollution and climate change have long been studied under IUFRO Research Group 7.01 and state of the art findings are presented at biannual meetings. Monitoring, modelling, assessment of multiple stressors, ecophysiology, and nutrient cycles have been thoroughly studied aspects of climate change and air pollution research for a long time under the umbrella of IUFRO RG 7.01. Recently, social and economic issues together with water relations are gaining more attention in parallel with science requirements on adaptation. In this paper, we summarise the main research needs emphasized at the recent 24th IUFRO RG 7.01 Conference titled ?Adaptation of Forest Ecosystems to Air Pollution and Climate Change?. One important conclusion of the conference was the need for information on nutritional status of forest stands for sustainable forest management. It has been suggested to maintain long-term monitoring programs and to account for the effects of extreme years, and past and present management practices. Long-term monitoring can also help to understand the effects of forestry treatments on the nutrient and water budgets of the ecosystems which may enable to improve management practices like water saving silviculture