616 research outputs found

    Optimal Emission-Extraction Policy in a World of Scarcity and Irreversibility

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    This paper extends the classical exhaustible-resource/stock-pollution model with irreversibility of pollution decay, meaning that after reaching some threshold there is no decay of the pollution stock. Within this framework, we answer the question how the potential irreversibility of pollution affects the extraction path. We investigate the conditions under which the economy will optimally adopt a reversible policy, and when it is optimal to enter the irreversible region. In the case of irreversibility it may be optimal to leave a positive amount of resource in the ground forever. As far as the optimal extraction/emission policy is concerned, several types of solutions may arise, including solutions where the economy stays at the threshold for a while. Given that different programs may satisfy the first order conditions for optimality, we further investigate when each of these is optimal. The analysis is illustrated by means of a calibrated example. To sum up, for any pollution level, we can identify a critical resource stock such that there exist multiple optima i.e. a reversible and an irreversible policy that yield exactly the same present value. For any resource stock below this critical value, the optimal policy is reversible whereas with large enough resources, irreversible policies outperform reversible programs. Finally, the comparison between irreversible policies reveals that it is never optimal for the economy to stay at the threshold for a while before entering the irreversible region.non-renewable resource, irreversible pollution, optimal policy

    Personalized object-based audio for hearing impaired TV viewers

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    Age demographics have led to an increase in the proportion of the population suffering from some form of hearing loss. The introduction of object-based audio to television broadcast has the potential to improve the viewing experience for millions of hearing impaired people. Personalization of object-based audio can assist in overcoming difficulties in understanding speech and understanding the narrative of broadcast media. The research presented here documents a Multi-Dimensional Audio (MDA) implementation of object-based clean audio to present independent object streams based on object category elicitation. Evaluations were carried out with hearing impaired people and participants were able to personalize audio levels independently for four object-categories using an on-screen menu: speech, music, background effects and foreground effects related to on-screen events. Results show considerable preference variation across subjects but indicate that expanding object-category personalization beyond a binary speech/non-speech categorization can substantially improve the viewing experience for some hearing impaired people

    Influence of oxidative stress, diaphragm fatigue, and inspiratory muscle training on the plasma cytokine response to maximum sustainable voluntary ventilation

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    The influence of oxidative stress, diaphragm fatigue, and inspiratory muscle training (IMT) on the cytokine response to maximum sustainable voluntary ventilation (MSVV) is unknown. Twelve healthy males were divided equally into an IMT or placebo (PLA) group, and before and after a 6-wk intervention they undertook, on separate days, 1h of (1) passive rest and (2) MSVV, whereby participants undertook volitional hyperpnea at rest that mimicked the breathing and respiratory muscle recruitment patterns commensurate with heavy cycling exercise. Plasma cytokines remained unchanged during passive rest. There was a main effect of time (P < 0.01) for plasma interleukin-1 (IL-1) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) concentrations and a strong trend (P = 0.067) for plasma interleukin-1 receptor antagonist concentration during MSVV. Plasma IL-6 concentration was reduced after IMT by 27 + 18% (main effect of intervention, P = 0.029), whereas there was no change after PLA (P = 0.753). There was no increase in a systemic marker of oxidative stress [DNA damage in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC)], and diaphragm fatigue was not related to the increases in plasma IL-1 and IL-6 concentrations. A dose-response relationship was observed between respiratory muscle work and minute ventilation and increases in plasma IL-6 concentration. In conclusion, increases in plasma IL-1 and IL-6 concentrations during MSVV were not due to diaphragm fatigue or DNA damage in PBMC. Increases in plasma IL-6 concentration during MSVV are attenuated following IMT, and the plasma IL-6 response is dependent upon the level of respiratory muscle work and minute ventilation

    The role of metabolic remodeling in macrophage polarization and its effect on skeletal muscle regeneration

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    Macrophages are crucial for tissue homeostasis. Based on their activation, they might display classical/M1 or alternative/M2 phenotypes. M1 macrophages produce pro-inflammatory cytokines, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and nitric oxide (NO). M2 macrophages upregulate arginase-1 and reduce NO and ROS levels; they also release anti-inflammatory cytokines, growth factors, and polyamines, thus promoting angiogenesis and tissue healing. Moreover, M1 and M2 display key metabolic differences; M1 polarization is characterized by an enhancement in glycolysis and in the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) along with a decreased oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos), whereas M2 are characterized by an efficient OxPhos and reduced PPP. Recent Advances: The glutamine-related metabolism has been discovered as crucial for M2 polarization. Vice versa, flux discontinuities in the Krebs cycle are considered additional M1 features; they lead to increased levels of immunoresponsive gene 1 and itaconic acid, to isocitrate dehydrogenase 1-downregulation and to succinate, citrate, and isocitrate over-expression

    Differential ability of the dorsal and ventral rat hippocampus to exhibit group I metabotropic glutamate receptor-dependent synaptic and intrinsic plasticity.

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    BACKGROUND: The hippocampus is critically involved in learning and memory processes. Although once considered a relatively homogenous structure, it is now clear that the hippocampus can be divided along its longitudinal axis into functionally distinct domains, responsible for the encoding of different types of memory or behaviour. Although differences in extrinsic connectivity are likely to contribute to this functional differentiation, emerging evidence now suggests that cellular and molecular differences at the level of local hippocampal circuits may also play a role. METHODS: In this study, we have used extracellular field potential recordings to compare basal input/output function and group I metabotropic glutamate receptor-dependent forms of synaptic and intrinsic plasticity in area CA1 of slices taken from the dorsal and ventral sectors of the adult rat hippocampus. RESULTS: Using two extracellular electrodes to simultaneously record field EPSPs and population spikes, we show that dorsal and ventral hippocampal slices differ in their basal levels of excitatory synaptic transmission, paired-pulse facilitation, and EPSP-to-Spike coupling. Furthermore, we show that slices taken from the ventral hippocampus have a greater ability than their dorsal counterparts to exhibit long-term depression of synaptic transmission and EPSP-to-Spike potentiation induced by transient application of the group I mGluR agonist (RS)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine. CONCLUSIONS: Together, our results provide further evidence that the information processing properties of local hippocampal circuits differ in the dorsal and ventral hippocampal sectors, and that these differences may in turn contribute to the functional differentiation that exists along the hippocampal longitudinal axis.Medical Research Council (grant numbers: G0601813; MR/K023098/1)

    The effects of inspiratory muscle training in older adults

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    Purpose: Declining inspiratory muscle function and structure and systemic low-level inflammation and oxidative stress may contribute to morbidity and mortality during normal ageing. Therefore, we examined the effects of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) in older adults on inspiratory muscle function and structure and systemic inflammation and oxidative stress, and re-examined the reported positive effects of IMT on respiratory muscle strength, inspiratory muscle endurance, spirometry, exercise performance, physical activity levels (PAL) and quality of life (QoL). Methods: Thirty-four healthy older adults (68 ± 3 years) with normal spirometry, respiratory muscle strength and physical fitness were divided equally into a pressure-threshold IMT or sham-hypoxic placebo group. Before and after an 8 week intervention, measurements were taken for dynamic inspiratory muscle function and inspiratory muscle endurance using a weighted plunger pressure-threshold loading device, diaphragm thickness using B-mode ultrasonography, plasma cytokine concentrations using immunoassays, DNA damage levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) using Comet Assays, spirometry, maximal mouth pressures, exercise performance using a six minute walk test, PAL using a questionnaire and accelerometry, and QoL using a questionnaire

    Nitric oxide availability is increased in contracting skeletal muscle from aged mice, but does not differentially decrease muscle superoxide

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    Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species have been implicated in the loss of skeletal muscle mass and function that occurs during aging. Nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide are generated by skeletal muscle and where these are generated in proximity their chemical reaction to form peroxynitrite can compete with the superoxide dismutation to hydrogen peroxide. Changes in NO availability may therefore theoretically modify superoxide and peroxynitrite activities in tissues, but published data are contradictory regarding aging effects on muscle NO availability. We hypothesised that an age-related increase in NO generation might increase peroxynitrite generation in muscles from old mice, leading to an increased nitration of muscle proteins and decreased superoxide availability. This was examined using fluorescent probes and an isolated fiber preparation to examine NO content and superoxide in the cytosol and mitochondria of muscle fibers from adult and old mice both at rest and following contractile activity. We also examined the 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) and peroxiredoxin 5 (Prx5) content of muscles from mice as markers of peroxynitrite activity. Data indicate that a substantial age-related increase in NO levels occurred in muscle fibers during contractile activity and this was associated with an increase in muscle eNOS. Muscle proteins from old mice also showed an increased 3-NT content. Inhibition of NOS indicated that NO decreased superoxide bioavailability in muscle mitochondria, although this effect was not age related. Thus increased NO in muscles of old mice was associated with an increased 3-NT content that may potentially contribute to age-related degenerative changes in skeletal muscle

    Methods of Isolation and Analysis of TREG Immune Infiltrates from Injured and Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle

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    The immune infiltrate present in acutely injured or dystrophic skeletal muscle has been shown to play an important role in the process of muscle regeneration. Our work has described, for the first time, muscle regulatory T cells (Tregs), a unique population in phenotype and function capable of promoting skeletal muscle repair. Herein, we describe the methods we have optimized to study muscle Tregs, including their isolation from injured muscle, immuno-labeling for analysis/separation by flow cytometry, and measurement of their proliferation status
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