672 research outputs found


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    Direct numerical control (DNC), also known as distributed numerical control (also DNC), is a common manufacturing term for networking CNC machine tools. On some CNC machine controllers, the available memory is too small to contain the machining program (for example machining complex surfaces), so in this case the program is stored in a separate computer and sent directly to the machine, one block at a time. If the computer is connected to a number of machines it can distribute programs to different machines as required. Usually, the manufacturer of the control provides suitable DNC software. However, if this provision is not possible, some software companies provide DNC applications that fulfill the purpose. DNC networking or DNC communication is always required when CAM programs are to run on some CNC machine control. Wireless DNC is also used in place of hard-wired versions. Controls of this type are very widely used in industries with significant sheet metal fabrication, such as the automotive, appliance, and aerospace industries. A DNC system has to fulfill two basic tasks such as first guaranteeing secure, timely data transfer from and to the CNC controllers, secondly administering many thousands of NC programs


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    Tujuan pembuatan proyek akhir yang berjudul “Mesin Pengecap Motif Batik Berbasis Atmega8535” adalah untuk memudahkan proses pengecapan batik motif agar tidak manual dan proses pengecapannya berjalan secara otomatis tidak dilakukan oleh operator (manusia), alat ini dikontrol oleh sebuah mikrokontroler. Metode yang digunakan dalam proyek akhir ini adalah rancang bagian kontrol pengecap Mesin Pengecap Motif Batik Berbasis Atmega8535. Perancangan perangkat keras terdiri dari: catu daya, perangkat kontrol dan pengolah data yang berupa sistem minimum mikrokontroller Atmega8535, LCD monitor, push button, motor dc, solenoid, sensor photo dioda dan saklar relay. Sensor phototransistor digunakan untuk mendeteksi objek benda. Motor DC digunakan untuk penggerak conveyor dan menggeser solenoid pengecap dari kanan kekiri maupun kiri kekanan. Solenoid digunakan untuk pengecap motif batik dari tinta malam kekain putih (mori). Berdasarkan Hasil pengujian dan unjuk kerja dari Mesin Pengecap Motif Batik Berbasis Atmega8535 telah menunjukkan hasil kerja dengan sistem cara kerja sensor dan waktu (delay) untuk menunjukkan hasil kerja dari alat Mesin Pengecap Motif Batik Berbasis Atmega8535 langkah awalnya sensor phototransistor 1 bekerja jika objek benda kain ditaruh atas conveyor. Conveyor bergerak kearah sensor phototransistor 2 sensor tersebut bekerja menjalankan perintah untuk menggerakkan pengecap (solenoid) dari pengambilan malam ke kain putih yang dibawa oleh conveyor untuk pergeseran pengecapan digerakkan oleh motor DC dengan menggunakan rel penggeser dari bekas printer untuk menggeser dari kanan kiri. Sistem pergeseran rel pengecap ini bekerja dengan sistem waktu delay yang telah ditentuka

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Wajib Pajak pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Samarinda

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    The purpose of this study was to determine simultaneously or partial significant effect of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy for the taxpayer as well as the satisfaction of knowing the most dominant variable affecting the satisfaction of taxpayers in Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama SamarindaVariable reliability (X2) has dominant influence on consumer satisfaction Tax Office Primary t value Samarinda because most of the 9.796. Similarly, the value of the standardized beta coefficients greater than 0.743 standardized beta coefficients other variables.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui secara simultan atau parsial pengaruh yang signifikan dari bukti langsung, keandalan, daya tanggap, jaminan dan empati terhadap kepuasan wajib pajak serta mengetahui variabel yang berpengaruh paling dominan terhadap kepuasan wajib pajak pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama SamarindaVariabel keandalan (X2) mempunyai pengaruh dominan terhadap kepuasan konsumen Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Samarinda karena nilai t hitungnya yang paling besar 9,796. Demikian juga nilai standardized coefficients betanya 0,743 lebih besar dari nilai standardized coefficients beta variable lainnya


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    Agus Yudianto NIM: 505850002 "The Role of Shariah Supervisory Board on Shariah Compliance Principles on Banking Sharia in West Java.” Duty of DPS do not only observe business activity of Bank of Syari'ah in order to pursuant to going into effect and principal of syari'ah which the religious advices have by DSN, but also report result of [his/its] observation to society in the form of opinion that operational activity of bank which observing of have as according to Moslem law principle. Compliance to principle of Moslem law have to be realized in entire/all transaction by Bank of Moslem law with observation DPS. Council of Supervisor Syari'ah ( DPS) own strategic and important role in principal applying of syari'ah in banking syari'ah. DPS accountable for ascertain all product and procedure of bank of syari'ah as according to principle syari'ah. But role of Council Supervisor of the Syari'ah not yet optimal in running observation of syari'ah to operational of banking syari'ah. so that cause at collision of syari'ah complience, hence image and credibility of bank of syari'ah eye of society can become negativity, so that can degrade belief socialize to bank of pertinent syari'ah. Problems which emerge is whether/what role of Council of Supervisor of Syari'ah have according to or not yet in applying principle of compliance of bank of syari'ah in West Java Region? This research aim to to depict Supervisor Syari'ah Council science background, explaining Supervisor Syari'ah Council observation model in banking syari'ah compliance and prove according to or do not him related/relevant kesesuian Supervisor Syari'ah Council performance with principal compliance of syari'ah banking syari'ah in West Java. Sampel of[is end of this research amount to 40 responder. type of Research used is field research that is research collectedly data through survey field pursuant to data sekunder. Design research have the character of clarification explanatory research)that is explain of causality independent variable and variable dependen Result of factor analysis indicate that all indicator own factor loading bigger than 0,40 and only loading one factor. Variable consisted of Moslem Law Compliance ( KS), Education ( PD), Double Position ( RJ), Model Observation ( MP), and Sum up Observation ( JP) all indicator fulfill validity criterion which have been determined. All instrument in this research also show above value [ croanbach alpha ( 0,60) meaning that instrument in this research reliabel. Result of research prove with Value of R 2 of equal to 0,379 indicating that role of Council of Supervisor of Syari'h have as according to principle of compliance syari'


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    Kesulitan siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah integral kemungkinan besar dikarenakan kesalahan siswa dalam memahami soal. Tidak sampai disana saja, kesalahan memahami soal dimungkinkan karena antisipasi yang dilakukan siswa salah. Jika ada siswa dengan kemampuan tinggi, maka sebaiknya guru memperhatikan antisipasi yang dilakukannya sehingga siswa lain dapat belajar dari antisipasi yang dilakukan siswa kemampuan tinggi itu. Tes yang dilakukan kepada siswa NV ini merupakan tes integral dan hasil yang diperoleh yaitu karakteristik dari antisipasi ekploratif NV. Karakteristik antisipasi eksploratif yaitu (1) membaca soal lebih dari satu kali, (2) menemukan hal yang ditanyakan dan hal yang diketahui, (3) menguraikan soal secara rinci, (4) menggabungkan kriteria-kriteria yang diketahui, dan (5) memecahkan soal dengan mempertimbangkan alternatif penyelesaian Kata Kunci:Antisipasi, antisipasi eksploratif, integra


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    Tujuan dari kajian pustaka ini adalah ; (1) mengetahui insur media video pembelajaran; (2) manfaaat media pembelajaran; dan (3) untuk mengetahui peran video dalam pembelajaran. Kajian ini mengunakan pendekatan kepustakaan. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa ; 1) Ada unsur-unsur video yaitu text, gambar, suara dan animasi. 2) dengan video peserta didik dapat menyaksikan suatu peristiwa yang tidak bisa disaksikan secara langsung, berbahaya, maupun peristiwa lampau yang tidak bisa dibawa langsung ke dalam kelas. Peserta didik pun dapat memutar kembali video tersebut sesuai kebutuhan dan keperluan mereka. Pembelajaran dengan media video menumbuhkan minat serta memotivasi untuk selalu memperhatikan pelajaran. 3) Media video merupakan media pembelajaran yang paling tepat dan akurat dalam menyampaikan pesan dan akan sangat membantu pemahaman peserta didik. Dengan adanya media video, peserta didik akan lebih paham dengan materi yang disampaikan pendidik melalui tayangan sebuah film yang diputarkan


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    Dalam masyarakat ada kelompok-kelompok kehidupan yang selalu bersifat beragam dilihat dari berbagai aspek kehidupan. Karena itu, pembagian dan pengelompokkan rombongan belajar di sekolah perlu dilakukan secara acak, agar terjadi variasi dilihat dari kemampuan akademik mereka. Siswa yang cepat belajar dapat dikondisikan agar bersedia dan terdorong membantu siswa lain yang lamban belajar. Dari sini akan muncul kebiasaan tolong-menolong sesama siswa. Dalam kasus penentuan rombongan belajar di SMPN 1 Cimenyan yang berlangsung hingga saat ini, dilakukan pembagian berdasarkan abjad dari nama-nama siswa. Hal ini dapat berpotensi berkumpulnya siswa-siswa terbaik dalam satu kelas, atau dalam kasus lain sebaliknya. Sehingga potensi terjadinya ketidakmerataan kemampuan (aspek kognitif dan afektif) antara satu rombongan belajar dengan rombongan belajar yang lain tidak bisa diprediksi, dan perlu dibuat sebuah prosedur penentuan rombongan belajar yang didasarkan pada beberapa aspek yang mendukung pembentukan kelas yang lebih beragam dan proporsional. Sistem pendukung keputusan (SPK) ini menggunakan metode Weighted Product (WP). Metode WP merupakan metode yang menggunakan perkalian untuk menghubungkan rating atribut dimana rating setiap atribut dipangkatkan dulu dengan bobot atribut terkait. Setelah dilakukan perhitungan menggunakan WP dan dilakukan perangkingan seluruh siswa kelas VII dari yang terbesar hingga terkecil, lalu akan dilakukan pembagian secara merata. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, disimpulkan bahwa kelas beragam dan proporsional lebih baik dalam kedua aspek yang diujikan, yaitu aspek kognitif dan afektif. Dengan kenaikan 3,63 untuk kelas yang kurang beragam dan proporsional (VII A), dan 6,89 untuk kelas yang beragam dan proporsional (VII H) dalam aspek kognitif, dan nilai sikap (afektif) untuk kelas VII A dari dua guru yang menilai adalah 21 yang berarti masuk dalam kategori “Cukup” dan nilai sikap untuk kelas VII H adalah 32 yang berarti masuk dalam kategori “Baik”. Kata Kunci: SPK, Penentuan, Proporsional, Weighted Product (WP), Perbandingan. In society there are groups of life who always diverse views of various aspects of life. Therefore, the distribution and grouping of classrooms in schools needs to be done at random, so that variation seen from their academic abilities. Students who quickly learned can be conditioned to be willing and motivated to help other students who are slow to learn. From this will emerge a habit mutual help fellow students. In the case of the determination of the group studied at SMPN 1 Cimenyan that lasts until today, the distribution in alphabetical order of the names of the students. This can potentially gathering the best students in the classroom, or in other cases the opposite. So the potential for inequality abilities (cognitive and affective) between the study groups with other study groups which can not be predicted, and needs to make a determination procedure study groups based on some aspects that favor the formation of a more diverse class and proportionate. Decision support system (DSS) is using Weighted Product (WP). WP method is a method that uses multiplication to connect rating attributes where each attribute rating raised to first with weight-related attributes. After calculation using WP and do ordering entire seventh grade students from largest to smallest, then the division will be done evenly. Based on research that has been done, it was concluded that a diverse class and proportionally better in both aspects are tested, namely the cognitive and affective aspects. With an increase of 3.63 for classes that are less diversified and proportionate (VII A), and 6.89 for diverse classes and proportional (VII H) in the cognitive aspects, and the value attitude (affective) for class VII A of the two teachers who rate is 21, which means in the category "Enough" and the value attitude to class VII H is 32, which means fall into the category of "Good". Keywords: DSS, Determination, Proportional, Weighted Product (WP), Comparison

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Menentukan Volume Produksi Roti Menggunakan Metode Simpleks Pada Ud Roti Mutiara Cirebon

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    This research aims to develop a decision support system application on the system UD Roti Mutiara by applying the simplex method to determine the volume of production UD Roti Mutiara Cirebon. The criteria used to determine who is the source of power. As a condition to determine the volume of production.Determination of the amount of production for some products in a company, often a problem for the production manager. Activities that aim to maximize profit companies with limited resources that could be done by using the simplex method.This application is created using the Visual Basic programming language with support for Interbase DBMS. Results of this research is an application with a variable input gain of each product in production, resource requirements and the maximum available resources. Output from the application is the amount of product to be produced in order to obtain maximum benefit

    Analisis Aksesibilitas Website Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Menggunakan Pedoman Web Content Accessible Guidelines 2.0

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    Muhammadiyah University Malang has provided academic information technology services through an application-based platform, especially its website, catering to the needs of students. The objective is to ensure that all students, including those with disabilities, particularly the visually impaired and intellectually challenged individuals, can access these services. This becomes especially crucial during circumstances like the past pandemic, which necessitated a shift to online academic activities. However, the insufficient attention to website accessibility has led to the violation of the rights of disabled students. Stemming from this backdrop, this research employs Web Accessibility Test (TAW) and aXe Developer Tools to evaluate the accessibility of 35 main pages of the University's S1 study program website. This evaluation is conducted based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. The research further involves Descriptive Statistical and Normality Test analysis, accompanied by Q-Q Plot and Box Plot graphical analysis, utilizing SPSS Statistics version 29. The goal is to offer recommendations for enhancements across the entire website. The outcome of the accessibility analysis, using TAW and aXe Developer Tools, highlights the highest priority issues within the Perceivable principle, with a cumulative sum of 2945. These include Text Alternatives, Adaptable design, Distinguishable features, along with Elements must meet minimum color contrast ratio thresholds, Links must have discernible text, and Images must have alternate text
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