89 research outputs found

    Online Personal Computer Assembling Troubleshooting (P-CAT.com)

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    This report describes the research efforts that have been carried out for the Final Year Project. P-CAT.com developed to improve the current way of searching the solution to the PC assembling over the internet. Hence, to educate the PC users about the computer component and solve the PC problem own their own. For the basis of implementation, a literature review is determined the issue involved, how to overcome them and designing graphical user interface based on the previous study on human computer interaction. In the literature review included the lesson learnt from the existing almost similar project. Beside the research have been conducted to determined user requirement and needs, the result have been summarize to determine next step to conduct. This report also explains the planning phase which includes the system architecture design, network architecture and design document. Next, the report describes the strategies and tools used to develop P-CAT.com. Finally, the purpose of gathering data together with its conclusions, recommendations and future enhancement are briefly described in this report. While, the next steps involved in developing P-CAT.com to meet its goals as initially proposed

    Tingkat Kesesuaian Suaka Margasatwa Cikepuh Sebagai Habitat Kedua Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros Sondaicus Desmarest, 1822)

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    Javan rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is one of the rarest species in the world so categorized as critically endangered by IUCN. Survival of the rhino in Ujung Kulon National Park is threatened by a variety of factors that could cause these extinct animals, such as: invasion langkap, competition with the bulls, and inbreeding. The strategy should be promoted in maintaining and developing population that is making a second habitat. The purpose of this research is to know the suitability level of Cikepuh Wildlife Reserves (CWR) as javan rhino's second habitat. The method used is the field observations. Results showed that the CWR have high suitability as javan rhino's second habitat with an area of 6886.4 ha (84.72% CWR). Cikepuh Wildlife Reserves components that have a high potential as second habitat are on aspects altitude, air temperature, humidity, water availability, and soil pH. Strategies that can be done in improving the suitability of the CWR as second habitat includ: create pools ofthe rhino, planting food plants that have a high palatability and reduce human pressure through strict enforcement, public education, standardized regular patrols, rehabilitation and enrichment of degraded area, livestock expenses , and review the MoU regarding the use of the area as a military Cikepuh SM

    Az alanytöbbség problémája a polgári perben

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    A polgári perhez legalább két személyre van szükség, felperesre és alperesre. A felek közül az, aki a pert kezdeményezi, a felperes. Magyary klasszikus megfogalmazása szerint „… a felperes az, aki a pert kéri, helyesebben, aki úgy rendelkezik, hogy per legyen. Végeredményben tehát azt mondhatjuk, hogy felperes az, aki a keresetet, illetve a keresetlevelet előterjeszti.

    Online Personal Computer Assembling Troubleshooting (P-CAT.com)

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    This report describes the research efforts that have been carried out for the Final Year Project. P-CAT.com developed to improve the current way of searching the solution to the PC assembling over the internet. Hence, to educate the PC users about the computer component and solve the PC problem own their own. For the basis of implementation, a literature review is determined the issue involved, how to overcome them and designing graphical user interface based on the previous study on human computer interaction. In the literature review included the lesson learnt from the existing almost similar project. Beside the research have been conducted to determined user requirement and needs, the result have been summarize to determine next step to conduct. This report also explains the planning phase which includes the system architecture design, network architecture and design document. Next, the report describes the strategies and tools used to develop P-CAT.com. Finally, the purpose of gathering data together with its conclusions, recommendations and future enhancement are briefly described in this report. While, the next steps involved in developing P-CAT.com to meet its goals as initially proposed


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    Javan rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is one of the rarest species in the world so categorized as critically endangered by IUCN. Survival of the rhino in Ujung Kulon National Park is threatened by a variety of factors that could cause these extinct animals, such as: invasion langkap, competition with the bulls, and inbreeding. The strategy should be promoted in maintaining and developing population that is making a second habitat. The purpose of this research is to know the suitability level of Cikepuh Wildlife Reserves (CWR) as javan rhino’s second habitat. The method used is the field observations. Results showed that the CWR have high suitability as javan rhino’s second habitat with an area of 6886.4 ha (84.72% CWR). Cikepuh Wildlife Reserves components that have a high potential as second habitat are on aspects altitude, air temperature, humidity, water availability, and soil pH. Strategies that can be done in improving the suitability of the CWR as second habitat includ: create pools ofthe rhino, planting food plants that have a high palatability and reduce human pressure through strict enforcement, public education, standardized regular patrols, rehabilitation and enrichment of degraded area, livestock expenses , and review the MoU regarding the use of the area as a military Cikepuh SM. Keywords: Cikepuh Wildlife Reserve, habitat suitability, javan rhino, second habita

    Spinocerebellar ataxia types 1, 2, 3, and 6: disease severity and nonataxia symptoms.

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify factors that determine disease severity and clinical phenotype of the most common spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs), we studied 526 patients with SCA1, SCA2, SCA3. or SCA6. METHODS: To measure the severity of ataxia we used the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA). In addition, nonataxia symptoms were assessed with the Inventory of Non-Ataxia Symptoms (INAS). The INAS count denotes the number of nonataxia symptoms in each patient. RESULTS: An analysis of covariance with SARA score as dependent variable and repeat lengths of the expanded and normal allele, age at onset, and disease duration as independent variables led to multivariate models that explained 60.4% of the SARA score variance in SCA1, 45.4% in SCA2, 46.8% in SCA3, and 33.7% in SCA6. In SCA1, SCA2, and SCA3, SARA was mainly determined by repeat length of the expanded allele, age at onset, and disease duration. The only factors determining the SARA score in SCA6 were age at onset and disease duration. The INAS count was 5.0 +/- 2.3 in SCA1, 4.6 +/- 2.2 in SCA2, 5.2 +/- 2.5 in SCA3, and 2.0 +/- 1.7 in SCA6. In SCA1, SCA2, and SCA3, SARA score and disease duration were the strongest predictors of the INAS count. In SCA6, only age at onset and disease duration had an effect on the INAS count. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) 1, SCA2, and SCA3 share a number of common biologic properties, whereas SCA6 is distinct in that its phenotype is more determined by age than by disease-related factors

    Early symptoms in spinocerebellar ataxia type 1, 2, 3, and 6.

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    Abstract: Onset of genetically determined neurodegenerative diseases is difficult to specify because of their insidious and slowly progressive nature. This is especially true for spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) because of varying affection of many parts of the nervous system and huge variability of symptoms. We investigated early symptoms in 287 patients with SCA1, SCA2, SCA3, or SCA6 and calculated the influence of CAG repeat length on age of onset depending on (1) the definition of disease onset, (2) people defining onset, and (3) duration of symptoms. Gait difficulty was the initial symptom in two-thirds of patients. Double vision, dysarthria, impaired hand writing, and episodic vertigo preceded ataxia in 4% of patients, respectively. Frequency of other early symptoms did not differ from controls and was regarded unspecific. Data about disease onset varied between patients and relatives for 1 year or more in 44% of cases. Influence of repeat length on age of onset was maximum when onset was defined as beginning of permanent gait disturbance and cases with symptoms for more than 10 years were excluded. Under these conditions, CAG repeat length determined 64% of onset variability in SCA1, 67% in SCA2, 46% in SCA3, and 41% in SCA6 demonstrating substantial influence of nonrepeat factors on disease onset in all SCA subtypes. Identification of these factors is of interest as potential targets for disease modifying compounds. In this respect, recognition of early symptoms that develop before onset of ataxia is mandatory to determine the shift from presymptomatic to affected status in SCA

    The First Cellular Models Based on Frataxin Missense Mutations That Reproduce Spontaneously the Defects Associated with Friedreich Ataxia

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    BACKGROUND:Friedreich ataxia (FRDA), the most common form of recessive ataxia, is due to reduced levels of frataxin, a highly conserved mitochondrial iron-chaperone involved in iron-sulfur cluster (ISC) biogenesis. Most patients are homozygous for a (GAA)(n) expansion within the first intron of the frataxin gene. A few patients, either with typical or atypical clinical presentation, are compound heterozygous for the GAA expansion and a micromutation. METHODOLOGY:We have developed a new strategy to generate murine cellular models for FRDA: cell lines carrying a frataxin conditional allele were used in combination with an EGFP-Cre recombinase to create murine cellular models depleted for endogenous frataxin and expressing missense-mutated human frataxin. We showed that complete absence of murine frataxin in fibroblasts inhibits cell division and leads to cell death. This lethal phenotype was rescued through transgenic expression of human wild type as well as mutant (hFXN(G130V) and hFXN(I154F)) frataxin. Interestingly, cells expressing the mutated frataxin presented a FRDA-like biochemical phenotype. Though both mutations affected mitochondrial ISC enzymes activities and mitochondria ultrastructure, the hFXN(I154F) mutant presented a more severe phenotype with affected cytosolic and nuclear ISC enzyme activities, mitochondrial iron accumulation and an increased sensitivity to oxidative stress. The differential phenotype correlates with disease severity observed in FRDA patients. CONCLUSIONS:These new cellular models, which are the first to spontaneously reproduce all the biochemical phenotypes associated with FRDA, are important tools to gain new insights into the in vivo consequences of pathological missense mutations as well as for large-scale pharmacological screening aimed at compensating frataxin deficiency
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