199 research outputs found

    The Impact of Integrated Pest Management Technology on Insecticide Use in Soybean Farming in Java, Indonesia: Two Models of Demand for Insecticides

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    This study aims to estimate the demand for insecticides in soybean farms in Java, Indonesia, and to analyze the impact of the integrated pest management (IPM) technology on insecticide use. It uses aggregate cross-section time series data during the period 1990-1998, when the IPM technology was disseminated in Indonesia. By using recursive and simultaneous equation models, it estimates the impact of the IPM technology on the demand for insecticides. The study finds that the IPM technology has reduced significantly the use of insecticides in soybean farming.

    Implementasi Metode Group Investigation untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Kelas VI SDN Mejayan 01 pada Materi Lestarikan Hewan dan Tumbuhan

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    In the implementation of teaching and learning activities in the classroom there are weaknesses in the learning process, including the lack of optimal student involvement in learning so that it is passive. Teacher-centered learning activities, as a result students are more likely to listen, record and memorize. Students cannot find their own knowledge and skills. Therefore it is necessary to improve learning methods. This study aims to determine the implementation of the Group Investigation (GI) to improve learning outcomes and the activity of class VI students at SDN Mejayan 01. This research was carried out at SDN Mejayan 01, Mejayan District in two cycles consisting of cycle I and cycle II. This research approach is qualitative and quantitative. Data collection techniques using tests and observation sheets.The results showed that the application of the Group Investigation method could improve the learning outcomes of class VI students at SDN Mejayan 01 with the percentage of classical completeness increasing from 44% to 93%. The application of the Group Investigation learning method can increase the activity of class VI students at SDN Mejayan 01 with a classical percentage of activity from 67% to 100%

    Implementasi Problem Based Learning Pada Tema Selamatkan Makhluk Hidup Untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar dan Keaktifan Siswa Kelas VI SDN Ngepeh

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    The results of the initial observations at SDN Ngepeh found several findings, namely the lack of optimal student involvement in learning, so that students are passive. Students cannot find their own knowledge and skills. Theme 1 learning activities show less than optimal results. This is because the learning method applied does not involve active student participation because the method used is the question assignment method, without being given appropriate materials or media. One effort to improve students' cognitive abilities and student activity is to use learning methods that are appropriate to the material to be taught by the teacher. The purpose of this research is to find out if the implementation of the problem-based learning method can improve student learning achievement and the activity of class VI SDN Ngepeh for the 2022/2023 academic year. This research is a classroom action research conducted at SDN Ngepeh in two cycles. This type of research is qualitative and quantitative research. Data collection techniques using tests and student activity observation sheets.The results showed that the application of the Problem Based Learning method could improve the achievement of class VI students at SDN Ngepeh. The increase in student achievement from cycle I was 53% and cycle II was 86%. The increase in student achievement from cycle I to cycle II was 33%. The implementation of the Problem Based Learning method can increase the activity of class VI students at SDN Ngepeh. Increased student activity from cycle I by 40% and Cycle II by 93%. Increased learning activity from cycle I to cycle II by 53%


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    Sampah rumah tangga khususnya sampah dapur selalu menjadi masalah lingkungan yang tak pernah selesai.Ā  Desa Tiudan, Tulungagung merupakan salah satu desa yang memiliki permasalahan dalam menangani sampah dapur, sehingga diperlukannya suatu solusi pemecahan dalam meminimalisir sampah dapur. Larva lalat Black Soldier Fly atau lalat BSF dapat membantu penguraian sampah organik melalui proses dekomposisi yang menghasilkan cairan berupa pupuk organik cair setelah diinkubasi selama 10-14 hari. Tujuan dan sasaran dari kegiatan ini yaitu memperdayakan masyarakat Desa Tiudan, Tulungagung dalam pengurangan sampah rumah tangga khususnya sampah dapur menjadi pupuk organik cair (POC). Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini yaitu 1. Demo dan Pelatihan pembuatan desain alat, 2. Sosialisasi serta pendampingan masyarakat dalam menjalankan prosedur kegiatan. Luaran yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini yaitu meningkatnya partisipasi serta kesadaran masyarakat dalam pengolahan sampah organik (khususnya sampah dapur) menjadi pupuk organik yang bernilai ekonomis sehingga membantu perekonomian rumah tangga ditengah pandemi ataupun dapat digunakan secara pribadi

    Bentuk Kalimat Amr dalam Al-Qur'an

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    This writing discusses about Style of Authority or Amr in Holy Quran. The articulation of Amr in language means authority that in general is from superiority to subordinate, say, from a father to a child. In essence, Amr (authority) contains three meanings in accordance to the Ulama. Asy-ā€˜ari, Al-Ghazali defined it as the articulations showing the demand to the ones demanded as what is demanded. Ahnaf and ar-Razi stated that the meaning of amr means to demand for an action to the higher level and as defined by Abdul Wahab Al-Maliki, amr means calling for a deed from the higher level. Meanwhile, arm or demand consists of four forms: First, Fiā€™il amr (verb consisting of three letters), rubai (verb consisting of four letters), khumasi (verb consisting of five letters) and sudasi (verb consisting of six letters) Wab taghu ilaihi Al-Wasilata. Second Fiā€™il mudhariā€™ al muqtarin bi lam al-amr (Fiā€™il mudhari preceded, lam demand), example : Wal yakhsya Al-ladzina la taraku min khalfihim. Third, isim Fiā€™il amr (isim fuā€™il amr), example : alaikumusiyam. Fourth, masdhar an-naib ā€˜an fiā€™il al-amr (form of masdar replacing the form of fiā€™il amr), example : wabil walidaini ihsana (and to parents, you should do the good deeds).keywords: kalimat, Amr, al-Qurā€™an


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    Pra Perancangan Pabrik Calcium Hidroksida ini dimaksudkan untuk membantu pemerintah dalam hal mengurangi barang import, serta dimaksudkan untuk membuka lapangan kerja baru dengan mengurangi masalah pengangguran yang semakin meningkat. Selain itu juga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembantu dalam proses industri kimia yang lainnya. Pabrik Calcium Hidroksida yang direncanakan disini mempunyai performance sebagai berikut : Kapasitas produksi : 20.000 ton / tahun Bahan baku : Calcium Carbonat Bentuk perusahaan : Perseroan Terbatas Sistem organisasi : Garis dan Staff Sistem proses : Continue Lokasi pabrik : , Gresik Waktu operasi : 330 hari / tahun Jumlah karyawan : 130 orang Utilitas : - Air : 104 m3/ hari - Steam : 2191,6949 lb/jam\ud - Listrik : 62 kWh/jam - Bahan bakar : 394 barrel/bulan Evaluasi ekonomi : - Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) : Rp 48.920.221.302 - Working Capital Investment (WCI) : Rp. 7.338.033.195,24 - Total Capital Investment (TCI) : Rp.,81 - Total Production Cost (TPC) : Rp. - Internal Rate of Return (IRR) : 27 % - Rate on Equity (ROE) : 58 % - Payout Period (POP) : 3,6 tahun - Break Even Point (BEP) : 38,3

    Keefektifan Patogenesitas Steirmema Carpocapsae (all strain) terhadap Hama Plutella xylostella L.

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    The utilization of entomopathogenic nematodes is an example of the uses of an environmentally friendly biological agent. Entomopathogenic nematodes of the family Steinernematidae and Hetrorhabditidae are very potential to control insect pests. The purpose of this study was to study the pathogenicity of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae (all strains) as a biological control against Plutella xylostella. This research includes 2 stages, namely the preparation stage and laboratory experiments. The experimental design in this study was a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of six treatments and three replications. The treatments tested were entomopathogenic nematode concentrations consisting of six levels: 0, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 infective juvenile per ml. The LC50 and LT50 values were calculated using Probit analysis. The results of observations of nematodes that enter the insect body and pest mortality were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), once showing a significant difference, it was then continued to the DMRT test at 5% level. Based on the results of the study, the highest pathogenicity against Plutella xylostella was Steinernema carpocapsae (all strains) when compared to Steinernema glaseri (NC) and Steinernema sp. local isolates. Resistance to Steinernema carpocapsae (all strains) and the LC50Ā value were determined by the age of Plutella xylostella larvae. The bigger and older the larvae, the more its resistance to Steinernema carpocapsae (All strains) and the LC50 value. The number of entomopathogenic nematodes that enter the body of Plutella xylostella increased with increasing length of contact time.Penggunaan nematoda entomopatogen merupakan salah satu pemanfaatan agensia hayati yang ramah lingkungan. Nematoda entomopatogen dari famili Steinernematidae dan Hetrorhabditidae sangat potensial untuk mengendalikan serangga hama. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mempelajari patogenisitas nematoda entomopatogen Steinernema carpocapsae (all strain) sebagai pengendali hayati terhadap hama Plutella xylostella. Penelitian ini meliputi 2 tahap yaitu tahap persiapan dan percobaan laboratorium. Rancangan percobaan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri enam perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan yang diujikan adalah konsentrasi nematoda entomopatogen yang terdiri enam taraf: 0, 8, 16, 32, 64 dan 128 infektif juvenile/ml. Nilai LC50 dan LT50 dihitung menggunakan analisis probit. Hasil pengamatan nematoda yang masuk dalam tubuh serangga dan mortalitas hama dianalisis menggunakan analisis sidik ragam (ANOVA), apabila menunjukkan beda nyata dilanjutkan uji DMRT taraf 5%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, patogenisitas tertinggi terhadap Plutella xylostella adalah Steinernema carpocapsae (all strain) bila dibandingkan dengan Steinernema glaseri (NC) dan Steinernema sp. isolat lokal. Ketahanan terhadap Steinernema carpocapsae (All strain) dan nilai LC50 ditentukan umur larva Plutella xylostella. Semakin besar dan tua umur larva, ketahanan terhadap Steinernema carpocapsae (All strain) dan nilai LC50 juga semakin meningkat. Jumlah nematoda entomopatogen yang masuk kedalam tubuh Plutella xylostella semakin banyak seiring dengan bertambah lamanya waktu kontak


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    This study aims to analyze the impact of an integrated disease management (IDM) on chilli. Chili disease control technologies that include crop barrier with corn and Crotalaria, and compost tea have been introduced to farmers in Magelang and Brebes. A qualitative approach was used to assess and estimate the socio-economic impact of agricultural research. The study was conducted in 2011. The results showed that based on land use chili, the net economic benefits generated was relatively low. There were only a few farmers who have adopted the technology on chili peppers. Furthermore, the survey also illustrates that three years after its introduction in 2007 the technology status at farm level was just at consciousness phase. Learning of this fact, a thorough evaluation of the technology on chili pepper should be done immediately. Research institutions which have developed the technology should encourage bottom-up initiatives and build a shared commitment to complete the implementation of a clear strategic plan. The adoption of the strategic plan should include the integration of research activities with promotional activities for example by revitalizing participatory approaches to awareness of farmers

    Marketing channels of chili: players, levels, and segmentations

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    Chili production is an essential commodity in Indonesia, and the marketing issues frequently disrupt the economy. This paper aims to analyze the distribution channel of chili and formulate a suitable policy to overcome the marketing problems. A market survey was qualitatively conducted at a producer, intermediary, wholesaler, and retailer levels. The results were descriptively presented using tables and figures. The analysis shows that the marketing channel of chili in Indonesia was long and complicated. Many players were starting at the village level to the provincial level. Segmented markets were based on the types of chili, which were categorized as local and hybrid cultivars. Farmers selected the marketing channels because of business circumstance and their farm location. Distance and gentleman agreement with traders limited farmers to select the marketing channel. Thus, the government is strongly recommended to provide a unique vegetable market such as an agribusiness terminal close to the center of production. This action will shorten the marketing chain such that both producers and consumers gain the benefits. The role of the private sector will be crucial in order to keep healthy agribusiness
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