Bentuk Kalimat Amr dalam Al-Qur'an


This writing discusses about Style of Authority or Amr in Holy Quran. The articulation of Amr in language means authority that in general is from superiority to subordinate, say, from a father to a child. In essence, Amr (authority) contains three meanings in accordance to the Ulama. Asy-‘ari, Al-Ghazali defined it as the articulations showing the demand to the ones demanded as what is demanded. Ahnaf and ar-Razi stated that the meaning of amr means to demand for an action to the higher level and as defined by Abdul Wahab Al-Maliki, amr means calling for a deed from the higher level. Meanwhile, arm or demand consists of four forms: First, Fi’il amr (verb consisting of three letters), rubai (verb consisting of four letters), khumasi (verb consisting of five letters) and sudasi (verb consisting of six letters) Wab taghu ilaihi Al-Wasilata. Second Fi’il mudhari’ al muqtarin bi lam al-amr (Fi’il mudhari preceded, lam demand), example : Wal yakhsya Al-ladzina la taraku min khalfihim. Third, isim Fi’il amr (isim fu’il amr), example : alaikumusiyam. Fourth, masdhar an-naib ‘an fi’il al-amr (form of masdar replacing the form of fi’il amr), example : wabil walidaini ihsana (and to parents, you should do the good deeds).keywords: kalimat, Amr, al-Qur’an

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