334 research outputs found


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    The purposes of making this home door safeguard using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) 125 KHz microcontrollers have as base ATmega328 is to make an easy tool of home door safeguard, cheap, practice in the uses of increasing comfortable and safeness in opening home door without handle many kind of keys that maybe really annoying. This tool will detect/work after the RFID detect tag card which facing the door, which automatically will read tag card to open the breach-blocking the door in the form of solenoid. The method which is used in making the this home safeguard using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) 125 KHz microcontroller have as base ATmega328 is experimental. This method consist of some steps, they are (1) software, (2) the analysis of necessity, (3) the design of hardware and software, (4) the tool pretense, (5) the tool test and (6) the tool operational. The hardware is consists of (1) ATmega328 minimum system as the main controlled, (2) tag card as the key of opening door safeguard, (3) solenoid as the door’s key. Based on the test result it can be summarize that the door safeguard can works as good as the principle works that is planned. It is showed by all the series when it’s work, RFID sensor is able to detect tag card with its database, the solenoid are able to open the keys when database tag card have been matched by the microcontroller. The percentage of error in measurement this solenoid is 15.8% and the percentage of the success is 84.2%, the percentage of error in measurement 13 pin is 9.8% and the percentage of the success is 91.2%, the percentage of error in measurement RFID module is 2% and the percentage of the success is 98%, the percentage of error in the regulator is 0% and the percentage of the success is 100%. Key words: RFID Sensor, ATmega328, Tag Card, Home Safeguard

    Management of Medical Record Unit Services for Covid-19 Patients in Type C Hospitals: A Study of Legal Aspects.

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    Background: The impact of the pandemic on medical record health service procedures has induced significant changes. The duplication of Covid-19 patient numbers in the patient medical record unit is an important concern. This study aims to analyze the legal aspects of managing medical record services during the Covid-19 pandemic in hospitals. Methods: This type of research is descriptive and quantitative with a cross-sectional approach. The key informants are 15 registration and medical record unit officers, using online interview techniques, employed in three hospitals in Semarang with a focus on group discussions. The object of research includes the management of medical records and service standards for Covid-19 patients as regulations in the medical record unit of the Semarang city general hospital. Results: Policies and standards for medical record services for Covid-19 patients, have not been adjusted to the provisions based on Circular Letter Number HM.01.01/001/III/2020 concerning procedures for work in situations of the Covid-19 outbreak. The medical record service for Covid-19 patients still applies paper-based or semi-electronic medical records so that errors can occur. This can cause legal problems for hospitals; therefore, medical record service standards must meet legal aspects as legal evidence that can protect the interests of various parties. Conclusions: It is necessary to manage a medical resume form design that is better, complete, electronical, and in accordance with legal aspects

    Komparasi Alih Daya Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan dengan Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja Tahun 2023

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    This research aims to compare the concept of outsourcing in the Law number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower (Manpower law) compared to the Law Number 6 of 2023 concerning Job Creation (Job Creation Law 2023). This research is important because the Job Creation Law 2023 eliminates job restrictions that are permitted in the outsourcing system. This change is contrary to the workers' desire to eliminate the concept of outsourcing which is considered detrimental to workers. This research uses a type of normative research that relies on secondary data consisting of primary legal materials (law and regulations), secondary legal materials (books and research articles), and tertiary legal materials (encyclopedias and dictionaries). The data was analyzed qualitatively and conclusions were drawn using deductive logic. In general, this research produces new findings in the form of conceptual differences between outsourcing in the Employment Law and the 2023 Job Creation Law. Different concepts will bring different practices accompanied by positive and negative effects. The results of this research show that there is a significant change in the concept of outsourcing in the Job Creation Law 2023, eliminating restrictions so that types of work are more flexible. This opens up opportunities for companies to be able to outsource all sectors of their work, including those that are in their ‘core business’ field. Currently, there is no longer a distinction between ‘work contract agreement’ (perjanjian penyediaan pekerjaan) or ‘worker service provision agreement’ (perjanjian penyediaan jasa pekerja) as regulated in the Manpower Law. There are still options in the work agreement basis for outsourcing, the agreement can be in the form of PKWTT or PKWT. If implemented with PKWT it must be accompanied by a transfer of undertaking protection of employment (TUPE). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbandingan mengenai konsep alih daya dalam UU Ketenagakerjaan dibandingkan dengan UU Cipta Kerja Tahun 2023. Peneltiian ini penting dilakukan sebab UU Cipta Kerja Tahun 2023 menghilangkan batasan-batasan pekerjaan yang diperbolehkan dalam sistem alih daya. Perubahan ini bertolak belakang dengan keinginan para pekerja selama ini untuk menghilangkan konsep alih daya yang dianggap merugikan pekerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian normatif yang bertumpu pada data sekunder yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer yakni peraturan perundang-undangan , bahan hukum sekunder yakni hasil penelitian dan bentuk literasi lainnya, dan bahan hukum tersier yang diperoleh dari ensiklopedia dan kamus hukum. Data kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kesimpulan ditarik dengan logika deduktif. Penelitian ini secara garis besar menghasilkan temuan baru berupa perbedaan konsep antara alih daya dalam UU Ketenagakerjaan dengan UU Cipta Kerja Tahun 2023. Konsep yang berbeda akan membawa praktik yang berbeda disertai dengan sisi positif dan sisi negatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat perubahan konsep yang signifikan mengenai alih daya dalam UU Cipta Kerja Tahun 2023 menghilangkan batasan sehingga lebih fleksibel jenis pekerjaanya. Ini membuka peluang bagi perusahaan untuk dapat mengalih dayakan semua sektor pekerjaanya, termasuk yang menjadi core business-nya. Selain itu saat ini tidak lagi dikenal pemisahan antara “perjanjian pemborongan pekerjaan” atau “perjanjian penyediaan jasa pekerja” seperti yang diatur dalam UU Ketenagakerjaan. Basis perjanjian kerja yang boleh digunakan dalam alih daya masih terdapat opsi dengan PKWTT maupun dengan PKWT. Apabila dilaksanakan dengan PKWT harus disertai dengan pengalihan pelindungan hak pekerja.

    Correlation Between BMI and ADLs with Mental Emotional Disorder Among Elderly

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    The increasing of life expectancy led to a growing number of elderly. There are many thing that occurs caused by aging process, one of them is decreases of body function. Decreasing body function can cause variety of health problems. The problem that may occurs are malnutrition, chronic disease, and lack of independence in performing daily activities. All of them are risk factor of mental emotional disorder. This study was conducted to determined the relationship between mental emotional disorders in the Elderly Care Unit Jombang in Kediri. This research was analytical study and used cross sectional. Dependent variable was mental emotional disorders. Independent variables were BMI, physical independence and characteristic. Interview was conducted to obtain information about variables in this study. Data analyzed by chi square and pearson correlation. The prevalence of mental disorders found in this study was 23,4%. Respondents who didn't have physical independence were 4,3%. Respondents who had body mass index that wasn't normal is 26,2%. The variables showed correlation only variable physical independence and mental emotional disorders (p = 0,008). While the body mass index and characteristic were not showed correlation with mental emotional disorders. The conclusion of this study was the elderly at risk for emotional suffering mental disorders. Physical independence associated with mental disorders in elderly emotional. So the need for more attention especially from the psychological to the elderly who do not have physical independence

    Paleoenvironment of the Miocene Lemau Formation Based on the Palynology Analysis in Seluma, Bengkulu

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    The Lemau Formation is a rock formation that forms the Bengkulu Basin in the Bengkulu Strip. The rocks in this formation contain hydrocarbon reserves in the form of coal. There has yet to be any research on the palynomorphs in the coal-bearing rocks in this formation. Palynomorph analysis was performed on nine samples from the P.T. Bara Indah Lestari, Seluma. The study aims to reconstruct the paleoenvironment and age of the coal-bearing rocks. The sampling technique uses stratigraphic measurements and hydrogen peroxide preparation. There were four changes in the depositional environment, namely the deposition of BIL 10-BIL 11 in the form of a freshwater peat swamp environment and BIL 12 in the form of a mangrove environment in the Early Miocene marked by the presence of Florschuetzia levipoli. The environment changed to a lagoon, indicated by the presence of foraminifera lining test and dinocyst in the deposition of BIL 13-BIL 15 samples in the Middle Miocene with a marked presence of Alnipollenites verus. The environment changed again during the deposition of BIL 16-BIL 18 to become a mangrove environment in the Middle Miocene. Overall, the paleoenvironment of the Lemau Formation is a freshwater peat swamp to a lagoon. Environmental changes are possible due to tectonic activity and climate change

    How Service Quality Can Mediate Lifestyle And Location Factors In Property Agent's Purchase Decision?

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    Several studies have widely discussed lifestyle market segmentation, but many practitioners still question how effectively lifestyle can impact purchasing decisions. Location is also considered the most important factor that consumers consider when buying a residential home. This research aims to identify the influence of lifestyle, location, and service quality on purchasing decisions. Service quality is then used as an intervening variable between the relationship between lifestyle and location on purchasing decisions. The findings show that lifestyle and location partially do not influence purchasing decisions. Meanwhile, service quality has a significant influence on purchasing decisions. Services quality provides full mediation for the relationship between lifestyle and purchasing decisions. However, service quality fails to mediate the relationship between location and purchasing decisions. Property agents need to focus on service quality which can change consumers' factors, namely lifestyle, to influence purchasing decision

    Correlation Between Soil-Transmitted Helminth (STH) Infection and Eosinophil Score on Residents Around Landfill of Mojosongo Village, Jebres Sub-District, Surakarta City

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    Introduction: Soil-Transmitted Helminth (STH) infected more than one million people all over the world. In Indonesia, the prevalence of STH infection is still high in a few places, some of them are 40-60 % of all ages, with different species of helminth and intensity. Citizens around landfills usually has unhealthy  sanitary and life style. Some data indicated that they often suffer  alergic symptoms, like itchy on the skin and chronic coughing which could be due to STH infection.Objectives: This study was held to know the relationship between STH infection and eosinophil score at citizens around landfills of Kelurahan Mojosongo Kecamatan Jebres Kota Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia.Methods: Stool and blood sample from 96 citizens of study site who agreed to participate (by informed consent) were collected. Kato-Katz method was used to determine the helminths infection intensity. Eosinophil count was done on thin blood smear stained with Giemsa to identify the percentage of eosinophil among other cells on the blood smear subjects. .Results: Prevalence of STH infection was 7,29% (7/96) with egg density of 61 Eggs Per Gram Feses (EPGF). Single type of helminth infection occured among the participants and there was no co-infection. Hookworm infection was 6,25% (6/96) and Trichuris trichiura infection was 1,04% (1/96). There was no Ascaris lumbricoides infection. All of them were fall into catagory of light infection. The prevalence of eosinophilia was 27,8% (26/96) with 2,63% mean osinophil percentage. There was a very weak association between STH infection intensity and eosinophil score (r=0,190; p=0,032).Conclusion: The prevalence of STH infection of the population around landfills of Mojosongo, Surakarta was 7,29% and predominated by Hookworm. There was a very weak association between STH infection intensity and eosinophil score (r=0,190; p=0,032). Keywords: STH infection, STH infection intensity, eosinophil score, Kato-Katz, eosinophiliaINTISARIPendahuluan: Soil-Transmitted Helminth (STH) menginfeksi lebih dari satu milyar orang di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia, prevalensi STH di beberapa tempat juga masih tinggi, ada diantaranya dengan prevalensi 40-60 % pada semua umur, dengan jenis cacing dan intensitas yang berbeda-beda. Masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar Tempat Pembuangan sampah Akhir (TPA) biasanya sanitasi lingkungan dan kebiasaan hidupnya tidak sehat. Beberapa data menunjukkan bahwa mereka biasanya mengeluhkan adanya  gejala alergi seperti gatal-gatal pada kulit dan batuk kronis yang sangat mungkin disebabkan olef infeksi STH.Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui hubungan infeksi STH dengan angka eosinofil pada masyarakat di sekitar TPA Kelurahan Mojosongo Kecamatan Jebres Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.Metode : Sampel tinja dan darah dikoleksi dari 96 warga yang bersedia berpartisipasi (dengan informed consent). Metode Kato-Katz digunakan untuk mengetahui adanya infeksi STH dan mengetahui intensitas infeksinya. Hitung eosinofil dilakukan pada sediaan apus darah tipis yang dipulas dengan Giemsa untuk mengetahui persentase eosinofil pada penderita.Hasil: Prevalensi infeksi STH secara keseluruhan sebesar 7,29% (7/96) dengan rata-rata jumlah telur 61 telur per gram feses. Semua menderita infeksi tunggal dan tidak ada yang infeksi campuran. Infeksi hookworm sebesar 6,25% (6/96) dan infeksi Trichuris trichiura sebesar 1,04% (1/96). Tidak ditemukan infeksi Ascaris lumbricoides. Semuanya menderita infeksi ringan. Prevalensi eosinofilia adalah 27,8% (26/96) dengan rata-rata persentase eosinofil 2,63%. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara intensitas infeksi STH dengan angka eosinofil, dengan kekuatan sangat lemah (r=0,190; p=0,032).Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara intensitas infeksi STH dengan angka eosinofil, dengan kekuatan sangat lemah (r=0,190; p=0,032). Kata kunci : infeksi STH, intensitas infeksi STH, angka eosinofil, Kato-Katz, eosinofili


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    Peternakan sapi perah merupakan salah satu bagian dunia usaha untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup khususnya masyarakat yang tinggal di wilayah pedesaan. Usaha peternakan sapi perah di Indonesia mempunyai peranan dan kedudukan yang sangat penting, selain berperan sebagai sumber penghasilan masyarakat juga dapat memberikan kesempatan kerja bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di wilayah pedesaan. Maka penting kiranya untuk mendorong dan mengembangkan usaha peternakan sapi perah di wilayah Indonesia. Salah satu wilayah yang merupakan sentra usaha peternakan sapi perah rakyat berada di wilayah Kecamatan Pujon Kabupaten Malang.Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Bagaimana perkembangan peternakan sapi perah di Kecamatan Pujon Tahun 1990-2010? (2) Bagaimana pengaruh peternakan sapi perah bagi kehidupan masyarakat kecamatan Pujon tahun 1990-2010? Dalam melakukan analisis terhadap data-data yang diperoleh digunakan metode sejarah yang meliiputi heuristic, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi.Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah peternakan sapi perah yang ada di wilayah Kecamatan Pujon sudah berkembang sejak masa pendudukan Hindia-Belanda. Perkembangan peternakan sapi perah semakin pesat memasuki tahun 1990. Dari tahun ketahun jumlah ternak sapi yang dipelihara terus mengalami peningkatan. Dengan semakin berkembangnya peternakan sapi perah di wilayah Kecamatan Pujon pada tahun 1990-2010 dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi perkembangan perekonomian masyarakat di wilayah Kecamatan Pujon. Tidak hanya pada pada bidang perekonomian yang mengalami peningkatan tetapi kesejahteraan masyarakat juga turut meningkat hal ini karena adanya berbagai macam bantuan yang diberikan oleh Koperasi Susu SAE Pujon pada para peternak. Bantuan yang diberikan berupa pelayanan kesehatan, social, dan simpan pinjam. Semakin berkembangnya peternakan sapi perah di Kecamatan Pujon tidak terlepas dari peran Koperasi Susu SAE Pujon yang berupaya untuk memperrbaiki kondisi peterakan dengan program-program yang direncanakannya, salah satunya ialah pengobatan gratis bagi sapi yang sakit dan suntik IB gratis. Selain peran Koperasi Susu SAE Pujon, Pemerintah juga memiliki peran dalam tumbuh kembangnya peternakan sapi perah di kecamatan Pujon, pemerintah memberikan bantuan berupa kredit sapi yang disalurkan lewat Koperasi Susu SAE Pujon Kata Kunci: Peternakan, Sapi Perah, Kecamatan Pujo


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    Information system evaluation necessary to improve the quality or make changes according to the needs of the organization. A method of pieces is a framework for the evaluation of information system that evaluates the performance , information, the economic aspect, security aspects, the aspect of efficiency and the aspect of service. The purpose of research know evaluation based on appearance, information, the economic aspect, security aspects, the aspect of efficiency and the services the type of research is research descriptive evaluative with the approach of cross sectional with a method of quantitative research. As many as 71,4% of respondents felt aspect entered in the performance category either. As many as 60,7 % of respondents felt aspects information data SIMKA entrance on good category. As many as 53,6% of respondents felt the aspect of the economic aspect SIMKA enters at the entrance on the category of no good. As many as 53,6% of respondents felt aspect control/security SIMKA already good. As many as 57,1% of respondents felt efficiency aspects on SIMKA already good. As many as 57,1% of respondents felt aspects on SIMKA service entrance on the category of no good. The need to give additional knowledge related to officials SIMKA. The official and the Puskesmas have to increase the budget allocation for special treatment SIMKA good for software, hardware and facilities SIMKA. The official need to cooperate with third parties in this developer/vendor for developing applications software to improve sensitivity against mistakes and good at input/ouput data or information and adder a manual on aid-application to know and correct the mistakes happen
