70 research outputs found

    Gambaran Pelaksanaan Model Praktik Keperawatan Profesional di Rumah Sakit Dr. Moewardi Surakarta

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    A professional nursing practice model is an intervention strategy that provides a framework of work aimed at supporting professional nurses in controlling how all nursing actions work. The success in providing nursing care to each patient is determined by the choice of methods that the nurses use professionally. The purpose of this research is to provide description of the implementation professional nursing practice model at Dr. Moewardi hospital of Surakarta. This research is a quantitative research with simple descriptive design. This research was conducted in recovery rose room II at Dr. Moewardi hospital of Surakarta in april 2018. Population in this research is all nurses who work in recovey rose room II at Dr. Moewardi hospital of Surakarta. The samples of research was 33 respondents determined using total sampling technique. The data were collected using questionnaires and analyze data technique using univariate. The results of this research showed that the description of the implementation professional nursing practice model seen from the performance of nurses are good categorized, nurses perception about nursing care documentation is good, nurses work motivation is high categorized, and nurses job satisfaction are satisfied. The conclusion of this research is the implementation of the professional nursing practice model applied is the primary-team modification method, with most of the implementation factors in good category. Keywords : PNPM, Method, Implementatio

    Hubungan Antara Dukungan Sosial Dengan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan di Puskesmas Cilacap Selatan II

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    Background:.Health standards have been determined, but problems are still found that refer to the dimensions of health service satisfaction, namely regarding access to health services, inadequate facilities, and slow service processes. Meanwhile, social support is one of the factors affecting the quality of health services. Research objective: This study was conducted to determine whether there is a relationship between social support and quality of health services at Puskesmas Cilacap Selatan II. Research method: This study uses a descriptive correlation. Population This study used an average monthly visit of puskesmas visitors of 2305. The sampling method was using consecutive sampling technique as many as 96 people. Statistical test using Rank Spearman. Data analysis using computer software. Result: The results of this study 52 respondents (54.9%) received adequate social support and 80 respondents (83.3%) stated that the quality of health services was in the medium category p = 0.009 <0.05. Social support for service quality influences each other with a moderate relationship interpretation. Conclusion: There is a relationship between social support and the quality of health services at Puskesmas Cilacap Selatan II (p-value = 0.009). Keywords: social support, quality of health servic

    Gambaran Psikologis Perawat Pelaksana di Unit MPKP Rumah Sakit Dr.Moewardi Surakarta

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    Abstract Introduction: The model of professional nursing practice (MPKP) is the management of nursing care structures and processes at the level of the outpatient room so as to enable the provision of professional nursing care. Purpose: This study is to find out the psychological picture of the nurses in the MPKP unit RsDr.Moewardi Surakarta. Research Method: This research is a quantitative research with descriptive analytic design with use cross sectional design. This research was conducted at the flamboyant inpatient ward of 8 Moewardi Hospital in May 2018. The population in this study were all nurses in flamboyant room 8 Moewardi Hospital. The samples in this study are about 33 respondents using purposive sampling technique. The instrument of this study used a questionnaire of work motivation, job satisfaction, job stress. Data analysis uses frequency distribution. Result of research: good work motivation%, good job satisfaction%, heavy work stress%. Conclusion: Psychology in space MPKP falmboyan 8 good psychological average. Keywords:PNPM, Psychological Nurs

    Hubungan Antara Kepuasan Kerja Pada Aspek Self Esteem Dengan Motivasi Kerja Perawat Pelaksana Di Rumah Sakit Panti Rahayu (Yakkum) Purwodadi

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    Self-esteem is the assessment made by a person against himself. The assessment is usually reflects the acceptance or rejection of him and shows how far people believe that she can be successful, feel important and valuable. To increase the satisfaction of the esteem every aspect of nurses required to have a high motivation to have a good self-satisfaction. As for the purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between satisfaction on aspects of self-esteem and motivation of nurses in hospital Panti Rahayu (Yakkum) Purwodadi. This research is a quantitative data in the form of numbers / figures, with a correlation descriptive research design. The population in this study are all nurses in hospital Panti Rahayu (Yakkum) Purwodadi totaling 136 perawat. Sampel used in this study proportional random samplingyang totaling 62 nurses. Data collection techniques using research instruments such as questionnaires. While data analysis technique used is Rank Spearman using SPSS. The results obtained which showed a significant relationship between satisfaction on aspects of self esteem and motivation nurses working in hospital Panti Rahayu (Yakkum) with sig (2-tailed) 0.001. These results indicate that the presence of nurses who work motivation can increase satisfaction in the aspects of high self esteem in nurses in Panti Rahayu (Yakkum) Purwodadi

    Hubungan Tingkat Kemandirian Activiy Daily Living (ADL) dengan Kualitas Hidup Lansia di Kelurahan Karangasem Kecamatan Laweyan Surakarta

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    The aging process in the elderly elderly degeneration causes the appearance of both physically and mentally one of which is the emergence of a setback ability Activity Daily Living (ADL). Limitations of the elderly ADL independence cause elderly ability to meet life is limited and dependent on others and the impact on the quality of life of the elderly. This study aims to determine the degree of independence of activity daily living (ADL) and quality of life in elderly village sub-district KarangasemLaweyan Surakarta. This research is descriptive correlative with cross sectional approach. The study population was was 334 elderly in the village of KarangasemLaweyanSurakarta, while the samples are 96 seniors selected bytechnique. proportional random sampling Research data collection using a questionnaire and analyzed using Spearman rank correlation test. Results showed Spearman Rank correlation value of 0.692 with a significance value(p-value)0,001 so the decision test is H0 is rejected. The conclusion is there is a relationship of independence activity daily living (ADL) and quality of life of the elderly in the village of Karangasem sub-district that is getting better Surakarta Laweyan ADL independence of the quality of life of the elderly is also increasing

    Hubungan Antara Tingkat Pengetahuan dengan Kualitas Hidup Lansia Penderita Penyait Kronis

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    Prevalence rate of chronic diseases at the District of Surakarta is almost high. They were occurred of diabetes, hypertension, stroke, gout, and it is influenced to their quality of life. People, in general are unaware the important to maintenance the health status. They were also unaware how to preserve the quality of life. This study aim was to examine the association between the level of knowledge and the quality of life of elderly with chronic diseases. Study design was a correlational. The population in this study was an elderly who lived in District of Surakarta Central Java Province. The samples size was obtain by cluster sampling and from these we earned 106 persons from seven posyandu. The instruments are questionnaire. Measuring the level of knowledge was use questionnaire which create by own investigator. While quality of life was measure by MINICHAL. The results shows using a Chi Square tested 23.7% quality of life influenced by lower level of knowledge and 80.9% quality of life influenced by higher level of knowledge. Statistically there were any correlation between the level of knowledge and the quality of life (p=0,001)

    Gambaran Tingkat Kecemasan Stres Dan Activity Daily Living Pada Lansia Penderita Hipertensi Di Puskesmas Baki Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    Hypertension is an increase in systolic blood pressure of more than 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure of more than 90. According to research stress and anxiety can trigger the onset of hypertension. Stress and anxiety that occur continuously can interfere with daily activities. The purpose of this study was to find out the picture of anxiety levels, stress and daily living activity in elderly people with hypertension in Baki Health Center Sukoharjo Regency. This research is quantitative research using descriptive design. The sample was taken by 96 respondents with Random Sampling technique with consecutive sampling approach. The instrument of this study was to use three questionnaires namely DASS 42 questionnaire with 14 questions, ZSAS questionnaire with 19 questions, and Barthel Index questionnaire with 10 questions. Research results: Overview of anxiety levels, stress and daily living activity in elderly people with hypertension in the Baki Health Center Sukoharjo Regency based on univariate analysis that is for the category of anxiety that is mild anxiety as much as 85 respondents (88.5%), for normal stress levels or not stress as many as 70 respondents (72.9%) while the activity daily living level of 91 respondents (94.8%). Conclusion: that elderly people with hypertension at Baki Health Center experience mild anxiety and are not experiencing stress and experience mild levels of dependenc

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Tentang Kualitas Hidup Pada Penderita Hipertensi Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pajang Surakarta

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    Health conditions, chronic diseases, such as hypertension can interfere with the quality of life, it is necessary to have health education in order to provide knowledge, improve & change the lifestyle associated with improving the quality of life and health care. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is an effect of health education on the level of knowledge about quality of life in patients with hypertension. This research is a quantitative study with a quasi experiment design of one group pretest postest. The population is all hypertensive patients who are recorded in the Pajang health center in Surakarta city, totaling 1,391 people. Sample research as many as 96 respondents were obtained by simple random sampling technique. Data collection using a knowledge questionnaire with Guttman scale, data analysis using T Test. The results of the study show significant numbers between before and after health education is given. Starting from 36.5% for the good category to 64.6%. , the medium category was 36.5% to 20.8%, and the category was 27.1% to 15.6%. The results of the Paired Samples Test test obtained the value of p value is 0.001. The value is 0.001 <0.05, which is concluded that there is an influence between knowledge before health education with knowledge after being given health education. Then the researchers suggested to health care providers to always provide information related to tips to improve quality of life. Likewise with patients with hypertension to always try to improve knowledge in order to improve health status and quality of life

    Analisis Determinan yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Obat Tradisional pada Ibu Menyusui di Jawa Timur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis lanjut terhadap data Riskesdas 2010 pada ibu menyusui di Jawa Timur sehingga dapat memperoleh determinan perilaku ibu menyusui dalam mengkonsumsi obat tradisional. Pengolahan terhadap data Riskesdas 2010, menunjukkan adanya 661 responden ibu menyusui, dengan 489 (73,98%) ibu menyusui yang pernah mengkonsumsi obat tradisional, di mana 113 (23,11%) ibu menyusui biasa minum obat tradisional buatan sendiri. Obat tradisional yang dikonsumsi berbentuk kapsul/pil/tablet (9%), seduhan/serbuk (44%), rebusan/rajangan (26%) dan cairan (58%). Sebagian besar ibu menyusui yang pernah mengkonsumsi obat tradisional (93,3%) menyatakan bahwa konsumsi obat tradisional tersebut bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Berdasarkan analisis regresi logistik, determinan potensial yang berhubungan dengan perilaku konsumsi obat tradisional adalah jumlah anak, umur ibu saat pengambilan data, umur ibu saat melahirkan, ekonomi dan pendidikan

    Hubungan Kesehatan Mulut Dengan Kualitas Hidup Lansia Di Puskesmas Pajang Surakarta

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    The problems often encountered by the elderly is declining physical health, or a decreased ability to socialize with others. Oral and dental problems that many complain about with regard to the behavior of cleaning teeth and mouth are caries or tooth decay, halitosis or bad breath and supporting tissue disease or gingivitis. Oral health can affect the quality of life in the elderly. Low visits and oral health examination center for dental health or dental professionals can cause chronic disorders in the elderly mouth. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of oral health to quality of life of the elderly in Puskesmas Pajang Surakarta. The research method is quantitative non-experimental. The designs are in use descriptive correlation. These samples included 60 elderly, with a sampling technique using the total population. The research instrument was obtained from a questionnaire quality of life that has been tested for validity and reliability and the elderly oral health data last month who visit each other at the Polyclinic Dental Health Center Pajang Surakarta. Research data analysis using test Chi Square the results showed a healthy oral health 19 respondents (31.7%) and 41 (68.3%) of respondents have poor oral health. Quality of life is 27 respondents (45%) and 33 (65%) of respondents have less quality of life.test results Chi Square obtained by value p = 0.013, so it concluded there is a relationship between oral health and quality of life of dental health check in Puskesmas Pajang Surakarta. Keywords: Elderly,Oral Health, Quality of Elderly Lif