
Gambaran Pelaksanaan Model Praktik Keperawatan Profesional di Rumah Sakit Dr. Moewardi Surakarta


A professional nursing practice model is an intervention strategy that provides a framework of work aimed at supporting professional nurses in controlling how all nursing actions work. The success in providing nursing care to each patient is determined by the choice of methods that the nurses use professionally. The purpose of this research is to provide description of the implementation professional nursing practice model at Dr. Moewardi hospital of Surakarta. This research is a quantitative research with simple descriptive design. This research was conducted in recovery rose room II at Dr. Moewardi hospital of Surakarta in april 2018. Population in this research is all nurses who work in recovey rose room II at Dr. Moewardi hospital of Surakarta. The samples of research was 33 respondents determined using total sampling technique. The data were collected using questionnaires and analyze data technique using univariate. The results of this research showed that the description of the implementation professional nursing practice model seen from the performance of nurses are good categorized, nurses perception about nursing care documentation is good, nurses work motivation is high categorized, and nurses job satisfaction are satisfied. The conclusion of this research is the implementation of the professional nursing practice model applied is the primary-team modification method, with most of the implementation factors in good category. Keywords : PNPM, Method, Implementatio

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