94 research outputs found

    Nonlinear tissue mimicking phantoms characterization using the Nakagami statistical model: simulations and measurements

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    International audienceIn order to improve the tissue characterization, the probability density function of ultrasonic backscattered echoes which may be treated as random signals, is modeled by using Nakagami statistical distribution. Recently, it has been found that Nakagami statistical model constitutes a quite good model in tissue characterization due to its simplicity and general character. In the present study, computer simulations and experiments on phantoms have been carried out to test the validity of Nakagami distribution in order to model the backscattered envelope of ultrasonic signals in the nonlinear regime. Experiments were performed using a 5MHz linear array connected to an open research platform. A commercially available phantom was used to mimick tissue backscatter. For different sizes and positions of the sampling window, the RF signals have been acquired at different frequencies and bandwidths, then filtered around the center frequency and around twice the center frequency. The signals obtained have been analyzed in order to evaluate the Nakagami parameter (m), the scaling parameter (Ω) and the probability density function. These results have been compared to those obtained by using Field II software

    Étude de l'offre de financement vert des projets agricoles et agro-industriels durables dans la région Béni Mellal-Khénifra

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    With the rapid economic development of Morocco, the country has committed to a transition towards renewable energy in order to address development challenges and comply with environmental and social regulations. In the Béni Mellal-Khénifra region, agriculture plays a key role, contributing to an agricultural value added of 11.7 billion dirhams, with approximately 15% of bank loans allocated to the agricultural sector. The banking sector has emerged as a significant force at both national and regional levels. However, its challenges are linked to the strategic orientations outlined in Morocco's new agricultural strategy, known as the "Green Generation 2020-2030," which emphasizes the sustainability and resilience of the agricultural sector through optimized irrigation water management and soil preservation. To date, this newly implemented agricultural strategy has proven effective in increasing bank loans for sustainable agricultural and agro-industrial projects in the region. Many banking institutions have established their own internal advantages and measures to integrate environmental aspects into current practices, addressing climate change, desertification, and water scarcity. The question at hand is to what extent the banking offering in the Béni Mellal-Khénifra region can deliver on its promises by adopting its own green economy approach. To address this, we will analyze data related to our research on the Béni Mellal-Khénifra region, examining conceptual literature, assessing the significance of the banking offering, and evaluating progress through a customized measurement framework. This analysis will involve interviews with energy sector stakeholders and the use of available data from national and regional sources.   Keywords: Green finance, banking offer, sustainable banking, green financing, sustainable agro-industries Classification JEL: G1, G18, F34, P25. Paper type: Theoretical Research.Avec le développement économique rapide du Maroc, le pays s'est engagé dans une transition vers les énergies renouvelables afin de répondre aux enjeux de développement et de respecter les réglementations environnementales et sociales. Dans la région de Béni Mellal-Khénifra, l'agriculture joue un rôle clé, avec une valeur ajoutée de 11,7 milliards de dirhams et environ 15% des prêts bancaires allant au secteur agricole. Le secteur bancaire est devenu une force émergente à l'échelle nationale et régionale. Cependant, les défis auxquels il est confronté sont liés aux orientations stratégiques de la nouvelle stratégie agricole du Maroc, appelée "Génération Verte 2020-2030", axée sur la durabilité et la résilience du secteur agricole par une gestion optimisée de l'eau d'irrigation et la préservation des sols. Jusqu'à présent, cette stratégie agricole s'est révélée efficace pour favoriser les projets agricoles et agro-industriels durables en accordant davantage de prêts bancaires dans la région. De nombreuses institutions bancaires ont mis en place leurs propres mesures internes pour intégrer les aspects environnementaux face aux défis du changement climatique, de la désertification et de la rareté de l'eau d'irrigation. La question qui se pose est de savoir dans quelle mesure l'offre bancaire de la région de Béni Mellal-Khénifra peut concrétiser son engagement en adoptant une approche d'économie verte. Pour y répondre, une analyse des données sera effectuée, en examinant la littérature conceptuelle, en évaluant l'importance de l'offre bancaire et en utilisant un cadre de mesure personnalisé. Cette analyse comprendra également des entretiens avec des acteurs du secteur de l'énergie et l'utilisation de données provenant de sources nationales et régionales.   Mots clés : Finance verte, offre bancaire, banque durable, financement vert, agro-industriels durables. Classification JEL : G1, G18, F34, P25. Type de l’article : Article théorique

    Non syndromic supernumerary teeth: management of two clinical cases

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    Supernumerary teeth are extra teeth or tooth-like structures. Single, double, or multiple teeth that occur in one or both jaws may be erupted or unerupted and unilateral or bilateral. Supernumeraries are less common in primary dentition than in permanent dentition. The etiology of ST is still unknown. A number of theories have been postulated to try to explain their presence, including atavism (evolutionary throwback), tooth germ dichotomy, genetic and environmental factors, and hyperactivity of the dental lamina. However, all theories are hypothetical due to the inability to obtain sufficient embryologic material on their origin. The aim of this paper is two present two case reports of non syndromic supernumerary teeth in female patients and their management

    Diagnostic Value of Serum Neuron-Specific Enolase Level in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke; A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: We aim to assess the predictive value of serum neuron-specific enolase (NSE) level in patients with acute ischemic stroke referring to the emergency department.Methods: This systematic review and meta-analysis performed, considering the PRISMA and MOOSE statement guidelines. A computerized literature search of the known medical database conducted by using the relevant keywords. We included studies published before November 2016 in which stroke patients compared with non-stroke controls and also studies evaluating the serum levels of NSE in the study groups. Statistical analysis was pooled in a random effect model analysis using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software.Results: We included 12 articles in the qualitative and quantitative analysis, that their quality acceptable based on the Newcastle Ottawa Scale (NOS scale). The pooled effect estimates showed that NSE is significantly higher in ischemic stroke patients in comparison with their controls with a high effect estimate [OR 9.68, 95% CI (3.06 to 30.6)]. The effect estimate remained statistically significant under the fixed and random effects model.Conclusion: Our results show higher levels of NSE in patients with stroke than in the control group, indicating that NSE plays a role in the diagnosis of stroke. In terms of prognosis, there is evidence regarding the direct and indirect relationship; and it founded that serum levels of NSE is higher in larger stroke volume, which needs further research

    Post-streptococcal acute glomerulonephritis in a 7-year-old boy: Islamic perspective on the prevention of the disease

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    Acute glomerulonephritis is inflammation of the kidney mediated by an immunological process. Group A β-haemolytic streptococcal infection is common in children aged 5-12 years old and can lead to acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis which may develop after recovery from a streptococcal throat infection or skin infection (impetigo). 97% of cases occur in less developed country. The incidence has decreased in industrialized nations due to improved hygienic condition. A 7-year-old boy, the eldest child of 4 siblings from a divorced parent, was admitted to Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan Kuantan in March 2015 due to facial puffiness for 1 day duration. There was also dark colored urine. Patient had history of productive cough for 3 days and fever for 2 days. Father also complained of skin ulcer on patient’s right feet for about 1 month. There was hypertension (198/80 mmHg). Urine examination showed hematuria, proteinuria, and leucocyturia. Anti-streptolysin O titre was high (1:800) and complement C3 level was low (0.29). Patient was treated with antibiotic, diuretic, and anti-hypertension. The child is entrusted to the parents who will be called by the Almighty, who will ask them about this trust. Parents play vital role in maintaining and promoting the good health of the children. Parents should also pay attention to cleanliness, personal hygiene and the prevention of disease, especially infection. Islam paid attention to washing hands and cleansing the air inhaled into the lungs by regular cleaning of the nose as part of ablution before performing prayer. Parents are responsible in preserving life, health and growth of their children. Caring for cleanliness and hygiene is not only deemed a good habit in Islam but also rendered into rituals that constitute part of the faith itself

    Neuroprotective effect of oral administration of Trigonella Foenum-Graecum on chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in rat model

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    Introduction: Decreased cerebral blood supply to the brain can generate a condition of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion, which is one of the pathophysiological mechanisms of neuronal degeneration and cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease. This study aimed to evaluate the potential neuroprotective effects of Trigonella foenum graecum seeds on chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in a rat model. Materials and Methods: Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion was induced by permanent bilateral ligation of the common carotid arteries (a two-vessel occlusion, 2VO) in male Sprague–Dawley rats. The experimental groups were divided into three groups (11 rats/group): i) sham (control) group; ii) 2VO group without any treatment; and iii) 2VO group that was administered orally with the Trigonella foenum graecum extract (100 mg/kg/day) by oral gavage from 3 days before the date of 2VO surgery and continued daily until the end of the 8th postoperative week. Spatial memory performance was assessed by the Morris water maze test. Malondialdehyde and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration, superoxide dismutase and glutathione activities were measured in serum after 8 weeks from 2VO injury. Results: Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion rats resulted in spatial memory impairments. This behavioral dysfunction was accompanied by decreasing superoxide dismutase and glutathione activities, and increasing malondialdehyde and CRP levels in serum. Oral administration of Trigonella foenum graecum extract significantly improved the memory impairment, enhanced antioxidant enzyme activities, and decreased the malondialdehyde and CRP levels to near normal levels. Conclusion: The potential activity offered by Trigonella foenum graecum extract showed the neuroprotective effect that may be beneficial in cerebrovascular type dementia


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    U razdoblju od prosinca 2013. do lipnja 2015. istraživan je sastav ishrane tabinje bjelice Phycis blennoides (Brünnich, 1768) na obali Alžira pružajući informaciju o ekologiji vrste te pridonoseći boljem razumijevanju strategije njenog hranjenja. Analizirano je ukupno 956 primjeraka čija je totalna dužina (TL) varirala između 9,7 i 54,5 cm i mase (W) između 2,80 i 1334,11 g. Za obilježavanje relativne važnosti različitih taksona u progutanoj hrani, korišten je indeks relativne važnosti (%IRI) kombinirajući tri glavna deskriptora prisustva različitog progutanog plijena. Kvalitativne i kvantitativne varijacije u ishrani proučavane su prema spolu, veličini i godišnjim dobima. Prosječni godišnji indeks praznine crijeva (% V) je bio 5,51. Nije varirao između sezona (χ²cal = 5,43, χ²th = 7,82, α = 5%) i veličine (χ²cal = 2.08, χ²th = 5,99, α = 5%), ali je bio različit između mužjaka (%V = 4,94) i ženki (%V= 12,78). Kvalitativna analiza sadržaja želudca otkriva prilično raznolik raspon predacije s izbrojana 1342 plijena ukupne mase 462,84 g što odgovara prosječnom broju (AN) i masi (AW) od 3,03 odnosno 1,04 g. Ova vrsta se hrani bentoskim plijenom, uglavnom sastavljenim od rakova plivača (natantia) (% IRI = 44,84) i riba košunjača (% IRI = 2,61) te s intraspecifičnim plijenom (% IRI = 6,15). Ova pojava kanibalizma je česta kod primjeraka s TL koja premašuje 20 cm a još je češća kod ženki u zimskom periodu. Značajne razlike u prehrambenim navikama P. blennoides javljaju se prema spolu, veličini ribe i godišnjim dobima. Trofička razina (TROPH) bila je visoka (3.66 <TROPH <3.97), što odgovara karnivornom karakteru vrste.The diet of the greater forkbeard Phycis blennoides (Brünnich, 1768) of the Algerian coast was studied between December 2013 and June 2015, providing information on its ecology for a better understanding of the feeding strategy. A total of 956 individuals, whose total length (TL) varied between 9.7 and 54.5 cm and weight (W) between 2.80 and 1334.11 g, were examined. The index of relative importance (%IRI), combining the three main descriptors of the presence of different ingested prey (%F, %N, %W), was used to characterize the relative importance of different food taxa. Qualitative and quantitative variations in diet were studied according to sex, size and seasons. The average annual digestive vacuity index (%V) was 5.51. It did not vary between seasons (χ²cal = 5.43, χ²th = 7.82, α = 5%) and size (χ²cal = 2.08, χ²th = 5.99, α = 5%), but was different between male (%V = 4.94) and female (%V= 12.78). Qualitative analysis of stomach contents reveals a fairly diverse range of predation with 1342 preys counted for a total weight of 462.84 g, which corresponds to an average number (AN) and weight (AW) of 3.03 and 1.04 g, respectively. This species feeds on benthic preys, composed mainly of natantia crustaceans (%IRI = 44.84) and teleost fish (%IRI = 2.61) with intraspecific preys (%IRI = 6.15). This cannibalism was frequent in specimens with a TL that exceeds 20 cm; it was even more frequent in females as well as in winter. Significant differences in feeding habits of P. blennoides occurred according to sex, fish size and between seasons. The trophic level (TROPH) was high (3.66 < TROPH < 3.97), corresponding to carnivorous character