351 research outputs found

    <シンポジウム講演>海洋プラスチック汚染:SDGs と脱プラスチック社会

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    公開シンポジウム 国際経済社会における経済理念と地球環境問題のつながり日時:2018 年12 月15 日(土)12:30~会場:東洋大学白山キャンパス6 号館3 階6312 教室【主催】東洋大学国際哲学研究センター(「エコ・フィロソフィ」学際研究イニシアティブ

    An Environmental Study of Urban Rivers : a Case-Study of the Sumida River in Tokyo

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    典型的な都市河川の一例として東京の隅田川をとりあげ,水質汚濁の現状を理解するために,流域の生活排水による汚濁負荷量を水道使用量に基づいて概算した。この結果,隅田川は,自然流量をうわまわる生活排水,処理場処理水の流入により,東京湾に注ぐ河川のうちで,最大の水量と汚濁物質の負荷量をもつと推定された。隅田川は,今日,単に排水路としてでなく,都市の快適環境の向上をはかるひとつの拠点として注目されている。隅田川が果すべき役割に照らし,いくつかの問題点が議論された。The Sumida River,A typical urban river,runs from the northern part to the eastern through the megalopolis,Tokyo. The drainage area of the upper stream (Shingashi River) covers several bedroom communities of the metropolis,where the population has significantly increased over the last few decades. Due to the retared spread of the sewarage,untreated raw domestic waste water flows into the river. The lower course of the river drains the area having a large population and many kinds of urban activities. Water flowing into the lower course of the river is,in turn,dominated by effluent from the sewage treatment plants. Thus the river is heavily polluted. Particularly,the tributaries (Furou and Shirako River) are ranked among the most polluted rivers in the nation. To investigate quantitatively the pollution phenomena,loads of water and pollutants (BOD) to the river were calculated at every major tributary. The annual load of waste water was estimated to be 850×10^6 m^3. Supposed that the BOD concentrations of untreated waste water and sewage treatment plants\u27 effluent were 150 and 10 ppm respectively,then total annual load of BOD was 325×10^3 tons. It is the largest among the rivers that flow into the Tokyo Bay. The Sumida River has been bearing exc1usively the role of drainage collector for the city\u27s water system. Recently,however,as the quality of the river water has shown signs of some improvement due to wider spread of sewarage and strengthened waste water control,the river is expected to return to a level to serve as an amenity zone for its local inhabitants. This paper discusses some problems concerning the river water,referring to the contemporary role of urban rivers

    高分子ゲルの静止摩擦の待機時間効果 : 真実接触領域の直接観察(摩擦の物理,研究会報告)

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    Greenhouse gas observation in the stratosphere over Antarctica

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    日本における統計学の発展 第24巻

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    昭和55,56,57年度文部省科学研究費総合(A)研究代表者西平重喜による速記録話し手:高木, 秀玄聞き手:浜田, 文雅1981-8-

    [99m]Tc-PYP 急性心筋梗塞スキャン24時間像の検討 : 急性心筋梗塞症例

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