375 research outputs found

    A Study on Moderation of Xiamen Minimum Wage Stardard

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    我国实行最低工资制度的初衷是为了保护弱势群体的合法权益,满足低收入群体的基本物质生活需求,使最广大的劳动者都可以分享到经济发展的成果,其最终目标是为了促进社会经济的健康良性发展。然而,最低工资制度能否发挥有效效用的关键,则在于各地自行规定的最低工资标准是否适度?过高或过低的最低工资标准不仅不能实现制度设计的初衷,反而会对整个社会的效率及公平造成人为的损害,带来社会总福利的更大损失。 厦门市1994年正式颁布实施最低工资制度。从1994年首次调整至今,厦门市的最低工资标准已经在13年内调整了10次,最低工资标准也从最初(1994-1995年)的280元上调到(2006-2007年)650元。其...The original intention of China to implement a minimum wage system is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable groups, to meet the basic material needs of low-income groups, so the overwhelming majority of the workers can share the fruits of economic development. Its ultimate goal is to promote the healthy development of economy. However, the key that the effectiveness of the ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_劳动经济学学号:20044103

    The Research and Application of Decision-making Model

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    决策者面临的选择问题历来是人们比较关注的话题,然而理性的决策分析行为是从期望值理论的产生才开始的。期望值理论可以说是最简单的也是日常生活中最被人们经常使用的决策理论,因为它不需要什么太专业的知识储备,你只需要拥有简单的数学期望知识就可以了。但是,后来出现的一些决策悖论如“圣彼得堡悖论”使人们开始迷惑为什么期望值理论不管用了?为了解释这些悖论,数学家、经济学家丹尼尔•伯努利提出了“效用”的概念,开辟了用决策者的效用来描述决策者的决策行为的先河。后来VonNeumann&Morgenstern等人继承丹尼尔•伯努利对“圣彼得堡悖论”(St.Petersburgparadox...It is a attractive topic in history that how people make their decision-making. Rational behavior of decision analysis began from expectation value theory. Expectation value theory is the most simple and useful basis about their decision behavior in daily life, because you don't need very professional knowledge but some Mathematical Expectation knowledge. But, some decision-making contrary, such a...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院数学与应用数学系_应用数学学号:1912008115276

    A Comparative Study of Dry Milling and Little Quantity Lubricant Milling of Aeronautic Aluminum Alloy Based on AE Signals

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    为了揭示少量润滑的机理,在建立切削液供应系统和数据采集系统实验平台的基础上,采集航空铝合金7050-T7451干铣削和少量润滑铣削过程中的声发射信号,并对信号从时域、能量角度进行了分析研究。研究结果表明:(1)航空铝合金铣削过程中使用切削液可以加速声发射信号的衰减;(2)主轴转速的提高使得AE信号的强度随之提高,且AE信号的能量成分向高频区域增加;(3)切削液的加入使得AE信号能量向低频区域移动,随着切削液流量的增大,这种作用将逐渐减弱。In order to reveal the mechanism of little quantity lubricantion,an experimental platform of cutting fluid supply system and signal aquasition system was established.AE signals in dry milling and LQL milling of aeronautic aluminum alloy 7050-T7451 were sampled and analyzed through time domain and energy distribution.The results show that:(1)cutting fluid can speed the attenuation of AE signal in milling process;(2)the increase of main spindle speed results in the increase of AE signal intensity,and results in the increase of energy of AE signal in high frequency band;(3)the introduction of cutting fluid in milling process makes the energy ratio of AE signal increase in low frequency band,and this function will gradually weaken with the increase of the flow rate of cutting fluid.国家自然科学基金(50875120


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    Tendency and critical scientific issues of space life science in China

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    空间生命科学是随着人类空间探索活动,特别是载人空间探索而产生和发展的新兴交叉学科,它涵盖了较为广泛的研究范围.在过去半个多世纪,国际上在该领域取得了许多重要发现和研究成果,不仅支撑了载人空间探索任务,同时也服务了地球人类的生活.随着我国载人航天和深空探索活动的不断发展,特别是我国载人空间站工程的启动,未来20年将是我国空间生命科学发展的黄金时期.基于我国的载人空间站和返回式科学卫星实验平台,开展空间生命科学研究,获取新知识、创新新技术,进一步服务于人类空间探索活动、服务国家经济和社会发展,这就需要我们从学科发展的战略高度,系统深入地进行研究思考.在全面回顾国内外空间生命科学的发展历史及现状的基础上,本文对我国空间生命科学的战略需求、发展方向和关键科学问题等进行了梳理、分析和展望,以期为我国空间生命科学的发展提供思路和借鉴.As an emerging interdiscipline, space life science, generated and developed with human space, especially manned space exploration,, covering very wide research fields.In the past more than half a century, many significant findings and achievements have been achieved in this field, which not only supports the missions of manned space exploration, but also provides service for the life on the earth.With the continuous development of Chinese manned space and deep space exploration activities, especially the startup of Chinese manned space station project, the next two decades will be the prime time for the development of Chinese space life science.To conduct space life science, obtain new knowledge and innovative technology and provide further service for human space exploration, national economic and social development basing on Chinese manned space station and return type scientific satellite experiment platform, which need us to study and thinking systematically from the strategic perspective of subject development.By reviewing the historical and current development of space life science at home and abroad, this essay analyzes and prospects the strategic needs, key scientific problems and development direction of Chinese space life science, in order to provide inspiration and reference for its development.国家重点基础研究发展计划(编号:2011CB710903); 中国科学院技术科学部学科发展战略研究课题(我国空间科学发展战略研究)资助项


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    从N 乙基壳聚糖的35%(重量百分比)甲酸溶液浇铸膜制备片状单晶.单晶呈矩形,最大单晶长度达800μm.片状单晶生长在球晶微纤的顶端或没有球晶的地方.片状单晶中分子链方向取矩形的长边方向.单晶中裂纹的方向也是这一方向.由于浇铸膜吸潮,形成片状单晶的实际高分子浓度为83%左右,在此浓溶液中结晶非常缓慢,是导致该半刚性高分子能形成单晶的主要原因


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    用正交偏光显微镜观察取向了的w(N 甲基壳聚糖)=30%的N 甲基壳聚糖/甲酸溶液浇铸膜中一种特殊的结晶形态.晶片呈圆形堆砌,其聚集体的直径为几十微米.晶片聚集体内晶片无规取向,但晶片聚集体整体沿剪切方向取向.扫描电镜和X光衍射实验证实了取向浇铸膜中晶片的这种堆砌方式.这种形态是先取向后结晶形成的

    Research advances of electrochemical micro/nanofabrication based on confined etchant layer technique

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    与机械加工相比, 电化学加工技术具有无刀具磨损、无热效应、无机械损伤、加工效率高等优点, 而且适用于柔性、脆性及超硬材料,; 具备传统方法难以实现的复杂结构加工能力, 因而在航空航天、汽车、微电子等领域有着重要应用, 日益成为一种重要的工业制造技术.; 随着超大规模集成电路(ULSI)、微机电系统(MEMS)、微全分析系统(mu-TAS)、现代精密光学系统等高技术产业的迅速发展,; 功能性结构/器件的微型化和集成化的要求越来越高. 由于传统电化学只适用于金属材料, 为了应对微纳制造的时代要求, 拓展电化学加工的材料普适性,; 1992年田昭武院士提出了具有我国自主知识产权的约束刻蚀剂层技术(CELT). 一般的, 约束刻蚀包括3个步骤:; (1)通过电化学、光化学或光电化学的方法在模板电极表面生成刻蚀剂;; (2)通过后续的均相化学反应或自由基衰变反应将刻蚀剂约束在微/纳米厚度的液层内; (3)将模板电极逼近加工基底,; 当约束刻蚀剂层接触被加工基底时, 通过刻蚀反应实现微纳加工. 最近, 联合课题组通过仪器、原理和方法3个方面的努力, 引入外部物理场调制技术,; 实现一维铣削、二维抛光、三维微/纳结构加工, 大幅提升了CELT的技术水平.Compared with mechanical machining, ECM has several advantages, such as; avoiding tool wear, none thermal or mechanical stress on machining; surfaces, as well as high removal rate. Moreover, ECM is capable of; making complex three-dimensional structures and is appropriate for; flexible, fragile, or fissile materials even materials harder than the; machining tool. Thus, ECM has been widely used for various industrial; applications in the fields of aerospace, automobiles, electronics, etc.; ECM methods can be classified usually as electrolytic machining based on; anodic dissolution and electroforming based on cathodic deposition of; metallic materials. Recently, high technology industry, such as; ultralarge scale integration (ULSI) circuits, microelectromechanical; systems (MEMS), miniaturized total analysis systems (mu-TAS) and; precision optics, has developed more and more rapidly, where; miniaturization and integration of functional components are becoming; significant. Nowadays, the feature size of interconnectors in ULSI; circuits has been down to 20 nanometers, predicted by Moore's law.; Confined etchant layer technique (CELT) was proposed in 1992 to; fabricate three-dimensional micro- and nanostructures (3D-MNS) on; different metals and semiconductors, which has been developed an; effective machining method with independent intellectual property; rights. Generally, there are three procedures in CELT: (1) generating; the etchant on the surface of the tool electrode by electrochemical or; photoelectrochemical reactions; (2) confining the etchant in a depleted; layer with a thickness of micro- or nanometer scale; (3) etching process; when the tool electrode is fed to the workpiece, which applicable for 1D; milling, 2D polishing, and 3D microfabrication with an accuracy at micro; or nanometer scale. External physical-field modulations have recently; been introduced into CELT to improve its machining precision. In this; review, the advances of CELT in principles, instruments and applications; will be addressed as well as the prospects.国家自然科学基金; 机械制造系统工程国家重点实验室开放课题资助项