4,835 research outputs found

    Research on the Creative Techniques of The Cove

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    生态纪录片《海豚湾》在2009年上映后带给了观众巨大的震撼,同时也囊括了第87届(2010年)奥斯卡最佳纪录片奖在内的大大小小27个奖项和提名,它的成功是毋庸置疑的。本文通过对生态纪录片《海豚湾》的创作手法进行详细地解读和分析来探讨它的成功之处。本篇文章以电影分析方法论为指导,通过采用影片分析的描述性工具、引述性工具和资料性工具来全面详细地剖析这部纪录片,重点采用了电影叙事分析、影像声音分析和文本分析等,致力于从影片选题、叙事手法、影像语言、主题思想等各个层面来探讨导演如何通过《海豚湾》来揭露太地町的惊天秘密以及隐藏在背后的生态环境危机,如何实现影片口碑和票房的双盈利。 本篇文章共由四个章节...The film THE COVE which brought great shock to the audiences won the eighty-seventh Oscar Award for best documentary in 2010 including 27 large and small awards and nominations. The success is beyond doubt. This article tries to explore the film’s success for a detailed interpretation. In this paper, the film analysis methodology is used as a guide.I try to conduct a detailed and comprehensive ana...学位:新闻与传播硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_新闻与传播硕士学号:3062015115386

    Design and Implementation of Hospital Medical Records Management System Based on B/S Architecture

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    医院病历档案管理是保证医院档案基本工作正常实现的基础类工作。完成对医院病历档案的合理管理,能够让医院在发挥自身职能的过程中具有更好的工作效率和意义。医院病历档案管理工作目前所处的环境比企业档案管理的环境更加复杂。针对一个患者,医院牵扯到的部门种类和人员相对较多,这样在工作过程当中所要牵涉的资源也会更多。针对以上现象,如果能够将医院病历档案管理系统进行合理的规范,则将会在很大程度上对医院以及员工的工作效率进行大幅度提高。通过建立医院病历档案管理系统,还可以提升患者对医院的满意度。本文通过对医院病历档案管理系统的设计和实现,对医院日常办公管理的信息化要求进行一定程度上的满足,从而将医院病历档案管理...Hospital medical records management system is a normally basic working for the hospital. It plays an important role to adjust its complex functional roles in society. Hospital medical records environment is more complex than the environment of business office because the transaction types of the hospital departments are more various than others. In order to construct a new reasonable workflow in t...学位:工程管理硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323189

    TEAD4 as a Potential Therapeutic Target for Hepatic Carcinoma and Colon Cancer

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    肝癌和结肠癌是常见的恶性肿瘤,发现时往往已经到了晚期,因而这两种肿瘤都有较高的致死率。因此,迫切需要为结肠癌和肝癌的早期诊断寻找标志物,并为结肠癌和肝癌的治疗提供更有效的新靶点,筛选出合适的药物进行治疗。 Hippo通路效应蛋白---TEAD蛋白家族成员在哺乳动物中高度保守,其家族有四个成员,包括TEAD1,TEAD2,TEAD3以及TEAD4。该家族成员共有的特征是包含TEA结构域(DNA结合结构域)以及能够与转录激活因子结合的转录激活结构域。TEAD蛋白家族在辅转录激活因子的参与下能将信号向下游传导,影响细胞分化、增殖、抗凋亡以及干细胞的干性维持等方面的功能。其中,TEAD4可通过激活C...Colorectal cancer (CRC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are most common causes of cancer-related death wordwide. Therefore, it is important to discover novel biomarkers for early detection, and to identify novel target for treatment of CRC and HCC patients. The hippo pathway effectors ---TEAD family members that we have focused on are highly conserved in mammals with four family members, inclu...学位:医学硕士院系专业:药学院_药剂学学号:3232013115341

    Design and Implementation of Primary School Information Exchange System Based on Android

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    随着移动互联网技术的飞速发展,智能移动设备日渐成为人们办公娱乐,处理碎片化时间的新宠。Android系统依靠着开放的平台,优秀的性能在众多移动开发平台中脱颖而出,成为目前市场占有率最高的智能化移动操作系统。由此可见开发以Android系统为操作基础的应用具有非常优秀的用户基础和市场前景。 课题中主要论述了一个以Android_JavaEE架构为基础的信息交流系统的设计与实现。首先,本文简单介绍了该Android系统的研究背景以及Android系统的相关应用在国内外的研究;其次,论述了系统开发中涉及的Android系统和JavaEE框架相关技术规范;再次,论文按照软件工程的思想,对系统进行了需...With the rapid development of mobile Internet technology, smart mobile devices have increasingly became the favorite tool for people to work with. Android system wins the highest market share among all the smartphone operating system by it’s open platform and excellent performance. It has a very good customer base and market prospects to develop an application based on Android operating system. I...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323046

    Design and Implementation of Traffic Violation Information Management System for A City

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    随着我国城市化的进程,全国各大城市都面临的一个问题就是堵车问题,我国国民的汽车拥有量在增加,这给政府交通部门的管理任务带来了巨大压力。尤其是在某市,由于其交通设计模式不够合理,人口多,汽车数量大,车辆违章情况严重等因素,城市堵车问题更为突出。面对这些情况,仅仅依靠提升政府警力和加大惩罚力度是远远不够的,所以依托现有的信息化技术手段,提升为违章车辆的高效管理成为行之有效的方法。 本系统基于B/S架构模式,选用JSP技术框架,采用基于Web的三层体系结构模型构建系统,并结合MySQL数据库等先进技术整合开发,最终设计的系统可操作性强、界面简介、功能全面,并具有较好的可扩展性、容易维护、高效性等特...As the process of China's urbanization, in major cities across the country are facing a problem is the problem of traffic jams, car ownership on the rise of the Chinese people, which management tasks in the transportation sector has brought great pressure on the Government. Especially in the city , due to its unreasonable traffic design pattern, population, number of cars, vehicle violation seriou...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323139

    Design and Implementation of Cashing Management System in College

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    目前高校中的出纳人员完成出纳管理工作大多借助于各类财务软件的出纳模块,但是财务软件中的出纳模块功能简单、不实用,成本高昂,并且使用者需要有非常专业的财务知识。更加需要注意的是,由于出纳工作是财务工作中直接与资金接触的一个环节,其客观性、独立性、公正性备受关注和制约,所以出纳管理所使用的软件也要求具有这方面的特征。但是使用包含在财务软件中的出纳管理模块会严重影响出纳工作的独立性、客观性和公正性。 从实用性以及节约成本的角度上考虑,需要开发一套独立的、专业的并且易用的出纳管理软件来满足高校各学院的出纳工作的需要。以方便出纳人员完成高校的出纳管理业务,可以核算现金日记账与银行日记账、现金盘点与对账...The cashier personnel to complete the cashier management in colleges and universities work mostly with the aid of all kinds of financial software cashier module, but the cashier module function of the financial software simple and practical, high cost, and the user needs to have a very professional financial knowledge. More it is important to note that due to the cashier's work is the financial wo...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323194

    Design and Implementation of Teaching Management System for a Vocational School Based on Web

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    在国民的教育体系中,职业教育与经济社会的发展具有密切的联系。经济社会越进步、越发展、越优越,人民的物质、生活水平越高,就越需要高质量、灵活多样、特色鲜明、高信息化的职业教育。职业教育必须围绕国家的重点发展规划、重视信息化服务,以促进就业改革。本文以海南某职业院校的教学信息化管理为背景,针对管理工作中的实际问题与业务需求,设计并实现了一套基于Web的教学管理系统。 系统中共包含学生、教师以及教务科管理人员3类角色用户,操作权限与其工作职能严格对应,做到了形式与内容的相互统一。系统基于B/S结构,采用PlayFramework框架,分为模型、视图和控制器3个部分。模型封装了数据存储、封装、变换等...In national education system,vocational education has a closed association with the development of economical society.The more progression, more development, more superior of economical society, the higher in material and living standard for the people, as more vocational education in high quality,flexibility,distinction,high-information.Vocational education must revolve around national significan...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323185

    Research on the Changing of MPC of Urban and Rural Citizens under Different Income Levels in China: Based on CHIP2013

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    国际金融危机以后,国际经济形势比较动荡,使得中国外需持续减弱,要实现新一轮的经济增长,扩大内需,特别是扩大内需中的居民消费需求迫在眉睫。研究中国居民边际消费倾向可以间接的研究中国居民消费需求现状,为更好的认识中国居民消费现状中存在的问题提供依据。从而制定出更好、更合适的政策来刺激居民消费,对促进中国经济健康增长具有十分重要意义。 本文以居民边际消费倾向为切入点,利用中国收入分配研究院提供的CHIP2002和CHIP2013相关数据,对中国不同收入组别、城乡居民在2002和2013两年的边际消费倾向进行测算,并进行横向和纵向对比分析。同时对影响居民消费支出的重要变量做出计量检验并给出相关解释。...After the international financial crisis, the international economic situation is relatively volatile, which makes China's external demand continue to be weakened. To achieve a new round of economic growth, it is imminent for China to expand domestic demand, especially the consumers’ consumption demand. The research of the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) of Chinese residents can indirectly st...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_数量经济学学号:1722014115195

    A Review of the Foreign Research of Global Chinese

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    "全球华语"的提出显示中国在语言规划方面开始采用全球的视野。在全新的语言观念主导下,国外发表了一大批以"全球华语"为研究对象的文献,丰富了现代汉语的研究,并形成了一个新的研究热点。本文梳理了"全球华语"研究涵盖的地域范围以及具体的研究内容(微观的本体研究、宏观的社会语言学研究、语言教学与学习研究等),并就"全球华语"研究的未来趋势提出展望。The emerging of the term "Global Chinese" shows that China starts to plan its language from a global perspective.Driven by a brand new view of language,voluminous literature on Global Chinese has been published in China and this enriched the study of modern Chinese language.As a result,a new popular research area has come into being.This article aims at refl ecting on the formation process of the Global Chinese and reviewing the regional features of the research and the subject coverage,including structualist study at micro level,sociolinguistic study at macro level,and language acquisition study.In the conclusion part,I endeavor to look into the future directions of the Global Chinese study.国家社科基金项目“全球华语语法研究”(11ZD128); 国家语委项目“海外华语使用情况调查”(WT125-2)的支

    Studying on the Copyright System of Using Orphan Works

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    自2004年以来,美国Google公司拟在全球推行“数字图书馆”计划,由此引发了一系列诉讼,关于“孤儿作品(Orphanworks)”的概念界定、适用范围、使用问题等亦为各界关注,许多国家在立法、司法、理论层面均做出了回应。本文以“孤儿作品利用的著作权制度”为研究对象,采取了概念分析、历史考察、比较研究、案例分析等多种研究方法,力求对孤儿作品进行理论研究并界定其实质内涵,从产生原因和利用困境探究其利用制度的价值定位,并在评判域外孤儿作品利用制度的基础上,重点针对当前著作权法修订中孤儿作品制度设计的不足,提出完善构想。 除绪论与结论外,本文共分五章,其中第二、三章和第五章是重点章节。 绪论介...On the basis of research on orphan works, current research dedicate to define its substantive content and to explore its value orientation through the introspection of its causes and dilemmas, through the prism of concept analysis, historical investigation, comparative study and case analysis. Furthermore, after examining the systems of use orphan works and compare with the deficiency of orphan wo...学位:法学博士院系专业:法学院_民商法学学号:1362011015352