
Design and Implementation of Traffic Violation Information Management System for A City


随着我国城市化的进程,全国各大城市都面临的一个问题就是堵车问题,我国国民的汽车拥有量在增加,这给政府交通部门的管理任务带来了巨大压力。尤其是在某市,由于其交通设计模式不够合理,人口多,汽车数量大,车辆违章情况严重等因素,城市堵车问题更为突出。面对这些情况,仅仅依靠提升政府警力和加大惩罚力度是远远不够的,所以依托现有的信息化技术手段,提升为违章车辆的高效管理成为行之有效的方法。 本系统基于B/S架构模式,选用JSP技术框架,采用基于Web的三层体系结构模型构建系统,并结合MySQL数据库等先进技术整合开发,最终设计的系统可操作性强、界面简介、功能全面,并具有较好的可扩展性、容易维护、高效性等特...As the process of China's urbanization, in major cities across the country are facing a problem is the problem of traffic jams, car ownership on the rise of the Chinese people, which management tasks in the transportation sector has brought great pressure on the Government. Especially in the city , due to its unreasonable traffic design pattern, population, number of cars, vehicle violation seriou...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323139

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