341 research outputs found


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    Population genetic structure of three stocks of Acanthopagrus schlegelii based on mtDNA control region sequences

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    本研究通过控制区序列片段,分析来源于浙江东极(dJ)、广东澳头(AT)及海南万宁(Wn)海域3个黑棘鲷ACAnTHOPAgruS SCHlEgElII野生群体间的遗传多样性、遗传结构及群体历史动态。d-lOOP基因序列测定结果表明,3个群体88个个体长序列长度范围为715~716bP,共定义了59个单倍型,单倍型多样性0.949~0.985,核苷酸多样性0.0068~0.00901,表明选取的3个野生群体都具有较高的遗传多样性水平;由AMOVA分析结果可以看出,东极与澳头2个群体的遗传分化较为明显,其余群体间则无明显的遗传分化;构建的单倍型邻接关系树显示出3个群体未有明显的谱系结构,从而支持了可将黑棘鲷南方群体归为同一个管理单元的观点;中性检验及核苷酸不配对分布表明黑棘鲷经历过更新世晚期的群体扩张事件。地理历史事件、海流及人工增殖放流的影响可能是黑棘鲷各群体现有的遗传多样性和遗传结构的主要原因。In order to elucidate background information on the genetic diversity and population history of Acanthopagrus schlegelii, the genetic diversity, population genetic structure and demographic history of Dongji stock, Aotou stock and Wanning stock of the black porgy were analyzed based on the control region fragment of mitochondrial DNA in this study.The results showed that the sequences of 88 individuals of the three stocks were 715~716 bp in length and that there were 59 haplotypes.The value of haplotype diversity ranged from 0.949 to 0.985 and the nucleotide diversity, from 0.0068 to 0.00901.These results indicated that the three wild stocks presented a high level of genetic diversity.Significant population differentiation was detected for the two populations of Dongji stock and Aotou stock, while there was no significant genetic differentiation between Dongji stock and Wanning stock as well as between Aotou stock and Wanning stock.In addition, no obvious lineages and geographic clusters were found in the neighbor-joining tree, which supported the notion that unique management unit(MU) was recognized on the basis of the southern populations.Both neutrality tests and mismatch distribution analysis suggested a late Pleistocene population expansion for the three stocks.The genetic diversity and population genetic structure revealed were attributed to the absence of geographic barrier, influence of sea currents and human activities.海洋公益性行业科研专项项目(201005013、201105012

    Some issues about the impacts of sea level rise on mangroves in China

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    海平面上升对分布在海岸交错带的红树林有着直接的影响。温度、波浪与潮汐、底质与盐度等因素控制着红树林的分布。海平面上升引起潮汐浸淹程度增加影响红树林在潮滩上的横向分布,红树林向陆地一侧迁移。在中国,海平面上升与海堤的阻隔共同威胁着红树林的生存,红树林主要分布地的小潮差增加了红树林对海平面上升的敏感性。中国红树林对海平面上升异常敏感。目前国内关于海平面上升对红树林影响的研究主要存在的问题是:缺乏从红树林群落结构角度研究海平面上升与海堤对红树林的影响,红树林地面高程变化研究薄弱,亟需建立一个红树林应对海平面上升的监测网络——地面高程水平标志层监测网络。It is universally acknowledged that global average sea level is rising and mangroves existing in coastal zones would suffer disturbance of sea level rise.Distributions of mangroves are controlled by main factors including temperature,wave,tide,substrate and salinity.Increased inundation caused by sea level rise would impact the transverse distribution of mangroves on the tidal flat,and mangroves are obliged to transgress inland.In China,sea level rise together with seawalls is threatening the survival of mangroves and small tidal range increases the susceptibility of mangroves to sea level rise.Mangroves of China are extremely sensitive to sea level rise.Presently,there exist several problems about the impacts of sea level rise on mangroves of China.(1) Little research concentrates on the impacts of sea level rise and seawalls on mangroves from the perspective of mangrove community structure.(2) Changes of mangrove ground elevation are poorly understood,which are usually compared with local rises in sea level to predict the effects of sea level rise on mangroves.(3) A monitoring network based on surface elevation table-marker horizon system is urgently needed to observe how mangroves of China respond to sea level rise.国家自然科学基金项目(41276076)资


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    以Pd/C为催化剂,以NaI为助催剂,以无水乙醇为溶剂,进行了苯胺氧化羰基化反应。研究了苯胺氧化羰基化的最佳工艺条件,解释了碘化钠在本反应中所起的助催作用。在170℃,反应两小时后,Pd/C显示了高活性(97.49%)和高选择性(85.26%)。最后,提出了苯胺氧化羰基化反应的机理。The oxidative carbonylation of aniline to carbamate over Pd-based catalyst was studied by using NaI and absolute ethanol as the promoter and solvent, respectively. The optimum process conditions for this reaction were investigated. At 170 C, after 2 h of reaction, the Pd/C catalyst exhibited high activity (97.49%) and high selectivity (85.26%). The promoter role of NaI was discussed, and a mechanism for the title reaction was proposed

    Advances in Electrospinning Technology for Preparing Nanofibers

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    通过对近年来大量相关文献进行分析,在介绍最新静电纺丝技术的同时,归纳出静电纺丝技术制造纳米纤维发展的两个方向,即微观控制方向与宏观制造方向.指出微观方向发展主要集中在如何提高纳米线的定位精度与纤维均一性等微观指标的控制;宏观方向上将聚焦于如何提高纺丝效率以及丝线有序性收集等关键问题上,为静电纺丝技术进一步发展提供了新的思路.Based on the analysis of much related literature in recent years,it introduces some of the latest technologies.Meanwhile,it sums up the development of nano-fibers in the two directions,micro-direction and macro-direction.In the micro-direction,more studies will focus on improving positioning accuracy,micro-fiber uniformity and so on.In the maro-direction,spinning efficiency and orderly collection will be emphasized.This study provides a new way of thinking for further development of electrospinning technology.国家自然科学基金资助项目(E051005);广东省自然科学基金资助项目(S2011040004079);广东工业大学博士启动基金资助项目(113010);广东省引进创新科研团队资助;广东省微纳加工技术与装备重点实验室资

    Inhibitory effect of anti-human NRP-1 monoclonal antibody on hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2 and its mechanism in vitro

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    目的研究抗人神经纤毛蛋白-1(Neuropilin1,NRP-1)单克隆抗体对肝癌Hep G2细胞的生长抑制作用及其机制。方法小鼠腹水法制备抗NRP-1单克隆抗体(NRP-1 m Ab)并用r Protein A亲和柱纯化抗体,间接ELISA检测抗体的滴度水平。Western blot检测NRP-1 m Ab对Hep G2细胞的特异性,细胞免疫荧光和流式细胞术检测NRP-1蛋白在肝癌细胞株Hep G2上的表达,MTT法检测NRP-1 m Ab对Hep G2的生长抑制作用,Western blot检测ERK1/2、P-ERK1/2、Akt、P-Akt蛋白的表达水平。结果 SDS-PAGE和间接ELISA检测纯化的NRP-1 m Ab纯度为95%以上,效价为1×10~(-6);Western blot检测结果显示NRP-1 m Ab可与Hep G2细胞膜上的NRP-1蛋白特异性结合。细胞免疫荧光染色结果显示NRP-1定位于Hep G2细胞膜,流式细胞术结果显示NRP-1蛋白在Hep G2细胞上表达水平较高;MTT法检测结果显示NRP-1 m Ab对Hep G2细胞有生长抑制作用。Western blot检测到在不同浓度NRP-1 m Ab作用下,Hep G2细胞裂解液P-ERK1/2、P-Akt蛋白的条带信号逐渐减弱。结论纯化的NRP-1m Ab能抑制Hep G2细胞的生长,其抑制作用是通过EGF和HGF信号通路实现的。The aim of the experimental is to investigate the inhibitory effect of anti-human nerve cilia protein1(Neuropilin-1,NRP-1) monoclonal antibody(NRP-1 mAb) on hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2 and its mechanism in vitro.Anti-human NRP-1 monoclonal antibody(NRP-1 mAb) was prepared from mouse ascites and purified by rProteinA affinity column assay.The titer of antibody was determined using indirect ELISA assay;the characteristic of NRP-1 mAb binding to NRP-1 was determined using Western blotting;the expression of NRP-1protein in hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2 was determined using immunofluorescence assay and flow cytometry assay.Growth inhibition of HepG2 cells treated with different concentrations of NRP-1 mAb was determined using MTT assay,while Western blotting was used to detect the expression levels of ERK1/2,P-ERK1/2,Akt and P-Akt proteins.The results of SDS-PAGE and indirect ELISA showed that the purity of purified NRP-1mAb was more than 95%and the titer was 1×10~(-6).Western blotting analysis suggested that NRP-1 mAb could bind specifically to NRP-1 on HepG2 cell;immunofluorescence staining showed that NRP-1 was located in the membrane of HepG2 cells.Flow cytometry analysis showed that the expression level of NRP-1 on HepG2 cell was relatively high.Western blotting analysis suggested that P-ERK1/2 and P-Akt expression levels were down-regulated after having incubated HepG2 cells with different concentrations of NRP-1 mAb.In conclusion,NRP-1 mAb could inhibit the growth of HepG2 cells(P<0.05),and its inhibitory effect is achieved by reducing the P-ERK1/2 and P-Akt expression.南京军区医学科技创新项目(12MA061,15MS104

    Comparison of Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills in treating women with emotional disorder during perimenopause

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    目的:探讨加味逍遥丸治疗围绝经期情绪障碍的优势。方法:经筛选后具有抑郁或焦虑的围绝经期女性患者80例随机等分为帕罗西汀组、利维爱组、帕+利组和加味逍遥丸组,分别给予相应药物治疗8周。所有患者在治疗前后均进行1次围绝经期症状主诉量表(grEEnE)、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)、汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMd)评定,并在观察期结束时进行副反应量表(TESS)评定。结果:grEEnE、HAMA评分:4种治疗方法均能改善,且相互间无统计学差异;HAMd评分:除利维爱组均有效改善(P<0.01),帕+利组和加味逍遥丸组优于帕罗西汀组(P<0.05),且帕+利组和加味逍遥丸组间无统计学意义;TESS评分:前3组与加味逍遥丸组比较均有统计学意义(P<0.01),评分均大于加味逍遥丸组,且前3组间无统计学差异。结论:考虑到帕罗西汀的毒副作用和利维爱潜在的、远期的危险性,治疗该病加味逍遥丸值得推荐。Objective: To explore the superiority of Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills in treating perimenopausal women with emotional disorder.Methods: 80 perimenopausal women with emotional disorder screened by SAS and SDS were randomly divided into 4 equal groups: Paroxetine group, Livial group, Paroxetine combined with Livial group, Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills group, 20 in each group.All of them accepted 8 weeks' therapy.Every patient accepted the assessment of these rating scales(including Greene, HAMA, HAMD) one time before and after treatment, and only one test for TESS after treatment.Results: All regimens improved the score of Greene and HAMA, and there was no statistical dif erence between dif erent regimens.Except Livial group, the other regimens ef ectively improved the score of HAMD(P<0.01).The score of HAMD in Paroxetine combined with Livial group and Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills group was increased, better than Paroxetine group(P<0.05), and there was no statistical dif erence between Paroxetine combined with Livial group and Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills group(P<0.05).There was no signii cant dif erence in TESS score between the i rst 3 groups, but they all had a higher score than Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills group, and the dif erences were statistically signii cant(P<0.01).Conclusion: Considering the side ef ects of paroxetine and latent, long-term risk of Livial, the regimen of Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills therapy deserved to be advocated in the clinical practice for the disease.国家自然科学青年基金项目(No.81302960)~


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    目的:探讨重组人血管内皮抑制因子(recombinant human vascular endothelial growth inhiloitor-192,rhVEGI-192)对人肺腺癌裸鼠移植瘤的放射增敏作用。方法:采用原核表达rhVEGI-192,获得目的蛋白。通过肿瘤倍增时间,计算药物的增敏系数。通过建立人肺腺癌裸鼠移植瘤模型,荷瘤裸鼠随机分为4组:对照组、10Gy、rhVEGI-192、rhVEGI-192+10Gy。采用6MV-X线进行照射,照射剂量为10Gy。获得移植瘤标本,利用免疫印迹法检测移植瘤中VEGF(vascular endothelial growth factor)的表达变化。结果:SDS电泳结果显示,目的蛋白位于22k D左右。10Gy照射时,重组人血管内皮抑制因子的EF(enhancement factor)值为1.5。和空白对照组相比,rhVEGI-192组和10Gy组移植瘤的生长受到抑制(P<0.001),rhVEGI-192+10Gy组移植瘤生长显著抑制(P<0.001),rhVEGI-192+10Gy组移植瘤较10Gy组有明显生长抑制。和空白组相比,rhVEGI-192组VEGF表达减少,而10Gy组VEGF表达变化不明显,rhVEGI-192+10Gy组VEGF表达明显减少。rhVEGI-192+10Gy和rhVEGI-192组相比,VEGF表达减少。结论:rhVEGI-192联合照射能够减少VEGF的表达。这可能是rhVEGI-192的增敏机制之一。中国人民解放军南京军区医学科技创新项目(编号:No.12MA061

    Application of the three-dimensional visualization and 3D printing technology for the preoperative evaluation of retroperitoneal tumors

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    目的探讨三维重建及3D打印技术在腹膜后肿瘤术前评估中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析2011年3月至2015年9月厦门大学附属成功医院收治的50例腹膜; 后肿瘤病人的临床资料,应用人体器官三维建模软件将病人的CT二维图像重建成三维可视化图像,使用人体器官模型3D打印设备,用两色热塑性塑料打印实物模; 型,通过观察肿瘤与腹腔器官、腹部大血管之间的关系进行术前评估并制定手术方案。实施手术,术中比较重建结果与实际的区别。结果50例病人均成功完成三维; 重建,其中10例病人完成3D打印,三维重建结果及3D打印模型能够立体、清晰和实物化的显示肿瘤解剖学位置及与周围器官、血管的毗邻关系,与术中实际情; 况大致相符。50例病人均顺利施行手术,术中无死亡。结论三维重建及3D打印技术能够对腹膜后肿瘤术前进行精准评估,对指导手术具有一定的应用价值。Objective To explore the application value of three dimensional; visualization and 3D printing technology in the preoperative evaluation; of retroperitoneal tumors. Methods March 2011 to September 2015,the; clinical data of 50 cases of retroperitoneal tumor patients in Xiamen; University Affiliated successful hospital were retrospectively analyzed.; Xiamen strong science and technology R & D human organ 3D modeling; software will reconstruct 2D CT image visualization into a; three-dimensional visualization image,and then it can print physical; model with the company's XMQB-I human organ model 3D printing equipment; and white thermoplastic. At last,preoperative evaluation and surgical; plan can be made through the relationship between the tumor,organs in; abdominal cavity,and abdominal vascular. During the surgery,make a; comparison between the visualization results with the actual condition.; Results 50 cases of patients were successfully completed the; three-dimensional visualization,including 10 cases of patients; completed. Three-dimensional visualization and 3D printing model can; three-dimensionally,clearly show the adjacent relationship between the; anatomical tumour location and surrounding organs and blood; vessels,broadly in line with the actual surgery. 50 surgeries were; successfully performed,no death during perioperative period. Conclusion; Three dimensional visualization and 3D printing technology can make an; accurate preoperative evaluation of retroperitoneal tumors,which has a; certain application value for guiding surgery.国家自然科学基

    The Hydraulic Cylinder with Extensive Position Controlled Piston Rod

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    该文介绍了一种活塞杆伸出量可测并可控的液压缸。该缸利用滚珠丝杆将活塞杆的直线位移转化为丝杆角位移的方法进行位置测量,其结果由光栅编码器输出并传送到控制中心,由控制中心控制伺服阀的阀口方向和开口大小,从而对液压缸活塞杆产生控制作用。本文对其原理进行了阐述,并对可能存在的测量误差进行了分析。This paper introduces a hydraulic cylinder that its piston rod extension can be effectively controlled,linear displacement of the piston rod can be changed into the screw angular displacement by ball screw,then the distance are outputted by grating angular displacement sensor to the control center,valve port opening direction and size are controlled by the control center and then hydraulic cylinder piston rod is controlled so.This paper describes its principles and demonstrates its feasibility