Application of the three-dimensional visualization and 3D printing technology for the preoperative evaluation of retroperitoneal tumors


目的探讨三维重建及3D打印技术在腹膜后肿瘤术前评估中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析2011年3月至2015年9月厦门大学附属成功医院收治的50例腹膜; 后肿瘤病人的临床资料,应用人体器官三维建模软件将病人的CT二维图像重建成三维可视化图像,使用人体器官模型3D打印设备,用两色热塑性塑料打印实物模; 型,通过观察肿瘤与腹腔器官、腹部大血管之间的关系进行术前评估并制定手术方案。实施手术,术中比较重建结果与实际的区别。结果50例病人均成功完成三维; 重建,其中10例病人完成3D打印,三维重建结果及3D打印模型能够立体、清晰和实物化的显示肿瘤解剖学位置及与周围器官、血管的毗邻关系,与术中实际情; 况大致相符。50例病人均顺利施行手术,术中无死亡。结论三维重建及3D打印技术能够对腹膜后肿瘤术前进行精准评估,对指导手术具有一定的应用价值。Objective To explore the application value of three dimensional; visualization and 3D printing technology in the preoperative evaluation; of retroperitoneal tumors. Methods March 2011 to September 2015,the; clinical data of 50 cases of retroperitoneal tumor patients in Xiamen; University Affiliated successful hospital were retrospectively analyzed.; Xiamen strong science and technology R & D human organ 3D modeling; software will reconstruct 2D CT image visualization into a; three-dimensional visualization image,and then it can print physical; model with the company's XMQB-I human organ model 3D printing equipment; and white thermoplastic. At last,preoperative evaluation and surgical; plan can be made through the relationship between the tumor,organs in; abdominal cavity,and abdominal vascular. During the surgery,make a; comparison between the visualization results with the actual condition.; Results 50 cases of patients were successfully completed the; three-dimensional visualization,including 10 cases of patients; completed. Three-dimensional visualization and 3D printing model can; three-dimensionally,clearly show the adjacent relationship between the; anatomical tumour location and surrounding organs and blood; vessels,broadly in line with the actual surgery. 50 surgeries were; successfully performed,no death during perioperative period. Conclusion; Three dimensional visualization and 3D printing technology can make an; accurate preoperative evaluation of retroperitoneal tumors,which has a; certain application value for guiding surgery.国家自然科学基

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