226 research outputs found

    The Diagnosis of the Ancient Trees of Ficus microcarpa

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    通过对鼓浪屿古榕树的普查,选择其健康诊断的生长指标和生理指标,包括当年生枝叶、果实生长状况、叶绿素荧光等,对不同生长势的古榕树进行分析,旨在探讨基于生长指标与生理指标相结合的古榕树的健康诊断方法,为古榕树的养护与复壮提供依据。结果表明,生长指标与生理指标能较一致地指示古榕树的健康状况。因此,可通过生长指标与生理指标相结合的方法诊断古榕树的健康状况。Based on the general investigation and analysis of the ancient trees of Ficus microcarpa at Gulangyu by use of the growth indices and the physiological indices,such as the growth status of annual branches,leaves and fruits and the chlorophyll fluorescence,the diagnosis of the ancient trees of Ficus microcarpa with different growth vigor was discussed to provide evidence for their maintenance and rejuvenation.The results indicated that the growth indices and the physiological indices could consistently instruct the health status of the ancient trees of Ficus microcarpa.Thus the diagnosis by the combination of the growth indices and the physiological indices could be applied to the ancient trees of Ficus microcarpa.鼓浪屿万石山国家级风景名胜区科技项目资助(GW2008

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    In order to obtain clear salivary gland images, subtraction scintigraphy was attempted in the mouse neck. The purpose of this attempt was to eliminate the unwanted thyroid gland image which appeared overlapped with the salivary gland image. The subtraction procedures were carried out photographically using a thyroid gland scintigram with Na^I and a salivary gland scintigram with ^TcO^-_4. Thyroid gland scintigram was used as a scout image, which was used to make a subtraction mask. Salivary gland scintigram was used as the original image. These two images were superimposed exactly, and were exposed with a spotlight. Subtraction scintigram was obtained as a negative image, which demonstrated only the salivary gland structure

    貧血を伴う腸重積を契機に発見された小腸Gastrointestinal stromal tumorの1例

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    症例は60代女性.心窩部痛,黒色便を主訴に当院救急外来を受診した.心窩部に圧痛を認め,直腸診で黒色便の付着がみられた.血液検査でHb6.4g/dlと貧血を認めた.腹部造影CT検査にて,ターゲット状に肥厚した小腸を認め,その腸管の内部に動脈相で早期濃染する腫瘤を認めた.また,小腸内視鏡検査で切歯列70cmの空腸に約3cm大の粘膜下腫瘍を認めた.手術は腹腔鏡補助下小腸部分切除術を施行した.腸重積を解除し,腸管浮腫のない部位で空腸を切離,吻合した.摘出標本の病理組織学的検査で,超低リスク群の小腸Gastrointestinal stromal tumorと診断した.今回,貧血を伴う腸重積を契機に発見された小腸Gastrointestinal stromal tumor の1例を経験したので文献的考察を加えて報告する

    ダイジョ DIOSCOREA ALATA L. ノ セイチョウ カテイ ニ オケル ケイヨウ コンケイ ノ ガンスイリツ ノ ヘンカ

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    関東地域で収穫可能なダイジョの1品種を用いて,地下部の塊茎のみならず塊茎デンプンのソースである地上部の茎葉における生長過程の含水率の変化を調べた。その結果,生長時期の推移に伴う茎葉含水率と塊茎の含水率の変化には顕著な差異が認められた。すなわち,茎葉の含水率は生長期間の大半を通して緩やかに減少するが,塊茎の含水率は肥大初期に急速に減少し,その後横這いから緩やかな減少傾向を示した。塊茎では,肥大初期にはその組織が主に若い柔組織細胞で構成されているため水分含量が高いが,肥大が旺盛になるにつれてデンプンの蓄積が進み,それに伴って含水率が低下したものと推測された。このことから,ダイジョの塊茎の含水率の推移は,品種の塊茎成熟度の特性を評価する有効な方法となる可能性が考えられた。Greater yam (Dioscorea alata L.) is one of the yams and still a staple food tuber crop in parts of developing and self-sustaining agriculture in tropical Asia. Yam tuber contains high moisture content, which changes during growth stages. The present research investigated changes of moisture content in tubers and tops of an early cultivar, which is able to riper in the Kanto Metropolitan area. According to the results, remarkable differences were observed in changes of moisture content of tubers and tops of growing plants. Moisture content of tops gradually decreased throughout whole growth stages, while that of tubers rapidly decreased at the early stage of growth and thereafter tended to reduce gradually. In the earlier stage of growth, tubers consisting of young parenchyma seems to maintain higher moisture content. But as the growth of tuber progresses, starch is accumulated and moisture content of the tuber is thought to be reduced. From these results, the changes of moisture content in tubers will be an useful indicator for tuber maturity